Module 7 - Home Court Domination Method - Edited 11-23-2014

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Module 7 Transcript

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Skip The Date: Module 7 Transcript Copyright © 2014 Calworth Glenford LLC
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Jonathan: In this lesson, we're going to talk about how to stay cool as a cucumber. How to
turn from Clark Kent into Superman in 10 seconds flat. This is how to feel
comfortable and relaxed on all your meets, all your bonding, all the time you're
spending with the beautiful women, starting from second 1. The cucumber
principle, it's not about confidence. You don't have to become super-confident,
super-alpha, superman, all that stuff and dramatic change, and all that extra
pressure. That's not what you have to do. All you have to do is feel comfortable.
We want to create scenarios where you have that comfort, that level of comfort
that makes it so much easier.

This Bond, Jonathan Bond. Here's some pictures of me demonstrating my life,

showing myself around the world and look, do I look like super confident, super
magical alpha male? No. I'm just someone who knows how to be in control of
situations, how to stack the deck in my favor, how to manipulate the chess board
and the situations where I always feel comfortable, and I'm in control of as much
of the situation as I can be. It's about maintaining control and keeping her from
taking you outside of your comfort zone. There's three key steps to this.

The first step is your house. Don't go inside her house until you've known her for
a while. You want every day to start and end with you in control. There are a
million reasons why you don't want to go to her house. I can't tell you the
number of times I've gone home with a girl and her roommate has actively kept
us from doing what was going to happen. If we’ve been at my house, it wouldn't
have been that. There's a million things. The roommate can be sad because she
just broke up. The roommate can be jealous. The roommate can be all these
other things like, "Hey, it was supposed to be our pizza night, what are you doing
with a guy?" up to, it can be the roommate just got fired and she's really sad and
needs someone to comfort her or we come home right as the roommate is in the
living room and in her pajamas and it kind of breaks the moment.

All these different things. Maybe she has a cat and the cat throws up on the
floor. All these different random things happen and these have all happened on
dates that I've been on where I go back to girl's house and something happens
that would never have happened at my house. That's why you want to be in your
house. When you're in someone else's house, it just feel awkward. You don't
know where the toilet is. You don't know where the extra condoms are. You
don't know where everything is. What are you going to do when you have to
wake up early? All these different things, right? If you wear contacts, did you
bring contacts solution? Does she have contacts solution? She does, but she
doesn't have an extra case. You're going to put your contacts in a glass in her
house. It's like all these extra crap.

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You want dates where you're in control and you feel comfortable and you should
feel very comfortable and powerful in your house. You should use your car,
control of transportation. You can let her do all the drinking and partying for the
first couple of dates because real men controls the transportation. That means
you're taking the responsibility for her safety beginning from point A to point B.
That's a serious responsibility. If you drive, get wasted and drive like a dick, you
can really hurt someone. By being responsible and saying, "Pardon me, the man
is driving." Also, that's what she's looking for, that type of man. That's why she's

You should really be in environments where you're in control. I've been on dates,
as soon as you let the girl drive, I can tell you right now, everything goes down
the toilet. Every single time I've tested this, I've always regretted it. As soon as
the girl's driving, suddenly I'm out of control, I'm no longer the man. She starts to
slowly emasculate me by deciding, "You know what, I want to ... " She decides
when we go home. She decides where we go, "You know what? I don't want to
go to the restaurant you picked. We're going to go here." All that stuff turns into
a competition. Don't give up your leadership role or you'll break your frame, kind
of lose what you're going for and you'll feel out of control, and you won't feel
cool as a cucumber anymore. By doing these two little steps; using your house as
the main venue, using your car.

Then the number three; picking your venues. You should only go to bars, clubs,
restaurants, and movies that you've already been to. Never take a woman
somewhere new until you're deep into a relationship, until you're at least 90
days into her being your serious monogamous girlfriend or you've been dating
once a week for 90 days. It's at least 12 dates, 12 encounters, 12 meets, 12
events. Don't get caught up. The classic mistake; you take a girl to a movie, if the
movie sucks, guess what? She doesn't like you. If you tried a new club or a new
bar that you heard would be really cool and trendy, and anything goes wrong,
you are fucked. Don't do that to yourself.

Do not let the environment fuck you. If you hear about a new bar that you want
to try out with a girl on Friday, go there Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and
Thursday first. Get the feel for the vibe. I've done this so many times. I've taken a
girl to a really cool bar, turns out it was a gay bar. That's happened to me. I wish
it only happened to me once. That's happened like three or four times. All these
things that you would have found out if you've just been there, got the lay of the
land, would make such a difference and they're really important. Now, it's not
about controlling her, but controlling these other factors. It's going to give her
great experience and increase the odds of her enjoying the date. Instead of you
taking her to like a bar that might be cool and it turns out the bar sucks or a
movie that sucks, you're going to definitely take her places that are awesome.

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Let’s dig a little deeper into how to feel like you’re in control at your house. You
want to create a welcoming, seductive environment. Your house should be as
clean as a hotel. Everything we've talked about is pretty [inaudible 00:05:33],
demonstrating you're a man who's got it together. Every inch of your house
should be flawless. You should clean it yourself or you hire a pro, I don't care, but
there should be no cracks in the façade. There's so many deep reasons for this.
Look, if you house is really clean, you're going to feel in control. For me, my
house is my castle. It’s where I feel in control of the world and I want it clean. I
want it everything in its place. That's really the one place in the world where I
feel total control.

In life these days, even if you work for a big company, they can just decide
tomorrow, your boss can decide for dozens of reasons to downsize you. All these
kind of things, you work for yourself, something, one bad accident, someone falls
at the store you own and they sue you and suddenly you're out of business.
These things can happen, right? Life is like, we're like ships in the ocean. Your
home should be your rock. It should be where you're in total control. That's
where you’re feeling of comfort should be. That comes from having it really

Also, I'll tell you right now, you can have a girl good to go. I'm talking level 10,
like she brought condoms in her purse and she took her underwear off on the
taxi in the way home. If she sees a black ring in your toilet, here's her exact
thought process, "His dick goes into this toilet when he pees. There's no way I'm
putting a dick that was in this dirty, black shit into my vagina." She will walk out. I
know guys that's happened to where the girl was good to go, went to use the
bathroom, I don't know if you know this but girls always go to the bathroom
before sex, that's one of the reasons they're going to look in the toilet and check
your medicine cabinet.

You need to be real pro. Do not fuck around with the toilet. They'll check the
bathtub, too. As soon as you start to see that ring happening, you need to take
action. I know people that screw around and they're like, "Oh, ill just take care of
it right before my big date." Guess what? They only make it a little bit fainter.
Girls know what's up. If there's any sign of that, that's like a guaranteed way to
blow the deal, to blow your opportunity. Don't fuck around with your house. You
want to make it more inviting. Women have no idea what champagne cost. You
want to stock your fridge according to what you can afford. Look, you do not
have to put in a thousand dollar bottle of champagne or even a hundred dollar
bottle of champagne. I've never spent a hundred dollars at home on a bottle of
champagne. It's not necessary. You can give her 4-star experience. That's all
she's looking for is like a really pro experience.

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If you just put a little time and thought and effort into making your house
woman-friendly, you can make it feel to her like she's in a high quality tier 1
hotel without spending a ton of money. You don't have to buy the most
expensive vodka, the most expensive champagne and caviar, and all that stuff.
You just have to make it nice. You can buy some crackers and brie for like 10
bucks, a bottle of champagne or two, if you're wild, for 10 or 20 bucks and you're
golden. Suddenly, she's having a date with a real man. She's out adventuring and
bonding with a real man. That's all you have to do.

You also want to have a chick bait. You want to give her a reason to come back
to your place at the end of the date. This is not really, really necessary with girls
you meet off of these sites which is why it's so awesome but it really makes it
easier. What you want to do is give her something she can say to her friends
later on. Girls want to say to their friends is, "We went back to his house to do X
and one thing led to another and we slept together." X can be anything, an
aquarium, a dog, you can say, "Oh, I got to go back to my house to let my dog
out and then we can go out for ice cream afterwards." Anything as simple as

My friends in London used to bring girls back to look at the dolphins outside their
window. There's no dolphins in London and they just had something like that.
You can have a Nintendo Wii. Obviously if you're older, that's not really great fit.
You can have anything you want to have. There's really cool things like a guitar is
cool, if you play guitar. If you have like an at-home planetarium. There's this
really cool things you can buy that shoot like real stars into your ceiling. Not like
the ones you stick but like something that's really cool and electronic. Anything.
One cool thing that you can say, "Hey, come back to my house. Hey come back
to my house and watch these cool videos."

I used to bring girls back to my place to watch break dancing videos because I
loved watching. I loved watching really great cool dancing something really
simple and that's all you need is just one cool thing or a couple of things that you
could say, "Hey, come back to my house and see this." Instead of saying to girl,
"Hey, why don't you come back to my house to fuck?" You don't have to say
that. Girls want you to hide it behind something else. She knows what's going to
happen. "Hey, come back to my house to watch some videos on my laptop, some
YouTube on my laptop. I got to show you this crazy video. It's so funny." She
knows what's happening.

You want to prepare for obstacles. Again, most girls are pretty on top of their
game these days, but you want to be prepared. Assume success with everything
you do with your house preparation. I can tell you, I know guys where a girl want
to come back to his place, stunning girl, and he goes, "Oh, I didn't clean my
apartment, so I didn't let her come back with me. She never talked to me again."

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He's lost the opportunity. He will never sleep with that girl. He blew a great
opportunity. Why? Because he didn't listen to me. I told him, "Clean your place.
You're going to want it to be perfect." Then he didn't do it and then he was too
embarrassed to bring the girl home.

You want to prepare for her when she's going to say, "Oh, I can't spend the
night. I wear contacts." We talked about that if you're at her house. Easy, how
much is contact lens solution and contacts case, make up remover? Maybe you
have supplies if she's a lady with lady problems, if you know what I mean. Things
that are normal then have there. All these kinds of supplies, so if she can go,
"Oh, I can't spend the night because blank." How about this? Extra toothbrush,
what does that cost? Fifty cents? All these different things. You want to make
your house women friendly.

Remove your creepy porn and this includes like Maxim magazines and cluttered
collections. You can have a comic book collection. You can have action figure
collections, but they need to look adult. They need to look like a collection that
someone would have in like a museum. If you have a nice collection, and I know
guys that have comic book collections and they show them to girls all the time.
That's fine, but it has to be nice. It has to look like an adult, not like a teenagers.
It has to be presented in a mature way, whatever you're in to. That's really what
you want to do to make ... Remove the creepy things and that'll really go a long

You need to expect success. All the things that you kind of would do if you're
100% new, a hot woman has come home and sleep with you if the house was
ready, that's your mindset. She's going to need a change of clothes or something
to sleep in and you're going to need condoms. You need to be prepared for that.
I know guys that a girl came over and they didn't have condoms and it was like
awkward. That's unprofessional. That's amateur hour. If you don't take care of
these things and then a girl doesn't sleep with you, that's insulting to me. I've
taken the time to teach you what you need to do to be ready. These are all the
things that a mature adult, these got together men would have set together. You
might already have all these things sort of. You might be on top of your game
with all the stuff. I'm just covering it so that there's no cracks in the training. You
need to act like you're expecting success and be good to go.

These things will do a couple of things. Number 1, you'll be like, "Okay, my house
is ready." That gives me such a feeling. When my house is ready for a woman to
come over, I feel so comfortable. I just feel comfortable in my house. I'm like,
"Okay, I've got the home court advantage. I've got the deck stacked as much as it
can be. I've done everything I can to make this house as woman friendly as
possible. Everything is designed in all the right ways." That's really going to make
you feel better.

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The next thing is about your car. Treat it like a Porsche or whatever your favorite
car is. I know you should talk about Ferraris, but treat it like a really high end car.
I recommend washing your car yourself instead of having someone else wash it.
There's such a different feeling when you're the one who fucking washed the
car. It makes you feel like a sense of pride when it looks good compared to
having someone else do it. I've had both experiences. Obviously, most of the
time nowadays, I have someone else wash my car because I get busy or I slack
off, but man, when I wash ... I live in an apartment building actually where you
can't wash your own car. It's really one of the biggest things. When I lived in a
house, I wash it myself. I had such a good feeling.

Yeah, maybe it's an hour or two on a Saturday once a week or every two weeks,
but it'll really affect how you feel in your car and your confidence in your car.
You need to maintain it. Don't treat it like a trashcan or recycling bin. I know guys
that they've got like packs of cigarettes, empty beer cans, old food, in the
bottom of the car. The car smells. She will look at your car and say, "How he
treats his car is how he's going to treat me." Girls really feel that way. It's a really
good sign. My experience is guys who treat their cars like crap treat their women
like crap. Any guy I know, every single guy I know with an expensive car, I don't
know anybody who like treats a BMW and fills it with garbage. It's only people
who have less expensive cars and they think, "Oh, my car's cheap. I'll treat it

My car, I'll tell you right now, the car I drove for every single one of these dates
I've talked about was a 2004 Mustang GT. I bought the car for $15,000 in 2010.
It's not top of the line. That's not a rich guy's car, is it? That's a bottom ... That
was the first car I ever bought without any help from anyone else with all my
own money, and I was really proud of it. I mean, we talked about this in the
respect section, right? I treated that car like a fucking princess. I've had the most
expensive insurance that I can get. I took super good care of everything I could
do. Always washed, always maintained because I had a sense of pride in my car
and it made me feel so comfortable.

You should be proud of your car and never talk bad about it. It doesn't matter
what your car is. It's not the car, it's how you treat it. If you act like your car is a
piece of shit, she will buy into that. That's her buying into your frame. If you act
like your car is awesome, then she'll buy into that. If a girl you're with makes
negative comment, you should be defensive about your car. You don't need to
be defensive about yourself, but you should say, "Hey, this is my car. It's special
to me. Here's why."

I've had girls be like, "Hey, you make lot more money now. You're so successful.
Why do you drive this piece of shit car? Why do you drive this cheap car?" I said,
"You know what? This is the first car I bought with my own money and I'm really

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proud of that. I love this car because this car represents me really making it in
life and breaking free from working for other people. I bought this car right when
I left my last career behind, when I realized I'd never have another boss again." I
actually bought this right before they fired me. That was the best thing that ever
happened to me, when I left my teaching career behind to write books and really
pursue my passion for helping people find love and amazing relationships and do
amazing training courses like this one. That car represents a lot to me and so if a
girl says something bad, I'll say something.

That shows that you have standards, that you have barriers, that you know
what's right and wrong. That feeling that you have about your car, if you have
pride in your car, you'll feel more comfortable in it. You should feel the same
about your car as a knight would about his horse; dependable, "I rely on this car.
This car gets me to work. This car provides me with happiness. This car is
amazing. I'm proud of this car because I bought it with my own money. My
parents helped me buy this car, but I paid half." Whatever it is, you should be
proud of that. That kind of feeling in your car will give you the comfort.

Now, you have comfort in your home, then you have comfort in your car. What's
cool is, your car can move so now, wherever you go, you feel comfortable. When
a girl comes in to your car, she's in your world. When you bring a girl for your
first meet, for your first bonding, guess what? She's in your world so now, home
court advantage is moving with you. That's awesome. When you get her back to
your house, guess what? You're still in the home court advantage because you're
so comfortable. This is how you stay cool as a cucumber.

Let's talk about venues. You need to control the battlefield because warfare ain't
about being fair. I never, never date fair. I have no interest in giving other guys a
fair chance of stealing my girlfriend or anything like that. I do not go to new
place with girls. I don't try new dishes with them. I stick to what I know works. If
I'm going to eat food with a girl, it's food I've eaten before. There's nothing
worse than having a shitty dinner in front of the girl and you can't eat it or it
makes you sick, or she's like, "Why didn't you finish your fish?" "Oh, I thought
[inaudible 00:17:59] fish," or, "Why did you order calamari?" "I thought calamari
was cheese sticks. I forgot it means octopus." That happened to me once in high
school. These things can break a date and it’s just amateur hour. This idea that
you have to impress a girl by doing something new, you don't.

Here's how you can become the badass at any bar in the world. I've done this in
the coolest bars in the world. This works anywhere. I've done this at Honky
Tonk's in Nashville, Tennessee and super badass bars in London. The whole end
to this [inaudible 00:18:32]. Now, you only have to go to a bar five times to
become a local. That's all it takes. You order the same drink every single time you
go. This is the simplest formula. Order something specific. I used to do this with

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Tequila Sunrises. I used to always go to the same bar in London. I went to a bar,
I'm talking cool, I took every girl and every girl I've ever met and went out with
and took out with me on any type of way on the way back to my house, the last
place we stopped was the same super cool bar in London that I always ordered
Tequila Sunrise.

I've never had any other drink this bar serves. I have no idea what else they have
on the menu or anything else. I walked in and I went there five days in a row,
and I ordered the same drink and they have a Tequila Sunrise after work, boom.
Always order from the same bartender. That's where you start. You start to
develop your relationship. If you go to a bar like 5:00 when it's empty or
whatever, even like nightclubs, they open earlier, and you just chat to the
bartender for five minutes. You don't have to be interesting. You don't even have
to do anything because their jobs are so boring when there's no one there.
There's nothing more boring than standing in a bar and no one's talking to you,
and you're not making drinks. You're just there waiting for the night to start. You
come in, order a Tequila Sunrise and like, "You know, this is my favorite drink."
Just talk about Tequila Sunrises just for five minutes.

You don't have to be cool to seem cool. You're just trying to become a local. Now
the guy's going to go, "Oh god, this is the guy that always talk about Tequila
Sunrise." Even if you create a bad first impression, he remembers your drink.
Now, when you walk in with a girl four days later, he's seen you every day you
come and order Tequila Sunrise, he knows that you're going to order and you
can walk up and go, "I'll have the usual and the lady will have this." She's going
to go, "Holy shit, you have a usual?" Nobody has the usuals anymore. I'm one of
the few people that developed this. I actually do this now with White Russians
instead of Tequila Sunrises, it'll give you full openness. I love that movie, The Big
Lebowski, where they always drink White Russians.

Now, I have discovered, if you walk to a bar and order Caucasian, people never
know you mean a White Russian. I've tried that so many times because that's
movie is hilarious. Even people that love the movie forget that line. You just
want to pick a drink that's a little bit special. It makes it easier. If you can't drink
anything else other than like, I don't know, a specific beer like you only drink Bud
Light or something, they're not really going to remember you because you
haven't done something memorable so it's going to take more work, more
conversation, but you could do the same thing.

One of the things is tip everyone. That's real easy. You know how much is cost to
make a bouncer like you? It's about $5. Tip them on a Tuesday. One of my
friends, we used to go to this bar in London and the bouncers were shits to us.
Total dicks. Total, total dicks. One of the things I hate about England is that
bouncers can't tell the difference between expensive shoes and shitty shoes, so

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unless you have ... They really want you to show up in like shitty square black
shoes that they consider dress shoes. I had a guy one time stopped in a pair of
Ferragamos and he goes, "Are these steel-toed boots?" I go, "Are you kidding
me? These are like $300 shoes." That's one thing I'll tell you about England is
that English people don't understand shoes when it comes to like bouncers and
shit. They only think they're dress shoes if you look like an elf and you have like
giant big toes at the front and all these weird stuff.

That was one of my biggest draws with living in London. If you live England, you
know what I'm talking about. Bouncers are so weird about shoes for men. We're
like, "These bouncers are dicks. We got to figure out a way to make them like
us." One day, on a random night, we walked up and we tipped them. We said
them, "You know what ..." They thought we were joking at first and we said,
"You know what? We don't always get along but you guys do let us in most of
time. We just want to say we appreciate the work you do because you know
what, if shit hits the fan or if someone starts being a dick in here and someone
starts a fight, we're glad you're here keeping everyone safe. If you guys weren't
doing a good job, the girls that we hit on, the girls that we want to talk to
wouldn't be here because they wouldn't feel safe." Think about that, right?
Nobody like cops until someone's robbing their house. It's the same for
bouncers. That's one of the things you can do.

One of the other things I did, there's a bar I used to really love and when I lived
in the smaller town in England, and I could never figure out how to become
friends with the bouncer. I was like, "I got to become [inaudible 00:23:02] with
the bouncer, otherwise, you could never get in. It's the only bar open after
midnight." I found on the girl's, his ex-girlfriend and she told me the secret. This
is unbelievable and it worked. She goes, "Here's what you do. You want this guy
to like you?" She said, "Walk up with a sandwich from KFC in a bag. Walk and
pretend you were going to eat it, but you're full and just walk over. Go, 'I'm full,
I'm not going to eat this. I don't want to throw this away. Do you want this?' Give
him the sandwich like that and you're in." It worked. The guy loved me.

It's the littlest things to develop these relationships. You can talk to everyone
who works in a bar. If you understand that people are bored and you just come
during the slow hours, you can become someone that they recognize and are
familiar with. Also, once you start showing up with different beautiful women,
they'll remember who you are. People remember beautiful women real easily.
This is the easy way to become a local. You're doing a couple of things here.
You're becoming comfortable in the venue so that it feels like you have the
home court advantage. You go to a bar you've only been to once or twice before.
The bartenders don't notice you. You've never been there before. You don't
know which drinks they're good at, which drinks are bad. Do they pour heavy?

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Do the pour soft? Where's the bathroom? All these things can become

What happens if you order a drink and the drink is mixed bad? That happens.
You got to know which bartenders know what they're doing and which
bartenders got hired because they're friends of friends or because they're good
looking, right? Which bartenders to order from? You can go, "Oh, you got to
order from this guy. If you order from the other bartender, you're going to get
something bad." I learned with my Tequila Sunrise is that most people don't
know how to make it. I definitely knew one girl who thought it was 50% lime
juice. That hurt my mouth. That was like drinking pure lime acid. These are little
things you know with familiarity are attractive because she's going to go, "Wow,
this guy really knows what's going on in here. His competence is so sexy."

All you did was just go there a couple of times and figure out how things are
going. That little bit of extra effort goes a long way. That's all you got to do to
become a local. The guy who serve me Tequila Sunrises for almost two years, I
never talked to him, not once. I just used to walk in and hold finger or two for
how many drinks I wanted, that's it. That's the relationship we had and it was
great. I did see him outside the bar twice and we waved. I never talked to the
guy because I'd established what I considered the perfect relationship.

In other venues, I've done where I just chat to the person for five minutes, "Oh,
what did you do? How long have you been a bartender? Did you always want to
be a bartender? What are you doing when you're not working? Are you in
school? That's cool. You're still in college? What are you studying? I remember
when I went to college, man, having a part time job is tough. It must be really
hard working so hard and do all these stuff." Little bit of sympathy, little bit of
empathy goes a long way. That's all you got to do and eventually, doing that kind
of stuff, I know the owners of the bars I go to quite often or at least the
managers because everyone's like, "Oh, who's that guy you're always talking to?"
Like, "Oh, that's Jonathan. He's just comes in during the week sometimes. He's a
really chill guy." Then you know then manager. When I got out now, I get free
drinks all the time from managers. Why? Because I'm nice and because people
remember me.

The last thing is location, location, location. I never want to be out with a girl
when we're more than 30 minutes from my bedroom, 20 minutes is the ideal.
The bar I was just telling you about, the Tequila Sunrise bar was like a 7-minute
walk from my apartment when I lived in London. It was really timed and that's
where we really go afterwards because once she gets in the mood, and a lot of
times I went with girls, this can happen or once you kind of say, "Hey, why don't
you come back to my house and see my dog. He's really going to love you. He's a

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really good judge of character. I can't see a girl more than one time unless my
dog approves of her." If you go, "Okay, my house I an hour away." She'll do it if
you're like, "Hey, I live around the corner," or, "We don't even have to drive. We
can walk there. It's a hundred yards." She'll come. That's a really low barrier. The
further away you are, the harder it is to talk her through that. That's one of the
reasons you want location.

Pick places near where you live that are cool. Ideally, pick places that you enjoy
being in and you're comfortable. When you're in control of your car, your home,
and the venues, staying in control of the date itself is a thousand times easier.
How many times have you been on a date when a dickhead waiter ... I hate
waiters, waiters always do everything they can ... I've had waiters try to hook up
with my dates, try to mess with my dates, try to do everything possible. They'll
see me going in for the kiss and they'll run over to ask if we want dessert. Let me
tell you something, that's a great way to make sure I don't tip you.

I've heard of a guy where he was so distracted by the date, he messed up how
much he wrote on the tip and the waiter came and started to fight with him
when he tried to walk out to the car. The guy, of course, unfortunately in this
story, the guy had written the wrong number because he was so distracted by
this girl he just wanted to get home and it was their first date and stuff, and the
guy's like ... The waiter comes up and like, "Was the service bad sir? Was there
some reason you didn't give me a good tip?" The waiter was intentionally trying
to embarrass him in front of his date.

It's like, hey the guy just got distracted. I understand you should tip if the guy
does a good job, but I personally, in that situation, I would have said, "You know
what? The reason I didn't tip you is because I felt very uncomfortable with the
way you're looking at my girlfriend. In fact, I want to talk to the manager. I'm on
my first date with this girl and I don't think when you're standing behind her, you
should make sexual gestures." I would get the guy fired right away. That's the

Bad waiters shouldn't be allowed to ruin dates, but they do. Every time I've ever
been on a date. That's why I hate dates. That's why I hate dinner dates. I hate
when I'm seeing a girl, even a girl I'm bonding, I've had girls when she'll be like,
"Hey, I'm hungry, please let me go to this restaurant." This happens more in
London because we're walking by a restaurant and she'll force me in. Every time
that's happened, that happened two times in a row, and both times I broke up
with the girl after the restaurant because the date was ruined by bad waiters. I
hate that. Bad waiters, annoying roommates, all these different external threats.
I've had dates ruined by going to the wrong movie. I thought it was a good

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movie, it turned out to be way too violent and it wasn't what I thought it was
going to be. It had all these weird scenes. That's happened to me before.

I realized, I've learned that if you remove third party elements, you can give your
odds in your favor. Look, if a date goes bad, I want it to be my fault. If I'm
meeting with a girl, the first time I'm bonding with a girl, if it turns to shit, I
would like it to at least be my fault. I don't want it to be because I went to a
restaurant and let some waiter ruin it. I want it to because I made a comment or
I told a wrong joke or I didn't like her story, something like that. At least let it be
something I have total control over. That's what happens. When you're in total
control, it's just so easy. Man, when I'm bonding, when I'm meeting a girl and
we're in my house, in my car, or in my favorite bar or my favorite restaurant or
any of the places I've been to a couple of times, I know everyone who works
there, and I walk in and the guy who works there [inaudible 00:29:53] we high
five and I just feel comfortable, it's so easy.

Suddenly, the parts of dating that sucks, this is how you remove all that stuff.
You're just going places that you feel comfortable and you feel familiar. It's like,
"This is my home away from home." Boom, you bring her to that world and
you're going to be cool as a cucumber. That is how you turn from Clark Kent to
Superman in 10 seconds flat. You don't have to be super confident. You don't
have to change who you are. You just want to be comfortable. You want to be
relaxed. You want to remove all these things that can stress you out. That's what
it's all about when you're skipping the date and getting the girl.

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