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AC800 System Firmware Loading

The following will outline the process of downloading firmware to the AC800 (PM861)
Controller and/or any associated CI854(A) Profibus Interface Module(s) as used on
P&H Mining Equipment. This procedure would most likely be used when installing a
new AC800 or Profibus module. The procedure assumes that Control Builder “M” is
properly installed and that you are physically connected to the system hardware through
a network connection. Note that the laptop must be set within the same Network I.P.
range as the controller. It further assumes you have the proper firmware residing on
your laptop in the C:\ Program Files \ ABB Industrial IT \ Engineer IT \ Control Builder M
Professional 3.2 \ Firmware \ Bin directory. This will most likely be the case as the
installation of Control Builder M will also copy the firmware files to this directory.
Backups or revised firmware files would be available on the P&H Mining Equipment file
archiving system, PVCS.


Start the Control Builder M Professional 3.2 software.

Typically when attempting this process

you will already have the specific
machine application and will be following
this procedure with loading the
application. Under that premise, we will
access the firmware section through the
project tree.

From the File pulldown, select Open


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In this example, we will be opening the
project “centurionmaster.prj” by double-
clicking it in the selection window.

The adjacent view shows a

collapsed view of the project
tree with only the Controllers
section expanded.

Right-Click on the specific

controller heading (note the
controllers I.P. address will
be displayed).

Click on the “Remote System…” heading from the

options available.

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Providing you have an appropriate I.P. address
assigned to your laptop and that the Controller
also has been previously set to the I.P as
defined in the project, the adjacent window will

Click the “Show Firmware Information” button.

In the Firmware Information window that opens, you can compare the installed firmware
of the hardware with that available on your laptop. The below example shows that the
AC800 (PM861) is loaded with version, the same as is available on the laptop
hard disk drive. The second CI854 Profibus Module also has the same revision as that
available… version 4.11-0. The first CI854 is of a different version, 5.14-0. This will
require downloading of the required version, 4.11-0.

Check the associated

“Load new:” box and
click the “Download
Firmware” button at the
bottom of the window.

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Confirm the download selection(s) by
clicking the “Continue” button to initiate
the download.

Once the download is successful you will receive a message explaining the loss of
communication while the process completes. Simply click the OK button to exit the

After rebooting and re-connecting you could again check the remote system firmware.
In this example, all the firmware now has the proper firmware installed.

HARDWARE NOTE: Although this display indicates the Profibus modules are CI854
modules, in our configuration, one of the units was a CI854A unit. The “A” series is
simply a newer version and is fully compatible with our firmware and systems.

Press the Close button to exit.

This completes the procedure.

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