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Answering questions:

Q1: The mitochondria are double-membrane organelles where the inner membrane appears to be
folded in on itself to form structures called cristae. Inside the mitochondria is called the matrix and is
where the mitochondria convert macromolecules into high-energy compounds. Mitochondria also
contain the DNA that they use to produce proteins for energy production. The folded inner membrane
in the mitochondria is important because increases the area of contact allowing multiple reactions at a
time. At the same time, the intermembrane space is rich in ions. This space allows the formation of a
gradient inside the mitochondria. This gradient is used by the protein complex attached to the inner
membrane that pumps even more ions into the inner space contributing to the gradient that is later
used by the ATP synthase to create a kinetic force that is used to turn ADP into ATP.

Q2: Glycolysis occurs in the cytosol and is divided into three stages. The first stage is the conversion of
the glucose into molecules of Glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate these processes use 2 ATP. In the second
stage, each molecule is transformed into 3phosphoglicerate each reaction produces ATP and an NADH.
The third stage is the conversion of the 3 phosphoglycerates into the pyruvate this process produces 1
ATP each at the end of the glycolysis system 2ATP and 2 NADH are produced. The pyruvate is
decarboxylated by the dehydrogenase complex inside the matrix of the mitochondria during this process
one Acetyl-CoA and 1 NADH is formed. The Acetyl CoA enters the Krebs Cycle to bind whit oxalacetate to
form citrate. These citrate goes to several reactions to form succinate removing 2 carbons, The removal
of the carbons produces enough energy to form 2NADH in the process, also a GTP is produced. The
succinate is converted back to oxaloacetate adding 2 carbons releasing high levels of energy that are
used to produce one more NADH and one FADH. At the end of the Krebs Cycle 1GTP, 1FADH and 3NADH
are produced, this process also occurs inside the Matrix. Oxidative phosphorylation is the process of
transforming NADH and FADH into ATP through the ETC, the chemiosmotic gradient, and the ATP
synthase. The ETC uses the NADH and FADH to pump hydrogen into the intermembrane space of the
mitochondria, this creates a gradient that is used for the ATP synthetase, using the Hydrogen molecules
to create Synetic energy, forcing the bond between ADP and a Phosphate to create ATP. During this
process on average 2.5 ATP are created per NADH and 1.5 per FADH

Q3: When there is a lack of oxygen in the cell the pyruvate is reduced. During this process, the pyruvate
is converted to lactate and the NADH is oxidized to NAD. The 2 molecules of NADH produced during
glycolysis are consumed leaving an ATP gain of 2 per glucose.
Q4: To begin whit fat molecules are found in the bloodstream and they need to get into the cell to
proceed and the protein in charge of this is a family of fatty acid transport proteins. Once inside the
cytosol the fat needs to be activated to be taken inside the mitochondria, 2 ATP needs it per fatty acid.
Inside the mitochondria, the fat is broken by beta-oxidation into high-energy compounds. If the fat is a
short chain it can simply diffuse thru the membrane but it is a long chain, it needs to be transported by a
proceed called carnitine shuttle. The fatty acid is combined with the coenzyme A to form acyl-CoA. The
fat is braked 2 carbons at the time making each an acyl-Coa and 1 NADH and one FADH. Each Acyl- Coa
goes under the Krebs cycle producing even more energy. The protein metabolism is much different.
First, the amino acidic molecule needs to be deaminated, then the nitrogen separated is dispose of in
form of urea. In the end, all depend on the result of the deamination where some aminoacidic can be
converted into glucose and be used for the glycolysis or can result into acyl-Coa and enter the Krebs
cycle directly and some result in products that can enter as intermediaries in the Krebs cycle.

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