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Imen MODULE 3 – Pollution- 9TH FORM

.1.Who is this ? What does the picture refer to ? 

……………………………………. .2.How does “she” look
like? – circle the adjectives that better
describe the picture: (happy - exhausted – healthy – upset – aged – sad – ill –
suffering – wounded – hurt – beautiful – grey-haired – ugly –relaxed – worried
– troubled –anxious concerned – crying)
.3.What’s the matter? Why is “she” crying?

Natur Our mother Earth is crying because man-

al made

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 .4.Label the following pictures then use them in the spider gram below

pollution - volcanic eruption – tornado - wars and nuclear weapons – acid rain – droughts – floods – earthquake – tsunami – oil spills –
car smoke – logging and deforestation – domestic rubbish – global warming – chemical and nuclear experiences - smoking

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