English File - Beginner Multipack A

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OXFORD fourth edition Be aha Beginner MultiPack CA) Student's Book A * Workbook A WITH ONLINE PRACTICE Christina Latham-Koenig Clive Oxenden Jerry Lambert Tornoe CE ree ees Bacon How to access English File Online Practice © Goto: englishfileonline.com © choose Register to create your Oxford ID, oR Registered before? Sign in with your Oxford ID and choose Add a level © Follow the instructions. Enter your access code Need help? Email Customer Support at eltsupport@oup.com Your access code ISON Giet Tosae7e OXFORD i | ‘Univensrry PRess L 194 OXFORD ‘UNIVERSITY PRESS nglish File Beginner Student's Book @) Units 1-6 WITH ONLINE PRACTICE Christina Latham-Koenig Clive Oxenden Jerry Lambert Paul Seligson and Clive Oxenden sare the original co-authors of English File T and English File 2 GRAMMAR VOCABULARY PRONUNCIATION & A Acappuccino, please verb be (singular) (and you ‘numbers 0-10, days of the hi, and _ - _ week, caying goodbye - B World music verb be (singular): he, she, ft countries iu, IS, and Practical English Epicode 1 checking into hotel, booking a table the classroom —_ the alphal phone numbers, numbers 1-100 numbers 16 Revise and Check 182 ‘A Where are my keys? singular and plural nouns, a/ an small things 2 and, plural — a seclogs _. this/ that these / those souvenirs 0), sentence rhythm understanding prices, buying lunch is), si, and /k? ‘A Meet the family possessive adjectives, people and family ‘colours and common 'B The perfect car adjectives Revie and Check 384 ‘A Abig breakfast? present simple[=]and[=k/, you, food and drink idy/ and - we they B Avery long flight present simple[?r/, you, we, they commen verb phrases 1's! and, sentonce rhythm and linking 34 Practical English Episode 3 tolling thetime _v the time, saying how youfeel > in, silent consonants ‘A school reunion present simple: he, sha, it jobs and places of work third person -as, sentence ehythm B Good moming, goodnight adverbs of frequency | 2. Revise and Check 586 i Communication 92. Grammar Bank 131 Words and phrases to learn Writing 116 Vocabulary Bank 133. Regular and irregular verbs Listenina 134 Sound Bank Course overview English File” Welcome to English File fourth edition. This is how to use the Student's Book, Online Practice, and the Workbook in and out of class. ESTs leT aca tee g ET Alters’ The Student's Book contains alll the language and skills you need to improve your English, with Grammer, Vocabulary, Pronunciation, and skills work in every File Use your Student's Book in class with your teacher. The Workbook contains Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation practice for every lesson. Use your Workbook for homework or for self-study to practise language and to check your progress. —— ACTIVITIES AUDIO VIDEO RESOURCES Relies Look again at Student's Book language you want to review or that you missed in class, do extra Practice activities, and Check your progress on what you've learnt so far. Use the Online Practice to learn outside the classroom and get instant feedback on your progress. englishfileonline.com orc Oe eee Bor rest teresa Nee eeete td Pees us Coens LOOK AGAIN Saar a See tch the videos and listen toall the ere eset se PRACTICE «Improve your skills with extra Readin Metencne ear ese et Beer Bee ene ao the File and get instant feedback « Tyan extra Challenge. SOUND BANK Sere etal ieare Pou aeco your pronunc English sounds Course overview 1 LISTENING & SPEAKING 2 1.2 Read and listen. ‘A cappuecino, please What's your name? Helen. Barista 1 Ellen? Helen No, Helen. Barista 1 Helen, OK. Tom Hello, Are you Helen? Helen Yes, | am. And you're Tom Tom —_Yes! Nice to meet you. Helen Nice to meet you. Tom Justa minute. b @1.3 Listen and repeat the conversations. € In pairs, practise the conversations. 2 GRAMMAR verb be (singular): | and you a Write for You in photos 1 and 2. b @p.92 Grammar Bank 1A, € 1.6 Listen and say the contractions, Den Hello, mm Tom Nice to Hit Hike) meet you i Barista 2 Helen No, I'm net. I'm Helen, Barista 2 Sorry. Helen? Your cappuccino. Helen Thanks. Tom Hi. Atea, plea Barista 1 OK. What's your name? Tom Tom. Barista 1 Dom. A tea. Tom No, I'm Tom, not Dom. 3 VOCABULARY numbers 0-10 5 SPEAKING = 17 Listen and tick (7) the correct Practise with other students. ps: Hi, ma. Aro you..?) — _———— — v (ys: am, , (Qeo.tn not Nice to meet you.) What's your name?) (ice to mest you Nice to meet you. Ww ¥ 6 VOCABULARY days of the week, saying goodbye 2 @1.13 Listen and repeat the days of the week. Monday ‘mandei D Capital letters ] “ie = Monday NOT monday lay /tjvieden y Sieg Friday NOT friday Wednesday /wenzder Thursday case b @p.116 Vocabulary Bank Numbers ° Do Part 1. Friday “fraxden Saturday /seisdey Sunday *ssnde b Write the days of the week. d- @1:10 Listen and say the next number. eoday = Jomonres= the weekend = ___and ¢ Cover a and say the days from Monday to Sunday. What days are your English classes? ¢ @19 Listen and write the numbers. 2 1) one, tw (three 4 PRONUNCIATION ‘hi, fan, and fin! d @1.14 Listen and repeat. 2 @1.11 Listen and repeat the words and ‘Goodbye, a sounds. Tom. See you —____ on Friday house hi hello Helen tree | meet three tea please Amn so GB vee tm vce te ae G b @1.12 Listen and repeat the sentences. Holle, Helen! Hi, rm Miko. ‘Threatens, please: ‘WORDS AND PHRASES TO LEARN 14 p-131 Listen and repeat the words and phrases. Say goodbye. (Bye, See you tomorrow. He's frem where's) Brazil 1 VOCABULARY countries a @1.46 Listen to the music. Where's it from? Write 1-5, Chine © England | Spain the United! States | Turkey fF if b 1.17 Listen and check. S Wi LD BS © @p.117 Vocabulary Bank Countries and nationalities Do Part 1. d_ @1.19 Listen and repeat the conversation. Copy the rhythm, A Where are you from? B i'm from Toledo, A Where's Toledo? B I's in Spain. Practise the conversation with your city and country. FRIDAY 18 £ @Communication Where is it? A p.78 Bp.82 Ask and : Caetano Veloso Lila Downs _ answer questions about cities and countries. . ALSO APPEARING 2 GRAMMAR verb be (singular): he, she, it Lula Pana ‘Mercedes Pen a 1.20 Listen to the conversation. Write the countries. reves al BEE ln ce eee 8 Is Lila Downe from too? A No, she isn't. She's rom B Is she good? A Yes, she is. Vory good. b- @1.21 Listen again and repeat. € Inpairs, practise the conversation. d_ Match the words with the photos. she i it » he é | you are = you're heis~he heis not = he sheis=she__| she isnot = she __ itis=it itisnot = it__ # @p.92. Grammar Bank 1B PRONUNCIATION (1, fou, /s/, and /{/ = 91.25 Listen and repeat the words and sounds. fish =| it italy six England phone | no dent Puland Masco knw snake | say seven city nice shower | she Russia © ©1.26 Listen and repeat the sentences. she from Italy? Ie’sa nice city. ; don't know. She's from Russia, 4 LISTENING & SPEAKING 2 1.27 Listen to the difference between he and she. 2 a Ishe from Egypt? b Is she from Egypt? a He's from Turkey, She's from Turkey. a Where's he from? Where's she fromm? 2 He's nice. She's nice. b > » Where is he? b Where is she? 3 5 © Practise saying sentences a and b. = @1.28 Liston and tick (V) the sentence you hear ina. 4 01.29 Listen and write six sentences or questions. 1 He's from Egypt = Look at the photos. Ask and answer questions with a partner about the artists or instruments. Where's he from?) (He's from the Where's he rom?) ( He's from the USA Where's she from?) ( She's rom Spain, Where's it from?) (t's from Russia, ¥ @1.30 Listen and check. 4g. Test your partner. Point to a photo and ask a question with Is he / she / it from...? Number two. is she from Japan?) (No. she WORDS AND PHRASES TO LEARN 18 p-131 Listen and repeat the words and phrases. She's from China, © Go online to review the lesson ) (RAE 4 THE ALPHABET a @'1.32 Listen to the alphabet. Repeat the letters. eo Saar Cc De e liJ Kd nOoP Rr ST: Uo Ww Ww Xx Yy Zz b @1.33 Listen and repeat the words, sounds, and letters. tree |BCDEGPTV a | es °99 wal FLMNSX | s train AHJK ¢ @1.34 Listen to the difference between the letters. 1—E A picid 2e1 ak a 3U Ww oMN ay os c SBP uDT BV zwWwy d @1 iSithe letter you hear @1.36 Look at the photos. How do you say the letters? Listen and check. @communication Hit the ships A p.78 B p.82 Play a game with numbers and letters. VOCABULARY the classroom 1.37 Listen and complete the conversation with the words from the list. Beok English spell What Student * 's bron? 2 Teacher Student How do you * ie Teacher 8-0-0-K. @p.118 Vocabulary Bank The classroom Complete the conversations. 4 Teacher _ Student ean you Teacher Go to page 7. your books, please. __ to page7. ___ that, please? 2 Student _ me. do you spell ‘birthday’? Teacher B-L-RT-H-D-AY. 3 Student _ _tmlate. Teacher That's OK. Sit __ please. 1.40 Listen and check. In pairs, practise the conversations in e. @1.41 Listen and do the actions. 19) Stand up. (© CHECKING INTO A HOTEL D142 Watch or listen to Rob. CFs or b P WALKER My name's Rob Walker. | have 3 reservation, Sorry? 7 Hello. How do you spell it? Walker. Sorry, what's your sumame? Thank you. OK, Mr Walker. You're in room 321, Good afternoon. WALKER Thanks. Names name Rob Walker first name Rob surname (or last name) Walker @1.44 Watch or listen and repeat the conversation, ln pairs, role-play the conversation. Use your name and surname. Graatings Good morning» 12.00 Good afternoon 12.00» 600 pm. Good evening 6.00 pam.» 4 @ BOOKING A TABLE a @1.45 Watch or listen to Jenny. Circle 1 Jenny's from a the USA b the UK 2 is her bith. a Tedey b Tomerrow 3 Locanda Verdeisa____. restaurant b cub @1.46 Watch or liston and complete the information. Bookings Day j Tablefor ______ people. (clock) In the USA, Z = z00 /vi In the UK, 2 = zed ives © USEFUL PHRASES 1.47 Watch or listen and repeat the useful phrases. Ihave a reservation. How do you spell it? Sorry? Thank you. Good morning How ean I help you? A table for tomorrow, please. That's right. (©) Ge cota watch th ilo errno the enon Are you on holiday? Are you “American? 4 VOCABULARY rational a Look at the photos and €ircle'the nationality words. sYid & See ee SWISS CLASSIC b_ Write the countrias for each photo. 1 Turkey 2 3 4 © @p.117 Vocabulary Bank Countries and nationalities Do Part 2. 2 PRONUNCIATION ids, /ifj and J a @2.2 Listen and repeat the words and sounds. (E3, jazz | Japan Germany Egypt aon Chinese French Sy shower [2 Sounds Spanish Polish Egyptian a | The letter j= fs), e.g. Japan (d5e'peen The letter g = ly, 0g. Germany Padgszmoni? or i, e.g. go /93u bb @2.3 Listen and repeat the sentences. He isn’t from Eeypt, he's German, It isn't French, it's Chinese. ‘Sho isn’t Spanish, she's Polish. © @2.4 Listen. Say the nationality. 1) lm from China, (He's Chinese. 29) fim itom Spsin. (She's Spanish 3 GRAMMAR verb be (plural): we, you, they a Read the conversation. Complete it with words from the list. ‘American are aren't English Tm moot sit Thanks Jessica Excuse me. Are they iree? Charles Yes, they !aze. Pleese Jessica U'm Jessica, Hi im Andé sim. Charles Are you 2 Jessica No, we ‘Woe from Canada. Charles Oh, OKI We're” Vim Charles. Rachel And I'm Rachel Jim Niceto® yeu. b @2.5 Listen and check. Then complete the chart. be (plural) a we are not = we aren't you are not = you they are net you are = you they are = they © @p.94 Grammar Bank 24 d_ @2.9 Listen. Ask the questions. 1 )) You're Chinese. (Are you Chinese? 2 9) Wot late. (Are we late? 4 READING & LISTENING 2 @2.10 Read and listen to the conversation, Then number the pictures 1-5. Jessica Charles Rachel sim Jessica Jim Charles Jessica im Jessica Charles Rachel Where in England are you from? We're from here, from Oxford. Oxford's @ beautiful city! Yes, itis. Are you on holiday? No, we aren't, we're on business. But today's a free day. Yes, we're tourists today! Ooh. What's that? Oh... Are they your dogs? Yes, they are. Sit. Sit ‘They're vary nica. But I'm not vary good with dogs. Look ~a free table, Over there. Nice to meat you, Have a nice day. Thanks. Nice to meet you, too Bye. Good dogs, good dogs. b Read the convers answers. 41. Ate Rachel and Charles fromm the USA? No, 2 Are Jessica and Jim on business? n again. Write short 3 Is today a froe day for Jessica and Jim? 4 Is Jessica good with dogs? aon ¢ @2.11 Listen and complete the phrases. 1 Excuse me. Are they 2 Are you on 2 We're on What's Have a nice ! Nice to meet you, d_ In groups of four, practise the conversations in 3a and 4a, 5 SPEAKING a Ask and answer the questions with a partner. 2 1 Is Pedro Almodéver Spanish? 2 Are Chow Chow dags Russian? 3 Is Lufthansa German? 4 Is Emma Watson American? bb @Communication Is sushi Chinese? A_p.78 Bp.82 Ask and answer about different nationalities. WORDS AND PHRASES TO LEARN 24 p.131 Listen and repeat the words and phrases. 1 READING & LISTENING bb @2.14 Listen and complete the conversation. « That's my bus! 2.13 Read and listen to the conversation. Then complete the information on the card. Pia Who'she? Lin He's Alex. He's in my class. Pia Where's he from? Lin He's from Mexico. Pia How olds he? Lin He's 22, | think. Pia He's very good-looking! {tepals cee tome i GRAMMAR Wh- and How questions with be ~ a @2.16 Listen and repeat the question Hi, Pia, How are you? Word. Hi, Lin, "'m fine, and you? I'm fine, too. This is Alex. He's in my |_. Alex, How What Where Who this is Pia. —eerr¥/ Pia Hi, Alex! b Complete the chart with question words Alex Hi 2 class are you in? pati Brissy bt ye. Son yous ____ iA lox Bye. ¢ are you from, Fi = eer Pla I'm from’______ This is my bus stop. Bye, Alex. Nice to BS Trent _eceemmen meet you. 2A are you? |B Fine, thanks. Alex Nice to meet you, 100, Pia, Whet's your ® number? amare eeemend Pia Somy, my bus. ts 07365. oe of 4a your B Molly. name? 5A ‘Modena? | B It’s in Italy. oA old B 26 areyou? | TA ‘syour |B 07702 phone number? 360836, ¢ @2.17 Listen and check. d @p.24 Grammar Bank 26 @215 Listen and repeat the conversation. Then practise it Cover the questions in the chart in b and im groups of three. look at the answers. Say the questions. BULARY phone numbers, numbers 11-100 2.19 Listen and complete the phone number. o 0 990 2.20 Practise saying these phone numbers. Listen and check. ‘Ask and answer with a partner. Write the number. @p-116 Vocabulary Bank Numbers Do Part 2. 2.23 Listen and write the numbers. 15 Play Buzz. PRONUNCIATION & LISTENING understanding numbers @2.24 Listen to the difference between the numbers. 1213 30 sal7 »70 2214 240 6218 »80 32015 »50 7219 »90 4216 »60 2.25 Listen. Which number do you hear? a. Then practise saying all the numbers. Sire) a or bin 2.26 Listen to the conversations. Number the questions 1-4, What's your address? How old are you? What's your email? \Whet's your phone number? Listen again and write the numbers in the answers. 1@_ 2 __Kiing Street 3 Age: _ 4 james, @ukmail.com BD Email addresses @=a .~dot WRITING & SPEAKING @p.86 Writing A form Complete an ‘online form. @ Communication Personal information Ap.79 6 p.83 Interview your partner. © VIDEO LISTENING Meet the students Watch the video Meet the students. Is it nice school? irclaithe correct answer. Watch again. 1 Alicia in Brighton / Bournemouth today 2. She is isn’t on holiday. 4 ike and Hyeongwoo are teachers / students Hyeongwioo is 23/ 26 years old. Histeacheris Stephen / Laura Rike is German / Swiss Laura is a good teacher student: Their student house is isn't near the school 8 Watch some extracts from the video. Complete the sentences with words from the list. © bedrooms big centeen computer room garden kitchen small south 41. Brighton is in th of England, school with about 350 2 Wea students, 3 His class is _ swith only five students, 4 they're in the: for here in the 5 It’sa big house with five 4 a anda WORDS AND PHRASES TO LEARN 28 131 Listen and repeat the words and phrases. (© Gecntnetowatch the tino andredewtbelenon ) MERE GRAMMAR Circlaia orb. 10 " 's your name? a Whe bi you from italy? a Ae bls Lisa, fm Marisa, a Amnot b I'mnot Hi, Marit in my class, a You b Youre A rom? B I'm from Russia. 2 Where are you b Where you are A Where's Gdansk? B Poland ais bits A Is John married? B No, a heisn't b sheisn't A English? B No, she's American, a She's bb Isshe They Spanish, They're Mexican a aren't b not A Are you on holiday? B No, con business a wele b we ‘Ana and Julia are from Recife Brazilian a She's b Theyre A Mario and Renate Italian? B Yes, they're from Milan a Are bls A How old Brim 1. a youare b areyou A are you? B Fine, thanks. And you? a A 8 How b Who address? Is 304 High Street. @ What your b What's your A How your surname? B GARCIA 2 you spell b do you spell VOCABULARY a Complete the chart. the United States 3 4 English Egyptian Japan ‘ b Write the next number or word. one, two, thrae five, six, eleven, twelve, nineteen, twenty, ‘Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Soturday, ¢ Complete the words. Where are you fram? Good moming. O- 2AS Vim late, B OK, Sitd 3 A What's the answer to number 10? B don’ ke 4A Excuse m. _ Wh. B Plato A Can your B Yes, Plate. 5 A What's your phone n B 029 2018 0583. A Thanks. What's youre__? B It's tom@hotma.com. your books, please. Page 19. plato in English? thet, please? d_ Write the things in the classroom. PRONUNCIATION = Write the words for the sound pictures. © @p.134-5 Sound Bank Look at more words with the sounds in a, and these sounds: s tb Practise saying the example words. © Underline the stressed syllable. Saturiday 3 fifteen 1 Chinese 4 tolmorow 2 fifty 5 German ‘CAN YOU understand this text? Sead the profiles and complete the chart for Mark, Sianca, and Jacek. Then add information about you. 1'm Mark Davis, from Seattle inthe USA 1m a teacher. I'm twenty-eight and I'm single Fm Bianca Costa. 'm from Rio in Brazil. im twenty. 'm single and I'm a student ''m Jacek Popo. | forty 'm from Krakow in Poland, Ym married, with two children. 'ma [single (© Go online to wateh the video, review Files 1 & 2, and check your progres © CAN YOU understand these people? @2.28 Watch or listen and answer the questions. a or 3 es Richard = Mairi ain Vere The woman's name is__. 2 Gayna bb Jeine & Jayna Vera is__ @ Mexicen b Russian © Canadian Richard is 2 46 b 56 c 88 Mair'’s phone number is 3 07564378 07854378 © 07563478 Iain’ email address is__ 2 isinsmith@yahoo.co.uk b isin. 6@yahoo.com € isin-smith@yahso.com __ years old. CAN YOU say this in English? Tick (¥) the boxes. Can you...?, 1 2 3 4 5 Yes, lean. say your name and where you are from ask where other people are from spell your name count from 0 10 100 z ask for and give personal information, 2g. name, address, age, etc. say your phone number use and understand classtoom lenguage check into a hotel book a table at « restaurant Where are my keys? 1 VOCABULARY small things b @3.2 Listen and number the things 1-8 in the list a What are the four things? Can you remember? stie this Siar tie fer sau? (forme, number one is my glasses. e € Look at the photos. Complete the chart. we a d- @ p96 Grammar Bank 3A @ @Communication Memory game p.81 Remember the things in the photo. b_ @p.119 Vocabulary Bank Small things 3 PRONUNCIATION /z/ and /s/, plural 2 GRAMMAR singular and plural nouns, endings a/an a @3.5 Listen and repeat the words and sound. a_ Read the list. What do you think are the top four things? APR zebra s210 Beall 1s hes eo} pd STE tte b @3.6 Listen and repest the plural words and sounds Every day peeple all over the world say, ‘Oh nol Where's my..2’ The top eight things that people look for are {not in the correct order): “pA bags phones keys pens pens and pencils glasses and sunglasses TH books conte passports tobiets keys (house keys and car keys) ‘wallets and purses i fiz! watches glasses pieces purses bank cards ne y F ‘mobile phones uabicllas ¢ @3.7 Listen. Say the plural. phone chargers 1) ite photo. (They'e photos. aa =a LISTENING 8 Listen to five situations Number the photos 1-5. Listen again. Write the small things for each situation. 5 SPEAKING 2. Look at the photos. What are the things? Work with a partner. A ask B about photo 1. Bask A about photo 2 Continue with the other photos. ( (thin its 2 / am. 1292) (think theyre. (dent inom: b What's in your bag or pocket? Tick (V) the things, a book a credit card glasses an ID card keys apen apeneil aphone aphoto a purse an umbrella awallet ¢ Now tella partner. (nay bag, have a book, keys d_ What other things do you have in your bag or pocket? Ask your teacher. (Who's..n English? How do you spell if? WORDS AND PHRASES TO LEARN 34. p.131 Listen and repeat the words and phrases. (@ Go online 0 roviow the lesson als what p» They'te key 5 . Apes Mt rings. those? VOCABULARY souvenirs a 3.10 Look at the eight things. Listen and repeat the words. @ i" 2 a football scarf 7 7 ateddy 8 aLshirt b Cover the words and photos and look at the souvenir stall. What are typical souvenirs in your Say the souvenirs 1-8. country? _ 2 LISTENING 2 3.11 Listen and complete the conversation me (with numbers. Woman Excuse me. What are those? : Man They'te T-shirts Woman How o i Woman And how much are these key rings? Man They'e?£ Woman And this mug? Man ‘Woman Is that a Manchester United shirt? Man No, i's Arsenal Woman How much is it? Man ¢£ Woman Oh...no. Thank you. Bye b 3.12 Listen and repeat the conversation in a. Then practise with a partner. 3 GRAMMAR this / that / these / those a Read the conversation in 2 again. Complete the chart with the highlighted words. here there singular | this plural b @p.96 Grammar Bank 3B 4 PRONUNCIATION & SPEAKING 1, sentence rhythm a @3.15 Listen and repeat the words and sound. b @3.16 Listen and complete the conversations with words and numbers. they 1 How much fs this a bist 2 How much is that 2 hs 3 How much are these___? They're £ 4 How much are those ? They're £ 5 Two please, Thars £ € Listen again. Then repeat the conversations. Copy the rhythm, d- @Communication How much are these watches? Ap.79 B p.83 Role-play conversations. WORDS AND PHRASES TO LEARN 36. p-131 Listen and repeat the words and phrases. Practical English Can | have an oran lind retanding prices, buying lunch’ Pa), and 41 UNDERSTANDING PRICES 2 PRONUNCIATION (uo/, /si, and /k/ a @3.18 Listen and repeat 3.21 Listen and repeat the words and sounds. & es oe tourst euro Europe Evropeen ton pounde fifty panea (fifty p) —— OS snake city pence price s yp E key coffee camera credit card Pe tifty cents D The letter ¢ _ A eh before wand eigvennt cp = /k) before other lettors, og. coffee. 3 @ BUYING LUNCH a @3.22 Read the menu. Then listen and repeat the food, drinks, and prices. b Match the prices and words 1H £1275 A thirteen dollars twenty-five 2 €1599 _B cighty cents 3 $5019 C five pounds thirty-five 4 £535 _D fiftoan ouros ninety-nine 5 $13.25. sixty pence 6 €320 Fifty dollars nineraen 7 €0.25 G three euras twenty 8 £150 Hetwelvepoundeseventy five 9 0p | one pound fity 10 $0.80 J twonty-five cents ¢ @2.19 Listen and check. Then listen and repeat. Cover the words and look at the prices. Practise saying them 2 3,20 Listen to four conversations. How much is 'Cirelathe correct price. 1 newspaper $250 $215 2 umbrellas 1550 3 memory card: $499 $9.49 4 wainticker: £1320 £30.20 b Practise with a partner. Ask the prices on the menu. How much isa tuna sand g @3.25 Watch or listen to Jenny and her friend Amy ina New York deli. How much is Jenny's lunch? 3.23 Watch or listen to Rob in a London pub. Tick (V) the things he orders on the menu in a. d- Watch or listen again and complete the conversation. Barman Who's next? Rob Canthavea! sandwich, please? Barman Anything else? Rob Anda? _ please Barman ice and lemon? Rob > __, thanks. Barman There you go Rob Thanks. How much is it? h_ Watch or listen again. What do they have? Barman ¢ Complete the chart. Rob Here you" Barman Thanks. Here's your change. Jenny Amy 4 @ USEFUL PHRASES 3.26 Watch or listen and repeat the useful phrases. Can have a cheese Here you are. sandwich, please? Here's your change. Anything alse? I'm fine, too. And a Coke, please. Wait for me. @ @3.24 Watch or listen and repeat. Then practise eer eion? sural ‘the conversation with a partner. sss. Genk ide. # Now role-play the conversation in pairs. A You How much is it? are the barman. B Order food and a drink. Then change roles. Go online to watch the video and review the lesson =m a adjectives, poseo 4. VOCABULARY people and family Look at the photos. Match the words to people 1-4, agid | amen aboy b 4.1 Listen and check. € @p120 Vocabulary Bank People and family 2 PRONUNCIATION /aj, /x/, and /a/ a @4.5 Listen and repeat the words and sounds. Aw T | husband Sunday son mother brother man femily bag thanks that mother sister daughter children woman Meet the family EI DSSS 3 that aren't stressed, e.g. final -er daughter, ete). 2 isa very common vowel sour b @4.6 Listen and repeat. Practise the sentences. ‘4s Justin your husband?” ‘No, he's my brother’ Ihave a big farily. That's my grandfather. The woman over there is my sister. GRAMMAR possessive adjectives, possessive ‘5 @4,7 Read and listen to the conversation on p.25. Do you think Sarah is 2} @ friend of the family b) anew babysitter? Look at photo A. Point to the people and say their names. (He's Mark Read and listen again. Then complete the chart with a highlighted phrase, L my husband ur chidrens you (plural) they Read Part B again. Complete the sentences. 1. The name of the restaurant is Bistro. 2 My phone number is there, too, 4.8 Listen. Do you think Sarah is a good babysitter? © p98 Grammar Bank 4A Point to people in the classroom. What are their names? What's his name? (What's her nama? Lock at photo A on p.25. With a partner, say 2s much as you can about each person. (His name's Olver, He's Maria's son / Emma's brother Hi, Sarah! Come in Thanks. Maria This is my husband, Mark. Mark — Hello. Sarah Hi Maria And! these ore our children. Children Hello! Sarah What are theirnames? Maria Her name's Emma, and his name's Oliver. Emma And this is our cat Sarah Ah! What's its name? Emma Her names Princess, She's a gil Sarah Oh, sorry. Maria Sarah ia The name of the restaurant is Mario's Bistro. The phone. number's on tho table over there, Great, thanks. ‘And my husband's shone number is there, too. Sarah OK. And your number is in my phor Maria Now, children. Sarah is your babysitter Children OK, Murn. Sarah Maris 4 LISTENING 2 @4.11 Jane isin Italy with her friend Marina. It’s her birthday. Look at her birthday cerd and listen. Who are the people? 41 Paul is Jane's br 2 Hayley is 3. Susan is__ 4 Nicole is 5 5 John is b Listen again. Answer the questions. 1 How old are Paul and Nicole? 2 Who are Sally and Max? 5 SPEAKING & WRITING a Work with a partner: | Aaand B write the names of six people (your | family or friencl) on a pioce of paper. A give your piece of paper to B. B give your piece of paper to A. ‘A.ask B about his/her people. B ask A about his / her people. Who's Marco?) ( He's my sister's husband. b @p.86 Writing A post about a photo Write about a photo of your family. | WORDS AND PHRASES TO LEARN 4A p.131 Listen and repeat the words and phrases. No, it isn It’s small and very slow. The perfect car 4 LISTENING & VOCABULARY Read the conversation. Write the highlighted colours and common adjectives words under the two cars. a Do the quiz with a partner. Match the logos to the Salesman Is the car for you, sir? cars, What nationality are they? ea No, it’s for my mother Woman Yes, i's for me. (12 Jaguar | think t's English. Or American, Salesman Foryou, made? Well, what about this blue ear hare? It’s small and it's easy to park Man Yes, Mur, i's perfect for you. Woman Butit's vory slow. And it’s ugly. Salesman [t's an electric car, madam. Very eco-friendly, They're good cars. Woman | prefer...this red car Man But Mum, it’s @ sports car! It’s very fast Andit’s very expensive Woman Yes, but it's my money. It’s a beautiful car and I love it! How much is it? Chevrolet 2 Salesman Come with me, madam. { Mercedes Peugeot Jaguar © @4.15 Listen and repeat the conversation. Then practise it in groups of three b @4.13 Listen and check. £ @p.121 Vocabulary Bank Adjectives © @4.14 Now look at the picture and listen to g With 2 partner, talk about your car or your the conversation. Which car is perfect for the family's car. woman? ((My caris 2 Peugeot 208. t's French. It's small and it's | green. ic isn’t very fast. a inher opinion b in herson’s opinion 2 GRAMMAR adjectives 4 SPEAKING 2 Circles orb. Talk in small groups. 1 lesa beaut ca. I prefer small cites. ) (Me too. (1 prefer big cities. b i's a car beautiful n) Cie too. 2 a They're goods cars. ——— bb They'ee good cars © @.98 Grammar Bank 4B © 4.20 Listen and say the plural 1 )) an Americen car (American cars cheap expensive 3 PRONUNCIATION ja:/ and /ox, linking = @4.21 Listen and repeat the words and sounds. 0% cor | fast father park garden are © 94.2 Listen. Practise the phrases. umbrella an.gid man restaurants long short books S black and white 7 colour | ‘€ photos Sr hort email an grange coat own eggs an expensive watch = 04.23 Listen and write five phrases. @ With a partner, look at the photos from Vocabulary Bank Adjectives and make sentences. (its black bag. (They're blue keys 5 © VIDEO LISTENING Beaulieu Motor Museum a Watch the video Beaulieu Motor Museum. Which is your favourite car? b_ Watch again. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false) 1 Beauliouis 2 small village. Itisn't famous, The National Motor Museum is 52 years old ‘The presenters favourite car's the Bluebird The Ferrari Dino is 14 years old, The Ford Anglais an American cae les famous because it’s in the Star Wers film. The National Motor Museum has motorbikes, too. € Do you think it’s an interesting museum? WORDS AND PHRASES TO LEARN 48 p-131 Listen and repeat the words and phrases. (Qean 3x4 Revise and Check GRAMMAR b Complete the chart. Eiclea orb. Pree [over Joon | [ortiona 's your name? - am eS fvomen |__fwite [2 fatter fF 1 Look! k's email from Melanie. aan ba ¢ Write the plural. 2A Where are my sunglasses? B in your beg. mother + father = panents at's b They're 1 swoman two 3 These are Swiss 2 achild three a waters. b watches 3 aman four 4 Kyotoand Oskar two important indapan sper 39 a citys cities 3 A What's d_ Write the colours. B ite kay ring CO white a this b these 1f__ aa = 6 How much are T-shirts? 20 — om a those b that 3 6a 2 loca, —__oxon weber beautiful fe Write the opposite adjectives. 8 my friend, Tom. fast slow 3 lore a itis b Thisis 1 big 4 new 9 He's Swiss name is Ken 2 expensive _______ 8 ugly a His b Her 10. We'e Mr and Mrs Brovin. _son isin class 4 PRONUNCIATION 2 Our b Their 11 Justinis____ brother. a White the words for the sound pictures. 2 Sophics b Sophie's 12 My ____is Amend. GB bite a th a name's wife b wife's name 13 These chairs are a yp. | a veryexpensve _b very expensives 1 a Bp 14 Areas a carfast.b fast ar | 15 Thee. 2¢ 5 & ‘a good photos b goods photos b_ @p.134-5 Sound Bank Look at more words with VOCABULARY ‘the sounds in a, and these sounds: a Write a/ an+ the things. - oe Practise saying the example words. © Underline the stressed syllable. um|brella 2 family 4 expenjsive 4 woman 3 olrange 5 sister CAN YOU understand this text? a Read the two texts and write the people's names, in the pictures. My name's Jeremy Fisher and I'm from Liverpool, in the UX Fm married to Anna anc Ihave two children, 9 son and a daughter. My son's name is Matthev. He's 12. He's tall with clark hair My caughter’s name is Susanna She's 19.| think my ehildron are goect-looking, probaoly because their mother is beautifull ‘My name's Claire and I'm from Nantes in France. I'm 22. Ihave two sisters, Their names are Anne and Loui ‘Anne is 24, She's good-looking, with long blond hair. She isn’t married. Louise is 31 and very different from Anne, “but she's good-looking too. She's married. Her husband's name is Marius. b_ Read again and answer the questions with a sentence. 1 What's Jeremy's surname? 2 Where is he from? 3. What's his son’s name? 4 How old is Susanna? What nationality is Claire? 6 Who is Anne? 7 Isshe married? 8 How old is Louise? © CAN YOU understand these people? 4.25 Watch or listen and answer the questions. Richarc 1 Rachel Kieren’ What's in Richard's bag? a his keys bb his coat € his camera ‘What's in Rachels bag? a her phone, pencils and charger bb her nozebook, purse and passport € her phone, purse and umbrella There are people in Kieran’s family a4 bs cé Acup of cofiee in Deb's local coffee shop is 2 cheap b fa « $4 Susan's caris__. 2 big b green © a Fiat CAN YOU say this in English? Tick (7) the boxes. Can you...? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Yes, I can. say what's in your bag talk about things with this, that, these, and these say who is in your family intreduce somebody describe cars ‘ak for things in a café or store ‘sk about prices (© Ge online to watch the video, review Files 3 & 4, and check your progress | ET] A big breakfast? Snes 1 VOCABULARY food and drink a Re-order the letters to make food and. drink words. Match them to photos A-E. A “ee. : 1 act <= 2 © ESHECE 3 GRANEO CUJIE 4) WANDCHIS 5 © GESG b 5.1 Listen and check. © @p.22 Vocabulary Bank Food and drink 2 READING & SPEAKING a Look at the photos and read the article and comments. Who thinks breakfast is a) important, b) not important? b @5.4 Complete the comments with food and drink words. Then listen and check. ¢ Read the comments again. Circlatthe places where they have breakfast. Underline the other words for food and drink d_ Is breakfast important for you? What do you have? Where do you have it? ¢ Sakura, Japan | Ireally ike breaktast. CASE (REE A good breakfast — Is breakfast a very important meal, or not important at all? Scientists and doctors have different opinions: some think that a big breakfast is good for you, because you eat less during the day; thers say that if you aren't hungry, don't have breakfast - it’s only extra calories! Is breakfast important for you? Send us a photo of your breakfast. Comments Marta, Italy I have breakfast in a great café near my office. | have a ‘croissant and coffee ~ an espresso with het om _. Mmmm, | love breakfast! It's my favourite meal. Paulo, Brazil Ihave breakfast at home, but I don't have a big breakfast. | have Mr and +y and sometimes toast. It’s a healthy breakfast. ‘That's a good thing at the beginning of the day. Rob, UK I don’t gat in the morning ~ 'm not hungry. | just have a Fo __at work, But Ihave lunch early, at about 12.80, °° tts an important meal for Japanese people. | have breakfast at home with my family. We have a traditional breakfast Itisn't very different from lunch and dinner. We have or .1f and miso soup and we drink green tea, We don't drink a lot of coffee in my family. 3 GRAMMAR present simpl we, they 2 Complete the sentences from the comments in 2, qui __breakfast in great café Sakura 2 Lreally breakfast. [3 We 2 traditional breakfast. a big breakfast, 51 in the morning, = © p.100 Grammar Bank 5A ¢ Look at Vocabulary Bank Food and drink p.122 Say what you like) and don’t like (ike fish. I don’t le meat. «i don't 4 LISTENING = @5.6 Listen to Anna talk about her favourite meal. Complete her column in the chart Anna il | Sarah Favourite | dinner lunch | breakfast ‘meal Where? [At tat / Usually at orata —_. |__ - (On Wednesdays ata [2 er [Different | and and | things but | an . with ‘On Wednesdays Drink | °A glass —_ * er of and then a ‘On Wednesdays and |, you, 6 We a lot of coffee in my family b @5.7 Now repeat for Will and Sarah. ¢ What's your favourite meal of the day? 5 PRONUNCIATION {is/ and /g/ a @5.8 Listen and repeat the words and sounds. g jazz | juice vegetables orange © a | suar yoour ease PD gand) Remember j always = xiv. gis sometimes‘! (e.g. sugar and sometimes (leg. orangel, expecially before e b @S5.9 Listen. Practise the sentences. I'm Jane. | like orange juice and vegetables. I'm Grace. | have eggs, and coffee with sugar. 6 SPEAKING a Complete the sentences so they are true about you and people in your country. Food: you and your country You Ihave breakfast __.. (Where?) have for breakfast, (What?) have lunch — (Where?) have dinner with (Who?) leatalotof___— (What Nove (What?) I don’s ike _ (What?) Your country Poople have for breakfast, (What?) They have a big. (lunch / dinner) They alotof food from other counties, (eat /don't eat) They eat alot of (What?) They drinkalotof_— (What?) b Talk to a partner. Say your first sentence. Then say What about you? I have breakfast at home. What about you? ) ( {have breakfast at home, to. 7 WRITING @p.86 Writing A comment post Write about your breakfast. WORDS AND PHRASES TO LEARN SA p-131 Listen and repeat the words and phrases. (@ Goontne oreviewthotcecon ) EIN we, they GRAMMAR present simple [21: |, you, 5.11. Eve, a British woman, and Wendy, an American woman, are on a flight from Lendon to New York. Listen to the conversation end number the pictures 1-4, 1 Eve Wendy Eve 2 Evo Wendy Eve Wendy Eve Attendant 4 Eve Wendy Attendant Wendy Read the conversation and complete it with words from the list. book children Do you like the ! 2 Yes, Ido. I's very good. She's my favourite writer. |love her books. De you tive in 2 a No, I don't. ive in London. My husband and Imork for ¢ British compary. Oh! Do you have 2 No, we don't | have two sons and a daughter. David and Ancirew are at university and Carla's at school. Look. Here are some photos... This is a photo of our holiday in Barbados, Do you know Barbados? No, Ion. Do you want * Oh; fish, please. Pasta for me, please. How's your pasta? I's OK, ‘This fish isn't very good. Excuse me, | don’t like this fish. Can | have the ® . please? I'm sorry, madam, It’s finished, ish, or pasta? Oh, Ineed to goto the toilet: Cops, sorry. Excuse me. What + dows antive? 1n 25 minutos, madam. That's goed! meat New York pasta Listen again and check. Underline the questions and short answers in parts 1 and 2 of the conversation. © p.100 Grammar Bank 5B a A very long flight wb phrases 1 aE VOCABULARY common verb phrases 1 Match the phrases. 1 Hove 1a in London 2 Ive b two sons and a daughter 3 Iwork © fora British company. 4 Iwant her books. 5 Ihave | @ the fish, please. @p.123 Vocabulary Bank Common verb phrases 1 Write four true sentences about you, two positive and two negative. watch the BBC, | don’t read a newspaper In pairs, read your sentences to each other. Are any of them the same? LISTENING 5.15 At the end of her holiday, Eve gets a taxi back to the airport. Read sentences 1-10 and lock at the bold words. Then listen and €fralda or b. 1a Her flights from Newark airport (B) Her tight is from JFK. 2a Thetafficisbad. b The traffic is good. 3 a Eveis from Manchester. b Eve is from London 4a The taxi driveris irom New York. b The taxi driver is om Puerto Rico 5 2 London is very cheap. London is very expensive, & @ The taxi driver has two sons. b The taxi driver has two daughters The taxi is $87.50. b The taxi is $87.15. a. The tani driver says ‘Have @ good day.” b The taxi driver says ‘Have a goed flight b a Eveis late. Eve isn’t late, The gate number is BS. b The gate numbers CS. 10 5.16 Listen to what happens. does Eve say ‘What a nice surpris. the airport. Why 2 4 PRONUNCIATION & SPEAKING | Avi and vi, sentence rhythm and linking | 5.17 Listen and repeat the words and sounds. Pp yi witch | want work when where vee voy he ne TV 5.18 Listen, Notice the linked (_.) words. 1 D> a> a> Do you live ina flat? No, | don't. livajn.g house. Do you havea big family? Yes, do. | have three sisters. Do you wateh 9 lot of TV? No, | don't. | read books. Listen again and repeat. Copy the rhythm, @5.19 Now listen and write five sentences. Complete 2-10 with a verb from the list. drink eat go have listen live need read speak watch Do you... 1. live near here? / in a house or a fat? a newspaper? / ms meat? /a lot of cho Coke? / beer? French? / German? anew phone? / a new car? to.agym? /to the cinema at weekends? ¥ Ask and answer questions with a partner. Do you veneer here?) (Yes, do. ive very near Do you lve ina house or a flat?) (five in a small flat. WORDS AND PHRASES TO LEARN 5B p-131 Listen and repeat the words and phrases, _ Practical English What time is it? ‘eling the tiie) | V the'tine, xiyinghowyoufeol Psi sllentconsonants 1 oe TELLING THE TIME 2 VOCABULARY the time a @5.21 Watch or listen and match the a @5.23 Listen and repeat the times. conversations to photos A-C. " ‘ It’s three o'clock. It's @ quarter past It’stwenty past It's twentyefive past three. Wstalquartertofour. Itsten tofour. I's ive to four b Cover the times. Look at the clocks and say the 1 Rob I'm trad. What time is it? Get Alan It’seleven o'clock Rob I need to go. | have a meeting in Oxfard c tomorrow morning Alan One more drink? Rob Oh, OK! 2 Rob Excuse me. What time is it? Woman It’s a quarter to eight. What time’s your train? Rob At seven forty-seven Woman You need to hurry! You only have two minute Rob Thanks! —— [D The time 3 Rob — Hello. 'm Rob Walker. I'm sorry I'm late |? 1 “wou eorleorsey the ume nomibers Man You're an hour late. I's half pest ten. 715 ~ (2) quarter past seven OR soven fifteen. Rob I know. I'm really sorry. 2 60 minutes “mint: ne hour Ys b_ @5.22 Watch or lsten and repeat the conversations in a. Then practise thom with a partner. ANumbor 1, Whot time ist?) (t's twenty t0 nine d_ Practise with a partner. © Cover the conversations and look at the clocks in pits AC: What uni ae @ @Communication What time is it? A p.79 jotos A-C. What time is it? B p.83 Ask and answer about times. PRONUNCIATION /0; silent consonants @5.25 Listen and repeat the words and sound. TE tock 5.26 Listen and repeat the words. Practise saying them, what Oxford sorry coffee eight half hour know listen tied two Wednesday what write D Silent letters Some English words have a ‘silent letter’ e.g. in where, you don't pronounce the h sven @5.27 Listen to the conversations. Then practise with a partner, A What time is it? B It’s half past two. A Is the meeting on Wednesday? B | don't know. A Listen and write five sentences. B Ob nol I'm tired. VOCABULARY saying how you feel 5.28 Listen and repeat the sentences. ae 3 im bungry. 4 Im hot, 5 Vim thirsty. Match the sentences in ato a-e, Time for lunch, b Timo for bed, ¢ It’s 5" (degrees fdigrisz) this morning, d [need a glass of water, esas @5.29 Listen and check. How do you feel at the moment? 5 @ANIGHT OUT a @5.30 Watch or listen to Jenny and Amy. Tick (7) the two places they go to. abar a café a theatre a restaurant b Watch or listen again. Complete sentences 1-3 with times. 1 The showis at 2 Jenny and Amy meet at 3 The show ends at 6 @ USEFUL PHRASES @5.31 Watch or listen and repeat the useful phrases. What a great show! Its [ate and I'm tired. Inzed to go. You need to hurry. You're anhourlate. Come on. I'm really sorry. OK. Let's go. Don't worry. (© Go online to watch the video and review the lesson | | Senn VOCABULARY jobs and places of work Look at the photos. What are their jobs? a @p.124 Vocabulary Bank Jobs and places of work 1 He'sat_ 2 She'sat_ 3 He'sar. Choose a job from Vocabulary Bank Jobs and places of work. Ask five other students the questions. Answer their questions. (What do you de GRAMMAR present simple: he, she, it Look at the picture. Why are the people together? 6.4 Cover the conversation and listen. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 Anna is a journalist 2. She works for a magazine 3. Mattis @ teacher 4 He teaches English. 5 Laura is Matt's daughter. Listen again and read the conversation. Check your answers. Read the conversation again and complete the chart. present simple, third person (yeu he? she work for a She fora newspaper. newspaper, I don't wear glasses. | She classes. Whatdoyoudo? | What______he do? @ p02 Grammar Bank 6A Sarah Julia Sarah Julia Sarah Julia Sarah Julia Sarah Julia Sarah Laura Julia Ass or AMG Seon. ey) Who's that over there? It’s Anna, you know, the intelligent gil. She's very different! Her hair's blonde. Yes, and she doesn't wear glasses now. What does she do? She's a journalist. She works for a newspaper — The Times, | think. Is she good? don’t know. | don't read The Times. And who's that man with grey hair? Is it Matt? Yes! What does he do? Ha's.@ teacher, He teaches French, Where does he work? At our ald school! Nol At our old school? Yes, and he’s married to Laural Laura? From our class? How avfull Is she here? Yes, she's with Matt. Very ugly shoes. Yes, horrible. Sarah, Julia, hil Great to see you! Hi, Laura, Wow, | Jove your shoes ~ they're beautiful 3 PRONUNCIATION third person -es 2 @6.6 Listen and@irclothe words where final -es = does finishes goes likes lives teaches watches writes b @6.7 Listen. Change the sentences. Use the third person. 19) Hive New York. He. (He lives in New York 4 READING In what jobs in your country do people need to speak English? Read the article. Complete 1 and 2 with a job from Vocabulary Bank Jobs and places of work p.124. Do you speak English at work? What do these people have ‘incommon? A banker in Mexico City, a barman ina __Sve-star hotel in Moscow, _ anda worker in the Hitachi cris tacery Tokyo. ae at ; ioe es Yili work. Do you speak English work? Write and tellus Fi 4] Antonio [workin a restaurant in Madrid i ima Ispealt English at work every day, because a lot of tourists come here. Thelp customers ‘with the menu and Tsay what the special dishes are Ee are very happy because they can talk to me in English. A lot of tourists don't speak Spanish, but they usually speak English. Charlotte I'ma. andi workin an office in Paris. It’s a multinational company. When people from other countries visit the company, Inced to ‘welcome them in English. Talso need to.answer the ‘one m English, When we havermectings we al speak in English, because it's the language of the corwmany. = @6.8 Now read again and listen. Check your answers. 2 Answer the questions with a partner. 1. Why does Antonio spesk English at work? 2 How does he help people? 3 Who does Charlotte work for? 4 What two things does she do in English? 5. Why do they speak English in meatings in her company? Why...? Because We use Why...? /wau/te ask for a reason, and Because. ‘by ko2! to give a reason, Why are the tourists happy? Because they can talk to Antonio in English. 5 PRONUNCIATION & SPEAKING sentence rhythm a 6.9 Listen to the conversation. A What does he do? B He's anurse A Where does he work? B He works in « hospital. A Does he speak English at work? 8 No, he doesn’t. ‘A Does he like his job? B Yes, he does. b 6.10 Listen again and repeat. Copy ‘the rhythm. € Think of two people you know who have jobs. Ask and answer with a partner. What /he (she) do? Where /he (she) work? he (she} speak English at work? he (sha} like his ther) job? Why? (What doos she do? 6 WRITING Write paragraphs about the two people in Be. My mother is a teacher. She works aba primary school in So Paulo. She doesn't speak English at work. She lows her job because she tikes children! WORDS AND PHRASES TO LEARN 64 p.131 Listen end repeat the words and phrases. ined Good morning, goodnight |ystis 1 LISTENING & SPEAKING ‘a Read the questions in Are you a morning person? and think about your answers. b @6.12 Look at the photos and listen to Hannah Whet ti ally get up? answer the quenionsins Goes she:lke mamings® = © ineideyali evel aern ® Doyou usually feel tired? |® Do you have a shower or a bath in the morning? @ Doyou always have breakfast? Where? | What do you have for breakfast? ® What time do you go to work (school / university) ® Do you usually need to hurry in the morning? ®@ Do you Like mornings? Why (not)? a ¢ Listen again and write her answers to questions 1-8. d @6.13 Liston and repest questions 1-8 3 GRAMMAR adverbs of frequency | Ask your partner the questions. Is he or she a a Match sentences 1-4 to a-d. ‘morning person’? Why (not)? ws ua | P w [tulw [Thr | ic lways get up at PAPAL ALACs 2 VOCABULARY a typical day 4 (iepm gery: 0.00, @p.125 Vocabul: faked typical de 2 | never drink coffee, RIK KKK 2 @p.25 Vocabulary Bank A typical de T , _ Bplay {3 usually Finish work at 6.00, .. Y[eiviv|* b Can you remember? Mime or draw five verb (4, een wechaV... xlvlelale phrases for your partner to guess. — ‘2 but on Fridays | finish at 3.00. b orl read and listen to music. because | start work at 9.00. di because | don't like it. b @p.102 Grammar Bank 6B PRONUNCIATION jj and /juy, 6 © VIDEO LISTENING A day in the life of a sentence rhythm New York tour guide 6.17 Listen and repeat the words and Look at photos A-F from the video A day in the life of 2 New sounds. York tour guide. With a partner, number the photos 1-6. Gy yacht yes you young. yellow | usually student music iw beautiful 6.18 Listen and repeat. Copy the rhythm, What time do you usually have lunch? Achalf past one. What time do you usually have dinner? At about eight o'clock. What time do you usually go to bed? At half past eleven. Ask and answer the questions with a partner. Watch the video and check your order. inipias, Make trie sentences about goa: * Use always, usually, sometimes, or never. Dealt + listen to the radio in the cer US English British English «+ read a newspaper in the morning an apartment a flat + speak English outside class the subway the Underground | + watch TV in the evening ———— + have o big luneh © Watch again, Mark the sentences T (trus) or F (false). + do housework at the weekend 1 Peter lives in an apartment in Brooklyn, «+ eat fast food 2 He gets up at seven o'clock. + drink espresso 3 He usualy has an omelette ‘or breakfast. ee 4 He works for a company called Real World Tours. sonadin? 5 His tours begin at eleven o'clock & He usually has a sandwich for lunch, 7 The tour ends in Wall Street. SPEAKING & WRITING 8 Peter goes home by subway. 9 Inthe evening he reads or watches TV. Use the pictures in Vocabulary Bank 10 A typical day p.125 to tell your partner about your typical evening. Use adverbs d_ Watch some extracts from the video. Complete the Every day he walks about ten miles, of frequency. sentences with a ‘time’ word or phrase. ever make dinner. My father m 1 he goes there by subway. We usually have dinner at half past 2 work, Peter takes the subway back to Brooklyn, ¥ a he relaxes. eri mien Tena 2 Do you think Peter's job is easy or difficult? Why? (always, usvally, etc.) and time words then, after breakfast, etc). WORDS AND PHRASES TO LEARN 6B p.131 Listen and repeat the words and phrases. © Go online to watch the video and review the lesson ) Lye) Revise and Check GRAMMAR Grea or b. ‘syourname? 2 Who bi In Japan, we rice for breakfast a have b has They meat. 2 don'teat b noteat You alotof fast food. i isn't goed for you a cats b cat 1__tea, | prefer coffee, a don'tdring b 'm notdrink you want a Coke? a Ae b Do A Do they live near here? B Yes, they ado b live Moxican food? @ Like you b Do you like ‘A What time? B At5.20, a dowearive b we arrive she speak Spanish? 2 Do b Does He fora fashion magazine. a works b work My brother children. a don'thave bb doesn’t have She to the gym after work 2 gos b goes He a shower before breakfast. ‘a always has _b has always 1 to bed before 12.09, a don'tnever gob nevergo ‘What time lunch? @ you have usually b do you usually have VOCABULARY Write the words. Complete the verbs. havea shower r the newspaper Ww Ll to the radio housework. 8 shopping English fi ina flat [wo children 5¢ Up inthe morning 10 dr___ tee Complete the words. My wife's a teacher in @ school in the city. 1 I don't have 3 job. mu 2 He'saw. . He works in @ restaurant 3 My grandfather doesn't work now. He'se 4 Mysister'sa __. She works in a big hospital. 5 He'saj He writes for the New York Times. Write the times. INUNCIATION Write the words for the sound pictures. & bite 3 @ p-134-5 Sound Bank Look at more words with the sounds in a, and these sounds: Ek Practise saying the example words. Underline the stressed syllable. breaklfast 2 pollcelman 1 polta toes 3 always 4 usually 5 cereal YOU understand this text? Read the text and complete it with words from the list. coffee diet don't every good hamburgers meat potatoes small stop vegetables Neal WAY) Doctors say that the traditional aia: in Japan and ‘thor Asian countries Is very healthy. 8 Japan, people don't eat a lot of = butter, or cheese, Thay eat a lof of fice ane fish and fresh fruit ond 2 This diet Bvery?___ for yourheart and people in Japan live longer than in other counties, Cee ees + £Eot lee with your meals and don't eat ¢ lol of _ especially chi. *£ate lot of sh. _eat alot of meat, for example steckand¢ Eat fresh fruit and vegetables ” ay, “* Drink grasn tea. not ‘Eat on?, plates. Eat slowly, © eating when you are full © Do youest ‘the Japanese way’? CAN YOU understand these people? 6.20 Watch or listen and answer the questions, wohn Hanna Lisa 1 For breekfast John usually hes a tea and cereal tea and toast ¢ coffee and toast 2 Hanna lives in 2 a flat in London b a house near London © a house near Manchester 3 Lisa's son is__. al bé <6 4 Susan _ 2 doesn't werk bb isa taxi driver c works in an office 5 Kieran gets up at___ at weekends. a Bam, b 9am ¢ 10am, CAN YOU say this in English? Tick (Vv) the boxes. Can you...? say what you do (your job or activity) ‘ask what other people do say what you have for breakfast say what people eat in your country ask and say what time itis ‘Yes, Ian. say what you do on a typical day ask about other people's days Go online to watch the video, review Files 5 & 6, and check ur progress 1B WHERE IS IT? Student A a Ask B questions for your cities. (where's emir? 1 lamiris in Turkey. 2 Atlanta is in the United States. 3 Basol isin Switzeriand, 4 Curitiba isin Brazil 5 Dortmund is in Germany, & Gdansk is in Poland, 7 Hong Kong is in China, 8 Luxer isin Eaypt. b Answer B's questions with a country. (isin PE1 HIT THE SHIPS Student A Draw five ‘ships’ in Your ships. (think sn (don't know ° 2A IS SUSHI CHINESE? Student A Gisele Bundchen is Brazilian, the Rolling Stones American? .cos are Mexican, Giorgio ‘errant italian Vietoria Beckham Australian? Antonio Banderas is Spanish. the pyramids Swatch and Rolex are Your ships [_[1]2]3]4]5|6[7]8 [910 ey | ml B [ I I el [| | | % ie | = E | (One ship F | = three 6 Co squares H Cr i inal TLL Co B's ships. 1 910) A 5 Egyptian? i | | DB | E | | E | SG | C Ht | v TI ] i LETT b Tryto ‘hit’ B's ships, Say a square, e.g. H8. If B says Hit, tick (/) the square in B’s ships. If B says Nothing, cross (x) the square. Ha?) (.Nothing. 872) (Hit € Bsays a square. Say Hit or Nothing. Opto Swiss @ Ask B about 1-5. Use Is...?0r Are...? Tick (V) if the answer is yes. if the answer is no, write the nationality. (is sushi Chinese? b Answer B's question about 6-10. No, he she /itisn't. He / She / ts Yes, they are. ) No, they aren't. They're...) 2B PERSONAL INFORMATION Student A = Interview B and complete B's form. What's your rst name?) ( Chris. How do you spellit?)) ( CrH-RH-S. Student B © Answer B’s questions. Use the information in the YOU form. you | ; | ‘Ales | Ered Barrett i 15 Perk Road, York | omar eer mobile 07700 900528 | abarret65@bL.com | } Op15 3B HOW MUCH ARE THESE WATCHES? Student A a Look at your picture, You are a customer. Ask B about the missing prices. Use this/ that for singular objects OR these / those for plural objects. Write the prices. How much is this mug?) (M'.. b Now Bis a customer. Answer B’s questions price. (its/ Theyre..pounds. @p.21 PE3 WHAT TIME IS IT? Student A a Ask B 2 question to complete the time on clock 1. (Clock 1: What time i i? b Answer B's question about clock 2 (i © Continue with the other clocks. Op.34 3A MEMORY GAME Students A+B a Look at the photo for 30 seconds. Close your book. In pairs, can you remember all the things? Awatch,) (No, two watches, think, @ p.18 1B WHERE IS IT? Student B 2 Answer A's questions with a country. Citsinn. (think t's in. (Jon know. Ask A questi ns for your cities. (yihore's Acapulco? 1. Acapuleo is in Mexico. 5 Osaka is in Japan. 2 Las Vegas is in the United States, 6 Rostov ‘sin Russia. 3. Manchester is in Englang 7 Toulouse isin France 4 Milan isin italy 8 Valencia is in Spain Ops PE1 HIT THE SHIPS Student B 2 Draw five ‘ships’ in Your ships. Your ships [JA] 2/3 |4] 5] 478] 9110] “a le. eS +1 7 D 1 le ‘One ship iF = three iG squares H 1 ft As ships T72]3]4]5 41712 | 2100 A 2 [ | a D E | F G H I J © A says.a square, e.g. HB. If you have a ship in H8, say Hit. IFnot, say Nothing. He?) (Nothing. 672) ( pitt = Try to ‘hit’ A's ships. Say a square, e.g. 83. If A says Hit, tick (V) the square in A’s ships. IF A says Nothing, cross (X) the square. Op10 2A IS SUSHI CHINESE? Student B Gisele Biindehen German? cE Sushi ie Japanese, Lada cars The Rolling Stones are British Polish? Giorgio Armani 's Italian. tacos Mexican? iG Antonio Banderas ltalian? Victoria Beckham is British, Swatch and Rolex Swiss? The Pyramids ere Egyptian, a Answer A's question about 1-5. b- Ask A about 6-10. Use Is...? or Are, Tick (V) if the answer is yes. If the 2B PERSONAL INFORMATION Student B 2 Answer A’s questions. Use the information in the YOU form. Firstname a era! Lennox Cee American ee 81 West Sireet, Bridport DT6 SNR at Peer heme 0117 496 0841 mobile 07700 900029 SEY chris7t@mac.com b Interview A and complete A’s form. Wiht’s your first name? ) (hes How do you spell it? ) (SHRLS. Student A ae Stora) eee rere ponent) Mi peers Opis 3B HOW MUCH ARE THESE WATCHES? Student B a Look at your picture. Ais a customer. Answer A's questions with a pri (itts/ They're..pounds b Now you are a customer. Ask A about th prices. Use this / these OR that / those, Write the prices. How much is this flag?) ( ft’. Op21 PE3 WHAT TIME IS IT? Student B a Answer A's question about clock 1. (ut b Ask Aa question to complete the time on clock 2. (Glock 2: What time is 2 © Continue with the other clocks. Or.34 AFORM Look at the form. Match each part to a question a-h below. Ave you martied? What's your home phone number? What's your postcode? How old are you? What's your email? 1 Whet’s your name? What's your mobile number? What's your acidross? ee Gon First name Surname Title: Mr MsQ) MrsQ] Age Married [] Single] Divorced / Separated [] Address Postcode: Email Phone number 7 home mobile Complete the form for you. Tick (7) your title, too. 2D Titles Mr =a man, Ms = a woman, Mrs = a married woman Capital letters ‘Adam Davis NOT adarn-davis 245 Green Streat NOT 245 greensivect London NOT london Opts 2 APOST ABOUT A PHOTO a Read about Alice and her family. Write the numbers of the people on the photo. My name is "Alice and I'm from Toulouse in France. Thisis @ photo of my family, My father's names ?Henr, and my mothers name is *Cécile.|have a sister, ‘Pauline, ‘and a brother, SOlivier We have 2 dog His name is “Toto, Do you like my photo? b Look at the highlighted punctuation me ibs text and read the information 'D Punctuation full stop () My name is Alice and I'm from Toulouse. NOT MynameisAlice onl 'm-from Toulouse | comma () I have a sister, Pauline, and a brother, Olivier. ‘question mark (2) Do you like my photo? apostrophe (") I'm from Toulouse. NOT frm from Toulouse. My father’s name... NOT My fathers name. © Post a photo of your family and write about it. Op.2s 3 ACOMMENT POST a Read Marcos's comment, Do you like his breakfast? Ceo Is breakfast important for you? What do you have? Where do you have it? Marcos, Cuenca, Spain 7 mine Breakfast is vary important for me! have fruit, usually an orange or | an apple. | Then | have bread with butter and | Jom, and a cup of coffee, | usually have breakfas! cl home, but at the weekend | have i ino bar near my house. | think my breakfast is very healthy. b Look at the highlighted words. Complete sentences 1-3 with and, or, or but. 1 leat fish, — | don’t eat meat. 2 Do you have tea coffee for breakfast? 3 [have a brother a sister © Write 2. comment about your breakfast. What do you have? Is it healthy? Use and, but, and or to connect. @p31 Helle 'm Robs. 'm fram Landon. 3 journalist, Today 'm in Poland. im nor on Inolieay. lin hore for ore ® H.t'm Jenny Zielinski. from New Yorke Tomorrow's my birthday, and my favourite restaurant in Now York is Locanda Verde. l’s Itaian 146 Woiter Locanda Verde. Good morning, How can lhelp you? Jenny Hello. table for tomorrow, please. Waiter Tomoric..2r, Tuesday? Jenny Yes, that's right. Waiter How meny pecple? Jenny Three. Waiter What time? Jenny Seven cidock, Waiter What's your name, please? Jenny Jenny Ziclinsc, That's Ze i Waiter Thank you, Ms, er Zielinsk!, OK. So, ‘table forshree on Tuesclay at saver. Jenny Great. Thanks. Bye. Waiter Goosbys, see you tomorrow. 1A Great. OK, s26 you on Tuesday. B Yes. Oh, what's your phone number? A t's, ef, 020 7946 045, 2 A Thank you. What's your adress, please? B 1’S57 King Stroot, Very near here. 3A Come in, sit down, Youre Martin Blunt, right? B Yes. A and how old are you, Mr Blunt? B mae. 4A Thank youvery much one more ‘hing. What's your email? B i'sjames85@ukmel.com, O32 What aro the top things people look far every day? At number 8, it's. .wallets and purses. At number 7, umbrelis, ‘Atnumbar 6, bank cards credit cards or debit cards, Atnumber S, shone chargers. ‘And now for the top four, ‘Acrumbor 4, glasses and sunglasses. Ac number3, pens and pencils. And at number 2, mobile phones. ‘And at number 1, ~ yes, that’s right~keys. House keys and car keys. So, ty to find a safe place ® 1 Please take cut your laptops... ll laptops ‘out of cases, please. 2 Please switch off all mobile phones and cloctronic devices, 3A Excuse me, is this your bag? B Oh yes! Thanks very much! 4A Hii. My name's Sam Smith. [have a reservation, B Can! see your passport, please? A Sure, here you are. 5 A OK, Ms Jones, You're in room 315. Here's your key. B Thank you very much, Er, where's the ite 313 ‘Man Excuse ine, Miss s this your phone? Woman Oh! Yes, it's. Thank yeu very much. ‘Man You're weleome. It's very nice phone! The new iPhone. Woman Sorry? Ch yes, ‘Man A souvenir for your family? A football shirt is only £25) Woman OX. An Arsenal football shirt, please. Man And a T-shirt? Woman Yes, and a T-shit! 1 Man The New York Times, please, Woman Here you are. Man How much ist? Woman i's two dalirs ty 2 Man An umbvlla, please. Woman For how Man Fiteen auras, please. Woman Here you are ‘Man Thanks. 3. Man 1 Amemory card, please Man 2 Tao gigs or four? ‘Man 1 Tho, please, How much is it? Man 2 Nine dollars forty-nine. Man 1 is creditcard OK? Man2 Sure. 4 Woman A one-way tckst ta Oxford, please. Man Thirty pounds twenty p, please. Woman Hore you are, Man Thank you. Assistant Hi, Hove can hip you? Jenny Hi Hew much is this tuna salad? Assistant i's coven twenty. Jenny OK, fire And this mineral water, please. Assistant That's nine dolls seventy cents. Jenny Here you are Assistant Thane you. Have 2 nice day. Amy Jenny! Jenny Amy Hi how are you? ‘Amy I'm fine, How are you? Jenny I'm fine, too. Amy What's that? Jenny Oh, usta salad end some wrote Amy You are geod! Lock, wat lor me. We ‘can have lunch together in the par Jonny Surs! Great idea Amy Can | have a cheese sandwich, +3 cappuccino, and a brovinie, please? O4 Marina What a lovely card ane Yes, i's rom my family M Canisee? 4 Sure M Wii's Pau? she your brie? J Yes, hes my brother and Hayley his atirend 1M How old is Poul? 45 He's twontynine. No, he's thiny. 1M What about Suser? Is she your sister? 4 No, Susa’smybratherJerys wife. And Say’ thor aught M Oh yes, Iremerrber. The beby inthe hore on your shone 4. Yes. She's so beautiful M Sowho's Nicole? 4 She's my sstox M s.lohn her husband? 4 Norhe'sher borin ~they arent meriag. Perhaps ena day. M And how old's Nicole? 5 She's twenty se M And wine's Max? 4 Hotsmy dog! MAb, Whatkind of log isha? 94.15 +) rea Jaguar es Englsh 2 Wvsa Chevrolet I's Amorican, Ive a Mercedes. i's German It’s Peugeot. I's French, I's a Ferrari i's Raion, It’s 9 Honda. t's Japanese. 58 12 My favourite moa ofthe day is inner. | usually have dinner at home, but Sometimes ata restaurant |usuelly have reat orfish and vegetables, and ifm ata restaurant, [havea glass of wine, 57 My favourite meel of he day is lunch. Sr aluayshungry then. Ihave lunch at sworle—wie nave canteen thera. [have -Scrent things fo Lunch but always with ps Ilove chips, Someries a burger ‘2nd chips, sometimes ish and chips. Sirk water with my lunch but after iunch | ave a coffee, an espresso. h My Favourite meal ofthe day “ereaklast. | usually have it athame, but ‘en Wednesday | have my yoga class anc Shave breakfast ata café near the yoga ‘sudio, At home lhave fru and an eas, 2d coffve oF toa, But atthe calé have 2 oissant and hat chocolate. H tun on the TW for Kitand then Ihave a bath in ve minutes. “Taxi driver Whete vo mater? Eve Hello. To tho airport, please, ‘Taxi driver JFK or Newark? Eve JFK, please, Eve Oh deat. The alfc fs bod this moming “Taxi drivar Yas, k'stertible, Where are you 1 Do you alvays have breakfast? H Yes, Inced breokiost every doy! 1 Where do you have i? H have itn a café on the way te work, 1 What do you have for breakfast? H thave a coffee and sometimes | have ‘rom? few fin fom Manchastr but Ive it some teat with avocado. Its delicious, Tondon, Are you tom New York? 1 What time do you goto work? Taxi ever Ne, mem, mn om Puss H The perfect ime to leave the house is at Re 8.00, but we usually leave a twenty pest sight. Eve Oh, do you ice New Youk? a east es geste, BIRNEY 1 De you usually aad to hury inthe oes meming? Eve London is vary expensive, too. Deyou —‘MYessalwayst ove clcren? 1 De you a mornings? Taxi driver {have two daughters H Yes. Howe merrings Eve Oh really? thave two sons.and a 1 Why? daughter David and nore are at H Because ove myo and 'm happy to anwar, and Cat's at school goto werd Taxi driver OK. Hore wo ar. Eve Howmuch iethat? Texi driver Thar's $87.50, Eve Oh. Here's $100. Keep the change. Taxi driver Thanks. Have a gaod fight! Eve | need te hurry. im late! Announcement This the tna eal for flight BA641 to London Heathrow: Would all passengers please proceed to gave B5? 5.30 ‘ony Hi Soy ate hare’ the show? Jenny Dont worry h’sateight eck ‘Aray Whactima ie now? Jenny I's OK. i's only twenty to sight ‘Amy Waa a great show! “Jenny Yes, fntetic. ms hungry. Do you vw 3 pizza? Ary What imo is “Jenny Ur, quorterto eleven ‘Amy W's late and red. Jenny Come on. know a relly good talian restaurant necrhere Amy Oh, OK Lasgo @o.12 1 Hannah works forthe BBC. She hos 20, Kit, who's Owes years ole 1 Hanna, what ime co you usually get up H getup at 700. But slo get up inthe night, because Kit usvaly calle. ll him to sleep, but he usualy comes into ry bed. 1 Do you usally fae! red? H Yes, |iays oe rec 1) Doyouhave shower ore both in the meming? 1 GRAMMAR BANK 4A verb be (singular): | and you @1.4 Listen and repeat the examples. Then read the rules, Full form Contraction Tam Helen. T'mHelen You are Tom. You're Tor, i tam not Ellen. Vmnot Ellen. You are not Dom. You aren't Dom © TimHelen. NOT melon. * FmHelan. NOT ArrHelen. D Negative contractions {am not = rm not You arenet= You arent OR Youre net 4B verb be (singular): he, she, it 1.22 Listen and repeat the examples. Then read the rules. Full form 1am from the USA. You are from Germany, Contraction I'm from the USA. You're from Germany. He is from Italy. He's from Italy. She is rom Spain She's from Spain. Itis from China. W's rom China. = he=man she = woman it—thing 1.23 Listen and repeat the examples. Then read the rules. Full form Contraction lam not from England. lm not from England, ‘You are not from Poland. You aren't from Poland, He is not from Eoypt. He len’t from Egypt She is not from Brazil Its not from Japan. ‘She isn’t from Brazil Itisn't from Japon. DD Negative contractions He is not = He isn't OR He's not @1.5 Listen and repeat the examples. Then read the rules. a a a Yes, you are Yes, Lam. ‘Am lin class 22 Are you Mike? No, you aren't, No, I'm not. D Word order in questions Bii'mincless2. You're Tom. v € TH Am in class 2? Aro you Tom? 1.24 Listen and repeat the examples. Then read the rules. a a ‘Am in class 2? Yes, you are No, you aren't ‘Are you from Russia? Yes, lar. No, I'm not. IshefromFrance? _Yes, hes. No, he Isn't. Isshe from Turkey? Yes, she Is. No, she isn’t Is it good? Yes, itis. No, feien't DB Word order in questions Ss om Ria Is.she from Russia? With What and Where: What's your name? Where are you from? Where’ he from? 1A = Complete with I’m or You're. Hello. ’m Maria, 1 Hi 2 Hello. yourteacher. 3 What's your ame? Tony. in my class. class 4. room 3. = Complete with I’m not or You aren't. im not Tom. I'm Tony. af 2____inroom6. 3 Marina. class 4. Youre in room 7. i'm Marisa. Make questions. d_ Complete the conversations. Use contractions where possible. Youre Sam. Are you Sam? A Hello. Ase you Liz? B No, im not. I'm Maria, 4 Yimin room 4. 1A Vin oom 8? B No, you You're in room 6. 2 You're Silvia, 2A you in class 47 B No, | lim in class 5. 3 Iimin class 3. - 3A you Henry? B Yes,! Nice to mest youl aa lin your class? B Yes, you I ‘your teacher. Ove b Complete with is, ’s, or isn’t. A Js Ana from Mexico? B No, she.isut She strom Spain. Complete with He's, She's, or It’s. + AWhee ‘Osaka? fe eae? ‘A Where's London? B Yes, it B Itein England. 2A Mark from the USA? 1A Where's Lisa from? B No, he from Englend. B___trom Germary. 3A Where. she trom? B She. from Rio. 2A Where's Ankara? 4A Ivan Wor Poland? B____in Turkey. B No, he He from Russia. 3A Where's Mario from? 5A Strasbourg in Germany? B _ from Brazil B No. it Ie in France. pe eres erate ¢ Complete the conversations with the correct form of be. S| a WHO Chance hora? Use contractions where possible. B ~ from England. ‘A Azzyou from Turkey? B No, ltnat. | from Egypt 6 A Where's Anne from? 1 A Where Bergamo? itin italy? B from Switzerland. 8 Yes, it 7A Where's Benidorm? 2 A Where Alex from? he from Mexico? B in Spain B No,he He ‘rom the USA. 8 A Where's Carlos from? 2 AWhere you from? 8 from Mexico, B1___from Cambridge 4 A What your name? B My name. Ano. | from Chicago. AYou from Chicago! from Chicago, toallt a great city Ors Go online to review the grammar for each lesson 2 GRAMMAR BANK. 2A verb be (plural): we, you, they 2.6 Liston and repeat the examples. Then read the rules. Fall form Contre bef Iam English, I'm English. You are Swiss, You're Swiss He is Sparish. He's Sparish She is Turkish She's Turkish. Itis Japanese. Ws Japanese We are American. We're American. You are Egyptian. You're Egyplian. Thay are German. They're German, ‘= you = singular and plural * they men, wemen, and things 2.7 Listen and repeat the examples. Then read the rules. Fall form bel] Lam not English You are not Swiss He is not Spanish. She is not Turkish Contraction I'm not English. You aren't Swiss He isn’t Spanish She isn’t Turkish, tis not Japan Itisn't Japanese, Wearenot American. We aren't American, Youare not Egyptian. You aren't Egyptian. They are not German. They aren't German. D Negative contractions We are not = We aront OR Were not You are nat = You aren't OR Youre not Thay are not = They aren't OR Theys vat 2.8 Liston and repeat the examples. Then read the rules. be plural, and short answers @ a 5 Amlintoom 2? Yos, you are. No, you aren't ‘Are you Linda? Yes, |am No, I'm not. she Brealion? Yos, his, No, he ist. leche from Italy? Yas, she is. No, she isn't Isit good? Yes, itis, No, itisa't. Are we late? Yes, youare. No, you aren’ ‘Are you from Russia? Yes, we ars. No, we aren't ‘Are they Mexican? No, they aren't Yes, they are. D Word order in questions They're fier Russia | zz Are they from Russia? 2B Wh- and How questions with be 2.18 Liston and repeat the examples. Then read the rules. ‘Question Verb Subject word(s) Who ‘s— Tom? Hes a fond, What 's—your email? johngéegmail.com, Where are yourom?_'m from Brighton in England. When's the concert? It's on Tuesday. How are you? Vinfine, thanks. Howold ie she? She's ten DWord order Subject, verbs They're American. ec Tverd, subject Are they American? “3 [auestion, verb, subject Where are they from? Contraetions with question words We can contract isalter quastion words. What's her nome? — What is her namo? Where's he fram? = Where is he from? How's Anna? = How is nae? How ola's Jan? = How ole ie Jan? Don't contract isin a question when the lest wor! isa pronoun (he, sha, it, ete. How elds she? NOT Howvinteshe? Whore ishe? NOT Wheexne? 2A 2 Change the bold words) to a pronoun: you, he, she, it, ¢ Complete the conversations. Use we, they. contractions where possible Anna and Tom ere from London. They're from London. They azen’t French. They ‘iz Swiss, from 1. Diana and I are in room 4. ‘rein room 4 Lausanne 2 The Taj Mahal isis India. sin India 1 A you from the United States? 3 Aro Mark and James in italy? Are in Italy? B No, wo American. We 4 Where is Rosa from? Where's from? English 5 Mira and Rita are Brazilian ‘re Brazilian. 2 A _____they Spanish? & Paul isn’t in the hotel. isn’t in the hotel. B Yes, they ___. They 7 You and Sara are in class 2. __'re in class 2. from Madnd, 8 Jim and | are from Oxtord, __‘te from Oxford. 3 Nkok ie commer ie fonda an a are Japanese. ‘ ih SE PeterSbg. p Beneannsieyere aca Cepanese 4 Sorry, you in room 20, you're in © Make Jor sentences, or [il Use we, you, or they. room 22, Luise and | Brazilian 5 A Adidas Americar? ‘You anc Henry /eachers B Not it____ German, {iz and Tom fin Egypt 6A we late? 1 Ana andl / Mexican B Yes you k__930! 2. You, Max, and Joha in late 4 71" Sara Smith, Fm Sara Simpscn. 3 / Mike and Peter / Enalich 8 They from New York, they're 4 Linda and I/ in class & from Texas 5 You and Lucy fin class 4 9 A Where's Laura from? 6 Lucy and/on holiday B She __from Rect. A Rect in Brac? B Yes, it Op Complete with a question word. b Order the words to make questions. How How old What (x2), When eahowelioet OTT Where (x2) Who (x2) 5 she who is? 2 shat phone your number ie? ‘A Howsre you? 3 is where room 4? B Fine, thanks. And you? 4. marred is Marta? 1 A____‘stho concent? 5 your English lass is when? B On Tuesday at 730. 6 your number is phone 4960362? Asia 7 his email what? B Inthe Festival Hall 8 Pedro hew is old? EX —__yalir nana? ‘¢ Write questions to complete the conversation. 8 Jostica 3A ie shot ‘A What's yourname? B Pocro Guzman, B She's my friend, Juli. AL B Monterrey Asche from? Ae Monterrey? B I's in Mexico. B ite At? B pguzmandgmalicom. 4A _____‘s your email? ‘A Thanks. * > B61 6150 9304, B Is |b1098@yooho0.com. ae ae SA “stat? $F ext B My brother Adrien, A isher B He's 25. © 66 online 1o review the grammar for 3 GRAMMAR BANK 3A singular and plural nouns; a/ an @3.3 Listen and repeat the examples. Then read the rules. Singular nouns: af an Whatisit? t's abook. ’san ID card. t's an umbrelle © What le? NOT Whaeieie2 + We use 2 / an + singular noun. * We use 2 + word beginning with a consonant, 6.9. a 629, 3 phone. + We use an + word beginning with a vowel, e.g. an umbrella, 3.4 Listen and repeat the examples. Then read the rules. Singular nouns; a/ an What iit? hs abook. wna i eee... vo i PR seach vo hare hy? PB sete “hove setonre What ace thay? Sag They're books. Ss a What are they? They're keys. What are they? Giga, They'e watches. range Singulsr Phra 4 abo boat p aholiday — holidays aa 2 acs —esvenixi add -enlaftorch sh 85,0) 3 aeointy counties consonant +y = iss [D the | took atthe board. Open the docr. Close the windows. | We use the + singularorplural nouns, eg, the door the windows 3B this / that / these / those 3.14 Listen and repeat the examples. Then read the rules. ‘What are these? They're keys, What's this? esa key. wert aa v = We use this/ these for things nesr you (things here} * We use that/ those for things thet aren't near you (things ‘there or over there). = this! that= singular, these / those = plural. "= We also use this / that / these / those for people, e.. This is my brother. Who are those girls over there? What are those? They're cars. | D this, that, those, those | This that. these, and those are pronouns or adjectives. | This is my Book. © pronoun) | This bookie vry nica. adjective) | here, there, over there 3A 2 Complete the chart. bb Write questions and answers. Plural ween WY. laptop. sa pen. They're pens, 1 They're phones. + 2 2 W's a watch % cs ay 3__ Teyieunbvane. : , 4 ls a dictionary. 5 It's a key, = —. a 2 6 Wea city. 7 @ Isa passport. 2 They're emails 4 2 They're tablets. Opus 3B = Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences with Look at the pictures. Circle) the correct wordt). this, that, these, or those. _ wat This isn’t a very good book Meg. What is (ily that? Joe They‘re/ tt'sa key ring from New York, Meg Oh, OK. Joe And? theee/ those are sunglasses. *it's/ They're 3 Als your phone over there? B No, my phone's here. §) (ORE They're great! Meg Are’ these / those mugs? Joe Yes, itis/ they are. For our coffee, And ® that / thigis a plate for Jenny. Meg What ’sthat/ are those? Joa °it's/ They'rea T-shirt. I's or you! Meg Oh..thanks GRAMMAR BANK 4A possessive adjectives; possessive ‘s @49 Listen and repeat the examples. Then read the rules. Possessive adiectives lm from Spain, ‘My names Ana. You're English. ‘Your name is Ben, He's from Rome. His name is Morce. She's Italien. Her nameis Clara ts name is Chez Marcelle. ‘Our names are Selma and Luis. Your names are Marek ane! Ania ‘Their names are Pedro and Maria, It’s a French restaursnt We're from Brazil You're Polish They're from Mexico. © your names, our books, their coais NOT yours names, ours books, theirs coats * lis for things or animals, e. Pizzeria Marco Is a good restaurant. Its phone number is 0543387, Senegal isin Africa. Its flag is red, yellow, and green. Look at that fish! Ite ayes are yellow, D Weor iter Ws= eis W's a French estaurent fts= possessive is nama is Chez Marcello, 4.10 Listen and repeat the examples. Then read the rules Possessive’s “This i Jack's car. Ellis Ben's wile Maria ie Carlos's sister IMy sister's name is Wicly. This ie my parents” house. + We use ‘safter a person to talk about family and things, e9. Ann's brother, Jim's car. + We use ‘after plural people, e.g. my brothers’ room (= two brothers). Ds She's Amicon. Her name's Emme. (2 = s) Emma it Marine caughear (+= possessive) pronunciation of “susually —/9, 09. lack’ser 7! ag, Maria’ ‘saftera name that ends in s= iz, @.9, Carlos's = Maxine 4B adjectives 4.19 Listen and repeat the examples. Thon read tho ral 1. An Audi's expensive, i's fast 2 An Audis an expensive car. I's fast car 3 They/te old houses, My glasses are new. 4 He's tall. She's tall, too. 1 We use adjectives after the verb be, e.9. An Audi isexpensive, NOT AmAcdi-expensiveis, 2 We use adjectives before a noun, ¢.9 Ise fast car. NOT itsmearfost 3 Adjectives are the same for singular and plural: I’s.an ole house. They'7e old houses. NOT Thay‘re-olds- houses. 4 Adjective aro the samo forff ane 4A = Complete with my, your (sing), his, her its, your Write sentences about Sam's family. Use the (pl), our, or their names and ’s. 'm American. lay name is William. 1 They'te from France. _namesare Claire and Frengoise. —- b 2 A What's name? B I'm Julia, Nice to mest you. [Peter 3 He's Italian, name is Roberto. [eter] 4 Ws goodhotel, and __ restaurant is fantastic 5 They're Mexican surname is Romero, 6 Iknow a very good restaurant in Paris. name is Café des Fleurs. 7 namo is Tina. She's Brazilian. Karen] 8 Lisa and Amy are American, but_____ husbands eten / Sem sain's ste sanbeiseny 1 Peter / Karen: - 9A We're Jane and Mark Kelley. We have 2 reservation. te 2 Diana / Sam B You're in room 22. This is key ema 10 Here are__cotfees. The cappuccino ior 2 ete /peer = you, the latte is for Tom, and the Americano is for me. 5 Sam/ Pet 41. I'm Sally, and this husband, Tam, al amd tas 12 A Are those your children? 7 San? a = B No, they aron't. children are over there. er +o} 4B 2 Write sentences with It’s a/ anor b Order the words to make sentences. They're + adjective + noun. blue isbag my Myag is blue (orca) 1 beoutifule day is fie ese 2 is husband nice very Amy's 1 (ele) 3 questions difficult they're very 4 phone cheap @ is this 2 (black) 5 photo it's terriole 9 6 Maggie teacher is fantastic a 3 (new = from) 7 very is cat ald our 8B cestaurant this good a very isn’t 4 (big) — 9 long it'sa exercise very & espanol 10 is ugly very dog thelr 11 expensive Italian bags are very 6 (good 12 very this is small room On ‘grammar for each lesson 5 GRAMMAR BANK 5A present simp! @5.5 Listen and repeat the examples, Then read the rules. ind [=|: |, you, we, they a a Ihave cereal for breakfast. I don’t have eggs for breakfast. (don't = do not) You have rice for lunch, You don't have paste for lunch. We have coffse for breakfast. We don't have tea for breaitest They have fishfor dinner. They don’t have mest for dinner. ‘+ We use the present simple to talk about present habits (+ things ‘we usually do), e.g, | have coffes for breakfast and things that are always true, eg. In my country, we eat a lot of rice. + Present simple [3] and [=]is the same for |, you (singular anc plural), we, and the ‘= We make EJ sentences with don’t, e.g. We don’t have coffee. NOT Werethovecoftes “They have fish for dinner. 5B present simple [2]: |, you, we, they 5.12 Listen and repeat the examples. Then read the rules. a 5 a Dolneedaticker? Yes, youde, No, you don't. De you livensr here? Yes, Ido. No, I don't. Dowe have good seats? Yes, wede. No, we don’t, Do they lke chiléres? Yas, they do. No, they don't. + Present simple] is the same for |, you (singular and pura, we, and they. fe se do to make questions: Do you live here? NOT You live hero? OR Live you hero? + Remember ASI*0 help you with word order in present simple questions: A = auxiliary (do), $= subject (you, they, ete), I= infitive Do nead a ticker? Write ] or E] sentences. vcr HBB) —— sat te 1 {have} ee ___ for breakfast. 3 Thee ; 5 in the evening. my coffee, b Complete with the bold verb. Write one \sentence and one sentence. ke I'm Italian, but | don't like pasta. My friends and | like fast food, especially plazas ard burgers. 1 have People in the UX abig lunch = they usually have a sandwich, We always: lunch with my family on Sundays. 2 eat 1 meat, 'm a vegetarian. They alot of fish and rice in Japan 3 drink You alot of coffee! It isn’t good for you. They coffee. They only drink tea, 4 go We to restaurants. ‘They're very expensive. | don'thave breakfast at home. I toacafs. Qa 5B 2 Complete with do or don’t. | don't live here, I live in the centre, A you have chikireri? B No! ' Ike this photo, It's terrible, A you want a coffee? B No, thanks. | drink coffee. ' have brothers and sisters. 'm an only child A {you listen to music on the radio? BI listen to pop music, but | listen to Classic FM. It's classical music station. A Excuse me, BNo,I A B No! A B Yes, | sisters. A B Nol A B Yes, weekend. ‘you work here? Sony. you like American TV series? 1 watch TV. | read, ‘you have & big family? | have two brothers and three you speak Spanish? only speak English you lke Saturdays? I work at the Order the words to make sentences or que: " 1 ns. umbrella have do you an? Do you have an umbrella? know don't here you near da live? like Lootball con't, sandwich want you 2 do? ‘centre work in the they city. sisters two have | French you speak do? don't big need a I car. German to classes you do go? 2 don't | watch have. = to in the music car Iisten you do? work I don't Sundays on Ors Go online to review the grammar for each lesson 6 GRAMMAR BANK 6A present simple: he, she, it 6.5 Liston and repeat the examples. Then read the rules. 8 g a Tao Idon'iwark Dotwork?_—YeasIdo, No, dot. Youwork —Youdoritwork. Do youwerk? Yer Ide, Ne dont Heworks, He doesn't work Doeshe work? Yes, he does. Nev he doesn't Sheworks. Shedoern't work, Doesshe work? Yee, she dees: Novshe doesn’ Ieworks, Hedoesn'twork.Doesit work? Yew, itdoes. Novitdoorne Wewore, Wedort work —-Dowework? Yen wede, Noe dont Youwork, Youdor't work, Doyouwark? Yen youdo, _No.you dort Thoywerk. Thay cori work. Do they work? Yenthey do, No, thay dont + Present simple [he / she / it= verb + s, + Present simple [he / she / it= doesn’t + verb (doesn’t does not *+ Present simple [he / she / t= Does « he / she / it + verb. Remember ASI see 58 p.100). D have, go, do ‘These verbs ae irregular in the he / she itferm of the precent simp: Unave he/she fithas hse! Ido he? she itdoes live! Igo. he? she it goes ou [with What and Where What do you do? Where docs ho work? + Spelling rules fer 3rd person s are the same as for plural nouns. 6B adverbs of frequency 6.16 Listen and repeat the examples. 100% pee always Then read the rules. usually lalways have breakfast ‘They usualy finish work st 5.00. She sometimes watches TVin the evening, Ho never eats meat, Docs she usualy go shopping on Saturday? What time do you usually get up? 0% never ‘sometimes Be careful with the position of adverbs of frequency: ‘always have broakiast. NOT Akvays-thave- brookfast-thave always breakfast. Does she usually ge shopping on Saturday? NOT Usuelly does she-ge-shepring-on Saturclay? * With never, we use a [] verb: He never eats meat. NOT Hodoosntnevereatmect. He never ents meat 6A 2 Rewrite the sentences. Live ina flat. She lives ina fa 1 They read magazines. He ‘i 2 I study lalian. My sister 3Do you speak English? he 4 dont eat fish My brother 5 Where do you work? Where your wife 2 6 You don't speak Italian Tom 7 Do you lke cats? she 8 Ihave two brothers Andrew 5 9 What do you eat for lunch? What he 10 We waich alot of TV. My mother 11 What do you de? What your son 2 12 We don't need a new car. Maria Put the vero in (brackets) in the correct form. They ddas't live near here, (not live) 1 She ___ to the radio in the car. (listen) 2 Mybrother___ to university in Manchester. (co) 3 We at the weekend. (not work) 4 Angela with her mother? (ive) 5 The programme at 9.30. (finish) 6 She usually. fruit for breakfast. (have) 7 We TV at the weekend. (not watch) 8 you___to2 or coffe? (want 9 Where your children __to schoel? (go) 10 Linda meat, fish, or eggs. She’s a vagan. {not eat} " Andrew hie new job? lke) 12 Luisa brothers or sisters. (not have) Ors 6B 2 Order the words to complete the sentences. drink never coffee | never dink coflve after dinner. 1, husband goes my sometimes to the gym. 2 have always! a shower in the morning. 3 usually we have breakfast at home, 4 golnever tw bed before 12.09. 5 usually go they do to work by bus? 6 Jan has sometimes ‘a sandwich for lunch 7. dlose the does restaurant usually leie? 8 goes she never shopping after work, 9 usually | do ________ my homework at the weekend. 10 somotimes make | ish for dinner, ‘Complete the sentences in the present simple. Use a verb from the list and the adverb in (brackets). de drink (x2) eat finish get go have (x3) speak watch to bed very late, (cometimes) 2 We housework at the weekend, (always) 3 Doyou__ lunch at home at the weekend? (usualy) at z aboath, | a shower, (never, always) 5 Myssister_ up early. always) ais English at work. (never) 7 We Tatter dinner (sometimes) 8 They coffee in the evening (never 9 Does your husband work at 7.20 p.m? (usually) 10 We ‘tea with milk, but | prefer it with lemon, (sometimes) Or38 © Go online wo revewthe grammar foreach esson ) A Numbers 1 0-10 a @18 Listen and repeat the numbers. x SCWVONAUMAWH = {also ‘oh’ /ou/in phone numbers) two fu: three /Bris four fix five aw eight fet! pine ‘nain) ten /ten/ . Word stress zero = Zer0 seven = Seven b Cover the words. Say the numbers. ACTIVATION Count from 0-10 and from 10-0. Op7 2 11-100 11-1 20 a @2.21 Listen and repeat the numbers. eleven i'evn! twelve irwelv/ thirteen fourteen fifteen /fif'tin sheteen faks'tisn sighteen it nineteen /nan'tiza! twenty ‘twentis 7 VOCABULARY BANK 21-100 b @2.22 Listen and repeat the numbers. wonty-one /twenti wan 22 rwonty-swo itwenti tas SO shiny re 33 shity-theoe stati rie 4O forty Pout AA foxty-ur ta 5O tity crete 55 fitty-tive inti 60 sixty rast 66 70 seventy 'sevnti 77 eaverpacren rear sixty-six (stksti ‘stk BO eighty rest BS cighty-eight ext ‘xt 9D rinety ‘nasnt YF singty-nine {nasat 100 a hundred 1s thandrad ® Word stress - be careful! 30 thirty 13 thirteen 40 forty 14 fourteen, ete. activanion Cover the words. Say the numbers. pas Countries and nationalities VOCABULARY: PANIC 1 COUNTRIES 2 NATIONALITIES a @1.18 Listen and repeat the countries. 2 @2.1 Listen and repeat the countries and sien Country Nationality Brazil Brazilian ‘bration China Chinese lif nit Egypt Eayption sini Englend Enalish /imglil? France French rer Germany German (sss ltaly italian tcetion Japan Japanese ‘dsepa'nizz Mexico Mexican fmekstkan! Poland alish ! pou Russia Russian raf Spain Spanish !spaenif Switzerland Swiss Turkey Turkish otk the United States American Smerikon the UK British Poritiy D Word stra For most countries, the word stress is the same on. ‘the country and the nationality, e.g. Brazil, Brazilian ‘Sometimes it's different: China-> Chinese Egypt > Egyptian ttaly > talian Jagan Japenese 1 Beal va 8 Japan i cee 2 ee b_ Write your nationality - Practise saying it. 4 England /inglend 11 Russia raf ¢ Read about countries and languages. What's the ‘the UK® Aju: ke 12 Spain ‘spe’ language in your country? 5 France a 13. Stzadand /witsond 7 6 Germany Migzmonil 14 Tukey fk 1D Countries and languages 7 Italy tat 15. the United States tthe USA) The word for a language is sometimes the same England: nationality English, language English Some are different, 2.9 ‘D CAPITAL letters Brazil: nationality Brazilian, language Portuguese Brazil NOT brazil Egypt: nationality Egyptian, language Arabic the UK = England, Sellen, Wale, ane Northern Ireland Activanion Cover the words. Look at the flags. Say the countries and nationalities. O@pi2 b Write your country: __. Practise saying ACTIVATION Cover the words. Look at the photos, Say the . 8 i teaieounanes. Op (Gy Geontin 1 revow the vocabulary foreach lesson } The classroom = THINGS IN THE CLASSROOM a @1.38 Listen and repeat the words. the board /boxd the door id: a vindow indo a chair a cost a table (teil a laptop “ploy ® addctionary ik/s0r 5 a piece of paper ips 2 ‘pein 10 a pan po 11 abag sea) b Cover the words. Look at the picture. Say the things. ACTIVATION In pairs, point to things in the classroom. Your partner says the word. What ist?) (ts the Boer How do you spell?) (BOARD, 2 CLASSROOM LANGUAGE 1.39 Listen and repeat the phrases. The teacher says... & Hello, 'm_____ a 5S 2 Open your books. 3 Goto page 10. 6 Sitdown, 5 Stand up, please. 8 Sorry? Can you repeat that, ld el VOCABULARY BANK You say... please? 9 Excuse me. What's gracias 12. Sorry Im lete. in English? ACTATION Cover the phrases. Look at the pictures. Say the phrases. @p.0 Small things VOCABULARY BANK 3. Listen and repeat the words. jemi 1 (mobile) phone ‘son 9 a (hone) charger a bag, a key fox ‘an ID card, an umbrella 10 an ID card 2 passport *) 11 an umbeella 12 acamora' 13 agredit car 0 a debit card /ciebit k 14 akey iv 15. anewspaper Majuszpeips h ph = iti, eg. phone, photo Cover the words. Look at the photo. Say the things. (© 0 online to review the vocabulary foreach lesson 4 PEOPLE 2 FAMILY a 4.2 Listen and repeat the words. ACTIVATION Look at the photos in a. Say the words in grandparents singular and plural People and family VOCABULARY BANK @4.4 Listen and repeat the words. 1 aboy lou 2 agirl ok 3 eman im 4 awoman 5 children "ilar 6 friends 6 dauchter 7 brother 8 sister “sista 4.3 Listen and repeat the irregular plurals. grandmother !arenn Rrogulanipliras 10 grandfather "greenfo:day Singular Plural : 11 oend foirend ine hen 12 girend pat hare Yori ae aperson people rots’ NOT fathers mother + father = parents 'p: grandmother + grandfather = ts I Caboy boys ACTIVATION Cover the words. Look at the photos. Say the family members. Op.24 Adjectives VOCABULARY BANK 1 COLOURS 2 COMMON ADJECTIVES 4.16 Listen and repeat the words. 4.17 Listen and repeat the words, new ‘nju blacke ‘blak’ blue ‘bia je 3 a a uli beautiful brown ‘braun green forisn/ *S orange Morinds ve pink (pink clean ‘Klis’ dirty ast easy Mi difficult itt b Cover the words. Look at the photes. Say the adjectives. ACTIVATION Test a partner. What's the opposite of new?) (Old, What's the opposite of __? d_- @4.18 Listen and repeat the positive and negative adjectives. white Avan yellow Pielou! B Positive and negative adjectives Y= good W=very good Wd = grest/ fantastic actwaTion Cover the words. Look at the Tubal AKGWEyLGd MCeaTay aieon photos. Ask and answer. | very What colour ist?) (i's black You can use very before adjectives, e.g. A Ferraris very expensive. I's a very fast cer What colour are they? ) (They're blue ae v Op.26 (© Ge online to review the vocabulory for each lesson Food and drink VOCABULARY BANK a @5.2 Listen and repeat the words. Food 6 yogurt “ingot 7 vegetables eds 8 potatoes ip=teiisuz 7 eg 4 Hii 22 orange juice PD Meals ay Peeakerfnthe morn) ? Tanck theaters) [ econ ort drner thw nna) Verbs: have, eat, drink b @5.3 Listen and repeat the words and phrases in the box. ipave bres ° 00. ave cereal and tee. ACTIVATION Cover the words in a. Look et the photos. J eat 2 lot of fut. Say the words. @p.30 Idrink tea with milk, Common verb phrases 1 VOCABULARY BANK a @5.13 Listen and ropeat the phrases. Se. A nf . 4 listen to the radio 5 read the newspaper 6 eat fast food ‘ist fost fu Phisn ta 66 ‘reidiow! ida njurzperpal SS PS 8 speak English /spick gel 9 want a coffee /wont 9 kof as 10 have a dog ‘hav a dog 11 ike eats ia = i ? aye. 13. study Spanish “stad ‘spset) 18 needa new car b @5.14 Cover the phrases. Listen and say ACTIVATION Ask and answer with a partner in a differant order. the phrsse: Do you dink tea?) (You, Ido. (No, Ion’ @p33 49) ina flat (ive in a flat " Jobs and places of work 1 WHAT DO THEY DO? a @6.1 Listen and repeat the words. 4 a teacher Mist doctor kis) is 4 a journalist “dsoinalist 7 a receptionist f'sopfonis 9 afactory worker 10 a tax! griver b Cover the words. Ask and answer in pairs. What does he do?) ( He's a teacher. What doos she co? ) ( She © 6.2 Listen and repeat the sentences. | work for an American company. “kanpani V'm at university. iusne I'ma student. Pst | study economics, Jekoinpmuks! I'm at school I'm unemployed at the moment, /sntm' pista Wem retired. in aise d What do you do? I 2 VOCABULARY BANK 2 WHERE DO THEY WORK? 2 @6.3 Listen and repeat the phrases. 1 ina hospital hnsprtl 3 in arestaurant 6 ina factory 8 inthe stroot strit) 7 athome b Cover the phrases. Look at the photos. Say the phrases. © Ask and answer with a partner. re does a doctor work?) (In a hospital Where does a dacior werk?) (Ina hospreal d_ Where do you work or study? 1 - Op.36 A typical day VOCABULARY BANK a 6.14 Listen and repeat the phrases. IN THE MORNING get up iget ap! have breakfast have a shower 199 t0 work have a coffee heey ‘brekfast Ace a aval fgou t9 vex: Mev 2 "eof (oy bus, train, ear, ete) IN THE AFTERNOON go shopping go to the gym ‘gou“fopmy’ igau to da dsim make dinner have dinner do housework watch TV havea bath goto bed ‘et ‘da’ ‘sev ‘ia! ‘du; havswatk won tis hhev 2 box ‘au ta bed! D make and do b @6.15 Listen and point to the picture. make dinner/ coffee BUT do housework, one rpale cimer 2) Lisa has lunch a one o'clock: (Picture sin gowith to and the ACTIVATION In pairs, describe Lisa's day. Say the times {90 to the gym, go te the cinema where there are clocks. go to work, go to school, go ta bed She gets up at a quarter to seven. ) ( She has breakfast. gehome NOT got home geese VE Op.38 © Go online to review the vocabulary for eachlesson Words and phrases to learn 18 O15 Hello. Hi What's your name? Nice to meet you. A cappuccino, please. Atea, Yes. No, ok. Thanks. Sorry. Just a minute. Goodbye. / Bye. See you on Friday. See you tomorrow. 1B 1.31 Where are you from? ''m from Spain. Where's Femir? I think it's in Turkey. It's nice city I don't know Very good Wow! 24 Q212 Excuse me. Ae they free? ‘Are you on halidey? We're on business. What's that? Have a nice day! It's beautiful city tourists dogs over thera 28 2.27 Who's he? How old is he? He's very good-looking. How are you? I'm fine. Thisis Alex That's my bus. This is my bus stop, What class are you in? What's your phone number? See you later abedroom akitchen agarden big small in the south of England 3A O39 Oh not Where's my phone? Where are my glasses? What is it? What are they? I think it’s an ID card. I think they're keys. What's in your bag? Ihave two credit cards. 3B 03.17 How much is this mug? How much are these key rings? They'te twenty pounds. ATshint, olease. Is this your phone? Thank you very much You're welcome. souvenirs here there 4A 4.12 Come i Be good Let's order pizza on the table inmy phone Mum Dad a babysitter What a lovaly card Can isee? Tremember perhaps AB 4.24 sir madam an electric car 2 sports car easy to park perfect inher imy, your, Is the car for you? | prefer this red car. Hove it Come with me ) opinion avillage a motorbike femous 5A @5.10 ascientist adoctor sometimes usually I'm not hungry. early healthy traditional important different favourite ina café athome at work soup green tea toast alot of fruit) 5B 5.20 awriter a taxi driver a British (American) company aflight traffic agate at university atschool Do you want fish or posta? How's your pasta? | need to go to the toilet What time do we arrive? Keep the change. Can | see your passport and boarding pass, please? What a nice surprise! 6A 6.11 What does she do? ‘Where does he teach? She's a journalist. She doesn't wear glasses, Her hair's blonde. He's married to Lisa. Great to see you. intelligent How awfull Hove your shoes, abarman abanker customers dishes a multinational company meetings Why? Because... 6B 6.19 Are you a morning person? What time do you get up? At eight o'clock He gets up at about 9.20. feel tired fon the way to work after work every morning then atour guide an apartment the subway an omelette It's delicious Regular and irregular verbs COMMON REGULAR VERBS “snow nou! snowed ‘snoud ‘answer Juan aiewered Fanaa start started star aici ia ented, stay ‘tex stayed ici ak fvsk asked sts stop A109 stopped sion “Book ‘hoki booked ‘bai study Pstadi studied “si = eet on “ale ts change “jens changed | wavelled Piruvil check in fek ‘in’ checked in jcki in oe Aiea lean /kiin! cleaned ‘xls vse jue used juird close ‘klaue closed ‘ine’ wait ‘wen waited “ord cook fuk’ oockead thu walk. ‘2 walked (st ory. iy Sled. Ara want woo wanted cide a “decked tivendd? —~*~*S*C(Wh vl washed se finish rfp watch (woth watched oil hate sh hated ‘heitid Work fake worked ‘sikt help shein! helped ‘rin Tivite fnvad ited COMMON IRREGULAR VERBS learn Jun’ —w Tike ‘lak! fam ira! /is ha! was ine listen *hsn/ listened und’ are wi! were live Ay? lived buy ‘a ought look suk’ looked tok: do dy did si love fas! loved ve “oetaed—S~*~CS miss mis missed ssi 0 20 went sont move in moved have bev ad Jn “need ita needed / eave left offer ois offered "oid say scl said sea open “0p an see Ai saw pack pak! send sent seni paint ipeat! sit sat sat sat park pu parked ‘sock! ‘eli SS~*~S*C na ess pus! passed “write wrote aut phone ‘oun! phoned und played ‘picid lay ® rained oid! rolax iivhwks relaxed ‘lois rent vent rented /rentid Vowel sounds SOUND BANK usual spelling ! but also usual spelling ! but also i Italy six English at name lote | eight they is it women ai email Spain | great film window | gym ay day say three mest people key of open close | window please read no hello cost | Hi nice bye my bad igh night right out house fost fother pound sound afternoon town down net from i toilet noise sorry stop boyfriend coffee enjoy short important | water four beer tall football hore we're draw near year full sugar woman could sitport_ repair good bok where there look cock ‘Avery unusual sound t00 food two you tourist. eure Europe sure plural excuse blue juice new | beautiful a A sound between i and it Many different spelings, always . | Consonant + y at the end of words fs unstressed. ! pronounced ii sister actor famous happy angry hungry abaut policeman eon ‘An unusual sound. er person verb work word ju usually situation education ir thisty gir world Jur nurse Turkey z wa cs ‘| Fe spell ten friend seven twenty — | broakfast Mexico bread umbrella number |son_ brother brush husband | young but >| ee * especially before consonant + © Lshort vowels E] long vowels 1] eiphthongs Consonant sounds SOUND BANK usual spelling | but also usual spelling | but also P paper Poland th thing think sleap top) | chumb tenth birthday | PP opposite happy month Thursday ib board British th the father remember Job & mother thie their bb hobby that with © colour creditcard |chemits ch children lunch lk aha Bl rem eh vam ck back clock t ture) picture } 3 90 green i een es gy big blog & jazz job page we eags dge bridge Fifteen Fiday wife 1 lemp listen ph photo phone i lea plan. table ff office different a small umbrella v TV very of r red rice write fae @) Pouae ama | Ssts aie |r terrible: martied + time wel tee w watch twenty | one start late finished js word we tt letver butter witch lh what white = iar d did drink played study good ied y yellow your dd actress mile F oe hy | v0 | before sat stand seen ident: onivenity ss Swine. actress a cell nice city = mlm (Monday oi monkey Sopbariser ‘came: | z zero Brazil mm summer swimming = bags cars husband easy Jn wow paver know L,| nose men fine fish sure ti information Russia 2 ng thing single thick reservation {ti + on) » singer doing going thank aD pleying “wrong site on) wsvally revision, garage h hello hi who [| house tor he oY have holiday Di unvoiced =] voice (© Go ontine to watch the Sound Bank videos OXFORD ‘UNIVERSITY PRESS ara) edition nglish File Beginner Workbook @ Units 1-6 Christina Latham-Koenig Clive Oxenden Jerry Lambert with Jane Hudson Pou! Seligson and Clive Oxenden are the original co-authors of English File Tand English File 2 6 B World music 8 Practical English Episode 1 How do you spell it? 10 A Are you on holiday? 12 B That's my bus! 14 A Where are my keys? 16 B Souvenirs 18 Practical English Episode 2 Can | have an orange juice, 26 BA vory long fight 28 Practical English Episode 3 What timo} 30 A A schoo! reunion 32 B Good moming, goodnight 64 Answer Key How to use your Workbook and Online Practice Based Use the Student's Book e e @ section in class with EnglishFile’ =~ e Prac — Look again at the Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation from the Student's Book section before you do the Workbook exercises, Practise Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation for every lesson. ——— > Listen to the aucio for the Pronunciation exercises. ———® _Use the Sound Bank videos to practise English sounds. “4—— Watch the Practical English videos before you do the exercises, Practise the Practical English for every episode. ————- Use the interactive video for more Practical English practice. Do the Can you remember. .? exercises Look again at the Grammar, Vocabulary and ‘to.check that you remember the Grammar, Pronunciation if you have any problems. Vocabulary, and Pronunciation every two Files. Practise Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing Course overview 4 GRAMMAR verb be (singular): | and you a Write the sentences with contractions. 1 lam Tom. Im Tom. 2 You are not in cass 3. You arent in class 3 lamnot Helen. 4 You are not a teacher 5 Lam Rob. & You are in my class. 7 lamin room 4, 8 You are not Diana. b Write negative [=] sentences or question: 1 You're in my class. [=] You aren't in my class. 2 Youtte a teacher. Are you a teacher? 3. I'm Jenny. E] 4 tm incless 2.) 5 Im intoom 4.[2) 6 You're Dom. 2] a 8 You're in cless 7. 2 7 ma student. You se gosoye end sy tll ‘rom ese elo, ashy Sythe oot a ¢ Complete the conversations. Use contractions where possible. Andy? Tony. Are you No, I'm Excuse me. in number 8? Yes, __ Anna Jones. Hello, Any. Hi, __Steve. Nice to meot you. Hi __Linda. Are you Henry? No, Vm Hello. _ Lisa Gomez? Yes, Nice to mest you. Hi,____ Ben. Hi,______ Rob. 7 & Excuse me. inroom 7? B No, _. You're in room &. 8 A Excuse me. my teacher? B Yes, tm Peter Wilson. 2 VOCABULARY numbers 0-10, days of the week a Write the numbers. RUFO four NET ten INNE nie EON TEREH t owt t GITHE e KIS s s f ENVSE OZRE VIEF 0 2010 Bm i ? 2 ns, 8 3 _ @ oe 4 10 _ 5 _ Write the next day of the week. 1 Saturday Sundey Monday 2 Monday Tuesday 3 Thursday Friday 4 Sunday Nionday — 5 Friday Saturday 6 Tuesday Wednesday 7 Wednesday Thursday ___ Answer the questions about you 1 What's your name? 2 What class are you in? 3 What day is it today? 4 What days are your English classes? PRONUNCIATION (hi, fay), and /iz/ 1.1 Listen and write the words in the chart. fee Helen hello meet nice w 1 2 3 house | bike wee a five - © 1.2 Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. WORDS AND PHRASES TO LEARN Complete the conversations with a word or phrase from the list Nice to meet you Twe-eappuccines- please: Sony See you tomorrow Thanks What's your name 1 A Twocappuccinas. please B OK, Just 2 minute. 2 & Hi,I'm Helen, B Hi, Im Rob, 3 A Hello, I'm Sarah. 2 B Paul. A Goodbye. B No, Friday. A. Ohyes, sorry. See you on Friday. 5A I'mnot John, I'm James. & A Tom? Your tea Go online for more practice ’ World music 1 VOCABULARY countries a Complete the crossword. bb Complete the sentences with a country. 1 She's from Zurich. She's from Serazedanc 2. He's from Paris. He's from Fr 3 I'm from Rome, I'm from |__ 4 You're from Miami, You're from t__ Dae St__s 5 She's from Moscow. She's from R 6 He's from Istanbul. He's from T 7 Vm from Warsaw. I'm from P 8 You're from Cairo. You're from E 9 She's from Berlin. She's from G. 2 GRAMMAR verb be (singular): he, she, it Complete the sentences with He's, She's, or It’s. ‘Switzerland. b Complete the conversations with 's, is, or isn’t. 1A Paulo from Spain? B No, he isn't. He from Brazil. 2A Where Oaxaca? itin Mexico? B Yes, it aA Yasmin in the Monday class? B No, she = She inthe Tuesday clas, aa yourname Annie? B No, it Ht Anna, ¢ Write the questions. Then answer with the information in brackets. 1 Robert Downey Jr/ ram the USA? (/ New York) 1s obert Downey jr fom the Ul ? Yes. he is. He's am New York —_ 2 Kobe /in China? (x Japan) is Kobe in China No itisn't It's in Japan a 3 Salima Hayek / from Maxieo? ( Veracruz) 4 Naples / in Turkey? (x Italy) 5 Copacabana / in Bradi? Rio) ——_—____________# Answer the questions about you 1 Are you from England? ARR Cid 2 Where are you from (cityl? i 3 Where is it? 7h PRONUNCIATION Aj, /au%, /s/, and /f/ © 1.3 Listen andGiteléithe word with a different sound. 4 fish | Bran Ghind) England /? hello Poland two SEP stover mate Seno ae — < — — . 1.3 Listen again and repeat the words. | | WORDS AND PHRASES TO LEARN Complete the conversations with a phrase from the list. | — oe - | a Idon'tknow I think she's from Spain h’sa nico city j 6 Lublin /in Russia? (Poland) Where-oreyeutror Where's Basel _ | — fe ee alc 1A Where are you from? | 7 Gary Oldman / rom England? Lendon) B I'm from the United States. | : ‘A. Where in the United Stotes? _ B New York. | —— se A Wow. 8 Geneva / in France? (x Switzerland) | ——? 2 A \s Mercedes Pedn from Mexico? B No, 9 Javier Bardem / from Spain? iv Las Palmas) 10 the Louvre /in aly? (x France) 3. A Is Sapporo in China? | B Sapporo? Sorry, in Switzerland, i ef ‘checking into a|Aetel, Bosking.a table: V the classiGon! Pihealphabet THE ALPHABET @ @1.6 Listen and write the words in the chart. a (14 Listen and Girclé different vowel sound. the letter with a illo felp name please sha spell Spain table teacher ioe j2eLnx " en hello £ @17 Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. SCFLS n @ & VOCABULARY the classroom ba a Write the words. wy bAHJY ——" ae arFTMS 1 the board! b @1.4 Listen again and repeat the letters. ¢ Say the letters in 1-5. d @ 11.5 Listen and check. b Complete the classroom expressions with the words from the list. books Excuse Go know late Look Open repeat Sit Stand spell_understend 1 Idor’t know 2 Sorry? Cen you that, please? 2 at the board, please. 4 — your books, 5 Idon't 6 How do you i” 7 to page? 8 Close your . ¢ up, please 10 down. " ime. What's grazie in English? 12 Sorry, lm 3 CHECKING INTO A HOTEL Complete the conversation with the words from ‘the list. evening name reservation spell surname room ‘A Good 'ovening_ B Hello. | have a A What's your? please? B Wendy Mahone [A How do you! yours B MAHONEY. A Thank you, Ms Mahoney. You're in 261 B Thanks. 4 BOOKING A TABLE Match the questions in the conversation to answers a-e below. A Good morning. How ean | help you? Bib A What time? Ae A OK, that's fine. What's your name, please? Ae. A OK. How many people? no A Thank you, Mr Anderson. So, a table for three on) Tuesday at seven? Bi a Three. b-Auable tor Tuesday-evening, please, ¢ Yes, that's great. Thanks. d Steve Anderson, @ Seven o'clock. 5 USEFUL PHRASES Complete the conversations with a phrase from the list table for tomorrow, please Good morning How-canthelpyou How de you spell it Ihave areservation Sorry Thankyou That's right 1 A Good moming. ‘How can |help you? My name's Liam Sweeney. o for a room for tonight. OK—Sweeney.® —_? SWEENEY. That's S-W-E-E-N-E-77 popop OK, you're in room 49, > _. The Green Tree restaurant. How ean |help you? ‘ ~ for four people, OK. What time? 7.30. poro>a 7.30. © 0 online 1 practise the Practical English pi eases) (@ Go online to check your progress)

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