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15/1/24, 23:35 donjon; My Random Campaign


The Republic of Enon


The Dragon's Meadhall

Hury, male human

The Sea Road

The Deadmoor River The creations of a mad wizard

The Meryse Vale, filled with runecarved trees

The Silverwood Hills, filled with stone statues of warriors A legion of bloodthirsty fire giants
Ledon, Onham

Entstone, the City of Markets Asteias, Queen of the Fire Giants

The Heart of Eldritch Betrayal

Duke Lesym, male dwarf

Halik, Scribe of Omens The Night of Nine Thousand Years

The wisest sages Ibin, Keeper of Hours
Pyraph of the Emerald Eye
Amah, the Lady of Tears

Naelyr and Aphon, the Twin Fools

Vain aristocrats
Aliah of the Sword The quest of the Star Wizards has failed

Expert craftsmen

Thenry the Sorcerer, male elf Many of the thieves guild are wererats
Simple countryfolk
Annan the Pure, female human

Dangerously ambitious
Arles the Erudite, male dwarf The world is hollow

Cily the Wise, female dwarf

Based on a PDF by Matt Colville, 1/1

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