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Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Administrativas y Contables.

Programa: Administración de Empresas
Asignatura: English 1
Grupo: 2
Docente: Wendy carolina sabaleta
Estudiantes: William Ospina Jonathan Basto


Colombia is a country full of many tourist sites, but many times, most
Colombians and tourists choose to visit the most popular destinations,
overlooking many paradises and hidden treasures that a country with as much
biodiversity as Colombia offers for instance, here is the Nevada the Ruiz,
which compared to mount Everest is much smaller however it is easier to
venture into it

Nevada Ruiz Everest

In gastronomy we are very similar to the Mexicans only that the tacos and the
spicy are better known throughout the world, but here is the paisa tray that is
much better

Mexican tacos tray paisa

Medellin has a brotherhood with cities like Buenos Aires and Avellaneda in
Argentina for its diverse climate and infrastructure, but it is the best of all for
its parade of filleters, a unique spectacle. the flower fair the best of the best on
the planet
Medellin Buenos Aires

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