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D&D 5E Background Proficiencies, Languages, and Features

Background Skill Proficiencies Tool Proficiencies Languages Feature Source

Acolyte Insight & Religion - Two of your choice Shelter of the Faithful PHB
Anthropologist Insight & Religion - Two of your choice Adept Linguist ToA
Archaeologist History & Survival Cartographer's tools or navigator's tools One of your choice Historical Knowledge ToA
Azorius Functionary Insight & Intimidation - Two of your choice Legal Authority & Azorious Guild Spells GGtR
Celebrity Adventurer's Scion Perception & Performance Disguise kit Two of your choice Name Dropping AI
Failed Merchant Investigation & Persuasion One type of artisan's tools Any one of your choiceSupply Chain AI
Gambler Deception & Insight One gaming set Any one of your choiceNever Tell Me the Odds AI
Plaintiff Medicine & Persuasion One type of artisan's tools Any one of your choiceLegalese AI
Rival Intern History & Investigation One type of artisan's tools Any one of your choiceInside Informant AI
Boros Legionaire Athletics & Intimidation One type of gaming set Choose one from Celestial,
Legion Draconic,
Station &Goblin,
Boros or
Spells GGtR
Charlatan Deception & Sleight of Hand Disguise kit AND forgery kit - False Identity PHB
City Watch Athletics & Insight - Two of your choice Watcher's Eye SCAG
Clan Crafter History & Insight One artisan's tools Dwarvish or one of your
choice of
if Dwarvish
the Stout already
Folk known SCAG
Cloistered Scholar History + one of Arcana, Nature, Religion - Two of your choice Library Access SCAG
Courtier Insight & Persuasion - Two of your choice Court Functionary SCAG
Criminal Deception & Stealth One gaming set AND thieves' tools - Criminal Contact PHB
Dimir Operative Deception & Stealth Disguise Kit One of your choice False Identity & Dimir Guild Spells GGtR
Entertainer Acrobatics & Performance Disguise kit AND one musical instrument - By Popular Demand PHB
Faceless Deception & Intimidation Disguise Kit One of your choice Dual Personality BGDIA
Faction Agent Insight + one of INT, WIS, or CHA skill - Two of your choice Safe Haven SCAG
Far Traveler Insight & Perception One musical instrument OR gaming set One of your choice All Eyes on You SCAG
Fisher History & Survival - One of your choice Harvest the Water GoS
Folk Hero Animal Handling & Survival One artisan's tools AND vehicles (land) - Rustic Hospitality PHB
Gladiator Acrobatics & Performance Disguise kit AND one musical instrument - By Popular Demand PHB
Golgari Agent Nature & Survival Poisoner's Kit Choose one of Elvish, Undercity
Giant, or Kraul
Paths & Golgari Guild Spells GGtR
Grinner Deception & Performance One musical instrument AND thieves' tools - Ballad of the Grinning Fool EGtW
Gruul Anarch Animla Handling & Athletics Herbalism Kit Choose one of Draconic,
Giant, Goblin,
Gruul Guild Spells GGtR
Guild Artisan Insight & Persuasion One artisan's tools One of your choice Guild Membership PHB
Guild Merchant Insight & Persuasion One artisan's tools One of your choice Guild Membership PHB
Haunted One Two from Arcana, Investigation, Religion, Survival
- One exotic language Heart of Darkness CoS
Hermit Medicine & Religion Herbalism kit One of your choice Discovery PHB
House Agent Investigation & Persuasion Two tools by house - House Connections WGtE, ERftLW
Inheritor Survival + one of Arcana, History, Religion One musical instrument OR gaming set One of your choice Inheritance SCAG
Izzet Engineer Arcana & Investigation One type of artisan's tools Choose one of Draconic,
or Vedalken
& Izzet Guild Spells GGtR
Knight of the Order Persuasion + one of Arcana, History, Nature,One
musical instrument OR gaming set One of your choice Knightly Regard SCAG
Marine Athletics and Survival Vehicles (water, land) - Steady GoS
Mercenary Veteran Athletics & Persuasion One gaming set AND vehicles (land) - Mercenary Life SCAG
Noble History & Persuasion One gaming set One of your choice Position of Privilege AND Retainers PHB
Noble Knight History & Persuasion One gaming set One of your choice Position of Privilege AND Retainers PHB
Orzhov Representative Intimidation & Religion - Two of your choice Leverage & Orzhov Guild Spells GGtR
Outlander Athletics & Survival One musical instrument One of your choice Wanderer PHB
Pirate Athletics & Perception Navigator's tools AND vehicles (water) - Bad Reputation PHB
Rakdos Cultist Acrobatics & Performance One type of musical instrument Choose either AbyssalFlair
or Giant
for the Dramatic, Fearsome Reputation, GGtR
and Rakdos Guild Spells
Sage Arcana & History - Two of your choice Researcher PHB
Sailor Athletics & Perception Navigator's tools AND vehicles (water) - Ship's Passage PHB
Selesnya Initiate Nature & Persuasion One type of artisan's tools or one musical instrument
Choose on of Elvish, Loxodon,
or Shelter
Sylvan & Selsnya Guild Spells GGtR
Shipwright History & Perception Carpenter's Tools, Vehicles (water) - I'll Patch It GoS
Simic Scientist Arcana & Medicine - Two fo your choice Clades of Projects, Researchers, and Simic Guild
Smuggler Athletics & Deception Vehicles (water) - Down Low GoS
Soldier Athletics & Intimidation One gaming set AND vehicles (land) - Military Rank PHB
Spy Deception & Stealth One gaming set AND thieves' tools - Criminal Contact PHB
Urban Bounty Hunter Two from Deception, Insight, Persuasion, Stealth
Two from gaming set, musical instrument, thieves'
- tools Ear to the Ground SCAG
Urchin Sleight of Hand & Stealth Disguise kit AND thieve's tools - City Secrets PHB
Uthgardt Tribe Member Athletics & Survival One musical instrument OR artisan's tools One of your choice Uthgardt Heritage SCAG
Volstrucker Agent Deception & Stealth Poisoner's Kit One of your choice Shadow Network EGtW
Waterdhavian Noble History & Persuasion One musical instrument OR gaming set One of your choice Kept in Style SCAG

* One of your choice if Dwarvish already known Click for more by Rob Twohy

PHB = Player's Handbook WGtE = Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron BGDIA = Baldur's Gate: Descent Into Avernus
SCAG = Sword Coast Adventurers Guide GGtR = Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica ERftLW = Eberron: Rising from the Last War
CoS = Curse of Strahd GoS = Ghosts of Saltmarsh EGtW = Explorer's Guide to Wildemount
ToA = Tomb of Annihilation AI = Acquisitions Incorporated

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