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Lampiran Surat Ketua LPPM

Nomor : 9522/IT1.B07.1/TA.00/2023
Tanggal : 4 Desember 2023

Daftar Penerima Dana

Program ITB-NTUST Joint Research Program Tahun 2024

No Pengusul Judul Mitra NTUST
1. Prof. Brian FTI Optimizing architecture of transition Min-Hsin Yeh, Ph.D.
Yuliarto, S.T, metal ternary phosphate for achieving
M.Eng., Ph.D. high energy density of

2. Isa Anshori, S.T, STEI High-performance and stable wearable Chih-Yu Chang, Ph.D.
M.Eng., Ph.D. self-powered sweat sensors enabled by
3. Dr. Grandprix FMIPA MXene nanosheets enhancing electr o Prof. Wei Song Hung
Thomryes Marth responsive PVDF membranes for
Kadja, M.Si. smart and efficient
filtration of salts and dyes

4. Prof. Dr. Ir. STEI Improvement of Photovoltaic Tracking Prof. Kuo Lung Lian
Suwarno, M.T. System Suitable for Rooftop of Evs

5. Prof. Dr. SITH Development of injectable hydrogels Yung-Hsin Cheng,

Anggraini containing plant- derived exosome- Ph.D.
Barlian, M.Sc. like nanoparticles for cartilage

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