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I. Fill in the blanks by using the given words

bodybuilding scrambled eggs grilled
môn thể hình quậy, khuấy nướng (vỉ)
baked bodybuilder instructions sticks
nướng (lò) ng tập thể hình chỉ dẫn, hướng dẫn que

You should practise + V-ing: luyện tập làm việc gì (1) bodybuilding regularly (adv) một
cách điều độ, thường xuyên and have a good diet (n) thực đơn cho người ăn kiêng like this:
• Breakfast: (2) scrambled eggs, and vegetables (n) rau củ
• Snack: whey protein shake, soft-boiled (3) eggs (n) món trứng lòng đào / hard - boiled eggs
(n) món trứng luộc chín
• Lunch: (4) grilled chicken breast, mixed greens, and (5) baked sweet potato (n) khoai lang
• Snack: hard-boiled eggs (n) món trứng luộc chín and carrot (6) sticks (n) cà rốt thái thành
• Dinner: fish, green beans with brown rice
Just follow our (7) instructions: tuân theo sự chỉ dẫn and you won't look different from a
famous (8) bodybuilder .
follow sb instruction: tuân theo sự chỉ dẫn của ai
look different from: trông khác biệt với
famous (adj) nổi tiếng
III. Rearrange the sentences
1. basketball player / per day / between / A / and 5,000 / needs / 2,500 / calories / . /
→ A basketball player needs between 2,500 and 5,000 calories per day.
2. Bananas / nutrients that / the body / contain / make / helpful / full of / feel / energy / . /
→ Bananas contain helpful nutrients that make the body feel full of energy.
contain (v) chứa đựng, bao gồm
helpful (a) hữu ích, có ích
energy (n) năng lượng
→ full of energy: tràn đầy năng lượng
3. vitamin C / 0.01g of / of carbohydrates, / Each banana, / contains / 30g / on average, / and about
→ Each banana, on average, contains 30g of carbohydrates, and about 0.01g of vitamin C.
each + Danh từ số ít: mỗi một cái gì
average (n) trung bình
→ on average: ở mức trung bình
4. a rich source / Especially, / of potassium, / about / 0.4g of / bananas are / each / . /
→ Especially, bananas are a rich source of potassium, about 0.4g of each.
especially (adv) đặc biệt là
→ special (a) đặc biệt
rich (a) giàu có
source of + Danh từ: nguồn/ nguồn gốc của cái gì
5. in muscles / reduces / sudden / Potassium / pain / . /
→ Potassium reduces a sudden pain in muscles.
reduce (v) làm giảm, cắt giảm nhẹ
sudden (a) bất ngờ, đột xuất
→ suddenly (adv) đột nhiên, bỗng nhiên
pain (n) cơn đau, nỗi đau
6. basketball player / enjoys a / That is why / before / the game / a wise / or during / often / banana
→ That is why a wise basketball player often enjoys a banana before or
during the game.
wise (a) khôn ngoan
→ wisdom (n) trí khôn
enjoy + Danh từ (v) tận hưởng, thưởng thức cái gì
before: trước khi
during: trong khi

IV. Choose the correct words.

1. The best person in a big competition is the professor / champion.
(Người giỏi nhất trong một cuộc thi lớn là quán quân.)

2. If you’re the first person in a race, you’re the player / winner.

(Nếu bạn là người dẫn đầu trong cuộc đua, bạn là người chiến thắng.)

3. If you’re a very intelligent person like Einstein, you’re a composer / genius!

(Nếu bạn là một người rất thông minh như Einstein, bạn là một thiên tài!)

4. A painter is a type of programmer / artist.

(Họa sĩ là một loại nghệ sĩ.)
5. If you know a lot about one thing, you’re an expert / artist.
(Nếu bạn biết nhiều về một điều gì đó, bạn là một chuyên gia.)

6. A mathematician / writer is very interested in numbers.

(Một nhà toán học rất quan tâm đến các con số.)

7. An important teacher at a university is a musician / professor.

(Một giáo viên quan trọng tại một trường đại học là một giáo sư.)

8. A writer / programmer writes computer programs.

(Một lập trình viên viết các chương trình máy tính.)

9. An inventor / expert is very creative and makes new things.

(Một nhà phát minh rất sáng tạo và tạo ra những điều mới.)

10. Grace Hopper - A mathematics expert/ artist and computer programmer/winner. She
was also a university inventor / professor.

11. Marie Curie - The artist / scientist who discovered radium. First female winner / writer
of the Nobel prize for physics.

12. Judit Polgár - Number one female genius / player in the world from the age of twelve, and
the best female chess player in history. She beat the world champion / winner, Garry
Kasparov, in 2002.

13. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - A talented musician / scientist and composer /


14. Charles Dickens - One of the greatest 10 champions / writers in the English language.

15. Leonardo da Vinci - A mathematician / champion, scientist, inventor and artist. Leonardo
was a 12 genius / player with many different talents.

V. Choose the word (A, B, C or D) that best fits the blank space in the following passage.
William Shakespeare was (be + V3/ed: bị động) (1) _______ in Stratford, Warwickshire and
christened (2) _______ 26 April 1564. Although historians (n) nhà sử học are unsure about:
không chắc chắn về the exact (adj) chính xác date of his birth, (3) _______ believe that his
birthday was 23rd April – St. George’s Day. Shakespeare was born into a relatively ‘normal’
family: his (4) ________ (John) was a glove-maker (n) người làm găng tay; his mother Mary
was the daughter (n) con gái of a farmer (n) nông dân (5) _______ Robert Arden; and his
grandfather was a farmer too. No-one could have possibly imagined: có thể tưởng tượng
được the fame and fortune: danh tiếng và vận mệnh that this young child would soon be
(6) _______!
1. A. burn B. born C. live D. teach
(v1) đốt cháy (v3) sinh ra (v1) sống (v1) dạy
2. A. on B. in C. at D. of
ngày ôm /on giờ ấp/at tháng năm iu/in
3. A. more B. lots of C. most D. much
ss hơn rất nhiều hầu hết nhiều (ko đếm)
4. A. brother B. father C. sister D. friend
5. A. had B. sat C. named D. played
6. A. achieving B. achieve C. achieves D. to achieve

V. Read the passage, and then decide whether the statements that follow are True (T) or
False (F).
Are you good at remembering names and numbers?
be good at + V-ing: giỏi trong việc làm gì
remember (v) ghi nhớ
If the answer is ‘no’, perhaps you need some help from Nelson Dellis.
perhaps: có lẽ
need help from sb: cần sự giúp đỡ từ ai
He was the winner of the USA Memory Championships in New York where he broke two
American records.
memory (n) trí nhớ
championship (n) giải đấu
break a record: phá vỡ kỉ lục
He was the fastest to remember a pack of playing cards – in sixty-three seconds.
a pack of sth: một gói đựng cái gì
second (n) giây
He also memorised the most numbers in five minutes – 248.
also: cũng
memorise (v) ghi nhớ
minute (n) phút
The most important part of Dellis’s work is the training.
work (n) công việc
train (v) tập luyện, đào tạo
training (n) việc tập luyện
‘Everybody who’s in this competition trained their memory,’ he said on the Today Show on
NBC TV. ‘I train every day ...
I work out my body, but I also work out my brain.’
work out (v) tập luyện (thể thao)
brain (n) não
British-born Dellis was first interested in (thích thú) brain training. zing memory when his
grandmother had memory problems (n) vấn đề, and he understood (v2/ed hiểu) it was
important for people to improve (v) cải thiện their memories.
However (Tuy nhiên), Dellis doesn’t think he’s special or has got a ‘photographic’ memory.
photographic memory: trí nhớ như in
He thinks anybody can be a memory expert: chuyên gia về trí nhớ. People just need to learn
about the brain and how images (n) hình ảnh are important for memory.
If you want to memorise a word or number, you need to change it into a picture.
memorise / memorize (v) ghi nhớ
word (n) từ vựng
change sth into sth: thay đổi cái gì thành cái gì khác
=> change A into B: thay A thành B
Dellis gives the example of a shopping list. When you see the word ‘milk’, you need to see a
picture of some milk in your head.
It’s a simple idea, but one that all memory experts use.

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