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While the world broils around us in a mire

of wrong decisions, God’s grace abounds

even more to forgive us of sins and offer us
Why do
perfect righteousness if we would only trust
in the blood of Jesus Christ.
Bad things happen as a result of man’s re-
bellion in Adam. Good things happen as a
result of God’s grace in Jesus Christ.
Too many times God is blamed for the bad
things and yet he is rarely thanked for the
good things. No matter what happens there is
a tendency to ignore God and his gracious
provision. This tendency is called rebellion.
All humans possess it.
Rebellion is the root cause of the death and
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suffering that you see around you. It is other-

While the world broils around us in a mire

of wrong decisions, God’s grace abounds
even more to forgive us of sins and offer us
Why do
perfect righteousness if we would only trust
in the blood of Jesus Christ.
Bad things happen as a result of man’s re-
bellion in Adam. Good things happen as a
result of God’s grace in Jesus Christ.
Too many times God is blamed for the bad
things and yet he is rarely thanked for the
good things. No matter what happens there is
a tendency to ignore God and his gracious
provision. This tendency is called rebellion.
All humans possess it.
Rebellion is the root cause of the death and
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suffering that you see around you. It is other-
wise known as sin. Your common sense proves that this is not
The first man Adam rebelled and sinned true in light of the many injustices that re-
against God bringing a curse upon the world main. But the scripture shows it to be false as
and death into the human race which God well (Rom 5:3).
had originally made to live forever (Rom 5:12)
For despite our low estate and rebellion
Since the essence of rebellion is in our na-
God has withheld his judgment and contin-
ture passed down from our father Adam we
ues to provide a way of salvation and deliver-
continue in self-destructive sinful behavior to
ance by his grace. Listen what he did while
this very day.
we were his enemies:
This behavior multiplied billions of times
“But God commendeth his love toward us,
over creates waves of consequence that hurts
in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ
sometimes innocent people.
died for us.” (Rom 5:8)
God neither makes those decisions nor de-
livers the consequences. Individuals make To redeem us from our wretched condition
those bad decisions and also reap the conse- God’s blood was shed for humanity as hu-
quences (Gal 6:7). manity in Jesus Christ. It is now for the sake
Some religionists would have you believe of Christ that sinful humanity can receive
that the bad events are God’s judgment and what it does not deserve in the riches of
the good circumstances are God’s blessings. God’s grace and eternal life.

wise known as sin. Your common sense proves that this is not
The first man Adam rebelled and sinned true in light of the many injustices that re-
against God bringing a curse upon the world main. But the scripture shows it to be false as
and death into the human race which God well (Rom 5:3).
had originally made to live forever (Rom 5:12)
For despite our low estate and rebellion
Since the essence of rebellion is in our na-
God has withheld his judgment and contin-
ture passed down from our father Adam we
ues to provide a way of salvation and deliver-
continue in self-destructive sinful behavior to
ance by his grace. Listen what he did while
this very day.
we were his enemies:
This behavior multiplied billions of times
“But God commendeth his love toward us,
over creates waves of consequence that hurts
in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ
sometimes innocent people.
died for us.” (Rom 5:8)
God neither makes those decisions nor de-
livers the consequences. Individuals make To redeem us from our wretched condition
those bad decisions and also reap the conse- God’s blood was shed for humanity as hu-
quences (Gal 6:7). manity in Jesus Christ. It is now for the sake
Some religionists would have you believe of Christ that sinful humanity can receive
that the bad events are God’s judgment and what it does not deserve in the riches of
the good circumstances are God’s blessings. God’s grace and eternal life.

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