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Student 1
1. Beauty is not all about the physical appearance of an indivual, beauty begins w/ a good personality/
heart, it can be seen it there.

2. Yes, I can, but I don't need to be called, because i know in my self that I am already beautiful/pretty.
With or without compliments.

3. First, my mother and sisters, and all of the women, because, we have our own kind of beauty. -
Sunsets, rivers, and nature are also the most beautufil things for me.

Student 2
1.For me,Beauty is a form of things and a highly subjective

2.Maybe, because its up to everyone around me if they find me pretty or not.

3.The person/persons i considered as most beautiful is my mother and all girls because beauty can not
see on how they look or attract but beauty can exposed on how they work as a good person in our society.

Student 3

1.Beauty is someone who is perfectly at ease with who they are, both physically and mentally

2. Yes, because all people have their own way to be beautiful inside and outside

3. Butterflies, because each butterfly has a unique beauty like us humans

Student 4
1. Beauty is the full acceptance of who we are and the constant refinement on becoming a better person

2. Yes, because I believe that I am beautiful and GOD gave beauty in each and everyone of us

3.Kindness of a person, because kindness is the most valuable characteristic that comes at no cost.

Student 5
1.Beauty for me is not only on the outside but also on the inside because it will make you beautiful if your
inside is also beautiful.

2.Yes because we all have our beauty and I consider myself beautiful because that's what I see in myself.

3.the most beautiful person is God, For the reason that God made us all, and He gave us the beauty that
we had.

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