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1. The arrangement of all equipment, machinery, and furnishings within the structure.

c. Layout Design
a. Facility Planning
d. Handling System Design
b. Facility Location
2. Cellular layout is a type of layout which –
c. Allows production of larger lots by reducing set-up time.
a. Groups machines into department according to their function.
d. Encourages the use of larger and efficient machinery.
b. Groups machines into small assembly lines that produce families of parts.
3. What is the objective of designing the product, process, and schedule in relation to facilities
b. An efficient production system
d. An effective operations management
c. An efficient operation
a. An effective production facility
4. How many lavatories do you need if a business organization has 41 to 60 employees?
a. 2
d. 5
b. 3
c. 4

6. Using this space determination method, the present space requirements are converted to those
required for the proposed layout.
c. Space-Standards Method
a. Roughed-Out Layout Method
d. Converting Method
b. Production-Center Method
7. Which of the following is a walking industrial vehicle?
b. Straddle Carrier
d. Hand Truck
c. Pallet Truck
a. Tractor Trailer
8. Drawing on the use of adjacency in the graph-based procedure, the _________________ is
determined by summing the numerical values for all pairs of adjacent departments.
c. Total Adjacent Loads
a. Total Closeness Rating
d. Total Flow
b. Weighted Placement Value
9. A principle of material handling which a material handling facility should be the result of a
cohesive and structured unit of specific courses of action to determine what material needs to be
moved, when, and where it will be moved, and how it will be moved.
b. System Principle
d. Work Principle
a. Planning Principle
c. Standardization Principle
10. What is the preferred area requirement of the President’s Office?
c. 150 – 250 sq. ft.
b. 100 – 150 sq. ft.
d. 250 – 400 sq. ft.
a. 80 – 110 sq. ft.
11. Which of the following is not a characteristic of product layouts?
c. High material handling costs
a. Standardized product
b. Sequential arrangements of machines
d. Continuous production system
12. How many urinals do you need if a church has 401 to 700 members?
b. 3
d. 5
c. 4
a. 2
13. A __________ is the quantity in which material is normally moved.
b. Unit Load
d. Grid
a. Distance
c. Block
14. Which is not an automatic identification and recognition equipment?
b. Radio Frequency Tag
c. Magnetic Stripe
d. Voice Headset
a. Bar Coding
15. The algorithm in Relationship Diagramming for determining the placement of the new
activity begins at the ____________ of the partial layout and evaluates all possible locations in
counterclockwise order.
b. Northwestern Edge
a. Northeastern Edge
c. Eastern Edge
d. Western Edge
16. A graph is ___________ if it can be drawn so that its vertices are points in the plane and each
edge can be drawn so that it intersects no other edges and passes through no other vertices.
d. Non-Planar
c. Planar
b. Close
a. Open
17. This program is used to generate and evaluate plant layout which does not restrict the final
layout to uniform shape, nor does it allow fixing departments to certain locations, resulting in
unrealistic layouts
c. CORELAP - Computerized Relationship Layout Planning
b. PLANET - Plant Layout Analysis and Evaluation Technique
a. ALDEP - Automated Layout Design Program
d. CRAFT - Computerized Relative Allocation of Facilities Technique
18. It is an analog model of the operations and inspections required in assembling a product.
a. Operation Process Chart
c. Assembly Chart
d. Route Sheet
b. Precedence Diagram
19. Which of the following assumptions is not associated with planar location models?
b. Any point in the plane is a valid location to consider.
a. A plane is an adequate approximation of a sphere.
c. Fixed costs can be ignored.
d. Travel costs are indirectly proportional to the planar distance used.
20. A product layout is characterized by –
b. Organized by function
c. Uses of general purpose equipment
d. Produces goods to customer order
a. Narrow aisle ways
21. It allows the storage location for a particular product to change or ―float‖ over time.
b. Randomized Storage
a. Shared Storage
d. Class-Based Dedicated Storage
c. Dedicated Storage

23. It is a form of flow pattern that is applicable when it is desired to terminate the flow very
near the point where the flow originated.
a. Straight Line Flow
d. Circular Flow
b. L-Shaped Flow
c. U-Shaped Flow
24. In a __________________ layout, work stations are arranged according to the general
function they perform without regard to any particular product.
a. Product
c. Fixed Position
b. Process
d. Group Technology
25. An approach to scoring models in computerized layout evaluation which attempts to
approximate the ―cost‖ of flow between activities.
c. Sequence-Based Scoring
a. Adjacency-Based Scoring
d. Distance-Based Scoring
b. Distance-Weighted Adjacency-Based Scoring
26. It is the design verification phase of product development and is used to demonstrate or
prove aspects of a design.
a. Prototyping
d. Assembly drawing
c. Component part drawings
b. Bill of Materials
27. A type of layout used when the product is too large or cumbersome to move through the
various processing steps. Consequently, rather than take the product to the processes, the
processes are brought to the product.
d. Process Layout
b. Product Layout
a. Fixed Position Layout
c. Group Layout
28. It determines how an activity’s tangible fixed assets best support achieving the activity’s
d. Handling System Design
c. Layout Design
b. Facility Location
a. Facility Planning
29. A layout procedure which is based on the space relationship diagram, modifying
considerations, and practical limitations, a number of alternative layouts are designed and
b. Apple’s Plant Layout Procedure
a. Immer’s Basic Steps
c. Reed’s Plant Layout Procedure
d. Muther’s Systematic Layout Planning
30. Which is not a characteristic of a process layout?
c. Low in-process
d. Machine location layout
a. Varied skills
b. General purpose
31. What is the recommended range of stall width for standard car use?
a. 8.5 to 9 ft.
d. 10 to 11 ft.
b. 8 to 8.5 ft.
c. 9 to 10 ft.
32. A scale plan or model on which a thread is used to trace and measure the path of workers,
materials or equipment during a specified sequence of events.
c. Relationship Chart
d. Block Diagram
b. Plant Layout
a. String Diagram
33. Regions defined by a graph are referred to as ____________.
b. Edges
d. Duals
c. Adjacents
a. Faces
34. It is the maximum work station time on the line.
d. Balanced Time
c. Actual Cycle Time
b. Lead Time
a. Desired Cycle Time
35. It is the sum of the weighted ratings between the new activity to be placed in the layout and
its neighbors in the layout.
d. Placing Rating
a. Boundary Length
b. Shape Ratio
c. Corner Count
36. A layout construction program that uses the total closeness rating, which is the sum of all
numerical values, assigned to the closeness relationships in a relationship chart between a
department and all other departments.
b. PLANET - Plant Layout Analysis and Evaluation Technique
a. ALDEP - Automated Layout Design Program
c. CORELAP - Computerized Relationship Layout Planning
d. CRAFT - Computerized Relative Allocation of Facilities Technique
37. A programmable equipment connected by an automated material handling system and
controlled by a central computer.
b. Group Technology
d. Computer Method for Sequencing Operations
c. Mixed Model Assembly Lines
a. Flexible Manufacturing System
38. This method evaluates different locations based on the load being transported and the
distance. A single set of location coordinates is not identified. Instead, various locations are
evaluated using a value that is measure of weight and distance.
d. Relationship Diagram Technique
b. Center of Gravity Technique
a. Factor Analysis Technique
c. Load-Distance Technique
39. How many lavatories do you need if a school has 101 to 200 students?
c. 4
b. 3
d. 5
a. 2
40. Typically, layout design problems do not have well-defined, unique, and optimum solutions.
We are interested in obtaining a/ an ___________________
d. Satisfactory solution
c. Best possible solution
a. Absolute solution
b. Most favorable solution
41. It covers the system’s ability to be changed to produce new product types and ability to
change the order of operations executed on a part.
a. Routing Flexibility
b. Material Flexibility
c. Machine Flexibility
d. Flow Flexibility
42. It is a way to visualize the amount of movement that occurs between departments.
a. Relationship Diagramming
d. Digital Clustering Algorithm
b. Block Diagramming
c. Line Balancing
43. It is a mechanized device to move materials in relatively large quantities between specific
locations over a fixed path.
b. Unit Load Carrier
a. Conveyor
c. Pallet Truck
d. Automated Guided Vehicle
44. It is an adaptation of the familiar mileage chart appearing on most road maps which normally
contains numbers representing some measure of the material flow between two machines,
departments, buildings, or sites.
a. Flow Process Chart
d. From-To Chart
b. Multiproduct Process Chart
c. Flow Diagram
45. During one-8-hour shift, 770 non-defective parts are desired from a fabrication operation.
The standard time for the operation is 12 minutes. Because the machine operators are unskilled,
the actual time it takes to perform the operation is 25 minutes and, on the average, one-sixth of
the parts that begin fabrication are scrapped. Assuming that each of the machines used for this
operation will not be available for 45 minutes each shift and there is a probability of 0.05 that
each machine will breakdown, determine the number of machines required.
a. 50
b. 52
c. 54
d. 56
46. Mandy Garments produces T-shirts for road races. They need to acquire some new stamping
machines to produce 30,000 good T-shirts per month. Their plant operates 200 hours per month,
but the new machines will be used for T-shirts only 60 percent of the time and the output usually
includes 5 percent that are ―seconds‖ and unusable. The stamping operation takes 1 minute per
T-shirt, and the stamping machines are expected to have 90 percent efficiency when considering
adjustments, changeover of patterns, and unavoidable downtime. How many machines are
c. 7
d. 8
a. 5
b. 6
47. How many machines you will acquire/ buy on Year 1? Year Demand (units) 1 220,000 2
275,000 3 380,000 4 420,000 5 565,000 % Scrap: 3% Standard Time: 2 minutes per unit Target
Machine Efficiency: 90% Machine Breakdown: 30 minutes per day Operation Schedule: 8am –
4pm daily schedule/ 20 working days per month
d. 9
c. 2
b. 7
a. 5
48. Refer to problem 47, how many machines you will acquire/ buy on Year 2?
d. 9
c. 1
a. 5
b. 7
49. Refer to problem no. 47, how many machines you will acquire/ buy on Year 4?
a. 1
b. 10
c. 2
d. 9
50. On the other hand, without oil changes, an automobile's engine may fail after 150 hours of
highway driving. Assuming 6 hours to remove and replace the engine. If failure happens, it is
most likely that the next failure would occur after 150 hours. Compute for the reliability of the
b. 31.87%
a. 4.43%
d. 98.44%
c. 96.20%
51. It takes 3 minutes to load and 2 minutes to unload a machine. Inspection, packing and travel
between machines totals 1 minute. Machines run automatically for 20 minutes. Operator costs
$12/hr and machine costs $30/hr. What is the maximum no. of machines that can be assigned an
operator without creating machine idle time during repeating cycle?
d. None of the Above
b. 4
c. 4.17
a. 5
52. What assignment minimizes the cost per unit produced?
c. 4.17
d. None of the Above
a. 4
b. 5
53. If 4 machines are assigned an operator, what will be the cost per unit produced?
c. $759
b. $528
a. $825
d. None of the Above
54. For what value of loading and unloading activity is the optimum assignment equal to 4?
a. 4.66 minutes
d. 5 minutes
b. 6 minutes
c. 5.33 minutes

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