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CAPEX (exclude Devpt cost, IDC, general facilities)

Cost (RM) Despatch Capacity (MW) Per 1 MW Differences Per MW Why? Installed Capacity (MW) Per 1 MW Differences Per MW
When installed in stages, some
1,652,712,919 Phase 1 500 3,305,426 606.7 2,724,273
works need to be repeated
1,466,503,882 Phase 2 500 2,933,008 372,418 575.8 2,547,034 372,418
1,466,503,882 Phase 3 500 2,933,008 372,418 575.8 2,547,034 372,418
4,585,720,683 1,500 1,758.2

Difference Between Phase 1 & Phase 2 or 3 (RM)


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