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Design of a school alarm: in this project use a real time clock module, Arduino UNO, LCD
to display time date and a buzzer to sound at the various times.
Beginning of first period ending of end period and break

Note: on days that are not open days. It shouldn't ring. As from ending may it shouldn't ring
2. An Electronic Oven: Arduino temp sensor, humidity sensor, dst 11 and also a bob to
represent the heater and a DC motor to represent the fan.
Temperature Shou remain in between 36 and 37 degrees nothing happen. Above 37 heater is
off and fan on
3. Scrolling message with Led matrix board: matrix led board, Arduino, virtual terminal
4. Motion Detection and Counting Systems: make a system to count people entering a hall.
Use infrared detector module, PIR sensor(to know the species inside ), Arduino, LCD to
display the number of people.
5. Dynamic Traffic Light System: in the night green, red, orange. From 9pm turn to orange.
Come to normal at 6am. Real time clock, Arduino, LDR, components for traffic lights.
6. Password Door System: LCD, a key pad, Arduino, Servo Motor. When the password is
valid the seevo motor opens the door. Else display incorrect code.
7. Water Heating System: a keypad, buzzer, Arduino, LCD, temperature sensor, heater. After
putting a water choose you're temperature and it heats to that temperature


Give how the project functions

Circuit Diagram followed by flowchart.
The code and screenshot of the simulation

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