Analytical Exposition Dialogue - 2022

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Nama Anggota :

(17) Ni Komang Ayu Adinda Putri Cahyani

(19) Komang Trisna Widia Astuti
(21) Made Andien Arya Nugraha
(22) Made Daniel Ranandha
(35) Ni Putu Najwa Kayla Ramanti

Schools Reopen, How’s the Pandemic?

One day, the five brothers who lived under the same roof were gathered in the living room. They
gathered together joyfully and shared the stories they had passed. Today is the day it was
announced the reopening of schools in their area,

Andien : “Guys, how was your day?”

Kayla : “Great, how about you?”
Andien: “Not so good, but I must be grateful because I can get through this”
Daniel : "Have you eaten yet?"
Dinda, Trisna : "Yes"
Dinda : "I just bought meatballs across the house, it's really good"
Kayla : "Oh, I think it's dangerous Dinda! The meatball traders don't wear masks, you
have to be careful because the current virus is very easy to spread through droplets."
Dinda : "Oh yeah?, well, I'm also used to the current situation"
Andien : "But it's really not good, it's dangerous because we don't know who the merchant
has been in contact with"
Kayla : "That's the point!"
Trisna : "Btw, did you know about the issue of reopening schools yet?"
Daniel : "Eh, I just found out, where did you get the news from?"
Dinda : "Wow, yes, the news is in the announcement group!"

They began to look at each other's devices, and carefully read the announcements the school

Trisna : "It seems that if the school is opened, it will be fun, we will surely absorb the
knowledge that we must also more easily"
Dinda : "Really, I can't wait to meet my classmates!"

Kayla : "But I'm a bit doubtful, the vaccine that is currently being distributed is a new
variant, while only the teachers have just been vaccinated, automatically we don't have any
protection that is comparable to the immunity of the teachers who have been vaccinated."
Andien: "Agreed, and I'm also afraid that, for example, the health protocol can't be implemented
properly at school"

Daniel : "But if we don't go to school, we miss a lot of lessons, our memories of our
future will also decrease"
Dinda : "Also, the community's economy will definitely recover if schools reopen"
Kayla : "Even though the economy is recovering, the priority on this days is public
health. If the community is healthy, other fields will certainly be stable"
Trisna. : "Well, we'll just finish our respective online tasks, don't worry about it guys"
Daniel : "That's right Trisna, we'll see how the news goes tomorrow."

They returned to their room and completed their respective online tasks. Even though schools are
now finally re-opening, we still have to comply with health protocols, in order to protect others,
and not increase the number of cases of COVID-19 infection.

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