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Friday, September, 2023

Michael Priolo

The Value of Multiculturalism

1) Three major points of interest from the article is when in the beginning Louis MacPherson, the
author of this article writes about how James Baldwin had said “Not everything that is faced can
be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.” I feel this message was trying to explain
that we needed to acknowledge our differences rather than deny or pretend that these cultures and
beliefs don’t exist which can prevent us from reaching the goal of purposeful communication
between cultures. The second one was to not “tolerate” if we just continue to endure the people
around us instead of listening and accepting we would just be taking steps back and blinding
ourselves from what we need to be doing together. The third point is the metaphor of how
multiculturalism must be disseminated like seeds in a farmer's field, and nurtured with the fertility
of our common goals. I believe that this metaphor is trying to explain that people need to promote
and support multiculturalism, that it needs our full shared attention and thoughts and by working
in one group we can achieve so much more than before as a society.

2) What are two positive values/or impacts that “multiculturalism” has on Canadian society at
present time is international students, Canada can be considered one of the biggest countries that
allow students from all over the world come to Canada to learn no matter where they’re from
which helps promote multiculturalism and acceptance, while being able to share skills,
techniques, perspectives and help use their diversity in solving issues together bringing about new
changes. Another positive value at this present time is that Canada has now become diverse in
many ways such as new traditions, music, arts, beliefs, etc. We learned to be more accepting of
people where their background isn't judged by who they are as a human being. This brings a sense
of welcoming that Canada wishes and hopes to continue to deliver. This could be a community
event that expresses a certain culture that wishes others can join and learn while having fun.

3) What someone might say is a negative impact that multiculturalism may have on Canadian
society at present time is that welcoming cultures can come with tension and a lot of it. Many
people assume and have lots of ideas of each other which can potentially harm their beliefs and
religious practices which creates conflicts and comes with them clashing into one another. This
can furthermore start arguments on who’s right or wrong with how this is the norm and should be
done this way and not that way. It’s a very sensitive topic and should be treated with seriousness
but open-mindness.

4) How we as Canaidans can provide a safe environment so that immigrants of a different

religion/culture may practice and celebrate their faith without negative stereotypes is by doing
what schools do on culture day but on a bigger scale with the communities sharing foods from
their countries, toys, clothes, flags etc. Through expressing our identities outside with others we
share a personal part of ourselves which can be mutually understood by others. This can revoke
the stereotypes and be able to be true selves without fear in a country that wants its citizens to be

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