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Transparency: is the term used to describe Accountability: is the term used to describe a
a company's openness about its business company's acceptance of its responsibilities.
practices and accounts.
A shareholder: an individual or A stakeholder: is anyone who affects or is
organisation that owns stock in a company. affected by a company's operations.
Recyclable: used goods that can be Renewable: means generated from natural
processed for reuse. resources which can be replaced.
Carbon neutrality: achieving a net zero Your carbon footprint: is the impact you
carbon footprint by offsetting the effect of have on the environment by the emission of
CO, emissions (e.g., by paying into a tree CO, gases.
planting fund).
Ethical trade: commercial trade in Fair trade: supports small producers in
compliance with non-financial, as well as developing countries by offering favourable
financial, standards e.g., labour conditions. terms.
Biodiversity: the number and variety of Diversity: is the visible and non- visible
plant and animal species in their natural differences between people, especially
environment. employees.
Green tech: technological Clean tech: refers to more energy- efficient,
innovations with the objective of reducing environmentally-friendly technological
our impact on the environment. appliances.
Governance: the activity of leading and Compliance: is the act of adhering to a
administering a company. prescribed legal code of conduct.
Social entrepreneurship: change agents Social capital: is a measure of the ability of
who use entrepreneurial skills and people to work together for a common purpose
approaches to address social problems. in groups and organisations.
Bottom line: the amount of profit or loss Triple bottom line: is the
after all the accounts have been calculated simultaneous pursuitof economic prosperity,
environmental quality and social equity
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Playing devil’s advocate in a debate
Making a series of decisions that are both ethically and commercially sound
Listening Business people talking about cultural attitudes to CSR
Reading Articles about getting the balance right between satisfying shareholders
and other stakeholders


Team spirit a feeling of friendship and loyalty between members of a group

Conflict resolution a number of methods for settling disputes between people

In-fighting disagreement between members of the same group or team

Can-do attitude a willingness to try new things and make the successful

Hotshots extremely successful, ambitious, usually young business people

The right chemistry good compatibility between group members

Technical expertise know-how, knowledge of one's job

Intellectual capital the combines knowledge and skills of employees

Buy-in support for an idea from other people e.g., bosses, customers

Group effort the effect of working together as a team

Discussing attitudes to teamwork Note taking

Comparing cultural differences in transnational teams Comparing and contrasting research into the nature of
Listening International project team leaders talk about what they have learned about teamwork
Listening Team members from different countries discuss their reactions to an international project meeting
Reading Articles on different ways of looking at teamwork


Get tough ~ Play hardball
Have the power ~ Call the shots

Achieved our objectives ~ Hit our targets

The most important companies ~ The major players
Strategy ~ Game plan
A fair situation ~ A level playing field

Discussing competition, competitiveness and brand loyalty Discussing competitive advantage and Michael
Porter’s Five Forces Comparing and contrasting strategies
Developing a competitive strategy
Reading Press advertisements
Reading Articles on competitive strategy
Listening The Cirque du Soleil story

To come up with some ideas to think of some ideas/ produce

Product innovation the introduction of a good or service that is new or
significantly improved with respect
to its characteristics or intended uses
Measure up to the competition Compare with
Benchmarking a process of measuring the performance of a company's
products, services, or processes against those of another
business considered to be the best in the industry
Look after our best clients Take care of
Customer service the support you offer your customers — both before and
after they buy and use your
products or services — that helps them have an easy and
enjoyable experience with you
Break into smaller Penetrate
Niche marketing a segment of a larger market that can be defined by its own
unique needs, preferences, or identity that makes it different
from the market at large. For
example, within the market for women's shoes are many
different segments or niches.
Speed up Accelerate
Lead times A lead time is the latency between the initiation and completion
of a process. For example, the lead time between the placement
of an order and delivery of new cars by a given
manufacturer might be
between 2 weeks and 6 months, depending on various
Bring out a range of products Launch
Diversification a growth strategy that involves entering into a new market or
industry - one that your business doesn't currently operate in -
while also creating a new product for that new market. For
example, an automobile company famous for its car deals can
also introduce engine oil or other car parts to an
old market or cross-sell new products.
Bring down our overheads Reduce
Cost – cutting the process of reducing how much a company or
organization spends
Stand out from the competition Be different from
Differentiation Differentiation strategy allows a company to compete in the
market with something other than lower prices. For example, a
candy company may differentiate their candy by improving
the taste or using healthier
Look at how we can use our Investigate
name on other products_
Brand – stretching the process of using an existing brand name for new products
or services that may not
seem related: Tobacco companies are using brand stretching
to get their names
established in other areas.


Different approaches to leadership

a lot of delegation rất nhiều ủy quyền

a powerful elite is in charge một tầng lớp mạnh mẽ chịu trách nhiệm

analytical phân tích

autocratic chuyên quyền

avoid conflict tránh xung đột

benevolent patriarchy gia trưởng nhân từ

casual leadership lãnh đạo ngẫu nhiên

consensus đoàn kết

endless reports báo cáo bất tận

expect to compromise mong đợi để thỏa hiệp

fast implementation of proposals nhanh chóng thực hiện các đề xuất

feedback from subordinates phản hồi từ cấp dưới

formalities thủ tục

gentle persuasion Sự thuyết phục dịu dàng

quyết định quan trọng đã được thực

important decisions already made

involve all levels of management liên quan đến tất cả các cấp quản lý

người lãnh đạo thúc đẩy và truyền lửa

leader motivates and fires up the team
cho nhóm

little loyalty chút lòng trung thành

meritocratic chế độ nhân tài

opinions freely voiced ý kiến tự do lên tiếng

paternalistic gia trưởng

nhiều tranh luận
of debate and argument

put group needs first đặt nhu cầu của nhóm lên hàng đầu

rivalry seek agreement cạnh tranh tìm kiếm thỏa thuận

slow decision-making ra quyết định chậm

standardised procedures quy trình chuẩn hóa

suppress individual initiative triệt tiêu sáng kiến cá nhân
tight constraints ràng buộc chặt chẽ

top-down từ trên xuống

use humour sử dụng sự hài hước

Discussing the nature of leadership and ‘followership’

Evaluating your own leadership potential
Comparing cross-cultural attitudes to the role of leadership Deciding succession in a multinational
Listening A management trainer defines leadership
Reading Short book extract on leadership
Reading Quiz: Are you a good leader?
Listening Executives from different countries discuss leadership styles
Reading Intercultural expert Fons Trompenaars
Reading Mini-profiles of eight business leaders


Discussing the accuracy of forecasts Making predictions and projections Presenting ideas
Discussing the implications of social and economic trends
Reading Scott Adams on the future
Listening Podcast: the future of intelligent computers
Reading The Brain Reserve Trend Bank

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