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Subject: Science

Grade Level: Grade 10

Objective: Predict the qualitative characteristics (orientation, type, and

magnification) of images formed by lenses

Learning across curriculum:

1) Mathematics - The concept of angles and trigonometry are related to the objective
of predicting the orientation of images formed by lenses. Students can use
trigonometric functions to calculate the angle of deviation of light rays passing
through lenses.

2) Technology and Livelihood Education - Understanding the characteristics of

images formed by lenses is important in fields such as photography, videography,
and graphic design. Students can explore how lenses are used in capturing and
manipulating images.

3) English - Describing the qualitative characteristics of images formed by lenses

requires effective communication skills. Students can practice using descriptive
language to explain the orientation, type, and magnification of images.


Teaching Strategy: K-W-L Chart

Instructional Materials: Whiteboard, markers

Anecdote 1: Share a personal experience of using a magnifying glass to observe


Anecdote 2: Discuss how lenses are used in traditional Filipino optical devices like
the salakot and the anting-anting.

Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing

Instructional Materials: Costumes or props

1) Idea: Have students act as different types of lenses (e.g., convex, concave) and
demonstrate how light rays pass through them to form images.

2) Idea: Conduct a debate where students take on the roles of scientists and discuss
the pros and cons of using different types of lenses in various applications.


Activity 1: Exploring Lens Orientation

Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning

Materials: Convex lens, concave lens, light source, screen, ruler

Significance: This activity allows students to observe and predict the orientation of
images formed by different types of lenses.


1) Set up the light source, lens, and screen.

2) Move the screen until a clear image is formed.

3) Measure the distance between the lens and the screen.

4) Repeat the procedure with different types of lenses.


- Correct prediction of orientation: 5 pts

- Accurate measurement of distance: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) How does the orientation of the lens affect the orientation of the image?

2) What happens to the image orientation when using a convex lens compared to a
concave lens?

3) How can you predict the orientation of an image formed by a lens?

Activity 2: Identifying Lens Type

Teaching Strategy: Visual Aids

Materials: Convex lens, concave lens, objects with varying shapes and sizes,

Significance: This activity allows students to observe and predict the type of lens
based on the characteristics of the images formed.


1) Place the lens between the object and the screen.

2) Observe the characteristics of the image formed (e.g., magnified, inverted,


3) Identify the type of lens based on the image characteristics.


- Correct identification of lens type: 5 pts

- Accurate description of image characteristics: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) How can you determine if a lens is convex or concave based on the

characteristics of the image it forms2) What happens to the image characteristics
when using a convex lens compared to a concave lens?

3) How can you predict the type of lens based on the image formed?
Activity 3: Investigating Lens Magnification

Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning

Materials: Convex lens, concave lens, objects with varying sizes, screen, ruler

Significance: This activity allows students to explore the relationship between lens
magnification and object distance.


1) Choose an object and place it at different distances from the lens.

2) Observe and measure the size of the image formed on the screen.

3) Record the object distance and image size for each trial.

4) Analyze the relationship between object distance and image size.


- Accurate measurement of image size and object distance: 5 pts

- Correct analysis of the relationship between object distance and image size: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) How does object distance affect the size of the image formed by a lens?

2) What happens to the image size when the object is moved closer or farther from
the lens?

3) How can you predict the magnification of an image formed by a lens based on the
object distance?

Teaching Strategy: Lecture

Provide a detailed explanation of how light rays interact with convex and concave
lenses to form images. Use diagrams and visual aids to enhance understanding.
Encourage students to ask questions and engage in discussions to clarify any


Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

Task 1: Design a Camera Lens

Materials: Cardboard, magnifying glass, plastic bottle, glue, scissors

Task 2: Create an Optical Illusion

Materials: Convex lens, concave lens, objects with varying shapes, light source,

Students will apply their knowledge of lens characteristics to design a camera lens
and create an optical illusion. They will present their projects to the class, explaining
how their designs demonstrate the qualitative characteristics of lens images.


Teaching Strategy: Problem-Based Learning

Instructional Materials: Assessment questions

Question 1: Describe the orientation, type, and magnification of an image formed by

a convex lens.

Question 2: How can you predict the orientation and type of an image formed by a
concave lens?
Question 3: Explain the relationship between object distance and image size in a
lens system.


Teaching Strategy: Case Studies

Instructional Materials: Real-life scenarios involving lenses

Present students with real-life scenarios where knowledge of lens characteristics is

required, such as designing eyeglasses or analyzing the performance of a
microscope. Encourage students to apply their understanding of lens images to
solve these problems.


Assignment 1: Research on Lens Applications

Overview: Students will research and write a report on the various applications of
lenses in different fields, such as medicine, astronomy, and engineering.

Assignment 2: Lens Design Challenge

Overview: Students will design and create their own lens system using everyday
materials. They will document the process and explain the qualitative characteristics
of the images formed.

Note: The teacher should provide detailed instructions and assessment criteria for
each assignment.

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