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PED 119 Module 4 Assignment Task


A. Using the table below, discuss the definition of social psychology in your own
understanding and its impact in sports and exercise.

Whether it involves professional or amateur sports
or regular individuals, social psychology is always
Social psychology focuses on how individuals
An athlete's identity affects their performance,
and societies interact, and as a result, how
goals, attitude, and motivation. Membership in a
people and athletes train as individuals and as
group or organization has a significant impact on a
members of groups in relation to their socio- person's identity and self-concept. Athletic identity
cultural contexts. Therefore, social psychology may be in danger if an athlete leaves the
examines issues such as how people/athletes organization. For instance, an injury may require
think and act, why they think and act in the time away from the athletic organization or require
ways they do, and how they engage with that you heal alone, away from your teammates
society, culture, and sports through their and coaches. As a result of not having their
behavior. membership reinforced, many athletes report
feeling confused, experiencing self-doubt, and
Human subjectivity, personality, growth, and experiencing loneliness. This can be a trigger for
stress and, in some circumstances, depression.
socialization—the act of becoming a subject—
are the subjects of research. How did we get to
Athletes need to have values that are long-lasting,
be who we are today? Why is identity strong, and devoted. It's crucial to support those
important? Just how do we learn? How do we convictions. New seasons bring about change
behave in social situations? How do the social because sport is based on cycles. Athletes leaving
interactions and environments in which we the system and/or low adherence can result from
participate both influence and are influenced by negative change. In order to properly communicate
us? needs and goals with coaches and to openly discuss
issues that can hamper growth and performance, it
is crucial for athletes to feel they can do so. The
ability to motivate athletes depends on coaches
being aware of their impact on their growth.

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