Wordly Wise Book 7 Lesson 2 - Quizizz

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1/15/24, 7:16 PM Wordly Wise Book 7 Lesson 2 | Quizizz

Worksheets Name

Wordly Wise Book 7 Lesson 2

Total questions: 28
Worksheet time: 14mins
Instructor name: Mr. Peter Guyon

1. A predator is a person who

a) works as a police officer. b) works in a restaurant.

c) owns a store. d) lives by robbing others.

2. To check an object's authenticity is to find out whether it is

a) paid for. b) heavy enough.

c) working correctly. d) genuine.

3. To devour a book is to

a) read it quickly and eagerly. b) think it is badly written.

c) read it to someone. d) search for it in a library.

4. A predatory animal is one that

a) lives on land. b) lives in the ocean.

c) eats plants. d) kills and eats other animals.

5. To slaughter seals is to

a) kill large numbers of them. b) put them in zoos.

c) trap them in a net. d) value them for their beauty.

6. Mr. Beatty has a prior claim on this property. His claim

a) was established before others. b) is unjustified.

c) is illegal. d) is under investigation.

7. Which describes a scavenger's behavior?

a) searching through a junk heap for usable items b) setting up a relief center for homeless people

c) eating an expensive meal in a restaurant d) planning was to rebuild damaged buildings

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8. Who shows delicacy?

a) Monica, who helps children with their homework b) Ben, who starts arguments

c) Zee, who eats with his elbow on the table d) Akira, who avoids embarrassing others

9. Which might someone need to authenticate?

a) a garden b) a storage shed

c) a ceiling d) a birth certificate

10. Which describes slaughter?

a) killing animals for food b) milking cows

c) riding horses d) growing wheat

11. When would you be most likely to eat a delicacy?

a) every day for lunch b) at a fancy party

c) at a hospital d) at the airport

12. Which creature is a scavenger?

a) one that kills other animals for meat b) one that eats dead or decaying matter

c) one that eats grasses and leaves d) one that changes color when winter comes

13. "The slaughter on our nation's highways" means

a) the many laws against drunk driving. b) the traffic violators on our highways.

c) the many deaths that car accidents cause. d) the large amount of traffic during rush hour.

14. What is the synonym for the word authentic?

a) emotional b) sentimental

c) true d) colorful

15. What is the synonym for the word astute?

a) wise b) sturdy

c) fearful d) social

16. What is the synonym for the word devoured?

a) caught b) sipped

c) desired d) ate

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17. What is the synonym for the word plumage?

a) feathers b) skin

c) scales d) fur

18. What is the synonym for the word slaughtered?

a) herded b) ate

c) killed d) purchased

19. What is the antonym for the word solitude?

a) companionship b) willingness

c) recklessness d) intelligence

20. What is the antonym for the word ungainly?

a) polite b) smooth

c) graceful d) generous

21. What is the antonym for the word vulnerable?

a) forgiving b) calm

c) joyful d) protected

22. What is the antonym for the word predator?

a) prey b) companion

c) enemy d) victor

23. What is the antonym for the word derogatory?

a) complimentary b) generous

c) thrifty d) welcoming

24. Find the words that correctly complete each analogy.

prior : later ::

a) wider : heavier b) wider : taller

c) wider : thicker d) wider : narrower

25. Find the words that correctly complete each analogy.

thief : predatory ::

a) guard : armed b) guard : protective

c) guard : robbery d) guard : radio

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26. Find the words that correctly complete each analogy.

scavenge : search ::

a) purchase: return b) purchase : buy

c) purchase : store d) purchase : eat

27. Find the words that correctly complete each analogy.

mythical : real ::

a) fascinating : boring b) fascinating : story

c) fascinating : entertaining d) fascinating : interesting

28. Find the words that correctly complete each analogy.

figment : imaginary ::

a) fact : real b) fact : reported

c) fact : fiction d) fact : uncertainm

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Answer Keys

1. d) lives by robbing others. 2. d) genuine. 3. a) read it quickly and eagerly.

4. d) kills and eats other animals. 5. a) kill large numbers of them. 6. a) was established before others.

7. a) searching through a junk heap for 8. d) Akira, who avoids embarrassing 9. d) a birth certificate
usable items others

10. a) killing animals for food 11. b) at a fancy party 12. b) one that eats dead or decaying

13. c) the many deaths that car accidents 14. c) true 15. a) wise

16. d) ate 17. a) feathers 18. c) killed

19. a) companionship 20. c) graceful 21. d) protected

22. a) prey 23. a) complimentary 24. d) wider : narrower

25. b) guard : protective 26. b) purchase : buy 27. a) fascinating : boring

28. a) fact : real

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