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Module 4

Ocean Energy – Devices for Wave Energy conversion, Ocean Thermal Energy
Conversion(OTEC): Principle of OTEC system, Methods of OTEC power
generation – Open Cycle(Claude cycle), Closed Cycle (Anderson cycle) and
Hybrid cycle (block diagram description of OTEC);

Geothermal energy: Introduction, hot dry rock resources, magma resources,

vapour and liquid dominated systems, binary cycle, advantages and disadvantages



Wave energy is a combination of kinetic and potential energies available in sea
waves. The forward motion of sea water can easily be seen on sea beaches, lashing
up to 100 metres. In deep sea this forward motion of the wave strikes the ships,
depicting the presence of kinetic energy.
The potential energy is due to rise of sea water at the wave crest. The difference of
head between the crest and the trough of sea wave is the potential energy. It can
easily be experienced when a large ship in the ocean is lifted up by swell and
oscillates up and down due to huge ocean waves.
Thus, if the wave advances in a horizontal plane it is due to kinetic energy; when
the water moves in the vertical plane, it is the action of potential energy. Engineers
of different countries have prepared several designs of wave machines to harness
wave energy.

Buoy Type Machine

The buoy is a floating part of a system which rises and falls with rise and fall of
sea waves. However, the device is moored and anchored as per design
methodology to avoid drifting. The buoy oscillates up and down with the wave; the
energy can be exhibited on a pulley with a string and counterweight arrangement
as shown in the Figure. The up and down motion of the counterweight can be
converted into to and fro motion of a piston which can operate a machine or a

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Dolphin Type Wave Energy Generator
The Dolphin type wave energy generator was designed by a research laboratory in
Japan. It essentially consists of the following components as detailed in the below

A supporting structure is built in the sea bed to provide a firm position for the
equipment. The structure is erected on pile foundations. One generator is installed
on the top of the structure which collects wave energy from the connecting shaft
with rolling motion. The gear arrangement with the stationary generator rotates the
rotor to generate electric power. The buoy is at the other end of the connecting rod
floats and has two motions, namely rolling motion and oscillatory motions
represented by N and M respectively. The floating generator collects wave energy
from the buoy through a gear arrangement and continuously generates power.

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Oscillating Ducks
This wave power equipment was designed by Stephen Salter at Edinburgh
University in Scotland. It is a float type wave energy conversion plant in which
several duck-shaped devices (each 25 m long) are installed in a linear width-wise
array along a line which is perpendicular to the direction of the wave. The system
consists of a long cylindrical spine of 15 m diameter on which cam shaped ducks
are installed in an array to form an assembly. It responds to the incoming wave
with a nodding action.

When the forward moving wave front strikes the head on the face of the ducks,
wave energy is passed on and the ducks start to oscillate. The face of the duck is
designed for maximum wave energy absorption. Power is generated by the relative
motion of the ducks where the wave energy is converted into mechanical energy.
The cylindrical spine transfers motion through linkages and gears to the generator
rotor. The overall length of the cylindrical spine varies between 100 m and 500 m.
To achieve a highly efficient absorption it is necessary to mount a series of ducks
on a non-movable spine. If the spine is sufficiently long (more than wavelength),
the angular distribution of the waves incident on this structure will produce phase
cancellations of translation force components along the spine and the spine will
remain stationary.

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An attenuator is a floating device which operates parallel to the wave direction and
effectively rides the waves. These devices capture energy from the relative motion
of the two arms as the wave passes them. These devices are constituted by a
number of floating bodies connected to one another. This chain of floating bodies
orients itself to the same direction of the incoming wave, and a flexing motion is
generated by the waves on the system. This motion drives hydraulic pumps,
ultimately generating electricity.


A point absorber is a floating structure which absorbs energy from all directions
through its movements at/near the water surface. It converts the motion of the

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buoyant top relative to the base into electrical power. The power take-off system
may take a number of forms, depending on the configuration of displacers/reactors.

The pitching and heaving of the waves causes a relative motion between an
absorber and reaction point. The left hand wave energy device above uses a heavy
ballast plate suspended below the floating buoy. The buoy is prevented from
floating away by a mooring line attached to a sea-floor anchor. This mooring line
allows the point absorber to operate offshore in deeper waters. As the buoy bobs
up-and-down in the waves, a oscillatory mutual force reaction is generated
between the freely moving absorber and the heavy plate causing a hydraulic pump
in between to rotate a generator producing electricity.


Oscillating wave surge converters extract energy from wave surges and the
movement of water particles within them. The arm oscillates as a pendulum
mounted on a pivoted joint in response to the movement of water in the waves.
These devices are typically characterized by structure fixed on the seabed, and an
oscillating part connected to the structure. Energy is collected from the relative

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motion of the oscillating part respect to the fixed structure. The oscillating part can
be constituted by oats, aps or membranes.


An oscillating water column is a partially submerged, hollow structure. It is open

to the sea below the water line, enclosing a column of air on top of a column of
water. Waves cause the water column to rise and fall, which in turn compresses
and decompresses the air column. This trapped air is allowed to flow to and from
the atmosphere via a turbine, which usually has the ability to rotate regardless of
the direction of the airflow. The rotation of the turbine is used to generate
electricity. This type of devices can be located onshore or in deeper water,
offshore, and are characterized by the presence of an air chamber. The air in the
chamber is compressed by the rising level of the water due to the waves: the
swelling of the water forces the air through an air turbine in order to create

A Wave Capture Device also known as an Overtopping Wave Power Device, is a
shoreline to near shore wave energy device that captures the movements of the
tides and waves and converts it into potential energy. Wave energy is converted
into potential energy by lifting the water up onto a higher level. The wave capture
device, or more commonly an overtopping device, elevates ocean waves to a
holding reservoir above sea level.

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The basic impoundment structure can be either fixed or a floating structure
tethered to the sea bed. The wave overtopping device uses a ramp design on the
device to elevate part of the incoming waves above their natural height. As the
waves hit the structure they flow up a ramp and over the top (hence the name
“overtopping”), into a raised water impoundment reservoir on the he device in order
to fill it. Once captured, the potential energy of the trapped water in the reservoir
is extracted using gravity as the water returns to the sea via a low-head
low Kaplan
turbine generator located at the bott
bottom of the wave capture device.


Submerged pressure differential devices are typically located near shore sho and
attached to the seabed. The motion of the waves causes the sea level to rise and
fall above the device, inducin
g a pressure differential in the device. The alternating
pressure pumps fluid through a system to generate electricity.

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Bulge wave technology consists of a rubber tube filled with water, moored to the
seabed heading into the waves. The water enters through the stern and the passing
wave causes pressure variations along the length of the tube, creating a ‘bulge’. As
the bulge travels through the tube it grows, gathering energy which can be used to
drive a standard low-head turbine located at the bow, where the water then returns
to the sea.


These devices are usually floating and are constituted by a vessel in which one or
more rotating masses are found. The coupling between the rotation of the mass and
the movement of the hull produced by the waves lead to the generation of a
gyroscopic torque, which is used by a rotary turbine to extract energy. Two forms
of rotation are used to capture energy by the movement of the device heaving and
swaying in the waves. This motion drives either an eccentric weight or a gyroscope
causes precession. In both cases the movement is attached to an electric generator
inside the device.

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PeWEC, acronym of Pendulum Wave Energy Converter, in which the assigned

system to the energy generation consists by a group of pendulums that through
their oscillating motion, generates electric energy. PeWEC is initially aiming at
lower energetic closed seas with lower-period waves (e.g., the Mediterranean Sea).
When the device is moved by the waves, a relative motion between the hull and the
internal pendulum is obtained, mostly due to the pitching motion.

There exists a temperature difference of about 20°C between the warm surface
water of the sea (receiving and absorbing solar radiation) and the cold deep water
(which flows from the Arctic regions in deep layers) in equatorial areas between
latitude 30° S and 30° N. Solar heat energy is absorbed by ocean water. It can be
explained by ‘Lambert’s law of absorption’. The law states that “each water layer
of identical thickness absorbs an equal fraction of light that passes through it”.
Thus, the intensity of heat decreases with the increase in water depth. Due to large
heat transfer at the ocean surface water, the highest temperature is attained just
below the top surface.

A typical temperature variation curve with distance from the surface is shown in
the below Figure.

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It may be seen that the temperature at the surface changes slowly, and then remains
constant at a depth of about 200 m. Subsequently, the temperature decreases
asymptotically and approaches a low value of about 4°C at a depth of 1000 metres.
The difference in temperature between the surface and the deeper parts of the
ocean is utilised to generate electrical energy. The basic process of OTEC is to
bring the warm surface water and the cold water from a certain depth of the sea
through pipes so as to act as ‘heat source’ and ‘heat sink’ for operating a heat
engine. It will form the same system as that of conventional thermal power station
with nil fuel consumption.

Two basic designs can be used for OTEC systems: open and closed systems. Open
systems operate on Claude cycle and closed systems operate on Anderson cycle.



The closed cycle system using a low boiling point working fluid like ammonia or
propane is shown below

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It may be seen that warm water from the surface which is at a temperature of about
26°C is brought in one pipe, and cold water at a temperature of around 5°C is
brought in another pipe from a depth of about 1000 metres. In OTEC plants two
water pipes are used in conjunction with a working fluid to generate electric
power. Different operational activities of the plant are:

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 The warm sea water evaporates the liquid ammonia into vapour in a unit called
an evaporator. This can be done because ammonia exists in the form of gas at
the temperature corresponding to the surface sea water.
 The liquid ammonia which is not evaporated collects in a unit known as
separator, which again recirculates through the evaporator.
 The evaporated ammonia in the form of high pressure vapour is made to pass
through a turbine where its pressure and temperature make the turbine to rotate,
thus converting thermal energy into mechanical energy. The rotating turbine if
coupled to an electric generator produces electric power.
 The ammonia vapour coming out of the turbine, which is now at the lower
pressure than when it entered the turbine is condensed back into liquid
ammonia by cooling it with the colder sea water brought up from the deep part.
 The liquefied ammonia collects in an ammonia sump. After a few hours of
operation, the make-up quantity of ammonia is added from the ammonia
storage to make up for the operational loss.
 The liquefied ammonia is then pumped back to the evaporator, thus completing
the cycle. The cycle repeats to run the plant continuously.


Closed-cycle plants operate on a Rankine cycle with a binary working fluid such as
propane that has a low boiling temperature. The working fluid is completely
vaporized in the evaporator by the warm surface water. The resulting vapor (state
3) expands in the turbine, and then condenses by transferring its heat to the cool
deep water flowing through the condenser (states 7 to 8). The condensed working

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fluid (state 1) is pumped to the evaporator to complete the closed cycle. The
surface water is discharged (state 6) after transferring its heat to the working fluid.

The power output from the turbine can be determined from

The thermoelectric OTEC system was developed by Solar Energy Research
Institute Colorado USA, during 1979. The OTEC system which operates on the
thermoelectric principle is simple in construction and economical. Semiconductors
are used to design two separate packs covered by a thin thermal conducting sheet
as shown in the Figure.

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Warm water from the surface of the ocean is circulated over one device and the
cold water pumped from the depth of the ocean is allowed to flow over the other
device. The temperature difference of two water with the solid state semiconductor
devices generates the electric power. The OTEC plant economy is dependent on
large variation of water temperature used from the surface and the deep ocean
(minimum 20°C).

Open-System OTEC

A chamber (i.e., evaporator) is maintained at a sub atmospheric (i.e., vacuum)

pressure by a vacuum pump. Warm surface water (state 1) flows into this chamber
where its pressure is reduced. Enthalpy of water remains constant during this

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pressure reducing process since the chamber is adiabatic and there is no work
interaction, as shown in temperature-enthalpy diagram.

As the pressure of warm water decreases, its temperature also decreases, resulting
in a liquid-vapor mixture (state 2).Low-pressure vapor (state 3) is directed to a
steam turbine while the liquid is discharged from the chamber (state 4). The vapor
(state 5) exits to direct-contact condenser, which is maintained at a much lower
pressure. Cold deep water (state 6) is supplied to the condenser by a pump and
mixing of this cold water with the vapor of turbine outlet (state 5) turns the vapor
to the liquid (state 7), which is discharged.

Hybrid cycle
Hybrid cycles incorporate both the compact Closed Cycle system and the ability to
produce fresh water. Like in the Open Cycle system, warm seawater enters a
vacuum chamber and is flash-evaporated. The steam is used as a heat source for a
Closed Cycle loop before it condenses to form fresh water. The ammonia inside
the closed system is vaporized, after which it passed through a turbine and is
condensed by the cold seawater.

The intention is to combine the generating capacity of Closed Cycle with the
ability to produce water from Open Cycle systems. Currently, Hybrid OTEC cycles
are theoretical, and yet to be tested.

The hybrid cycle combines the best characteristics of the open cycle and closed
cycle and the drinkable water generation capabilities of open cycles with the
potential for large electricity production capabilities offered by the closed cycles.

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In this cycle, warm seawater (which comes from the surface of the ocean) enters a
vacuum chamber, where it is flash-evaporated. After that, this steam arrives at a
heat exchanger, where it will have the role of a warm fluid and will be used to
warm the working fluid, which works in a closed loop. Usually, ammonia is used
as a working fluid because it has good transport properties, it is easily available,
and it is a low-cost fluid. On the other hand, it is toxic and flammable. Other
options are fluorinated carbons such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and

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hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) or hydrocarbons. CFCs and HCFCs are fully
or partly halogenated paraffin hydrocarbons that contain only carbon (C), hydrogen
(H), chlorine (Cl), and fluorine (F). They are produced as volatile derivatives of
methane, ethane, and propane. They are also commonly known by the DuPont
brand name Freon.

An interesting part of the process is that as water evaporates, it leaves behind all
impurities and salt, so the consequent steam is drinkable. Once heated and
evaporated, the working fluid vapor flows through a closed-cycle power loop. At
this point, the ammonia is used to turn a turbine that is connected to an electricity
generator, supplying customers with electric power. After that, the ammonia is
condensed using cold seawater from the deepest ocean waters. The non
condensables are then compressed and discharged into the atmosphere. It can be
concluded that the role of seawater is double: on the one hand, it works as an
intermediary heat transfer medium; on the other, it produces potable water after the
condensation process.

Advantages, disadvantages / Limitations and Applications of OTEC

Following are the advantages, disadvantages, limitations and applications of

1. It is clean form of energy conversion.
2. It does not occupy land areas.
3. No payment for the energy required.
4. It can be a steady source of energy since the temperatures are almost steady.

Disadvantages / Limitations:
1. About 30 percent of the power generated would be used to pump water.
2. The system would have to withstand strong convective effect of sea water;
hurricanes and presence of debris and fish contribute additional hazard.
3. The materials used will have to withstand the highly corrosive atmosphere
and working fluid.
4. Construction of floating power plants is difficult.
5. Plant size is limited to about 100 MW due to large size of components.
6. Very heavy investment is required.

1. A closed cycle OTEC plant can also act as a chemical treatment plant.
2. An OTEC plant can also be used to pump up the deep ocean water and this
cold water may be used for cooling houses, air-conditioning systems etc.
3. The enclosing area of OTEC can be used for aquaculture and mariculture.

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4. The deep ocean cold water is rich in nutrients and can be used for various
5. OTEC plants are quite suitable for cogeneration of electricity and fresh
6. OTEC power generation is a multipurpose project producing and supplying
several useful products, like the river valley multipurpose projects.

Environmental Impacts of Wave Power

The "Wave power" is essentially non-polluting. No appreciable environmental
effects are foreseen from island floating wave power devices.
 Onshore wave energy installations may change visual landscape and degrade
scenic ocean front views. It may also cause disturbance to marine life
including changes in distribution and types of life near the shore.
 There is possible threat to navigation from collision due to low profile
floating wave devices. It would usually be both possible and necessary to
avoid hazards to, or from, marine traffic by judicious planning and by the
provision of navigation aids. "Tidal energy" is a renewable source of energy,
which does not result in emission of gases responsible for global warming or
acid rain associated with use of fossil fuels.
 Changing tidal flow by damming a bay or estuary could, however, result in
negative impacts on aquatic and shoreline ecosystem, as well as navigation
and recreation.
 Studies have shown that the environment impact at each site is different, and
depends amply upon local geography.

Geothermal Energy
The earth is a great reservoir of heat energy in the form of molten interior. Surface
manifestation of this heat energy is indicated by hot water springs and geysers
discovered at several places. Heat can be experienced from the temperature rise of
the earth’s crust with increasing depth below the surface. Radial temperature
gradient increases proportionally to depth at a rate of about 30°C per km. At a
depth of 3–4 km, water bubbles up; while at a depth of 10–15 km the earth’s
interior is as hot as 1000° to 1200°C. The core of the earth consists of a liquid rock
known as ‘Magma’ having a temperature of about 4000°C. This geothermal heat is
transferred to the underground reservoir of water which also circulates under the
earth’s crust. Its heat dissipates into the atmosphere as warm water and the steam
vents up through the fissures in the ground as hot springs and geysers. Limitless
heat content in magma plus the heat generated by radioactive decay of unstable
elements such as K40,Th232 and U235 which are abundant in the earth’s crust are
forms of geothermal energy and considered as a renewable energy resource.

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Geothermal resources are of five types:
1. Hydrothermal
(a) Hot water
(b) Wet steam (superheated water from highly pressurized underground
(c) Vapour dominated resource
2. Hot dry rock resource
3. Geo-pressured resource
4. Magma resource.

Hydrothermal Resource
Hydrothermal resources (geothermal reservoirs) are hot water or steam reservoirs
that can be tapped by drilling to deliver heat to the surface for thermal use or
generation of electricity.

Hot water fields

At these locations hot water below 100°C gushes out as hot spring. The geothermal
aquifers being covered by confining layers keep the hot water under pressure.
Generally the geothermal water contains sulphur in colloidal form widely used as
medicated curative water for skin diseases. In northern India, such a spring exists
at Tatapani on the right bank of river Sutlej54 km from Shimla. Other locations are
‘Sahestra Dhara’ near Dehradun, sacred kund at Badrinath in Uttarakhand, Sohna
sulphur water tank in Gurgaon (Haryana) and Manikaran in Kulu Valley
(Himachal Pradesh).

Wet steam fields

Water temperature is above the 100oC. Due to the pressure inside the reservoir,
water does not boil but remains in liquid state. When the water comes on the earth
surface its pressure reduces resulting in rapid boiling and the liquid water ‘flashes
into a mixture of hot water and steam’. The steam is separated from mixture and
used to generate electricity.

Vapour-dominated Resource
Vapour dominated reservoirs produce dry saturated steam of pressure above the
atmosphere and at high temperature about 350°C. Steam obtained from such a
geothermal field directly drives a turbine.
A hot dry rock field also comes under this category. This is the geological
formation with high temperature rocks at 650°C, heated by conductive heat flow
from magma but contains no water. To tap its energy the impermeable rock is
fractured and water is injected to create an artificial reservoir. Water circulates and

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hot fluid returns to the surface through the other drilled well as steam and hot water
which are used to generate electricity.

Geopressured Resource
Geopressured resources contain moderate temperature brines (160°C) containing
dissolved methane. These are trapped under high pressure (nearly 1000 bar or 987
atmospheres) in a deep sedimentary formation sealed between impermeable layers
of shale and clay at depths of2000 m–10,000 m. When tapped by boring wells,
three sources of energy are available—thermal, mechanical (pressure) and
chemical (methane).

Magma is a molten rock at temperatures ranging from 700°C to 1600°C. This hot
viscous liquid comes out at active volcanic vents and solidifies. It may form
reservoirs at some depth from the earth’s surface. Magma Chambers represent a
huge energy source, but the existing technology does not allow recovery of heat
from these resources.


Electric power from geothermal resources can be developed in the following
1. Liquid-dominated resource
(a) Flashed steam system
(b) Binary cycle system
2. Vapour-dominated resource

Liquid-dominated Resource
Geothermal fluid is either available from natural outflow or from a bored well. The
drilling cost increases greatly with depth and the technically viable depth is 10 km.
Thus, only the geothermal wells of maximum output at shallow depths offer the
best prospects for power generation.

Flashed steam system

The choice of geothermal power plant is influenced by brine characteristics and its
temperature. For brine temperatures more than 180°C, the geothermal fluid is used.
This flashed steam system is suitable for power generation.

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Geothermal fluid is a mixture of steam and brine; it passes through a flash chamber
where a large part of the fluid is converted to steam. Dry saturated steam passes
through the turbine coupled with the generator to produce electric power. Hot brine
from the flash chamber and the turbine discharge from the condenser are reinjected
into the ground. Reinjuction of the spent brine ensures a continuous supply of
geothermal fluid from the well.
Commercially available turbo generator units in the range of 5–20 MWe are in use.
To improve the total efficiency of the system, hot water is utilised for poultry
farming in cold regions.

Binary cycle system

A binary cycle is used where geothermal fluid is hot water with temperature less
than 100°C. This plant operates with a low boiling point working fluid (isobutane,
freon) in a thermodynamic closed Rankine cycle. The working fluid is vaporized
by geothermal heat in a heat exchanger.

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Vapour expands as it passes through the turbine coupled with the generator.
Exhaust vapour is condensed in a water-cooled condenser and recycled through a
heat exchanger.

Vapour-dominated Geothermal Electric Power Plant

In a vapour-dominated plant, steam is extracted from geothermal wells, passed
through a separator to remove particulate contents and flows directly to a steam
turbine. Steam that operates the turbine coupled with the generator is at a
temperature of about 245°C and pressure 7 kg/cm2 (7 bar) which are less than
those in conventional steam cycle plants(540°C and 130 kg/cm2). Thus, the
efficiency of geothermal plants is low, i.e., about 20%.

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Exhaust steam from the turbine passes through a condenser and the water so
formed circulates through the cooling tower. It improves the efficiency of the
turbine and controls environmental pollution associated with the direct release of
steam into the atmosphere. Wastewater from the cooling tower sump is reinjected
into the geothermal well to ensure continuous supply.


Power generation

Space heating

Extraction and refining of borax and sulphur

Geothermal hot water in Puga valley is used for refining the locally occurring
borax and sulphur and for processing of Tsokar lake salt. The extraction plant has
the capacity to handle2 tonne/day of borax ore, while the refining plant can process
500 kg/day of borax. The pilot plant for sulphur refining can process 100 kg
sulphur per day.

Greenhouse heating
Geothermal water is used at Chumathang (J&K) for greenhouse cultivation. A
suitable temperature (20–25°C) for agriculture production is maintained inside the
greenhouse during winter where the outside temperature dips down to –25°C.

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Several varieties of vegetables and flowers are grown in the greenhouse—a boon
to local population.

A geothermal energy-based absorption refrigeration system operates a 7.5 tonne
capacity cold storage plant at Manikaran (HP). The plant uses ammonia as the
refrigerant and geothermal water at 90°C.


Various advantages associated with electricity generation from geothermal energy
 Electricity generation from geothermal source is pollution free and does not
contribute to green house effect.
 It is economical as power stations need small space.
 No fuel is needed, so recurring expenditure is small.
 Once geothermal power station is built, the energy is almost free.
 Geothermal energy is renewable. It is a constant energy source and also
ubiquitous, its cost will not rise with time.
 Geothermal electric power plants are on line 97% of the time, whereas
nuclear plants average only 65% and coal plants only 75% online time.
 Geothermal plants are modular, and can be installed in increments as
 Construction time is only 6 months for plants in the range 0.5 MW to 10
MW, and as little as 2 years for cluster of plants.
 Geothermal plants can be used both as base line and peaking power.


 Environmental Concerns about Greenhouse Emissions: The extraction of
geothermal energy from the grounds leads to a release of greenhouse
gases like hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, methane and ammonia.
However, the amount of gas released is significantly lower than in the case
of fossil fuels.

 Possibility of Depletion of Geothermal Sources: Furthermore, despite being

considered a sustainable and renewable energy, the chances are that specific
locations might cool down after time, making it impossible to harvest more
geothermal energy in future. The only non-depletable option is sourcing
geothermal energy right from magma but the technology for doing so is still
in the process of development. This option is worth the investment mainly
thanks to the fact that magma will be around for billions of years.

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 Land Requirements for Geothermal System to Be Installed: In case of
geothermal systems, having a piece of land next to the house is required in
order to be able to install one. That makes geothermal systems hard to be
implemented for homeowners in big cities, unless a vertical ground source
heat pump is used.

 High Investment Costs for Geothermal System: High initial cost for
individual households. The need for drilling and installing quite a complex
system into one’s home makes the price climb quite high. Nevertheless, the
return on such investment is very promising, being able to earn
the investment back within 2 to 10 years.

Geothermal power plants create some environmental problems which are peculiar
to them alone. The effluent will be salty and may contain sodium and potassium
compounds. Additionally, in some cases lithium, fluorine, boron and arsenic
compounds may be present. Such effluents cannot be discharged into the existing
water courses unless properly treated without risking severe pollution problems.
Some effluents contain boron, fluorine and arsenic. All these are very harmful to
plants and animal life in concentrations as low as two parts per million. Suitable
waste treatment plants to prevent degradation of water quality will have to be
installed to treat these new and increased sources of pollution.

Prepared By

Arun Jose Tom

Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Carmel College of Engineering & Technology, Alappuzha Punnapra

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