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13/2015 Paul Fixuw

Making with help of Reiki, Angels, light- workers,

Ascended master a healing essence inside a bottle

You can make your own medicine bottles by giving it Reiki + light essences of light
workers + divine magic, homeopathic charge, angel love,......or else. The fuid can be
used to put on the skin and/or in the energy body, aura and living space
Preparations: (1) You need some ingredients: One or more glass bottles (see pictures):
when you want to make many medicines in once you can take several similar glass
bottles. These are very small glass bottles used to hold essential oils or medicines. Clean
the bottles very well. ( Do not use plastic or metal, unless you really have nothing else.)
(2) What to put inside: a mix of a light natural perfume (with the smell what the person
you make it for really likes). This can be essential oil (fower essences for example, or
peach, mango,...) and this is mixed with any pure natural oil for the skin. In a small
bottle it is 6 till 12 drops essential oil, the rest can be good quality almond oil, olive oil
for the skin, coconut oil or else. Essential is that it’s a nice smelling high quality mix .
This skin oil + some drops of the essential oil needs to go in the little glass bottle ( or
several) and they can get a label. Write on each bottle the name of the person you
make it for, or what the 'healing energy essences' you did put in it.

Before you fll the bottles these bottles need to be neutralized. You can give them a few
minutes some Reiki and/or clean them with clean water and put them out in the sun
light and let them dry for a while.

Giving it healing- qualities and energy: You can bring in healing light vibrations +
energy inside this bottle. This by putting the bottle between your hands and giving it
energy, Reiki, healing-intentions and else......
This happens in several steps: At frst you ‘clean’ the energy of the liquid and the bottle
by telling your intention: you say [inside yourself] that you do want to neutralize:
energy- clean these liquids in the bottles.
Second step: You can now bring inside the bottle the helping, healing energy vibration
and information. Hold the bottle[s] between your hands. You do not have to touch them,
it depends on what you prefer. My advise: Give the bottles 15-30 minutes healing
energies, or till you feel it is done. You can hold one or more bottles between your
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hands. Take the time to give this energy to be mindful and relaxed. (deep calm breath)
and feel how the energy fows to your body. (Give thanks to the help of the angels,
ascended masters and everybody else who give help.)

What do you bring within the bottles:

You can make bottles for general purpose (to give away to people) or make them for
persons you know.
General Purpose:
• To help with karma issues
• To take away depression and sadness
• To make happy and to feel light
• To help against tiredness (in body and/or life)
• To make you feel loved
• To feel appreciated
• Angel love
• Calm
• Feeling good and happy
• To give color to life
• To take away sadness (after you lost someone,....)
• To relax
• Against stress
• Against anxiety
• rescue and anti panic
• To help with the feeling of being lonely, alone
And so on: please ad here many more suggestions....

You can ask light-beings, ascended masters of the light, Angels of the light to help you
making this medicine. Tell them clearly what you make, what your intentions are. You can
use the Reiki symbols and make clear what your intentions are.

The perfume or essential oil mixed with the skin oil can be used by bringing it on the
skin, like the chest, forehead, the inside of the feet, the shoulder blades and wherever it
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feels the right place. You can bring it in the energy feld: You put the oil on your hand
and move it around the person or around yourself.
You can make like this a bottle with ‘self love’, for your self or to give away. See here
fore the Butterfy reiki symbol 20. After doing this write on the label what kind of energy
essence you put into the bottle. Like this you can make a collection of bottles.
Energy body medicine spray: When you want to bring the self made medicine only
around a person (in aura and energy feld, and maybe also in the space someone lives)
you could use a self made perfume: You can use Jojoa oil (or almond oil, grape seed oil
or else) and mixed this with alcohol ( like neutral grape alcohol). Your can add all sorts
of essential oils into it. You can bring this medicine in a small sprayer to spray it around
a person and in a space.
Note: you can teach children to make those energy essences medicines: more people
then one can put energy in these bottles !

Making medicines for people you know:

You can create these Reiki, angel, ascended master,........ essences medicines that have
the purpose to help the person you make it for. You can give Reiki to the bottle and ask
for “that what would help this person with his/her healing”. Give 15-20 minutes Reiki to
it....(or longer if wished for) and close the session with thanking those who helped you.
You can also ask light-beings, ascended masters of the light, Angels of the light to help
you to make this medicine.
You can ask, when you like to stay of ask in details to bring in - all that is needed for
the grow, healing for the person, this child, or [even] for an animal - and let this come
through you, light-shining by your hands into this bottle. Do this with full intention and
You can be very exact by bringing in energy essences with the use of the Reiki symbols,
and/or asking help of light-beings and telling them what your aim is. For example: you
know that the person is depressive and down by the lost of a job and you like to lift this
person up; out of it.
We [sometimes] have abilities that we do not think about: we can for example
'download or copy' the vibrations/charges that can be used for healing: we can hold a
crystal in our hands and ask to copy this energy into our medicine bottles.
Do not forget to thank those who helped you; the angels, ascended masters, light-
beings...and else.
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(One note: asking help, making medicines like that is a way to help people. To sell those
bottles [with aim of making profts] can be against the principles of [some] light-beings,
Angels and all those who send you the healing essences. Just consider this!)

Making those medicines bottles for younger children

When a child is growing up it will facing lessons, and it has to deal with karma. Mostly
this is from its past life, or other life’s. It has confrontations and maybe takes with her or
him some pain and heaviness; chock / trauma of spirit from other lifetimes. The [spirit]
of the child can be aware of this and can try to overcome the karma,and learn from the
lessons. It is for at the caretakers who is looking after the child to guide, to help and be
very clear to the child. When it is for example very depending (and hanging on mother
and father)it need to remember again to grow more in- depended and not hang on
others: you need to function and operate by your self. The process of working through
these karmic subjects can take time, and many times it goes step by The
child can choose it own way of dealing with it, but it can need some, or much help. A
way of helping is to make some medicine for the child, this can sometimes work better
then giving a Reiki, energy, angel healing session. Their is a chance that a child would
reject an ofer of such healing session because it wants to do the learning in their own
pace, and by them self. By giving the bottle to this child it can decide when, and how,
and how much it wants to use this help. To give a bottle with such medicine gives the
child the opportunity to take the decisions to use the medicine by them self. They
sometimes and somehow know well where it is good for........Success.....

Greetings Paul Fixuw Hawaii 2015

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