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Flying Eagle Medicine 28

Day Sacred Shaman Oracle
Guided Vision Quest:
A Guidebook To Universal-
Through the appearance of the Sacred Shaman
Oracle, Universal Spirit Guide Flying Eagle delivers
a uniquely quantifiable and grounded spiritual
evidence base for awakening total understanding,
and completing a personal connection, with the core
primordial energy organism found in all human
history of Shamanic Spiritual Teaching. Given the
definitive title of “universal-self-consciousness” it
provides all future generations of human life on
Mother Earth a solid spiritual foundation to share
equally and experience as one united whole.

“In Flying Eagle We Trust”

This guidebook is the globally celebrated physical

host for all nations and all people on earth to share
the experience of the true miracle of the Sacred
Shaman Oracle that was played out in space and
time by the organic energy of organised universal-
self-consciousness calling itself Flying Eagle.

Disclaimer Copyright Notice

Darren John Maxwell

Published online DJM Australia (4/2019)
All rights reserved
Original Copyright DJM Australia
Creative Commons free to share Digital Edition
IP ™ © Copyright Recorded & Stored as a Digital Master Online
No Re-sale in any format allowed
Redistribution in whole as digital format only
No redistribution in part or part thereof allowed
All redistribution must include dedication, disclaimer and title pages
Product Intended for Personal Spiritual Development Use Only

DJM is the original Shamanic spiritual channel,
living witness and physical caretaker through which
Flying Eagle Medicine and the Sacred Shaman
Oracle first emerged into human consciousness. His
dedicated and ground-breaking work with Flying
Eagle has bridged the space-time gap between
ancient and contemporary Shamanic practices for all
future generations of human life on Mother Earth
who are awakening as One Universal Vision on the
common ground of their Global Village.

Born into a suburban family matrix of spiritual

dynamism in 1961 DJM was first welcomed into
traditional Shamanic Spirit Lore among the termite
mounds, red bull-dust and scorching dry heat of the
Tanami Desert in Central Australia in 1988 and was
adopted into the Flying Eagle Medicine Tribe.

He spent over ten years in the arid harsh Outback of

Australia learning the ways of traditional spirit
guides and familiars, trackers, Kadaicha Man Lore
and the ancient ways of the Feather Foot.

He first became recognised as a 'Gifted Elder', leader
and global representative of the Flying Eagle
Medicine tribe in 1999, when as part of long
prophesied and widely heralded shamanic global
healing experience he was chosen by Flying Eagle to
receive the new millennium vision of the Sacred
Shaman Oracle on ancient sacred coastal land in
South Australia.

DJM continues to travel extensively healing ancient

song lines and performing ritual and ceremony, as
well as providing the 24/7 online presence of Flying
Eagle for the awakening Universal Shamanic
Consciousness on Mother Earth.

Your guidebook uses specific
terminology in specific context.

 Spiritual Intelligence – the unique

ability of the human mind to
visualise in every experience and
thought form an intimate personal
development relationship with that
which will never manifest in
physical form, will never be seen or
measured, yet is clearly evidenced
in all they experience. Spiritual
intelligence marks the human stage
of personal development that
presents a clear differential between
the expanded universal
consciousness of human Be-ing and
the localized consciousness of
animal, vegetable and mineral.
Symbolised as (SQ).
 Shamanism – [see also Animism] a
life philosophy relating to human
life in its most natural caretaker
experience. The original human
spiritual philosophy base in
recognition of human self-
consciousness as the only fully
creative witness to the energy
matrix of universal consciousness
evolving as a whole.
 Shaman – a person with high (SQ)
in a conscious relationship to the
natural more-than-human aspects
of the non-physical environment.

The shaman is in this world but
always remains not of this world –
is a visitor in time and space from
the infinite dimension beyond time
and space. The single reason for life
on earth, direction, purpose and life
force energy of the shaman
emanates from beyond all physical
 Modern Urban Shaman – a person
living in a modern urban
environment and connected with
the pure source of all original core
shamanic practices and traditions
through Flying Eagle’s Sacred
Shaman Oracle.

 Flying Eagle Medicine – Universal
Solvent and Elixir of Life.
Alchemical code based. Embedded
in the Sacred Shaman Oracle. Used
for healing, soul retrieval,
 Spiritual – collective non-local non-
physical universal energy
environment extending from within
the core energy of the infinite
singularly implied in directed
universal creation philosophy.
 Spirit – in direct relationship to
thoughts, communication and
actions with regard to spiritual
philosophy, knowledge, experience,
study, direction.

 Infinite – evidenced as existing in
non-physical non-local universal
 Universal Consciousness - in direct
relationship to the naturally
evolved human sense awareness of
the collective non-physical non-
local energy extending from
original source.
 Universe – singular whole in
constant evolution.
 Alchemy – in relationship to the
combination of two or more non-
physical spiritual elements with the
intention to create an observable

 Vision quest – highly notable and
deliberate action to transcend all
physical form and focus all sensory
awareness on the infinite potential
of original spiritual source energy.
 Spell casting – direction of energetic
intention in sacred manifest form
combining more than one spiritual
element with a single focused
directive. Alchemy base line.
 Miracle – the appearance of higher
level spiritual energy in actual
physical form providing a solid
grounded evidence base of its
original source being from a non-
local non-physical spiritual or
universally archetypal source.

 Divination – deliberate access and
thought-full communication as an
open two way channel for super-
natural spiritual energy at varying
frequency levels in the unified
spiritual energy field.
 Sacred Shaman Oracle – container
of Flying Eagle Medicine,
embedded with a unique numerical
spiritual data code. Specifically
directed and channelled personal
divination tool created in a deep
contemplative vision quest
relationship with Flying Eagle used
exclusively by the Modern Urban

 Human consciousness – in direct
relationship with the programmed
operating system in a correlated
installed cultural thought stream.
Programmed band width of human
sense receptors, collective
translation and perception of
natural energy.
 Spiritual DNA – data code of the
non-physical non-local life force
energy building blocks of the
universe originating from the
source of all creation that animates
and connects all things including
you as a universal life force

 Unconscious – in direct relationship
to unstoppable natural function on
a personal and environmental scale.
Not learned, basic elemental. [eg;
tree growth, rain cycle, try to stop
breathing, physical wound healing]
 Subconscious – involuntary learned
movement, [eg; walking] action and
function, speech - learned through
subconscious act of observation or
structured repetitive behavioural
development [eg; dancing].
 Conscious – focused thought
direction [eg; signal intention to
clap, then clap, creative nature]
 Bodymind – the centre of your
human experience as the expanded

whole engaging physical and local
experience with non-physical and
non-local energy, universal energy
bodies entwined as one whole.
 Super-natural – the collective,
common to all spiritual lineages, eg;
unified energy field, earth, sun,
water, trees, animal totems, sacred
symbolism, alchemy, geomancy,
numerology, astrology, spell
 Psychic energy - relevant to your
own personal microcosm in
relationship to the unified field
macrocosm and wave length
frequency of intelligent self-
conscious universal energy.

 Shamanic Sorcerer / Sorcery – in
relationship to having clear access
to the original Source of universal
creation. Person utilized in spell
casting for healing, cleansing,
clearing. A highly valued global
shamanic lineage tradition.
 Shamanic Warrior – one engaged in
spiritual practice to protect the
Gaia-Mind and defend the natural
universally conscious relationship
with all life, through experience,
teaching, education and training.
 Ego – separated sense of individual
isolated self.
 Shamanic Oracle - describes a
person with vision beyond physical

sight, someone who can witness
and channel that which transcends
physical form.

Guidebook Note: you will require a

Sacred Shaman Oracle workbook for
Sacred Space exercises and a Sacred
Shaman Journal for recording Spirit
Guide and Familiar translations as
you continue through with initiation
and activation.

Rite Of Passage

Shamanic Alchemy Flying Eagle Medicine Sacred Shaman

Oracle - 28 Day - 'Guided' Soul Retrieval Initiation And
Activation Vision Quest

Receive Sacred Shaman Oracle Rites of Passage

Receive Sacred Shaman Oracle Initiation

Receive Sacred Shaman Oracle Activation

Rite Of Passage: What you are

about to experience is a new way of
understanding the life you have been
living for as long as you can remember.

Firstly your universal consciousness

is not going to start in a minute or
tomorrow, or a week from now, it is
already active and your undertaking in
receiving this rite of passage is to
reaffirm, reconnect, reintroduce - you, to
a part of “Universal BE ing”, that for
many in the West has been long
forgotten and overlooked.
Your old thinking will not survive
here, it will fail to breath and it will
never grow legs. So please get ready to
let go of everything you think you know
and prepare to take a long look at all of
the things you are yet to even imagine
that you do not know.

Waking consciousness: Every time

you wake from a deep restful sleep, you
turn your conscious thinking on to the
task at hand. That exercise might be
turning off the alarm, sitting up, getting

dressed, and heading to the toilet for a
morning flush?

How often is the very first thought

you have when you wake up, I must
remember to breath, oh, hang on is my
heart still beating, that’s right I forgot -
how fast is my blood flowing again, did
my stomach finish digesting last nights
dinner, wake up liver the day has
I think if you say never, your
answer would be as close to truthful as
we could possibly expect.
While you are in a deep sleep, your
body efficiently runs itself. Your
conscious mind is not in control of
anything you do while you are asleep, it
is shut down and the lights are off.
Something else is running the show.
This rite of passage is focused on
introducing your conscious mind to the
whole of you, not just the bits you think
know well.

There are parts of you that remain

constantly active 24 hours a day 7 days a
week whether awake or asleep and these
parts of you know much more about the
real you than your physically focused
conscious mind does.

Those 24/7 parts of you never sleep,

they never rest and they never stop, they
are the universal aspects of you that you
overlook and take for granted every day.
You always overlook them but they
are always there. Even when you are
sleeping, you are still fully functioning
on every level expect your waking

Your deepest level of universal

consciousness is constantly functioning
even when you are not conscious of it
during sleep.

Your subtle and etheric energy

bodies remain connected to the
universal power grid 24 hours a day 7
days a week.
Our deliberate focus in this rite of
passage section is remembering this
truth and allowing all things to be
exactly as they are when you are awake,
the exact way you do when you are

Nothing matters when you are in

deep sleep, the universal power grid is
taking care of you, the earth is still
spinning, the sun is still shinning and
your conscious or Ego mind is taking a
well earned brake.

Here in the cocoon of sleep you are

a baby in the pure love of the universal
mother’s womb again.

You need and want nothing, all is

provided freely.

You have no need to think how or

why, everything is happening to you
and within you automatically without
any fear, favour, stress or concern.

Everyday you return to pure love in

the universal mother’s womb and
everyday you release your conscious
mind from control in your life.
Everyday as you wake the
conscious mind remains fully connected
to the pure love experience of the
universal mother’s womb even though it
has no functioning memory of it.

Your conscious mind never wakes

in separation from the universal whole
of the unconscious life experience. It
simply has not been given the rites of

safe passage and initiation/activation
sequence to recognise and recall it.

By awakening to this universal

reality the modern urban shaman is
always completely aware that
everything around them functions fully
in life at the same level of universal
consciousness they experience when
they are asleep.

Upon awakening the modern urban

shaman recognises that they are a
Universal life form living as an
awakened self-conscious witness in a
universe of unconscious yet directional
organised energy.

This is the blessing and pinnacle
vision that awaits the Diviner of the
Sacred Shaman Oracle.

Everyday after waking the modern

urban shaman looks consciously into the
unconscious experiences of their
universal life with excitement for living
the day ahead in awe, amazement and
wonder of what the pure love of the
universal super-consciousness will show
them, teach them or reveal to them and
then they become open to what the
universe will have them do in that day
in return for such an enormous blessing.

Everyday the modern urban

shaman is given perfect direction by the
super-consciousness of universal
creation through everything they
receive, the people they might meet, the
challenges they might face or the ease
they might experience.
Each momentary focus in an
everyday experience, be it building a
life, healing a life, loving a life, living a
life, surviving, thriving, giving, sharing,
etc; is reflected in the same mind set as
the healing of a cut, processing of food,
pumping of blood or taking a breathe.

The modern urban shaman thinks

no more of questioning, resisting or
reacting to the unfolding experience of
their waking state than they do trying to
question, resist or react in the sleeping

state they have no conscious mind
control over.

The modern urban shaman

recognises clearly that everything they
do, create or witnesses 24/7 is in reality
occurring from within the energy matrix
foundation they experience in the deep
unconscious sleep state for their life
experience to function in a happy,
healthy and joyous state of an awakened
enlightened mind.

Big Vision: Occasionally out of the

depths of universal consciousness a
thing we call a vision rises into the
conscious mind.

Visions are stories the conscious
mind uses to reconnect with its 24/7
universal consciousness in creation.

Your next guided process in

receiving the rites of passage into the
Flying Eagle Medicine Tribe is becoming
familiar with how the gift of Vision and
Communication that Flying Eagle has
given to us appears in physical form.

You will also receive an immediate

subtle universal energy transmission
directly targeted at your spiritual DNA.

The information and written

calculation exercises in this section will
assist in bringing your conscious

awareness into direct alignment with
Flying Eagles Sacred Shaman Oracle.

[Note: It is NOT recommended that

the message stick symbols of the Sacred
Shaman Oracle be converted to digital
format for analytical purpose, as this
will not account for its Human Spiritual
DNA connection.

When later, you are guided to

discover more of the sacred
synchronistic messages contained in the
Sacred Shaman Oracle, than are
recorded in this guidebook, it is
recommended to keep your
investigations as close to a naturally
channelled spiritual experience as
possible. Any determination to go
against this directive is wasted energy
because it has no healing or activation

(See B&W Picture Above) This is the

Sacred Shaman Oracle in its simplest
and raw form.

Please Note: The returning Boomerang

is a deeply respectful and highly
regarded part of the 13th symbol and is a
direct spiritual reflection of the universal
gifts given and received in the
First/Original Shamanic Alchemy
experience of the Flying Eagle Medicine
Tribe on Mother Earth.
Workbook Exercise: On the first
page in your workbook… write out the
Sacred Shaman Oracle in the raw
Message Stick format exactly as the
images depict above.

Each line of each symbol represents

a Message Stick. [Why these are given
the title message sticks is explained fully
in this guidebook]

Workbook Exercise cont: Calculate
the number of message sticks used to
form each symbol writing the value of
each symbol underneath alongside or
above. Example A=3sticks B=5sticks
C=2sticks - - Note M=3sticks (see
boomerang as one message stick)

Correct number values for each symbol

are as follows A=3 B=5 C=2 D=3 E=3
F=3 G=4 H=3 I=1 J=2 K=3 L=2 M=3 N=3
O=4 P=3 Q=5 R=4 S=3 T=2 U=3 V=2
W=4 X=2 Y=2 Z=3

When you finish calculating the

numerical value of each symbol
calculate the total number of Message
Sticks used to create the Sacred Shaman
Oracle. This will begin the initiation and
flow sequence of the natural Flying
Eagle Medicine that is contained within
your spiritual DNA.

How many message sticks are there in

total? _______
Correct answer = 77

Sacred Reunion: You will notice the

extraordinary parallels between the
message stick symbols of the Sacred
Shaman Oracle and the ancient symbols
of the Runic Oracle [next page]

The Sacred Shaman Oracle is the

direct English Language spiritual
ancestor of the Runic Oracle.

Let’s investigate how and why that
has come to be a little further.
The examination of words and their
ability to communicate at deeply
unconscious and subconscious levels
provides you with clear evidence that
language is an embedded part of your
unconscious thought program.

Words are not separate from

thought and thought is not separate
from universal consciousness.
Your conscious thought operates in
a language that you have been given by
your culture.

In core [common to all] universal

shamanic awareness and awakening
teaching it is recognised you
communicate in the universal
consciousness energy spectrum through
the thoughts forms founded in your
daily language.
And in return the energy language
of universal consciousness arises as
thoughts in your conscious mind
reflective of your language base.

There is an inbuilt symbiotic

relationship between your language,
your thoughts in language, and the 24/7
super-consciousness language base of
the more-than-human spiritual

Guidebook exercise: [see figure 1

next page]

This is an examination of words

images, colours and patterns and their
ability to communicate at deeply
unconscious and subconscious levels.

Begin by saying aloud the colour

each word is written in. [select from the
colour scheme green, blue, red or

Repeat the exercise twice as fast as
you can.

The Runic Oracle symbols (relics of

the past) in the picture previous are
dated to have been in use around 2,500
years ago throughout Eastern Europe in
Germanic/Celtic cultures and are
widely known in human history.

Today they form no easily
recognizable common language or
written message.

Please repeat the exercise using

Chart 2 this page. (Say the colour the
word is written in - not the word) [This
time select from colour scheme green,
blue, red, orange, yellow, black]

If English is your first language, you
like most others would not have been
able to complete the second chart as
confidently or as effectively as the first.
Confusion, frustration and
distraction would have been three of the
feelings you would have experienced.

It is the distraction, confusion and

frustration that you just experienced
which stops or restricts initiate spiritual
Diviners, Seers and Channels receiving
clear communication from the expanded
energy field of universal creation, spirit
guides and spirit familiars.

When you ignore the colour each

word is written in and say the words as
they are written. The flow of energy is
not restricted and the message is
received a lot easier.

The Flying Eagle Medicine Tribe

Rite Of Passage you are engaging with
ATM removes any/all spiritual
confusions, frustrations and distractions
that prevent you having clear spiritual
visions known as [Clairvoyance].

The simple exercise you just

experienced profoundly displays the
subconscious power thought, language,
communication and written symbolism
has in all human spiritual sensory

Exactly like the ancient Runic
Oracle, the Sacred Shaman Oracle
represents every aspect of the spiritual
universe to the human mind except it is
in English Language.

Though historically there have been

many attempts to translate the Runic
Oracle into an English equivalent over
many generations, translation has
proven to be very unsuccessful because
the Runic Oracle was a spiritual gift not
a man made object.

The Runic Oracle can no longer

display its universally collective
message or relate the direct spiritual
information from the source of universal
consciousness that it was created from
because it is no longer part of the
culturally accepted embedded collective
unconscious language communication
When English language is a core
integral part of your subconscious
understanding and spoken language,
using the correct form of gifted spiritual
Oracle reveals spiritual messages that
would otherwise pass you by in the
confusion process.

Evolution, Divination, Forecasts,

Alchemy and Perfect Synchronicity:
Understanding the long term history of
the Flying Eagle Medicine Tribe is an
important aspect of receiving the rites of
passage in full.
Odin is a legendary figure – In
mythology he is the image of a man and
given a name that literally means
psyche, soul or spirit in translation.
The old Runic Oracle has been
associated with Odin [psyche, soul or
spirit] throughout our shamanic
alchemy lineage in human history.

As the world has evolved so too

have language and all forms of
communication we use.

The story of the Runic Oracle

creation is a metaphorical Master Piece
of story telling work and tells us that
shamanic warrior Odin >[some have
called him a God because of his ability
to communicate directly with universal
consciousness. A more accurate
descriptive beyond any doubt is that
Odin - a give Spirit Name, not a birth
name - was a legendary noble man, a
fair, much loved shamanic warrior in a
times of war and trusted tribal family
man, leader and elder in times of

‘Odin’ it is said, spied the Runes as

he hung on the world tree [Soul Tree of
Life] for nine long nights. The legend is
written; Wounded by his own blade
(read attempted suicide in sacrifice)
Odin offered his life to the tree, but it
did not take it. No one gave him bread
or drink, he was completely alone.
Down he went, into the deepest depths
of his personal despair and as he did he
saw the runes, dizzy and almost fainting
he fell from the tree back to Mother

The legend of Odin and his

discovery of the runic oracle reflects a
very common story of a universal
shamanic awakening and a spiritual
enlightenment journey. The uncommon
element of course is the discovery of the
Runic Oracle.

1) His life for the world tree, [Odin

was happy to die in the conscious
world to learn the truth of 24/7
universal existence]

2) His self [ego consciousness]
destruction and decent into the
shamanic underworld of
universal 24/7 super-
3) His return to wellness and
community life with a tangible
vision and a healing message.

The experience of metaphorical

figure Odin is detailed in this poem
from the Old Norse Poetic Edda [Poetic
Scripture] titled The Speech Of The High
One, circa 1200 AD that quotes Odin as
saying, “I know I hung on that
windswept tree, Swung there for nine
long nights, Wounded with my own
blade, Bloodied for Odin, Myself and
offering to myself, Bound to the tree
That no man knows Wither the roots of
it run. None gave me bread, None gave
me drink, Down to deepest depths I
peered Until I spied the Runes. With a
roaring cry I seized them up, Then dizzy
and fainting, I fell. Well-being I
won And wisdom too. I grew and took
joy in my growth: From a word to a
word I was led to a word, From a deed
to another deed.

In the words ‘bloodied for Odin’ the

world is witness to a self sacrifice for
ultimate knowledge of psyche, soul or
spirit [true meaning of Odin] take place’

In the final passage of the Poetic

Edda – “Well-being I won And wisdom
too. I grew and took joy in my
growth: From a word to a word I was
led to a word, From a deed to another
deed”. – Is what informs the world of
the outcomes most common place in the
rite of spiritual passage to ultimate
knowledge of psyche, soul or spirit
experienced through an alphabet and
language based spiritual oracle.

1) Well-being I won
2) And Wisdom too
3) I grew and took joy in my
4) From a word to word I was
led to word
5) From a deed to another deed

The Sacred Shaman Oracle gives
you exactly the same spiritual blessing
of informed outcomes as the Runic
Oracle once did for those in search of

And then it delivers you much

more. Well-being and wisdom you will
win. You will take great joy in your
growth. You will be directed from a
word to word and to another word then
from a deed to another deed. And that is
just during initiation and activation.

Remarkably this Edda was penned

in the 1200’s.

Recorded history tells us that

enough reverence was placed on the
positive useful outcomes of the alphabet
based Runic Oracle in human life to
make the story of its power to connect
people with universal consciousness
part of Poetic Spiritual Scripture in
common knowledge and wisdom at that
time in human history.

Astrological Ages: It is very notable

in human collective spiritual evolution
terms that the mythic figures of Odin,
Buddha, Pythagoras and Jesus are time
lined as appearing on earth between
2000 & 2500 years ago.

Considering the lack of accurate

records the timeline fits exactly with the
beginning of the Piscean age approx
2500 years ago.
The beginning of the Aries age
approx 5000 years ago witnessed the
pyramids of Egypt begin and the
beginning of Hinduism in India, while
Stone Henge appeared in the British

It is therefore globally recognisable

that changes in human spiritual wisdom
and universal consciousness align with
Cosmological and Astrological ages
confirming on a global evolution scale
that the timing of Flying Eagle and the
entry of the Sacred Shaman Oracle into
human consciousness is part of a noted
and very well recognised Cosmological
and Astrological time line.

Alchemist Prophecy: Evolution
means things will always go through
changes. Spiritual connection and
communion is no different and
Shamanic Alchemy, knowledge and
wisdom is constantly evolving because
we as a global family in the Shamanic
lineage are never separate from the
wisdom of the ancestors but we are
When those changes can be time
lined end times can be expected and
new beginnings can easily be
prophesised and forecast globally.

The arrival of Flying Eagle and the

Sacred Shaman Oracle as an end time
was first prophesised almost 2000 years
ago, and written into global legend in its
final end time doctrine format, between
600 and 1200 years ago.

The names, places and outcomes

could not be pin- point detailed in the
prophecy all those hundreds of years
ago. However the intense universal
healing power that would arrive on
earth and the exact date it would arrive
was correctly understood and easily
detailed as to why.

What you are about to witness and

do, and everything that follows in this
guidebook, came into being in exact
correlation with the widely heralded
Age of Aquarius.

The ancient prophesy in its final
format declared that a common man
with a Divine Vision and passionate
heart would emerge from a very deep
hypnotic slumber to become the most
noble seeker of universal truth and
peace on earth in order to set free the
enslaved nature spirits of universal
consciousness and pure love that had
been imprisoned by evil dark forces on
Mother Earth centuries ago.

He would receive the most high and

powerful Alchemist Spell to be cast over
the Earth Mother and spread universal
love and compassion over her children
to help heal and protect them.

The prophecy was understood as
true and was taken very seriously
amongst the elite hierarchy of a highly
evolved secret society of alchemists and
sorcerers witnessing and recording
world events as they unfold in all
aspects of universal timing.

It was pre-ordained that the

prophesised event was going to coincide
with a specified date near the end of the
second millennium (AD).

This was going to be a miraculous

spiritual event that had been a long time
coming to earth. Yet no one among them
was exactly sure how or where it would
enter the atmosphere.

The earth is a very big place, they
needed to gather more information if
were going to witness the exact entry
point into earths atmosphere of the
prophesised Alchemist Spell.

After years of intense secretive

preparation, on the exact date indicated
in the prophecy 1/1/1999 the global
movement to witness how and where
the energy would enter the earth
atmosphere and appear in human
consciousness, began its international
search for the chosen one.

The Merlin Mystery Revealed: The

international search was cleverly
disguised as a mysterious child like
puzzle called the ‘Merlin Mystery’
offering prizes of riches and gold to
avoid censorship by global forces
vehemently opposed to divination,
prophecy, alchemy, sorcery and ancient
mystical shamanic traditions.

The competition appeared like an

authentic puzzle that could be solved. It
even had a prize that could be won.

To the untrained mind it was a real

challenge with a real solution. However,
every one who was alert to the
unfolding prophecy date with global
destiny knew the puzzle in the book
could never be solved. Nor could the
prize ever be won because the real
alchemist spell that was being spoken of
as a solution in the puzzle and searched
for around the world was yet to be
revealed in human consciousness.

The Merlin Mystery puzzle was

more like a welcome, we see you,
message directed to the prophesised
Divine Visionary as much as it was a
search engine for the enlightened global
witnesses observing the unfolding event.

So great was the collective

superpower generated by the unfolding
prophecy and the desire to establish the
exact entry point of this new most high
spell in human consciousness the
international search was hosted globally
in seven different languages and was
authorized and supervised by the most

elite of the global intelligence
community, MENSA.

It was an incredibly well organised

collective global spiritual undertaking
the likes of which has never been
witnessed on earth before.
Far from being a childlike
competition or a puzzle, it was a gold
embossed full blown global search to
connect with the Divine Visionary and
to record the prophesised miracle
unfolding in time and space which is
now indelibly etched in shamanic global

Who, what and where of the

prophecy was revealed when the search
engine welcome message disguised as a
puzzle was received. Contact was made
and it was officially recorded by the
secret hierarchy of global witnesses in
mid 1999.

Flying Eagle, Flying Eagle

Medicine, Flying Eagle Alchemy and
The Sacred Shaman Oracle fist arrived
into human consciousness in a small
ancient fishing village on sacred
washpool land marked by 5000 year old
Midden Piles belonging to the oldest
continuing shamanic spiritual culture on
Mother Earth.

The long revered prophecy

unfolded as an array of extraordinarily
miraculous events in the most
extraordinary universally collective
spiritual sense.

Jonathan Gunson: The new most

high and powerful Shamanic Alchemist
Spell delivered into human
consciousness by Flying Eagle was
forecast in divine synchronistic
perfection by creative artist and channel
Jonathan Gunson in 1997 almost three
years before it entered human
consciousness and was kept locked
away in a secret vault until 2002 as his
final spell interpretation in the Merlin
Mystery puzzle.

In genuine consideration that the

‘Real Final Spell’ in the Merlin Mystery
Puzzle - ‘The Sacred Shaman Oracle’
could not be presented in anyway until
it arrived in human consciousness. The
image of his final spell (5) sticks in the
shape of a Pentacle and the (13) Runic
Alphabet symbols formed the key
aspects of the final spell in Jonathan
Gunson’s puzzle project and herald very
loudly a future global event that was yet
to be realised.

(Picture Page Over) Is the final spell

being cast in the global puzzle search
[Original source, Jonathan Gunson]

Given the deeply sacred global
spiritual nature of the ancient alchemist
prophecy that was unfolding on the
earth at that time this picture was
channelled it must be classed as a very
accurate forecast.

It reveals perfectly that the new

high and most powerful spell will have
a direct relationship with the runic
alphabet and stick symbolism.
It also reveals it will have two
sources of light [candles] this represents
the combination of two ancient and
sacred shamanic wisdom traditions
[message sticks and runes] combined as
the central focus in the spell, and its
direct focus being on the reflective light
from the sun in the full moon represents
it is a common point of focus and energy
generation for all life on earth in every
Surrounding the sticks and symbols
is a circle made from the salt of the earth
which is metaphorically representative
of a completely trustworthy source
sealing and protecting the spell. Some
call this Oceanic Consciousness.
The picture of the final spell was
completed and securely stored in 1997
and because of the high level of
recording and legal requirements
associated with the expensive prizes on
offer there was no possible exchange of
any information.
It is a correct determination
therefore to state; at the deepest core
level of shamanic divination and
alchemy Jonathan Gunson delivered an
extraordinarily detailed psychic
divination forecast about Flying Eagle,
Flying Eagle Alchemy and the Sacred
Shaman Oracle.

Furthermore it should be noted

with brilliant admiration, the very clear
communication being channelled by
Gunson through the 13 selected runes as
they tell an incredibly precise story.

The old runic meanings as they

apply in the final picture solution
forecast in the global search for the
human spiritual channel entry point of
the new spell foretell of the story of a
significant healing event and an
evolutionary unfolding.
They are exactly as follows:
1) Ansuz - Initial creation
2) Laguz - Energy stream begins
3) Berkana - Nurturing the energy
4) Jera - Cycle of change in motion
5) Kano - The inner light ignites
6) Raido - Increasing movement
7) Uruz - Release of creative power

8) Ehwaz - Communication with the

new realm
9) Thurisaz - Clearing away the past
10) Hagalaz – Liberation

11) Dagaz - Transformation into the

12) Fehu - Fulfilment of Creation

13) Mannaz - Mystical Universal


Original source of rune casting

Jonathan Gunson.

Please pay significant attention to

the Returning Boomerang atop the
thirteenth symbol of the English
language Sacred Shaman Oracle (M),
and the exact alphabetical correlation
with the 13th rune position and symbol =

English (M) and used in the centre of the
circular spell.

This stand out centre piece is a

significant indicator of the divination
source connection between Gunson’s
forecast and Flying Eagle’s Sacred
Shaman Oracle.

None of the other rune symbols

follow in their exact alphabetical
sequence like the 13th rune does.

In his final spell picture spiritual art

channel Gunson shines an
extraordinarily bright light on the future
arrival of Flying Eagle and the Sacred
Shaman Oracle into human
consciousness through time and space
by accentuating the 13th symbol of both
the Runic and Sacred Shaman Oracle as
a remarkable centre piece almost three
years prior to it actually happening.
Three years before arriving in 1999,
Flying Eagle Alchemy and the Sacred
Shaman Oracle was the subject of a
MENSA backed global search engine
and a relevant channelled interpretation
of its appearance in a multi layered
single spiritual artwork. Such is the
extraordinary unconscious power of
universal consciousness in action.

Beginning With A Word: Since

before the arrival of Flying Eagle in
1999, every aspect of the ‘united global
shamanic evolution and healing front’ in
universal consciousness, represented by
Flying Eagle and the Sacred Shaman
Oracle has been operating globally and
in the unconscious energy matrix.
Now it is entering the collective
consciousness of the West.
Almost immediately you will notice
the word six is a stand out word when
created using Dreamtime Alphabet

Workbook Exercise: Write the word

SIX in Message Stick Symbols then tally
the number of stick elements used to
create the single word spell.

Now add the elements

This is not just a coincidence there is

a much deeper spiritual meaning being
unfolded here. This is ‘the word’ that
symbolizes the highest noble truth in
human form on earth. It is in every way,
exactly what it says it is and what it

The first of the six universal

consciousness positions of the modern
urban shaman is: Represent all you are
in truth, be impeccable with your word,
and speak only what you know to be
profoundly and universally true.

The word SIX symbolically
represents the universal energy
frequency that those who truly seek
spiritual unification with the whole will
choose to align their thoughts, actions
and words with everyday.

Those noble truth seekers who

choose to deny separated ego a foothold
in their mind and experience the infinite
power of universal consciousness will
strive to achieve the highest noble truth
in their everyday life.

Note the three sixes. The number

666 is mentioned in the heavily
numerologically coded and spiritually
channelled end time Book of Revelation.

The number 666 represents the
magic square of the sun in
numerological spiritual study. [See
picture following] Numerology is part of
an ancient educated mystical shamanic
study and practice that has informed
Christian Spiritual Mystics and predates
Simplified Christianity by over 2,000

Magic squares have been used since

before the time of Pythagoras to help
seekers of universal truth find their true
personal depth of universal
consciousness and commune with the
spirit world.

Please make carefully note. The

digital number code [0-9] is not a human
invention, it is the first archetypal non-
physical non-local life force energy in
24/7 universal consciousness.

The digital number code [0-9] exists

in everything completely separate from
human interference though it also exists
in human form and intelligence.

Human intelligence coexists with

the number code found in universal

The applied communication code

found within the digital number code [0-
9] is the pure universal source of infinite
wisdom and knowledge and is the
building blocks of human spiritual
The number code of human
spiritual DNA is an extension of original
universal intelligence in reflection of
universal creation energy [source]
witnessed in your fingers and toes and
all highly evolved human spiritual
consciousness senses the code is an
integral part of the enlightened human
collective form.

It is understood that the Spiritual

DNA code came into the universal
energy field matrix as the creative life
force for the foundation of all things
before any kind of measurable physical
matter emerged.

Long before, light, vibration, energy

waves of the Big Bang or humans
arrived in time and space the digital
DNA code of universal consciousness
emerged spontaneously and filled the
entirety of the non-physical non-local
background energy field forming the
foundation of eternal life in all time and

The spiritual DNA code of universal

creation communicates in its own
organised intelligent form of spiritual
language independently of humans.

Human mystics, seers and shaman

have evolved to coexist as self-conscious
and self aware physical extensions of the
infinite spiritual DNA code and witness
the universe as a living organism with

creative intelligence and a definable
direction because of its existence.

Only recently in time and space

have quantum scientists seeking to
engage at a deeply spiritual level of
conversation began to seriously
recognise the non physical, non local,
energy field matrix that shaman,
alchemists, sorcerers and numerologists,
etc, have recognised all along.
The universal DNA number code
[0-9] when witnessed in non-local, non-
physical spiritual form confirms that at
the deepest [sub quantum] level of
understanding universal consciousness
the number[0-9] ‘Are Everything’ and
everything in form has grown itself
around the core spiritual DNA energy of

Light, vibration, sound and human

senses and emotions are included in that

Numbers and numerological study

are the most integral part of the spiritual
teaching and divination traditions of the
mystical shamanic lineages in some the
world’s oldest shamanic practices.

The Magic Square of the Sun is the

most well known traditional example of
spiritual number study. It is made up of
all the numbers 1-36 arranged to equal
111 when totalled in each line in
When added 1+2+3+4+5 to 36 the total is

Intelligent knowing, verification

and accountability for living have been
associated with personal recognition of
the spiritual DNA code in all things for
thousands of generations.

Your expanded unconscious mind
[super- consciousness] stores all thought
information in a non-physical, non-local,
digitally coded format in the
background energy frequency of
universal creation. Just like Mega
Computers store digitally coded
information in their operating system.

Learning the digital code format

and related information found within
the spiritual DNA code has been an
entwined aspect of Shamanic Alchemy
for many thousands of years and forms
part of the process in your future
evolution as a Source Energy Diviner.

Workbook Exercise: Draw the
Magic Square and add each line of the
magic square then the diagonals. Write
the totals of each line outside the square
next to each line.

The symbol SIX in Flying Eagle

Alchemy engages your deep super-
conscious psychic pathways at the exact
same level as the magic square of the
Sun has engaged millions of universal
consciousness students in their studies
over many centuries but with added -
word, creation, image and number
dimensions to fully exercise and expand
your third eye peripheral vision.

Generate Receive Organise Wisdom
– GROW: The next step in your rite of
passage with the Flying Eagle Medicine
Tribe is to grow.
The only 4 symbols, each equal to 4
message sticks in the Sacred Shaman
Oracle spell only one English word and
that word is GROW [4x4].

Workbook Exercise: Write down the

4x4 stick symbols and write the word.

This occurrence is called a ‘complex

intergenerational spiritual

That means what you are witness to

in the creation of Flying Eagle’s Sacred
Shaman Oracle, the numerological
patterns and the singular nature of the
spell-ing and meaning of the word
GROW in English language, occurred
over many generations of unconscious
evolution, organisation and direction
through the super-conscious ‘Higher
Level Organisation’ of the universal
‘Spiritual Organism’ at different times in
different spaces.
Evidenced by the unique
appearance of GROW is that the pure
creative consciousness of universal life
force energy – the Higher Level Spiritual
Organism - is all powerful, focused,
directive and is consciously creative and
organised in human form.
The word GROW is a defined
singularity. No other word in English
Language uses these four x four
symbols. The meaning of the word
spans the entire universal experience of
everything in form over many
thousands of generations.

The word plays a foundation role in

every thought, motion, action and
reaction at a deep subconscious level of
human consciousness.

To have this amazing truth unfold

before your eyes in this moment is
nothing less than a universal blessing.

Guidebook Note: Only shamanic

universal consciousness observers that
are initiated and trained at the highest
level of super-consciousness are
traditionally privileged enough too
witness such a spectacular spiritual
relationship as this unfolding in their
personal vision. This is a very deep
reconnection process.

Workbook Vision Exercise:

Consider everything that had an input
into creating this single word message in
the Sacred Shaman Oracle then go a step
further, combine them all together in
one singular spectacular
intergenerational experience. Write
about the feeling you experience and
note any message you receive.

Guidebook Note: Please note very
carefully that had the returning
Boomerang story of creation ‘NOT’, I
repeat ‘NOT’ been such a significant and
integral alchemical component in the
Dreamtime Alphabet experience this
singular word could not have been
witnessed by you as a standout message
or symbolic spiritual gesture. That is a
significantly notable directive inclusion
and exclusion by Flying Eagle.

The Flying Eagle Alchemy that you

are currently witnessing is part of a
spiritual miracle of unprecedented
proportions in human history.

Through the word GROW

appearing as clear and precise as it does
in the Sacred Shaman Oracle, Flying
Eagle encourages everyone to do exactly
that, grow, and you are about to grow in
your understanding of the very
expanded level of shamanic alchemy,
healing, spiritual divination and soul
retrieval processes that are interwoven
into this most high and powerful spell.

You are about to step through the

veils of innocent childlike coincidence,
spiritual mystery and fertile imagination
to begin witnessing the clearly definable
complex intergenerational synchronized
patterns found only in the spell of the
Sacred Shaman Oracle that forms the
collective foundation of the Flying Eagle
Medicine Tribe.
Generate Receive Organize
Wisdom. This is how as universally
conscious beings having a human
experience everyone can make sense of
the world around them.

Before the year 1999 the miraculous

and sacred universal global shamanic
spiritual artefact, The Sacred Shaman
Oracle had never been witnessed and it
was completely unknown.
It is true that all of the elements in
its creation have existed in apparent
separation in space and time before, but
their incredible longitudinal universal
relationship in human consciousness or
anything close too it has not ever been
witness as an extraordinarily powerful
organised united spiritual front in
human consciousness before 1999.

The overwhelming and extreme

odds against this correlation of events
being a random manifestation of
completely unrelated coincidences, at
this time of expected change to witness
Astrological and Cosmological changes
serves to truthfully reinforce the
evidence base of universal authority and
the level of organised universal spiritual
authenticity connected with the
appearance of Flying Eagle and the
Sacred Shaman Oracle in the collective
consciousness of human history.

The next spiritually divined

symbolic message has a full meaning
and universal imagery that is so
powerful and so deliberate it takes a
while to fully digest, yet it also has a
very deep and immediate impact on
your unconscious universal energy field.

TRIBE is a single word in English

language that holds great significant
meaning including relatedness as one
unit, a family of many, a single
organised united collective.

The word also has a deeply
emotional context that is not
understated in its subconscious imagery
on a global scale.

Let’s examine the spectacular

vibrant spiritual beauty organisation
and richness of the symbol TRIBE in the
teachings of the Flying Eagle Alchemy.
TRIBE is made of (5) Sacred Shaman
Oracle symbols that includes (1) of each
number used in the numerical
qualification system, (1 to 5). 1,2,3,4,5.

(1) being the least number of sticks used

in the message stick symbols and (5)
being the maximum number of sticks
used. [note (5) stick pentacle in Gunson’s
spell forecast]

Workbook Exercise: write each
symbol in this single word spell. Note is
positioned in a way that the energy
naturally flows from the centre out.
Draw a single line between numbers
1,2,3,4,5 going from the centre, left, right,
left, right without breaking the line.

It is almost as if having one of every

number was not enough in the creation
of this complex intergenerational
spiritually synchronistic message to
drive its spectacular point home loud
and clear and Flying Eagle decided to go
a step further by synchronising the
numerical flow for the benefit of every
witness on earth.

This very outstanding aspect of
Flying Eagle Alchemy has a very deep
purposeful meaning and connection; it
flows harmoniously and is completely
organised and balanced in every way.

In Flying Eagle teaching and

spiritual symbolism, that level of
guaranteed intergenerational equity is
the ideal of every human tribe or social
structure on earth.
The second of the six universal
consciousness positions of modern
urban shamanism is found in the
teaching of the word TRIBE. Allow your
energy to flow harmoniously through
the energy stream of all things and seek

to achieve complete organised balance in
every way.

6th Dimension - Discovering

Difference Demands Due Diligence:
Discovering that every conscious
thought, emotion or desire that you have
- is rising out of a super-conscious
universal energy stream operating in
your unconscious thoughts - demands a
level of due diligence to fully engage
with the energy stream.

Everything that is truly influential

with regard multi dimensional outcomes
in your life, can be aligned with one of
the three energy words that follow, in
the next stage your guided rite of
The proven notion that non-local
complex intergenerational spiritual
synchronicity is real and active in
everyone’s unconscious bodymind,
therefore life, provides evidence enough
to support every theory that your
thoughts, emotions, actions and words,
as subtle or as individual as you might
believe them to be, arise from and return
to, a field of complex and relative super-
conscious universal interaction.

Thoughts, emotions, actions and

words are not yours alone and you did
not invent them. They are known to be
part of collective and the way you
present your thoughts, emotions and
words tells a lot about your conscious
spiritual association and subconscious
awareness of your universal relatedness
to the more-than-human environment.

You have already witnessed three

spectacularly distinctive words which
direct your attention both inward and

Your journey to awaken the

intelligent universal consciousness mind
field of a noble spiritual truth seeker in
the modern world is about to take
another vertical leap.

The next collective is a three word

spell. You will witness the
extraordinarily unique form they take in
that they make up the entire energy
spectrum of human understanding, in
every experience in human thought.

Workbook Exercise: Write the words in

the symbols of the Sacred Shaman
Oracle and total each word.
Correct totals are included.
POSITIVE =_____________ 19
NEUTRAL =____________20
NEGATIVE =___________21

This unique collection of words is

used to explain all types of energy in the
universe and shows a sequence of direct
creative intention and influence at the

highest universal spiritual order
imaginable to the human mind.

This impeccable sequence of

English words and numbers is a
universally powerful alchemical healing
It is comparable in every way with
the greatest spiritual masterpieces ever
discovered by the conscious human
mind in the entire history of human life
on Earth.

At the highest level of

understanding organised universal
spiritual consciousness available to the
conscious human mind, this sequence of
words and numbers defines a direct
connection with all knowledge of all
energy in the universe.

In the last four exercises you can

witness that Flying Eagle did not select
an intergenerational creative
relationship with a meaningless array of
words but chose to have a creative and
notable impact on an astute series of
deep and meaningful words that are
descriptive and representative to the
English language collective.

When you remove entirely from

your thinking any accidental
relationship between the creation of the
English alphabet, words, their meanings,
the Sacred Shaman Oracle, the number
sequences and the word selection
criteria being displayed here, and
replace it with a vision of intentional
intergenerational creation by an
organised universal energy directive
that historically has been proven to have
had input into another language based
Oracle 2,500 years prior to the modern
English version, you are starting to paint
the larger vision of universal
intergenerational spiritual association
that is core to the principles of universal
super-consciousness found in the Sacred
Shaman Oracle.

What’s next? The manifest universe

is made up of equally amazing shapes
that refuse to go unrecognised in the
complex intergenerational spiritual
synchronised messages you are

Geomancy - Workbook Exercise:

Write each word provided - - correct
totals are included
DIAMOND =______________20
SQUARE =________________21
TRIANGLE =______________22

Non-physical energy unites to form

physical shapes and patterns in
everything - that is what circle of life is
all about.
There is something more going on
here so let’s validate that what we are
now witnessing is an even deeper level
of the shamanic energy thought
spectrum in complex intergenerational
spiritual synchronicity.
Let’s compare universal thought
streams for a moment.
Imagine in times before a returning
Boomerang was ever thrown, caught on
return, or seen by others. Its appearance,
though still a stick that was thrown was
completely different and would have
been spectacular and amazing for the
people of the time.
The world of modern invention was
a long way from creation when the first
Boomerang was witnessed on earth.
The principles of engineering and
flight were almost 25,000 years into the

Every life on earth was recognised

as a spiritual journey in reference to the
universal unfolding at that time.
Animism is the Spiritual label we
have given to this time in human history
and that label goes all the way to the
beginning of time.

Humanity began its self- conscious

understanding as an Animist Spiritual
Form engaged in recognising all forms
of super-conscious as a collective.

The returning Boomerang is

universally credited as humanities first
controlled flight experience consciously
representing the subconscious ability of
the bodymind to soar like a Flying Eagle
and return safely into the hands of its
creator to complete a full cycle of return.

The subconscious mind program

installed into the operating system of a
specialist shamanic collective in the
process of creating, throwing and
catching a perfectly crafted personalised
returning Boomerang was an ancient
shamanic initiation vision quest journey,
activation and total immersion, filled
with great personal challenges universal
consciousness teaching and learning that
could not be experienced in any other
way at that time in human history.
The entwined spiritual union of the
Runic Oracle and English alphabet with
the Australian Message Stick traditions,
symbology and traditions of spiritual
story telling and mysticism combined
with the natural spiritual superiority of
the returning Boomerang as the centre
piece in the creation of the English
language Sacred Shaman Oracle makes a
direct spiritual statement to human
consciousness without fault or flaw.

Please always note diligently that

there is a very distinct and powerful
difference between a complex spiritual
vision that consciously reflects a
supernatural relationship with the non-
physical, non-local, organised universal
super-consciousness, beyond all current
known - and an inventive thought.

The wheel is a very simple observed

engineered physical invention similar to
the creation of fire, a spear, a tool, a
shelter, a chair, a flushing toilet, and

Invention only ever reflects physical

observation, engineered design and a
perception of human physical need.

The English alphabet is just an

invention in conscious terms. Even
though it exhibits many levels of
unconscious divination it has never been
attributed a spiritual definition.
Therefore it was not a conscious
spiritual undertaking - while the Sacred
Shaman Oracle is attributed primary
spiritual definition as a Divine super-
conscious spiritual artefact in organised
universal consciousness terminology.

Invention is without conscious

spiritual underpinning and has
absolutely no interest in exploring or
teaching the deeper levels of non-local
and non-physical universal
consciousness it has originated through
or from.

Invention does not reflect the desire

for awakened spiritual knowing. Nor
does invention reflect the ultimate desire
of the super-conscious universe to
witness itself as a collective living
organism in creative expression of itself
through a human thought channel.

The declaration and confirmation of

a directed universal consciousness
energy union such as the one which is
clearly evidenced in the Flying Eagle
Sacred Shaman Oracle is not something
that has been witnessed and recorded in
the collective of human history before.

The Sacred Shaman Oracle is not an

invention; it is the most evolved
‘spiritually conscious artefact’ ever
delivered in human history.
Any and all connection you have
with it or through it helps you to greatly
escalate your personal spiritual healing
and shamanic soul retrieval processes to
a much higher order of conscious
understanding than has recently been
witnessed in human evolution.
Workbook Exercise: Fill in the total
number of message sticks in the SIX
elements you have just examined.

Diamond 20+ Square 21+Triangle 22+

Positive 19+Neutral 20+ Negative 21= …
Correct Total = 123) = 1+2+3 = 6 &
1x2x3 = 6 = SIX and we are back at the
start again.

That is a complete return or a full

word circle. This word circle has (6)
word symbols to complete it, and the

Word Circle, has six message stick
symbols in it.

Now let’s have a look at that a little

more deeply.

Workbook Exercise: Write out the

word CIRCLE and add the message
sticks used.

CIRCLE =_______________ 14

Now, add all the ‘shapes’ you have

witnessed in this exercise together and
you will witness one more time how the
miracle of the Flying Eagle and the
Sacred Shaman Oracle spell that is being
cast for the people of earth to help heal
and protect them from dark and evil
forces keeps growing larger and
expanding to bring every spiritual
energy at every level or depth together
in one completed form as a full
evolutionary circle.

All Four Shapes = 20 + 21 + 22 + 14 = (

77 ) - - 77 equals the total number of
message sticks used in the Dreamtime
Alphabet. That is another full circle of
evolution and return.

Guidebook Note: what you are

witnessing here is the extraordinary
physical reflection [like a painting or
mental image of the suns light reflected
on the moons surface] of an extremely
intense and deliberately directed,
universally creative, non physical, non
local, organised expanded conscious
spiritual energy source.
Some people who consciously
desire a deep universal spiritual
connection with Flying Eagle Alchemy
will not have mentally, emotionally or
spiritually evolved at deep enough
levels yet to take this all in consciously.

Many who desire to receive the rite
of passage into the Flying Eagle
Medicine Tribe are not fully prepared
for the enormous spiritual gravitas in
the unfolding universal spiritual
mastery of Flying Eagle Alchemy and
they get confused about the appearance
and experience of the Sacred Shaman
Oracle because it is a completely raw
and wide open spiritual resource.
Some people have real trouble
aligning their unconscious non-physical
non-local universal thoughts in space
and in time with its timeless reality.

If you are one of those people just

stay engaged in this Guided vision quest
rite of passage, initiation and activation
sequence for as long as it takes to
achieve the breakthrough awakening to
universal super-consciousness.

1) Do not try to align anything

just allow the experience to be
exactly what it is at this point in
your development.
2) Have no expectations of
personal outcomes or incomes.

The extremely intense & very deep

levels of unconscious and subconscious
spiritual healing energy being engaged
in your witnessing of the complex
intergenerational spiritual synchronicity
of Flying Eagle Alchemy in The Sacred
Shaman Oracle can sometimes have the

affect of distracting your focus and
original intention of spiritual discovery.

Sometimes its very intense energy

can be difficult to take in. Integrate the
much deeper and larger aspects of
Flying Eagle Alchemy and the very
powerful messages and spells contained
within the Sacred Shaman Oracle over

Do not allow yourself to be

distracted in this exceptionally deep soul
retrieval exercise by your heavily
programmed physically focused
Western consciousness and change
resistant ego.

The energy of spiritual creation you
are witnessing demands your focused
attention and open mind.

Brake regularly and return inspired

and refreshed. This is an authentic
universal Rite of Passage Vision Quest
exercise that requires serious focus and

The Sacred Shaman Oracle is a

deliberate organised spiritual
messenger, delivered by the intentional
action of non-local, non-physical
universal consciousness that chose to be
called Flying Eagle, to the people living
in a modern urbanised Western
environment in the closing moments of
the Piscean age and dawn of the
Aquarian age because of a distinct lack
of authentic spiritual union they display
as an engaged baseline in their super-
conscious human spiritual experience.
The deeply spiritual and
evolutionary human shamanic journey
that was taken to channel the universal
spiritual wisdom and knowledge that is
held safely within the sacred symbolism
of the aerodynamic structure and coding
of the returning boomerang is unique in
all of human history as the first ever
physically recorded outcome of a
shamanic vision quest into the unified
field of universal consciousness, but
mostly it goes unrecognised and is

generally only regarded in the Modern
West as a tourist novelty.

Before modern times extreme self

sacrifice, isolation, starvation etc. that
lead to a conscious NDE [near death
experience] was a very normal aspect of
Ego destruction in the shamanic
spiritual lineage and was done in
conscious understanding of being part
of the whole for the experience of the

From the standpoint of an

individual self, death of the Ego defeats
any level of self importance and this is
the biggest hurdle for people in the
Modern West to overcome if they truly

want to experience universal
consciousness in its purest original form.

Flowing water cannot grow

stagnant and a tree cannot refuse itself
to grow.

The experience of death is as

common as birth and not feared at all in
the shamanic spiritual lineage.
It was very normal that a tribal land
based Shaman would have experienced
death in some way and returned to the
physical realm to share the visions and
the medicine stories they received with
their living tribe.

Legend states that when Siddhartha

Gautama turned his back on the
established spiritual beliefs of his tribal
culture approximately 2500 years ago to
find a natural more-than-human
connection with universal
consciousness, he retreated into nature
to be isolated and alone for a period of
six years.

Siddhartha experienced many

NDE’s during his channelled vision
quest experiences because he deprived
himself of water and starved himself to
death but similar to Odin he was not
taken despite his death wishes.

Instead he received direct messages

retrieved from source on his six year
journey to achieve enlightenment and
returned to his people as a Buddha.
Buddha - literally means enlightened
one, a knower.

The story of Siddhartha can be

determined to be at the exact same level
of natural universal engagement in
isolation and depravation as is the
ancient traditions of shamanic elders on
every landfall throughout all the human
history of universal consciousness
evolving in time on earth.
The ancient origins of baptism by
water that is part of the Jesus mythology
[Yehoshua in old Hebrew] story also
shares a definitive relationship with the
very extreme shamanic initiation
practice of holding an initiate under
water to experience death, and then
bring them back into the world of
consciousness to be a channel of the
infinite, universal consciousness, spirit
etc. The then sacrificial public suicide or
crucifixion on the wooden cross and
rebirth is symbolic of the ancient Sun
Ceremony in which a Shamanic Warrior
hung for no less than seven nights
suspended by leather straps connected
by wooden piercing through his chest
muscles often resulting in a physical
death and revival.

Warrior land based shaman

returned from their NDE vision quests
with the vision and medicine of
enlightened teachings for the tribe not
The unfolding outcomes of land
based shamanic NDE vision quests were
always undertaken by a chosen one and
were known to be environmentally
specific and relevant to the evolution of
universal consciousness in the tribe in a
specific time and environmental land
space. [Shamanic NDE initiation is not
recommended and is an illegal practice
Your Deepest Desire: How might
your deepest desire to become an
enlightened modern urban shaman
engaged in the practice of authentic
shamanic alchemy, spiritual healing and
soul retrieval work found only in the

Sacred Shaman Oracle unfold for you in
the modern world?

The complete destruction of self

centred ego and a desire to entwine ones
entire purpose and reason for Be-ing
with the soul tree of life is the true thrust
of engagement for the modern urban
shaman in the Flying Eagle Medicine

The rite of passage and the 28 day

commitment ceremony, initiation and
activation works in the exact same way
to defeat the self importance of Ego and
complete re-entry into the spirit realm
for a modern educated seeker as did a
traditional NDE of a land based Shaman

Completing the Sacred Shaman
Oracle 28 day vision quest as a
committed cycle of spiritual return to
SOURCE while in human form confirms
a sacred spirit realm re-union with the

The Deep End: let’s dive into the

deep end of the Sacred Shaman Oracle
now to have a quick look at what’s
happening here for a minute or two.
Your thoughts, what are they

What you are witnessing is not a

coincidence, though incidences that
coincide are apparent here.

This is much more than that
however, it goes much deeper.

The Sacred Shaman Oracle is a

complex intergenerational spiritually
synchronised symbolic alphabet that has
originated from beyond the relative
scope of all physical form and matter
and it is sharing its knowledge and
wisdom with you in thought forms.

The energy behind the creation of

the Sacred Shaman Oracle is the creative
life force energy of everything in and of
itself and has always and will always
exist irrelevant of the human experience.

However, without the human

experience of conscious thought forms
to bare witness to the non-local and non-
physical, the organised conscious
universal background energy field has
no conscious physical representation or
reflection of itself in time or space.

The total observation of all of

human history in all human endeavours
states very clearly that the human
bodymind [note: Never separate body
and mind, it is one thing] is the only
physical life form in the entire universe
to be provided with the unique naturally
occurring ability of being able to
consciously witness its own creation and
its entire evolution through the non-
physical non-local aspects of the infinite

universe as being connected to the
original source of all creation.

That makes the human experience

of truly witnessing itself as universal
consciousness originating from the
original energy source of the entire
universe, the most important and most
sacred undertaking every human
bodymind can ever hope to achieve in
their lifetime on earth.
Every aspect of universal
consciousness in creation can be
explored and understood through
differing frequencies and aspects of
human thought.

The so called ‘conscious human
mind in separation’ is really the
conscious thought of the original source
energy in the entirety of universal
creation, operating in dynamic
synchronicity with its own spiritual

At no time in the entire human

history on Earth has the human
collective conscious been more highly
educated and able to recognise and
witness itself as the collective mind of
infinite universal consciousness.

At no time in the entire human

history on earth has the universally
conscious mind been in such divine

synchronicity with its own ability to
witness its own spiritual evolution

You have come to be in this isolated

moment of thoughts and you are
focused on this now in your conscious
mind. Why?
Everyone’s first conscious entry into
any spiritual healing medicine pathway
in the ego inflated narcissistic collective
culture of the modern West, is always
for their own personal ego destruction,
even though you may not think it is.

Expect your ego to kick, buck and

scream it wants no part of this healing or
teaching. Your individual ego does not

want to die to the non-physical non-local
universal collective.

The Modern West has instilled and

operating system in your thoughts to
believe that you are the centre of a
totally personal life experience and your
life revolves completely around an
individual called me me me who has a
range of interests called, my wants, my
needs, my pain, my suffering, and my

Its interesting don’t you think, that

a human ego can be so far out of natural
universal conscious-self control in its
imagination that it seriously believes
this whole darn universe from the very
beginning of space and time and
everything that is in it exists only for
their personal pleasure or the benefit of
their personal life experience, but that is
exactly what an individual ego thinks.
Such is the insane nature of the
egotistical inflated narcissistic operating
system instilled in the minds of the
inhabitants of Modern Western
cityscapes and urban jungles, that as a
collective they believe their individual
life is far more important and valuable
than anything else in time and space.

When you manifest an intimate

bodymind experience and heart felt
relationship that your core reason for
being conscious in the first place is for
universal consciousness to witness itself
as the whole of all that is. You manifest
all you need within you and begin to
take a position of Pure Enlightenment.

The expanded universal spiritual

consciousness you are engaging in your
unconscious human thought forms as
you go through this guidebook are
already generating a miraculous
universal healing energy exchange
within your energy field at the very
deepest original shamanic spiritual
DNA level that will take a little time for
your conscious thought process to fully

As you open your spiritual

operating system energy centres to the
expanded universal consciousness of
Flying Eagle your levels of
connectedness will elevate immediately.

As will the positive affect of the

unified field energy beginning to
increase its flow through you.

In a short period of time you will

begin to experience much higher levels
of worthiness, happiness, joy, love,
fulfilment, peace and contentment than
ever before.

The singular lore of universal

consciousness is very clear in confirming
that Self-awareness and self-
consciousness cannot exist in random
isolation in a human mind without

having a point of origin [original source]
in universal creation first.

At this level of shamanic alchemy

you begin to open all of your spiritual
energy portals to the collective physical
experience of being an integral
component in the more-than-human
collective universal super-self-
consciousness experience.

The Vision Quest: As the modern

urban shaman in the Flying Eagle
Medicine Circle, your thoughts are in
fact the visions through which the
source of creative universal super-
consciousness in time and space views
itself in all things.

Your thoughts are not individual
fragments contained only in your mind
but are transcendent elements of an
expanded whole relevant to the totality
of universal consciousness.

In this space of knowing and

wisdom all of your energy is open to the
dimension of Be-ing one whole
interwoven experience occurring as a
single process through the dimension of
time and space in physical and non-
physical, non-local form.

All of your thoughts are no longer

‘resident in your head’. They are
occurring as a flowing energy stream in
a thought cloud of infinite knowledge
and wisdom beyond time and space.
Imagine if you knew that you where
the eyes, the ears, the nose and the
mouth of infinite universal conscious
and if every day you woke to be in
service to the whole as a living
representative of universal
consciousness in the creative space of
absolute infinite potential.

1) What might that look like in

physical form as your life?
2) How extraordinary do think that
experience would be?
3) How might that change the world
you are currently living in?

Imagine how exciting your life will

become when you are live streaming the
energy of infinite creative potential in
universal consciousness directly from
the thought cloud frequency channel of
Flying Eagle.

What might human life on earth

appear to be like in your thoughts then?

Very different than today you might

expect. And that is exactly the life Flying
Eagle and the Sacred Shaman Oracle
prepares you to experience.

You are a naturally created live

energy streaming channel to and from
the source of infinite creation in the
creative super-self-conscious universe.

That is how Flying Eagle knows you

will complete the conscious cycle of
universal return.
What is really happening in the
universal aspects of your life that you
are totally unaware and not conscious of
at this moment?
Workbook Exercise: write down
each word in the following spell. Then
total each word. The correct totals are
HEAR =__________________13
SIGHT =__________________13
SMELL =__________________13
TASTE =__________________13

Flying Eagle explains that your

conscious thoughts feel as if they are
localised in a space behind your
forehead and between your eyes but
they do not come from there and they
are not limited to your personal
Your thoughts always arise out of
and return too the multidimensional
non-physical non-local unified energy
field that is all creative universal

Your thoughts are not just in your

head they extend all over and beyond
your entire bodymind.

Your conscious thoughts are really

non-physical, non-local energy signals
that occur in a set variety of
wavelengths and are received by
universal energy receptors in a wide
variety of locations all over your
bodymind and are then translated
through billions of neural pathways to
generate a conscious thought behind
your forehead and between your eyes.

Then, your conscious thought is

transmitted back into non-local non-
physical energy field in a cyclical
unconscious universal energy
relationship that resonates at millions of
bits of information per second.

Start Thinking Initiation: Let’s

define this a little more thoroughly in
relationship to your initiation process on
the Flying Eagle Medicine Guided
Vision Quest.
Have you ever taken the skin off
your knee? It hurts right, but the real
pain sensation is localised in your knee.
It doesn’t hurt in your head or elbow, it
remains local. But how can a knee feel
pain if it has no brain?

The knee feels the pain because it is

not separate from the bodymind. While
you sense a slight discomfort in your
conscious mind behind your eyes the
entire unconscious process that really
operates you, goes about engaging all of
the natural healing elements in your
entire bodymind from everywhere all at
once to send the healing energy to the
localised pain area that will repair your
knee and return it to almost as good as
new because the localised pain in the
knee signals to the entire spectrum of
the unconscious bodymind there is
healing work to do.
The localised pain in your knee is
exactly like a localised painful emotion
charged thought occurring at the back of
your forehead between your eyes.

Pain in the knee is not really

physical like a conscious thought is not
really physical. Pain is an energy spike
that is a guaranteed sign healing is
Pain killers are an assortment of
distractions in both physical and
emotional form that create chemical
barriers to prevent the entire bodymind
feeling physical pain as well as
emotional pain but the pain killers are
not the healing energy.
The healing of every traumatic
injury occurs at a very deep
unconscious, level. Pain is pain, that’s a
universal lore and if you’re feeling it in
any way, you’re in a world of it.

In relation to all emotional pain that

impacts your subtle energy bodymind
the painkillers you use are distractions
like keeping very busy at work, hours of
gaming, mind numbing entertainment
or drugs and alcohol in addictive cycles.

These actions allow the emotional
pain to go unhealed while you keep
going in a world of pain and though it
cannot be physically seen your
emotional pain stands out like raw nerve
ends on a skun knee and when it gets
touched its exactly like fireworks going

In Flying Eagle Medicine terms the

pain your subtle energy body feels
because of broken relationships, lack of
self worth, emotional trauma etc, is
comorbid with the existential pain your
subtle spiritual energy body feels in
separation from the whole of your
authentic universal spiritual reason for
being on earth.
The emotional pain your subtle
body feels is a million times amplified
because it overlays the unconscious,
subconscious foundation of the
exhausting existential pain that is built
into the experience of growing up in the
Modern West as a separated purely
physical element in time and space that
has no self worth or intrinsic value to the
whole beyond a singular reason for
being alive to serve the wishes of the
physical system elite.

When the existential pain of

spiritual separation finally brakes
through the hypnotic subconscious
trance of the Modern Western operating
system it begins to experience life as an
emotional spiritual trauma defined by a
longing to know more about life, an
overall sense of being betrayed by those
you have trusted as leaders, confusion,
anxiety, depression or stress etc.

In the localised thoughts of your

conscious mind you begin sending
unconscious signals through the non-
physical non-local unified energy field
to the source of universal self-
consciousness that healing is required.

Like the pain of a skun knee you

feel localised in the knee sends out
information to the entire bodymind to
begin healing itself your unconscious
mind sends out signals that it requires

healing from spiritual and emotional

In Flying Eagle Medicine terms the

first layer of comorbid traumatic
damage and pain in the spiritual
bodymind of the West as a whole is
what requires immediate treatment by
spiritual emergency first responders.

First layer spiritual trauma is

founded in the physical isolation and
complete and total spiritual separation
that people in the modern secular West
have been subconsciously indoctrinated
with and are painfully instructed to live
a long slow and fear gripped death by.

Flying Eagle Medicine takes action
as a spiritual emergency first responder
to heal the very deep existential crisis
and spiritual trauma impacting millions
of spiritually unaware people on earth.

Flying Eagle Medicine and the

Sacred Shaman Oracle activates the
unconscious natural shamanic DNA
networks in your super-conscious
universal energy body system.
As an emergency first responder
Flying Eagle Medicine helps you heal
the deepest layer of spiritual wounds
that reside within you.

If you journey to find the seed a
massive oak has grown from, you will
never find it, it has been consumed by
the tree, it is within the entire life force
energy of the tree and the tree itself
contains the original seed of its ancestry
in every cell of its DNA.

Exactly as you are one whole

expanded experience, with a non-
physical, non-local origin, a divine
physical conception, a past, a present
and a future, and many moments of
revelation and natural evolution in
between, the infinite creative self-
conscious universe is one entire whole
expanded experience within you.

The seed or infinite source of your
divine conception is always easily
available to access instantaneously.

Flying Eagle makes the point very

load and clear that separated self
inflated ego is a narcissistic calamity in
human space and time.

This next spectacular sequence of

words shows that the complex
intergenerational spiritual synchronicity
of Flying Eagle Alchemy and the Sacred
Shaman Oracle spell does not leave
anything or anyone out of the energy
matrix it represents in form, spirit,
consciousness, thought or action in time
and space.

Workbook exercise: Write each word
then total
RAIN =___________________11
WIND =___________________11
FIRE =_____________________11

Universal consciousness is not a

personal one-day event it is a collective
infinite journey.

What you have witnessed so far in

the guidebook is a spectacularly clear
and defined spiritual mental image,
picture, vision of the totally unrestricted
creative capacity of intelligent organised
universal-self-consciousness revealing
itself to you.

The most expanded level of
shamanic spiritual universal-self-
consciousness the human mind can ever
achieve is only and will only ever be
100% self evident by going through the
personal experience of discovery that
leads to the peaceful mindset of
complete and total knowing.

This guidebook defines for you a

completely new evidence based frontier
of universal spiritual awakening in a
non-physical spiritual science paradigm
beyond the limits of physical time and
space for your total knowing.

Flying Eagle Sacred Shaman Oracle

changes the collective understanding of
shamanic consciousness completely.
A Date In Time: Let’s take another
vertical leap on this guided Flying Eagle
Medicine vision quest to look at the date
1/1/1999 discussed earlier.
It’s just a calendar date right?
Wrong, it’s a subconscious signifier that
marked a significant end of time in the
physical world of cycles, reasons and
seasons. The simple basic inclusion of 3 -
1’s and 3 - 9’s in the date stands out as
significant in the numerological school
of Alchemy.

The Gregorian calendar is an

astrological and numerological
masterpiece that has a significant
spiritual association with ancient
astrological and numerological teaching
and is capable of correctly forecasting
many things including the movement
and position of the earth in relationship
with the Sun to within (6) hours every
solar cycle.

A simple accomplish it is not. Even

though you use it every day and take it
almost completely for granted this
perfect creation was many thousands of
human generations in the making.
The date 01/01/01[see binary code]
subconsciously indicates a beginning.
Even if you are not made aware that the
beginning of a cycle was put in place on
that date, your unconscious knowing
that is ultimately connected to universal

consciousness picks up on the coded
signal at a collective unconscious level.

The numerological coding in the

universal spiritual DNA only uses
numbers to the power of [0-9] in its data
storage and memory banks - (999) - was
the end of the unconscious
numerological cycle started by (111).
The date or data code 111-999 was the
completion of a numerological pattern
and cycle that was always destined
[prophesied] in numerological alchemy
to trigger an unconscious, subconscious
spiritual occurrence.

As soon as the Gregorian calendar

became part of the unconscious Western
collective, the data date code was
activated in universal consciousness as
an end time.

It is not a strange accident that the

century leading to the evolutionary date
code 111-999 presented as the greatest
ever explosion of human activity and
evolution ever witnessed in the entire
history of human life on earth.

Everything was occurring at such a

very rapid rate and deep unconscious
level because the collective human
consciousness on earth needed to be at a
specific place in its global evolution by
the arrival of this date in the calendar.

From wood fire cooking to

hydrogen bombs, from horse and cart to
moon landings and submarines,
electricity, internet, the list goes on. It all
happened in less than 100 years leading
up to 1/1/1999 too position human
consciousness at the end of a spiritual
consciousness cycle and the very
starting point of a new global village
Spiritual Science Paradigm.

Spiritual Science requires a clear

evidence base. Through visions
provided and messages contained in the
Sacred Shaman Oracle it is easily
recognisable that the end time of light
weight spiritual beliefs or philosophies
without a substantial and grounded
evidence base has come and gone.

1/1/1999, Flying Eagle, the Sacred
Shaman Oracle, recorded global data,
and MENSA marked the end of a 2,500
year astrological cycle and the official
beginning of a new cycle of life for a
grounded physical evidence base in
universal consciousness, wisdom and
understanding in the Astrological Age
of Aquarius.

What can a fully engaged modern

urban shaman on the guided Flying
Eagle Medicine vision quest take away
from this very detailed observation?

Spiritual Voices need to provide

more than comforting words or
analogies, they need to provide an
evidence base that extends way beyond
feelings, beliefs or thoughts if they want
to genuinely and authentically help the
children of the foreseeable future find a
clearly definable, sustainable, peaceful,
open and tolerant relationship with the
true essence of the omnipotent
omnipresent universally self-aware and
universally self-conscious natural
organism energy base line we all share.

It is important for the modern urban

shaman on the leading edge of the
global spiritual science paradigm to
always include the most subtle yet
readily definable collective spiritual
aspects of the background energy field
eg; numerology, astrology, geomancy,
divination alchemy, etc, even down to
witnessing the dates on a calendar, as
part of their unfolding universal
knowledge bank, wisdom regime and
single pointed focus.

Nothing is left out of infinite

universal conscious creation, therefore
everything must be included.

The Expanded Modern Mind: Most

times in the very well educated
environment of the post modern urban
jungle people take for granted the
experience they are living and choose to
live in ignorance of all they truly are.

Without exception everyone who is

educated beyond primary school level in
the main stream post modern West is
provided with a basic education and
opportunities enough to evolve their
universal consciousness well beyond the
mass collective hypnotic malaise.

Beyond all else your intention to

have the deepest connection with the
infinite potential of universal creation
and the most fulfilling experience in the
Flying Eagle Medicine Tribe is by far the
number one enabling factor that will
allow you to experience the most radiant
peace, total bliss, and an extraordinary
sense of total oneness with all things.

If your intention is to experience a

totally full and completely present
conscious experience with the energy of
infinite universal self-consciousness as
the modern urban shaman in the Flying
Eagle Medicine Tribe that Flying Eagle is
presenting in this guidebook you will
achieve it without any doubt.

Intention is everything and reveals

all. Flying Eagle is a universal spirit
guide, not a puppet master who pulls
invisible strings.

On this guided vision quest you are

given the experience of a spiritual life
cycle return to the Source of all things,
combined with a physical and personal
evidence base of the higher level
evolved super-consciousness that awaits
your cycle of complete spiritual return

after your human life on Mother Earth

Universal lore states nothing

happens by mistake or by accident.
Everything happens as part of a directed
super-natural intention.
In this case Flying Eagle Alchemy
and the Sacred Shaman Oracle provides
everyone freedom of choice and a
defined spiritual evidence base. No one
is forced to have blind faith or made
believe in Flying Eagle.

Your intention must be real. Your

original shamanic spiritual DNA wants
authentic healing and total reconnection
with universal consciousness but your
ego is a master of disguises that will try
and talk you out of helping yourself.

No spiritual parent figure beyond

the energy you, as the singularly infinite
creative universal self-consciousness
you represent in time and space is more
infinitely powerful, correctly positioned
or better placed than you are in this
exact moment, to actively engage in
helping yourself.
You are the self-aware self-
conscious living breathing physical
representation of the infinitely powerful
universal-self-consciousness on earth at
this moment in time.

From this moment forward your life
on earth will have renewed meaning,
purpose and universal vigour like
nothing you have ever imagined
possible because through this guidebook
you are making an authentic connection
directly with the source of infinite
universal creative energy and it will
begin to stream through while you learn
to channel infinite universal healing
energy that will change your life

By recognising as living in the

collective representation of infinite
universal self-consciousness with an
authentic birth right and spiritual
responsibility to live and breathe as a
sacred guardian and conscious caretaker
of all universal life on, in and around
mother earth you will reflect and exhibit
through your thoughts, words and
actions, the original teachings of mother
earths most ancient enlightened global
tribal shamanic spiritual lineage,
meaning that Flying Eagle Medicine will
completely take root in your spiritual
DNA from this moment forward.
Congratulations - You have
successfully completed the Rite Of
Passage into the Flying Eagle Medicine


Let’s start the initiation sequence

with examination of another spectacular
miracle divinely delivered by Flying
Eagle before we evolve through another
step to higher level universal

In the message that follows you will

be exposed to a three dimensional
complex arrangement. First you will
witness a quantifiable statement.


This is delivered as a singular spell

by Flying Eagle acting as a vibrant and
clear sign post for future direction on the
Flying Eagle Medicine vision quest.
Let’s break it down so that you can
witness its spectacular beauty in total

Workbook Exercise: Total each line –

correct totals included
WE ARE NOT ALONE =________ 41
WE ARE THE SYSTEM =________41
WE ARE UNIVERSAL = _________41
Total =____________123
1+2+3=6 1x2x3=6 again the cycle of
return is confirmed and completed.

When Flying Eagle first delivered

these words into human conscious it
unfolded as an even deeper level of
understanding how working with the
alchemy, sorcery and divination energy
of Flying Eagle and the Sacred Shaman
Oracle will present itself to the educated
mind of the modern urban shaman on
the Flying Eagle Medicine vision quest.

The first part, we are not alone, uses

[41] sticks, the second part, we are the
system, uses [41] sticks, the third part,
we are universal, uses [41] sticks.

Now notice what is even more
spectacular to witness in this spell is the
whole message uses [41] message stick
symbols to complete.
Workbook Exercise Cont: Now total
the symbols - the depth of its creation is
singularly extraordinary.

There is no confusion, frustration or

distraction here. This message is clear,
precise and straight to the point.

It cannot be mistaken. It is
completely balanced in everyway and
reflects a new depth of understanding in
Flying Eagle Alchemy and the Sacred
Shaman Oracle.

It is notable to reflect that if time
was not taken to look more deeply into
its complex makeup, cycles and patterns
the true power of the energy spell might
very well have been missed and
overlooked and completely lost in

This indicates that higher a degree

of depth in focus is essential to loose
nothing in translation of the universal
information Flying Eagle is transmitting.

It also signifies a new position of

higher related consciousness to the
Divination process as a whole.

The orientation of the Flying Eagle

Medicine Sacred Shaman Oracle is the
whole goal and a definitive destination
of total immersion in and of itself.

Don’t worry about any resistance

you feel, all will eventually be revealed
in Divine Synchronicity.

The third of the six universal

consciousness positions of modern
urban shamanism is Nothing Is
Separated From The Whole

The tree exists within the seed and

the seed exists within the tree.

Certainly, there are some external

factors that help the tree evolve to repeat
the life cycle over and create seed
bearing fruit - like water, nutrient and
pollination, but the cycle of life creation
continues to happen from within the
seed and continues to happen within the
tree year after year, the external factors
are part of the life cycle of the tree.
You exist within the universe and
the universe exists within you. Sure
there are some external factors that help
you evolve but they are still in the
universe therefore they are part of your
life cycle.
Nothing exists in separation in the
entire universe, therefore consciousness,
thought or self awareness cannot exist in
you if does not already exist somewhere
else in the universe.

If you have advanced this far in the
guidebook, well done and
congratulations, you sense that you have
made it here for a much higher noble
spiritual purpose and reason and you
are correct.

Know that as you start to grow in

your understanding of the energy that
connects every living thing in time and
space with Flying Eagle and the Sacred
Shaman Oracle, the level of universal
consciousness you are reconnecting and
reuniting with was the original level of
shamanic spiritual consciousness the
first universally self-conscious
spiritually awakened people of Mother
Earth connected with.
Yes, the physical environment and
the surroundings have changed
dramatically since the first people of our
shamanic spiritual lineage were alive on

Yes, the teaching structure, the

initiation and healing process and the
learning pathway has changed over
thousands of generations.

The spiritual ancestors, familiars

and spirit guides of every shamanic
lineage on earth speaking as one united
voice in the form of universal super-
consciousness through the unified field
of non-physical non-local energy via the
voice of Flying Eagle in the Sacred

Shaman Oracle, have not changed

They say very loudly and very


This is another way Flying Eagle,

the spirit guides and familiars entwined
in the Sacred Shaman Oracle

Workbook Exercise: add the total

number of sticks used to create this
message from Flying Eagle.
69 __ 6 and 9, 69 - the imagery of the
word spell and the image of the number
is what you are being asked to look into
here first. The imagery holds a globally
definition and shows a total balance in
return. Flying Eagle and the ancestor
spirits want everyone to know that
Karmic return really does happen.

Flying Eagle Alchemy
communicates through the Sacred
Shaman Oracle to reveal layers of
hidden truth in the evolution of
universal-self-consciousness in many
different ways.

[69] = 6+9=15 1+5=6 = SIX - the

cycle of return is completed again.

The rule of three always applies in

energy return. From A Word To A word
I was Led To A Word:


This message from Flying Eagle

accurately confirms the end cycle of the
Gregorian calendar time was clearly
marked by Mother Nature and Father

Workbook Exercise: As you step

into the next level of engagement with
Flying Eagle Alchemy you will be
shown some single word spells without
any explanation. Write your immediate
thoughts next to each group of words.
EAGLE - 15
TRIBE - 15
H U M A N - 15

L O V E - 11
H A T E - 11
HAPPY - 14
TRUTH - 14


Complete the exercise before continuing

You may not have completely
recognised it yet but your unconscious
thoughts have caused the words you are
reading to be written in this workbook
for you to experience.

The self-conscious universe at work

in your unconscious energy networks
and the super-consciousness of the
evolved shamanic spiritual ancestors are
working in unison to heal your
wounded thought processes like your
body works to heal that skun knee.

You will not have been provided

with a deep space of reflection or viable
encouragement to grow and expand
your spiritual intelligence like the deep
space of reflection and encouragement
you will experience during initiation
into the Flying Eagle Medicine Tribe.

Flying Eagle and the Sacred

Shaman Oracle is here for you. From this
moment forward everything in your life
will change, and not by chance, by

Amazing stuff right? And it gets a

whole lot more amazing as the awesome
moments of brilliant enlightenment
come out of your newly discovered
personal spiritual relationship with
Flying Eagle.
Take a little time to congratulate
yourself in reflection of the journey your

universal super-consciousness has taken
to get here.

The energy of Flying Eagle will feel

a little raw in the first moment of
recognising you are here with us in
expanded consciousness beyond human
form, but don’t worry about anything.

You wanted this to happen, that’s

why your life unfolded as it has.

Remember, nothing happens by

accident. All this might seem a little bit
overwhelming at first but what is a
beginning if it’s not something
completely new.

The fantastic news that you can

fully take onboard in your conscious
mind from this moment forward is; you
have awoken the original sleeping
shamanic energy centres within you and
you have done this to help your
conscious mind retrieve its pure natural
infinite universal-self-aware connection.

The awakening visions of the Flying

Eagle Sacred Shaman Oracle that you
are experiencing and the true spiritual
knowing that you are one with a single
definitive Shamanic Oracle lineage on
mother earth is because of the solid
grounded evidence base that Flying
Eagle is providing for you.

To re-engage with the foundation of

original energy found in universal self-
aware shamanic spiritual consciousness,
Flying Eagle has had to fly above the
established spiritual collective known in
the modern West to create a pristine
clear bypass at the highest vibrational
frequency possible.

Self talk fires the unconscious spark

that ignites the correctional bypass
within you. You will now be guided to
engage your unconscious energy portals
through words and numbers to reveal
their story in the universal energy flow
and consciousness stream of the clear
thought bypass Flying Eagle has created
for you.

Workbook Exercise: Free Flow;

streaming your first personal channelled

messages through Flying Eagle using
direct channelled words.

The language you use and the

words you choose play a very important
role in how you subconsciously relate to
the rest of the world around you. The
messages you will receive from Flying
Eagle will be totally individual to your
own way of understanding.

There is no right or wrong

perception of how the self talk language
spectrum in your thought process or the
energy frequency you are attached to at
this current time is filtered through this
exercise as it will simply continue to
evolve in time and space.

Some examples like love =11 and
hate=11 [different ends of the same
emotional energy spectrum] are obvious
to everyone who takes the time to look.
However, other messages will not be
obvious to anyone but you.

Use the next page in your workbook

to ‘free flow’ descriptive words. All
words are acceptable; do not be hesitant
or discerning. As they ‘arise’ into your
conscious thought stream write them
down in the message stick symbols of
the Sacred Shaman Oracle and add them
as you go along. [eg; HAPPY = 14] Try
for (20) words to start.

Relax and breathe deeply, as soon

as the first word arises allow all the
words to flow from your unconscious
unified field, through your
subconscious, into your conscious mind,
through into your hand, into the pen,
and on to the paper and then into your
visual sight.

When you have filled the page with

words, [try for at least 20], you will start
to see patterns emerging and forming in
a numerical and logical sequence.
The messages you receive from this
exercise will appear in obvious patterns
and they will be in either a sequence or a
run of equal valued words, eg: 16,17,18
or 3 words all equal to 21, etc. [this
exercise can be used any time you are
searching for answers to questions]
Complete the exercise before continuing

Now remember you are very new at
this. No one expects a new born human
baby to hit the ground running and
talking sense.
But the energy and passion you feel
rising inside and the extraordinary
universal-self-conscious connection with
source energy that Flying Eagle is
providing you, means with continued
guided practice and the Sacred Shaman
Oracle growing within you will be up
and running in no time like a baby

In human terms that are regularly

used - when you witness the clear
messages in numerical sequenced
patterns through your sighted vision
[written by your hand] your conscious
mind is re-set to bypass your
subconscious via a new and clear access
stream to your unconscious mind
[universal-super-consciousness] that
Flying Eagle has created for you.

You retrieved the messages for

yourself from the infinite spectrum of
universal consciousness in the exercise
you just completed without your
programmed subconscious blockages
standing in the way and preventing

Your conscious mind is the essential

active waking state of mind used to be
creative, fuel and move your body.

The subconscious contains your
habitual addictive programs that inform
your conscious mind.

Walking, talking, counting, driving,

riding a bike, collective beliefs,
allegiances and alliances are all stored
and accessed in your subconscious.

Only the unconscious mind is the

open clear gateway to the original
universal intelligent creative source of
universal consciousness.

Your mind cycles through all the
states of consciousness every day.

 Beta – conscious [fully awake

 Alpha – semi conscious [upon
waking or falling asleep, day
dreaming, unconscious action]
 Theta – REM sleep [subconscious
frequency, conscious dreaming,
 Delta – unconscious, universal
consciousness [deep sleep,
dreamless, self healing, immune
system function, collective more-
than-human consciousness,
universal intelligence, organic
automatic neural firing]
Accessing universal consciousness
directly through the divination practices
you will be guided to use avoids the
grossly encrusted and polluted energy
field of your subconscious program.

Natural human development and

subconscious programming occurs in
three defined stages 0-7 years 7-14 years
14-21 years.

These stages of growth are recorded

and explained in many different human
growth and development studies dating
back for thousands of years in shamanic
spiritual history and evident in almost
every spiritual culture on earth because
of their original shamanic lineage.
[Common collective knowledge]
For the first 9 months of your life
you are a blank hard-drive running on
an unconscious organic basic life
support format growing into and
downloading your evolving operating
system through the environment you are
immersed in.

Your subconscious operating

system bandwidth until age 7 receives
and processes all information from the
environment at the Theta and Delta

Your subconscious operating

program is imprinted in the first 7 years
of life. It is then reinforced by
socialisation in the next 7 years and fully
established as your subconscious life
program over the next 7 years without
any need for your conscious mind to
even be aware it has happened.

If a healthy and sustainable

spiritual subconscious life program is
established in the first 7 years of your
life and reinforced then maintained
there is no reason to address the failure
of your subconscious program or to
access and reconnect with the

When the subconscious program

fails to sustain or provide healthy,
happy, mental, emotional, physical and
spiritual balance in human life it needs
bypassing and repair.

Metaphysically speaking, Flying
Eagle is the attending spiritual
physician, Flying Eagle Medicine is the
bypass and the Sacred Shaman Oracle
vision quest is the operational repair

Rather than try and treat your

subconscious operating system Flying
Eagle Medicine bypasses the
subconscious and goes directly to the
unconscious universal source of your
original creation.

By continuing to do the exercises in

the unconscious healing activation being
presented in this guided vision quest
from here forward you will organically
bypass any subconscious resistance in
your programmed operating system
[ego] with ease.

The spiritual healing and

reconnection experience with Flying
Eagle is ultimately unique because it
automatically takes place by reactivating
the entire unconscious energy spectrum
of your original shamanic spiritual DNA
that is generic in your basic unconscious
life support system you are conceived
from and born with.

Because Flying Eagle Medicine is

activated first in your unconscious the
healing energy rises organically without
any resistance through your
subconscious affectively breaking down
encrusted blockages and neutralising
toxic cultural waste and spiritual
pollution as it rises.

The healing energy of Flying Eagle

Medicine then arrives and takes form in
your conscious mind as a localised
vibrant and renewed thought connected
to your original shamanic DNA, acting
and reacting to your entire physical,
spiritual, emotional, and psychological
relationships in a new and sustainable
peaceful balance.

Because your old subconscious

operating system is being healed and
repaired at the deepest level of
universal-self aware unconscious energy
your conscious mind can be at rest

knowing that Flying Eagle Medicine is
doing what it is prescribed to do.

There is no need for worry or

concern, the exact correct and perfect
amount of healing energy medicine is
occurring for you in exactly the correct
way, and in correct timing it is
unfolding perfectly in your life, because
just like your conscious mind does not
need to know how to beat your heart,
breathe your lungs, or fix that skun knee
you can rely 100% on your deepest
unconscious universal spiritual
connection to do the spiritual healing
work for you.

Flying Eagle is the Universal Master

Spiritual Healing Physician. Over time
Flying Eagle Medicine naturally takes on
the extended form of differently
evolving creative choices and external
manifestations and relationships in your

By doing the simple exercises

explained further in this guidebook all
of this happens without your busy
active conscious mind having to do
battle with the program in your
subconscious that no longer serves your
conscious desire for a renewed authentic
purposeful life, a higher-self interest,
your highest potential and an authentic
spiritual connection, because the natural
universal healing energy active through
your deepest unconscious does the
healing while you continue to eat, sleep,
play and work with and absolute
minimum of recognisable conscious
People who seek the deepest
possible spiritual reconnection remain
constantly unfulfilled or disappointed if
they are guided to believe their
conscious mind must do the work.

Your conscious busy mind operates

at such a surface level of frequency
vibration it has no impact on your deep
level unconscious frequency vibration
and therefore it is not the director of any
healing or reconnection experience.
Your conscious mind can sense it wants

healing and reconnection but it cannot
do it for you.

During the initial unconscious

healing and reconnection phase you will
notice a lot of change in the people,
conversations, relationships and
opportunities that are presented to you.

This is the unconscious collective

unified energy field at work in your
physical energy field addressing the
areas of complete lack or imbalance in
your life and providing everything you
need to blossom as a shaman flower on
the soul tree of life.

Your unconscious energy is calling

these people, happenings and events
into your physical life for the exact
purpose of providing spiritual
nourishment to address your deepest
healing needs.
Learning how to read the physical
signs of the unconscious spiritual
healing and reconnection work that is
occurring takes a little time.

At first the untrained observer in

the conscious mind must be refocused to
witness unconscious universal
consciousness at work before it registers
in the subconscious.
Remember your subconscious is the
hard drive programmed by energetic

observation of the environment in the
first 7 years of your life.

Your first operating program

entered your subconscious without
conscious recognition, but your new
subconscious program will happen with
a conscious observer and witness taking

With the practices set out in the

following exercises in this guidebook
you are being consciously engaged at
the deepest unconscious universal
healing level possible.
The energy of Flying Eagle
Medicine links your unconscious to your

conscious while it reboots and
reprograms your subconscious.

Because you are [by necessity]

bypassing your subconscious thought
programs the exercises that follow are
set out to help you recognise the ways
you will read all of the unconscious sign
posts that are presented to your
conscious senses as they relate to your
positive healing experience and future
happy, joyful, stress free, purposeful,
blissful, incredibly successful life

In the exercises that follow nothing

is overlooked. For example: an apparent
thought arises that it will rain but the
sun is shining, next thing the rain
arrives. A sudden change of direction in
travel avoids a major traffic delay. A
random stranger appears out of
nowhere to provide you with the answer
to question. You think of someone
fondly and they call on the phone or
their favourite song plays.

These happenings are confirmation

that universal consciousness is
connected to your unconscious through
your original shamanic spiritual DNA
and is actively communicating with
your awakened conscious mind.

These confirmation events are the

equivalent in their energy relationship to
the whole as a dream is in your REM
sleeping state.
The modern urban shaman is
drawn to question the deeper meanings
implied in the completion of each
conscious returning energy cycle that
you will experience.

The energy healing and

reconnection aspects of Flying Eagle
Medicine takes place on multiple fronts
because universal consciousness is
everywhere all at once and therefore is
extremely elevated in the process of a
Sacred Vision Quest.

The process in a Sacred Vision

Quest is to heighten your conscious
awareness of your connection with the
whole of universal consciousness 24/7
and rather than just notice the energy
spikes, become able to notice the energy
consciously informing you on all levels
in every way 24/7.

A great metaphor to explain this

comes through the example of the
original wounded shamanic spiritual
warrior within you. Driven off your
sacred land in the unaltered natural
environment you go in search of shelter,
water, food and healing medicine on a
land you have never accessed before and
have no subconscious sacred connection

Your conscious mind will be

directed by the super-natural physical
signs posts that are presented to you by
the unconscious more-than-human
environment surrounding you. Remain

Your subconscious knowing is

completely removed from the survival
equation on this land and you must call
on the knowledge and wisdom of the
deep universal consciousness to help
you find the shelter, water, food and
medicine that you trust will be safe for
you to ingest.
You will naturally call on your
universal spirit guides and familiars to
reveal themselves and guide your way.
Even though you are on foreign
land their super-natural energy is not
and it will reveal itself through
conscious physical signs to direct you
back to full strength and full health.

Your conscious recognition of the

dynamic amplified spiritual healing you
are receiving in perfect amounts rebinds
the fractured and broken double helix of
the shamanic spiritual DNA in the
modern urban shaman.

The physical signs a modern urban

shaman using Flying Eagle Medicine on
a Sacred Vision Quest receives from
their universal spirit guides and
familiars in the collective more-than-
human unified energy field are very
different in the modern urban
environment than would be expected in
the natural landscape but they appear in
physical form as directional signs
leading you to all you need in exactly
the same way as the wounded shamanic
spiritual warrior on unknown land in a
very natural environment is guided back
to full strength and full health.

At this stage of being awakened to

all of the universal-self-conscious
aspects of Flying Eagle Medicine in your
shamanic spiritual DNA it is safe to say
you will receive many signs on your
Sacred Shaman Oracle Vision Quest.

As there is no end goal beyond the

natural cycle of shamanic spiritual
return and the complete and total
immersion in the Sacred Shaman Oracle
on this Sacred Vision Quest it is best
practice for the vision quester to be
alerted to only receive signs that will
keep you on the Sacred Vision Quest
pathway for your own psychic
protection and evolution purposes.

In this moment of your personal

evolution and self discovery, psychic
energy is a descriptive term relevant to
your own personal microcosm in
relationship to the unified field and
source of universal-self-conscious

Your understanding of the term

psychic energy is completely relevant
only to your evolved level of
understanding the non-physical non-
local universal-self-conscious that your
life force energy extends from and
thrives in.

The most basic low level of

understanding psychic energy is in
relationship to human consciousness
only. Not universal consciousness. It is
in the imagery of human or physical
form for a separated individual mind in
the West to understand and presents in
a passed over or dead tense.
The highest, most evolved and most
expanded level of understanding
psychic energy is in relationship to the
more-than-human, infinite universe of
self-conscious knowing as a collective
whole that has no imagery imaginable.

When viewed as a single whole
infinite universal-self-conscious
bodymind, in extension from the ever
present SOURCE of all creation, your
personal psychic microcosm is a single
self-conscious cell in the macrocosm of
the psychic self-conscious whole.

As a healthy cell you have a specific

natural blue print connection for
sustainable infinite life encoded into
your original shamanic spiritual DNA
energy matrix.

A healthy psychic cell knows itself

to be the exact blue print of the infinite
universal life force organism.

A healthy psychic cell is aware of its
unconscious relationship with universal-
self-consciousness via the psychic
networks of the host body it inhabits.
A healthy psychic cell recognises its
reason for being is to keep the host body
fit, healthy and alive in recognition of
the super-conscious infinite whole it

A healthy psychic cell always has a

positive aspect in relationship to the host

A healthy psychic cell is always

doing something in support of the larger
living organism.

An unhealthy psychic cell is trying
to destroy itself by destroying its host
body and the environment it lives in.

Just like the fifty trillion cells in

your body perform different functions
and become part of different organs or
tissue in your body but are not separate
from you, your personal psychic energy
microcosm is part of different organs or
tissues in the host body of the super-self-
conscious living organism that Flying
Eagle and the Sacred Shaman Oracle
represents as a universal whole.

Some psychic cells, act like cancer

cells in a human body and are counter
productive to the well being of the
universal whole. They will be
neutralised by the living universal
organic system for the continued
evolution of the universal-self-conscious
Psychic free radicals are personal
microcosms that recognise as being
foreign bodies or entities that only live
in separation from the whole and do not
recognise as a healthy part of the organic
spiritual super-self-conscious whole that
Flying Eagle and the Sacred Shaman
Oracle now consciously represent.

The psychic free radicals will try

every way they can to destroy the host
body of infinite universal-self-conscious
life in human form like rampant cancer
cells do in individual human bodies.
But they will be simply neutralised
and will be absorbed as nutrient and
nourishment for the blossoming Shaman
flower on the Soul Tree of Life that has
rooted and is now growing inside of

Workbook Exercise: the next

evolution on the Flying Eagle Medicine
Vision Quest is to go even deeper into
your free flowing unconscious clear
message stream [clear vision
(Clairvoyant) Divination] and discover a
personal relationship message using
your unconscious free flow creativity.

This exercise serves to strengthen

your conscious unconscious connection

bypassing your toxic subconscious
program one more time.

It will consist of six words and the

total number of message sticks used to
create the message will be 123, return
cycle completed again.
You will free flow the words and
their energy will be recognisable this
time [positive neutral or negative]. This
exercise will begin with a word to the
value of 18. From a word to a word you
will be led to a final word that will finish
with a value of 23. This message will be
unique to you. Some of the words you
may choose to use could have already
appeared in your previous free flow
You can continue with your original
free flow exercises or begin a complete
new one to discover the rest of the
words you need to complete your
personal relationship message.

18 + 19 + 20 + 21 + 22 + 23 = 123
1+2+3=6 1x2x3=6 return cycle complete

Complete the exercise before continuing

As you evolve on the Flying Eagle
Vision Quest your personal relationship
message that you just received will
change in content and context as your
unconscious to conscious relationship
with Flying Eagle becomes crystal clear
and the toxic pollutants in your
subconscious are evaporated and return
three fold to their original dark and evil
source. [Check back on your personal
relationship message as you progress]

At this time the peaceful ability to

accept what is unfolding exactly as is,
without a need to fix it, change it,
control it, deny it or explain it, because
the universe is unfolding it for you, in a

way that you understand - is unfolding
for you.

Modern Urban Shamanism is not a

catch phrase or title, it is a 24/7
commitment to living in the [Source]
original life force energy frequency of
enlightened knowing about our natural
human universal-self-consciousness
without confusion, stress, endless worry
and concerns.
A desire to witness and
communicate awareness of universal
consciousness or creation has not
appeared in other self-conscious self-
aware animals in the way it has for
humans since the beginning of human
life on earth.
The standpoint of being witness to
the unconscious whole is always
important if you want to receive the full
and accurate - most pure vision - of
what is really happening in your entire
life through space and time.

Universal consciousness is the

entire experience of universal creation
and universal-self-consciousness is the
pinnacle experience at which point
universal consciousness is in complete
understanding of witnessing itself as the
whole and the full circle of return is

Universal consciousness has chosen

to be present in human form on earth
exactly in the same way universal
consciousness chose be called Flying
Eagle, and chose to deliver the Sacred
Shaman Oracle into human
Your conscious mind will blossom
to receive this understanding and
recognise this truth easily because your
unconscious mind is the natural receiver
of self-aware universal consciousness.

The human animal is created in

absolute perfection as a universal
consciousness energy receiver and
transmitter, and is perfectly aligned with
the super-conscious whole to exist as the
conscious caretaker and tribal orator of

Flying Eagle, the Sacred Shaman
Oracle, the Flying Eagle Medicine Circle
and the family of Modern Urban
Shamanism honours the observable
evidence based divine truth that the
authentic and only genuine reason for
human life on Mother Earth is to live in
truthful witness of super-conscious
universal life force energy as the single
intelligent, directive and creative
organism present and whole in all

now you are entering your sacred space

The fourth of the six universal

consciousness positions of modern
urban shamanism is: You are not
separate from the unconscious nature of
the entire natural environment.
Flying Eagle Medicine and the
Sacred Shaman Oracle forms the psychic
energy bridge to expand your personal
relationship with the most sacred

aspects in your own deeply entwined
shamanic spiritual knowing.

You are the first sacred aspect. Your

time, your place, your space on earth is a
sacred part of the whole and is occurring
exactly as planned in the blue print of
your shamanic spiritual DNA.

You are exactly where you need to

be doing exactly what you need to do at
this moment in time and space.

By now you will be 100% fully

awakened and totally aware that
authentic Shamanic Spiritual Mastery is
not relevant in any way to a single
physical earthly time line, a single
physical culture, a single race, a single
language, a type of drum, a shaky rattle,
but instead relevant to the entire whole
of all that is in every millisecond of
every life.
There is absolutely NO RELEVANT
DIFFERENCE in the universal
consciousness relationship found in the
core shamanic spiritual DNA of
everyone on earth outside of their
interpersonal social relationship with the
environment and developed culture
they find themselves living in.

The Shaman is a See’er, a Know’er,

a Caretaker, an Orator of Universal
Truth, a Sacred Spiritual Community
Asset and a Necessary Component of

the community they are part of and live

You live constantly in the energy

stream of universal-self-consciousness
and the energy is constantly
communicating with you.
Everything is engaged in the whole
energy matrix.
The Flying Eagle Sacred Shaman
Oracle engages and activates your
psychic energy receptors in your
personal psychic energy microcosm
against the background of your existing
interpersonal social and cultural

The entire journey for the Shamanic
Diviner is to entwine their interpersonal
social relationships with the Divine
Source of the natural universal whole.
This is always based on their
universal-self-talk and is always self
learned in relationship with their
prevailing social position, initiation,
activation and conditioning.

The Shaman communicates with

their nature spirits guides and their
familiars and receives their guidance in
ways that serve them as a Shamanic
Energy Medicine Practitioner for their
community, in the best way possible.

Workbook Exercise: This is the final
exercise in the guidebook before the
devotional work with the Sacred
Shaman Oracle begins.
It explores the most subtle nature of
your psychic energy frequency and your
psychic community engagement. This
exercise is to:

1) Recognise your existing

interpersonal social relationships.
2) Recognise how they are connected
with you on a deeper level.
3) Explore the sacred bonds you have
with them.
4) Strengthen your conscious
connection to the subtle psychic
energy matrix of the nature spirit
guides and familiars as you
progress to create sacred natural
bonds and intimate relationships
with them.
This is a complete trust exercise. Trust is
very important.
In the sacred space of channelling divine
messages 100% trust in your spirit
guides and familiars helps them get the
messages they are trying to deliver

Trust is important because Clear

Shamanic Spiritual Channels do not
question their spirit guides and
familiars; they are the human
messengers bridging the physical and
spiritual realms to help inform, help
heal, help educate, help encourage, help
their community become more
enlightened to the spiritual purpose and
meanings in their life and help their
community grow and overcome

In this exercise you will learn how

to connect with your spirit guides and
familiars in your wider community
networks by finding the relevance of
words or spells that simply enter your
conscious mind.

You will be making comparisons

(remember to double check all coded
numerical data totals) and searching for

the deeper meaning in what is being
presented to you as a defined message.

Check your name first; compare

descriptive words or emotional tags to
your names numerical data code.

Establish what influence or impact

these word spells with comparable data
codes may be having on your thinking,
your emotions, and your life.

What word spell with a comparable

data code might best describe you?

What word spell with a comparable

data code best describes your strengths?

If you are shown a weakness in a

word spell that you recognise - how
might you strengthen it?
It is important in this initial contact
with the subtle natural psychic energy
background of the environment that you
are immersed in that you reference all
activity going on around you, through
the embedded numerical data code of
the Sacred Shaman Oracle.

Explore the interpersonal social

relationships you share or hold sacred
with the names of lovers, children,
friends and family.

Investigate everything through the

Sacred Shaman Oracle data code; global
history, street names, colours, countries,
planets, animals, instruments, feelings,
emotions, meanings, purpose,
playthings, work and hobbies etc.
Investigate all of the interpersonal,
intimate and social relationships with
life that you share in the world form.

After all, they are uniquely your

relationships so it easily recognised as
best practice if you understand them.
Discover how they all link up by
finding their connection through the
embedded numerical data code in the
Sacred Shaman Oracle.

The list of things to compare is

almost endless.

Allow the energy to flow freely in

this exercise without any question or
blockages. Allow the energy to cycle
through you.
This is a very personal subtle
psychic energy channelling exercise.

The words, spells, sentences and

patterns will stream through you and
lead you onto many more valuable
discoveries, examples and conclusions
developing your deepest trust and
confirming a pure level of complete
security in all you do.

This exercise opens relevant sacred

psychic energy portals in your original
shamanic spiritual DNA.

Note: practice makes perfect - you can

return to this or any other exercise in the
guidebook at any time.

Complete the exercise before continuing

The fifth of the six universal
consciousness positions of modern
urban shamanism is: Where you
journey becomes your vision.
You have entered the Divine Sacred
Space of the Sacred Shaman Oracle.
Modern Urban Shamanic
Divination is the term used to describe
communication with the natural psychic
energy base frequency that is vibrant
and alive on, in and around Mother
Earth 24/7. [This IS Gaia Mind]

Here you will take the exclusive

devoted position of being the Divine
Channel for your own and your wider

communities shamanic spiritual
development needs.

Total Activation and Immersion:

The next and final vertical leap on your
guided vision quest journey is to create
your own Oracle and activate your spirit
guide and spirit familiar energy.

This is the pinnacle process of the

guided vision quest. The ultimate goal is
to familiarise yourself with your nature
spirit guides, healing spirit energies and
ancestor spirits.

By activating your Sacred Shaman

Oracle you become a link in the
communication chain between worlds
that is totally relevant to you, your
environment, your community and your
living experience on the earth plane.

Flying Eagle is the universal

consciousness spirit guide connected
directly to source and connects the
whole. Similar to the way the sun
impacts the whole of earth, the planets,
the moon etc. Flying Eagle will always
remain the foundation in the
background energy of your guide
networks but the familiars you connect
with are your personal guides in
everyday activities and living.

The direct familiars are what guides

energy on and around the planet
through personal choice and direction
Nature spirit guides form two levels
of engagement but are always localised
psychic energy frequencies relevant to
all immediate life on earth.
A good example of the level nearest
your daily activity is a specific family of
tree, or specific family of bird, animal,
sea life.

The group energy of the specific

nature spirit guide, example; Acacia
tree, is the relevant psychic frequency
you are connecting with, not an
individual physical object in the group
and it is always a moving transient
energy stream.

The higher level grouping of the
nature spirit guides is, plant, animal,
human, sea life.

The ancestor spirit guide

frequencies are in two categories. The
first is as a larger localised form than the
nature spirit guides, but only impacting
earth and their psychic energy frequency
is in relative storage mode [always
existing as is]. They are individual in
and of their teaching and wisdom but as
a group can be categorized as pre-
existing all sentient life on earth,
example; earth, moon, air, water etc.

The next category of ancestor spirit

guide is pre-existing earth in physical
form and impacts the whole on a much
larger scale, is relevant to localised
activity but is non-local to earth activity,
example; sun, solar system, galaxy,
entire physical universe, non-local non-
physical energy field, universal
consciousness, source of universal

The variation of density in the

atmosphere between day and night does
impact the transmissions of the localised
psychic energy frequencies because of
their very subtle nature, therefore
specific nature spirit guides and
ancestor spirit guides will communicate
more clearly at different times of day
and night.

Preparing yourself and your
environment to be without distraction
during the times you set aside to
channel will pay dividens during your
sacred shaman oracle vision quest.

Preparation involves creating a

sacred space. That might mean a time
separate from your daily commitments
to be alone or finding a space where you
can be alone for approximately 20-40
minutes in a day.

The details of the vision quest

directives were specifically channelled
and form the impenetrable protective
psychic fabric of the sacred shaman
oracle vision quest.

Those who fully complete the quest
exactly as detailed will be given entry
into the elevated level of universal
consciousness reflected by Flying Eagle
teaching in the Sacred Shaman Oracle
and given their true direction on the
universal-super-consciousness pathway.

Note: You will need a bee’s wax

candle. The details of activation are as

 The 28 day vision quest begins on a

day relevant to your spiritual
 It follows the 28 day lunar cycle of
 You must create your own Sacred
Shaman Oracle before this time. Do
this with the sacred intention of
connecting with the whole. Create a
sacred storage container for you
Oracle at the same time. You will be
directed by Flying Eagle in this
 Oracle pieces are called Lots. Each
lot will be a reflection of your days
learning’s. It holds the energy of the
spirit guides that reveal themselves.
[This is reflective of one of the
oldest shamanic initiation traditions
on earth dating back through the
original message stick lineage of
recorded information].
 Your Sacred Shaman Oracle must
be made of natural elements that

will allow you inscribe the symbols
of the Sacred Shaman Oracle on
 Each day of the 28 period you will
set aside a time to commune with
your spirit guides etc. It does not
have to be the same time.
 There are 77 message sticks in the
Sacred Shaman Oracle and each
message stick represents a specific
nature spirit guide or healing
energy that will reveal its story to
you. Example: in the A symbol 3
nature spirit guides will reveal
themselves and make their stories
known to you. Find out who, what
and where they are. Note: When

you reach the returning Boomerang
and the 13th symbol the vision quest
journey that created the original
returning Boomerang will be
revealed to you by the shamanic
warrior spirit that created it.
 On your first and last day you do
not select an Oracle piece. This seals
the Oracle in the absolute formless.
Select each piece in the remaining
26 day order.
 On each of the 28 days you will
journal your learning’s from the
spirit guides in your Sacred Shaman
Oracle Journal.
 That journal is your personal sacred
space and the contents should only

be shared with others who have
done the vision quest and have been
or are on the Flying Eagle Vision
Quest [Psychic leaches in the form
of psychic free radicals are
everywhere and can appear in the
kindest most caring disguises to
drain your energy].
 Before communion with the daily
spirit guides you will enter a deep a
space of complete emptiness and
shamanic mindfulness or
contemplation where your thoughts
will cease completely and you will
be welcomed into the unconscious
healing of universal consciousness
by Flying Eagle and reunited with

the original source of universal
creation in total stillness and
 To enter the complete space of
emptiness you will call in Flying
Eagle as follows.
 After lighting a bee’s wax candle
repeat the Flying Eagle Medicine
Peace Chant 9 times, one for each
energy body in your personal
energy field. – {To every spirit, in
every man. On every shore, and
every land. To all that makes the
night sky glow, and all that makes
the great tree grow. Bring peace on
earth to every one, to every Dad
and every Mum. To every Son and

Daughter too, bring Peace on earth
to me and you}. Do not be
concerned if cannot consciously
remember completing the full 9
repetitive chants. Sometimes it takes
a while – just remain consistent and
you will enter the space.
 When you do, Flying Eagle will
greet you in the space of total empty
silence. From there your spirit
guides for the day will introduce
themselves to you in a variety of
ways that will be very noticeable if
not immediately stay alert during
the rest of the day.
 To close off the open energy stream
and return to active daily

consciousness after completing the
channelling process and recording
in your journal repeat the Calming
chant 9 times {Remember… You can
do no more than what it is you are
doing at this very moment. The
universe is at work and you can
only learn what it has to teach you.
In every minute of every day,
Now… is a time of peace, Now… is
a time of change. Observe the
changes as they challenge the self
and begin to live…. Through this

Practice makes perfect. If you sense

any discomfort, seek out a Flying Eagle
Medicine Mentor in the online group.
At anytime you can stop the ritual
and ceremony and begin the 28 day
process again.

Those who recognise and

experience the expanse of total and
complete oneness with all things will
achieve a very deep level of shamanic
spiritual DNA reconnection and long-
term stable results by following the
sacred shaman oracle vision quest on the
Flying Eagle Medicine pathway.

There is an old saying connected to

ancient shamanic lineage of universal
consciousness that proves itself to be a
true masterpiece when approaching the
vision quest process; “Before
enlightenment, chop wood and carry
water. After enlightenment chop wood
and carry water”.

Universal consciousness confers

enlightened healing and enlightened
unified wisdom and knowledge as part
of a whole experience.
It does not confer any level of
special accolade or divinity on a singular
individual participant.

Even when the diviner or source

level of enlightened conscious is
successfully achieved the daily work
schedule needs to be attended.

Spiritual reconnection and the

sacred shaman oracle vision quest is not

an escape route from the experience of
daily life on Earth.

Embrace it head on; stay engaged in

community bringing every aspect of
your knowing through the experience of
the vision quest to the collective table of
knowledge and wisdom.


The final universal consciousness
position of modern urban shamanism in
this guidebook is: you live in the entire
energy matrix of universal
consciousness and will never leave it,
but your mind in separation will always
be closed off from it, stay connected.
The existence of conscious life
beyond human form is as real in a non-
physical psychic sense as you are in a
physical sense.
It is with unstoppable spiritual
strength and courageous commitment
created through a burning desire to fully
witness the universal consciousness
embodied in your shamanic DNA as
endless universal love for all life - - that
in the face of every obstacle, distraction,
hurdle or mountain standing in the way
of your peaceful spiritual transcendence
of fear, ignorance and greed – that you
ripen as a seed baring fruit on the soul
tree of life.

The universal spiritual truth,
infinite knowledge and universal
wisdom gained through your
transcendent of physical form will help
you soar like an Flying Eagle in a clear
spiritual vision that will guide the way
for others to follow.

Congratulations on getting through

this far and completing the guidebook.

What an extraordinarily exciting

moment, you made it, you will be filled
with passion and energy and ecstatic
with excitement that can be put to great
use on the Flying Eagle Medicine
pathway. Now your real shamanic
journey through life can really begin.

Now that we have started this
universal shamanic healing process
together it makes absolutely no sense for
it to just end here and now.
Stay Well and Peace To All Flying Eagle


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