Facility Planning Reviewer

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Converting Method

Using this space determination method, the present space requirements are converted to those required
for the proposed layout.

Open-Field Layout

It is the most complex Flexible Manufacturing System layout which allows material to move among the
machine centers in any order and typically includes several support stations such as tool interchange
stations, pallet or fixture build stations, inspection stations, and chip/ coolant collection systems.

Hand Truck

is a walking industrial vehicle

Total Adjacent Loads

Drawing on the use of adjacency in the graph-based procedure, the _________________ is determined
by summing the numerical values for all pairs of adjacent departments.

An efficient production system

is the objective of designing the product, process, and schedule in relation to facilities planning

Planning Principle

A principle of material handling which a material handling facility should be the result of a cohesive and
structured unit of specific courses of action to determine what material needs to be moved, when, and
where it will be moved, and how it will be moved.

Cellular layout

is a type of layout which groups machines into small assembly lines that produce families of parts.

250 - 400 sq. ft.

is the preferred area requirement of the President's Office

Layout Design

The arrangement of all equipment, machinery, and furnishings within the structure.

High material handling costs

is not a characteristic of product layouts


A graph is ___________ if it can be drawn so that its vertices are points in the plane and each edge can
be drawn so that it intersects no other edges and passes through no other vertices.


This program is used to generate and evaluate plant layout which does not restrict the final layout to
uniform shape, nor does it allow fixing departments to certain locations, resulting in unrealistic layouts.
Unit Load

A __________ is the quantity in which material is normally moved.

Assembly Chart

It is an analog model of the operations and inspections required in assembling a product.

Voice Headset

is not an automatic identification and recognition equipment

Travel costs

are indirectly proportional to the planar distance used is not associated with planar location models.

Western Edge

The algorithm in Relationship Diagramming for determining the placement of the new activity begins at
the ____________ of the partial layout and evaluates all possible locations in counterclockwise order.

Narrow aisle ways

A product layout is characterized by -

Distance-Based Scoring

An approach to scoring models in computerized layout evaluation which attempts to approximate the
―cost‖ of flow between activities.

Low in-process

is not a characteristic of a process layout


In a __________________ layout, work stations are arranged according to the general function they
perform without regard to any particular product.

Muther's Systematic Layout Planning

A layout procedure which is based on the space relationship diagram, modifying considerations, and
practical limitations, a number of alternative layouts are designed and evaluated.

Circular Flow

It is a form of flow pattern that is applicable when it is desired to terminate the flow very near the point
where the flow originated.

Facility Planning

It determines how an activity's tangible fixed assets best support achieving the activity's objectives.

Jib, Gantry, Stacker

are types of crane

Fixed Position Layout

A type of layout used when the product is too large or cumbersome to move through the various
processing steps. Consequently, rather than take the product to the processes, the processes are brought
to the product.

Randomized Storage

29. It allows the storage location for a particular product to change or ―float‖ over time.


It is the design verification phase of product development and is used to demonstrate or prove aspects
of a design.

Satisfactory solution

Typically, layout design problems do not have well-defined, unique, and optimum solutions. We are
interested in obtaining a/ an ___________________.

Load-Distance Technique

This method evaluates different locations based on the load being transported and the distance. A single
set of location coordinates is not identified. Instead, various locations are evaluated using a value that is
measure of weight and distance.

Flexible Manufacturing System

A programmable equipment connected by an automated material handling system and controlled by a

central computer.


A layout construction program that uses the total closeness rating, which is the sum of all numerical
values, assigned to the closeness relationships in a relationship chart between a department and all
other departments.

Placing Rating

It is the sum of the weighted ratings between the new activity to be placed in the layout and its
neighbors in the layout.

Actual Cycle Time

It is the maximum work station time on the line.


Regions defined by a graph are referred to as ____________.

String Diagram
A scale plan or model on which a thread is used to trace and measure the path of workers, materials or
equipment during a specified sequence of events.

8.5 to 9 ft.

is the recommended range of stall width for standard car use

Pallet, Tote Pan, Skid

are containers

Dedicated Storage

It involves the assignment of specific storage locations or storage addresses for each product stored.

Plant Layout

The arrangement of desired machinery of a plant, established or contemplated, in the way which will
permit the easiest flow of materials, at the lowest cost and with the minimum of handling, in processing
the product from the receipt of raw materials to the dispatch of the finished product.`

Travel Chart

A tabular record for presenting quantitative data about the movements of workers, materials or
equipment between any number of places over any given period of time.

Schedule Design

It tells us how much to produce and when to produce.

Immer's Basic Steps

A layout procedure composed of three simple steps, which can be applied to any type of layout problem.
These steps are: put the problem on paper, show lines of the flow, and convert flow lines to machine


The term ____________ is interpreted to mean adjacent.

80 - 110 sq. ft.

is the preferred area requirement of partitioned open for space—supervisor or manager

Calculation Method

A method of determining space requirements where each work station is a production facility having its
own receiving, shipping, production, and storage space requirements.

Chute Conveyor

is not a belt conveyor

Route Sheet
It summarizes whether a part will be purchased or produced, how the production of a part will be
achieved, what equipment will be used, and how long it will take to perform each operation.

Work Principle

A principle of material handling which material handling flow should be as low as possible within the
requirements for effectiveness and efficiency of a material handling system.

Group Layout

A type of layout used when production volumes for individual products are not sufficient thereby
grouping products into logical product families.

Parts List

It provides information about the component parts of the product, make or buy decisions, part number,
number of parts per product, and drawing references.

Handling System Design

It consists of mechanism by which all interactions required by the layout are satisfied.

Roughed-Out Layout Method

This a space determination method where templates or models are placed on the layout to obtain an
estimate of the general configuration and space requirements.

Product Layout

A type of layout used when processes are located according to the processing sequence for the product.
Material flows directly from a workstation to the adjacent workstation.

Shared Storage

This location policy is referred to as _______________ if one particular time, different products use the
same storage slot, albeit only one product occupies the slot when it is occupied.

Factory Flow Analysis

It identifies the significant material flows and their corresponding paths.

Straight Line Flow

It is the simplest form of flow pattern which when employed in a plant, separate receiving and shipping
crews are normally required.

Bill of Materials

It contains the information concerning the structure of the product.

Function, Manufacturing, Material

Detailed design of individual products is influenced

Cost of Assembly
It is reduced if the assembly process occurs in a single dimension.

Flow Diagram

It depicts the probable movement of materials by corresponding lines superimposed on the floor plan of
the area under study.

Circles with several links

They denote assembly operations or sub-assemblies

Handling System Design

It consists of the mechanism by which all interactions required by the layout are satisfied e.g. materials,
personnel, information, and equipment handling systems.

Line Balancing

is used primarily in determining machine location for a product layout

Direct Clustering Algorithm

Machines within a manufacturing cell are organized by -

Cycle time

is not the time required to complete a product from start to finish

Minimizing material handling costs

A common goal in designing process layouts is -

Mixed model

assembly lines are usually U-shaped or S-shaped layouts.

Engineering Drawing

This drawing provides part specifications and dimensions in sufficient detail for manufacturing.

Precedence Diagram

It establishes the prerequisite assembly steps that must be completed before performing a given
assembly step.

Parametric design

It refers to the overall design concepts or morphologies embedded within the facilities plan

Dead Weight Principle

A principle of material handling which you try to reduce the ratio of equipment weight to product weight
and suggest not to buy equipment that is bigger than necessary.

Container Space Utilization

It is obtained by dividing the usable cube by the exterior envelope of the container.

Container Nesting Ratio

It is determined by dividing the overall container height by the nested height.

Storage Space Efficiency

It is the ratio of usable cube divided by the storage cube.

Trailer Space Utilization

The total number of containers along the length and width of the trailer and the container stacked

Production-Center Method

A space determination method consists of a single machine plus all the associated equipment and space
required for its operation. Work space, additional maintenance space, and storage space are added to
the space requirements for the machine.

Mobile Yard Crane

is not an automated industrial vehicle

Picking Cart

is a type of an Operator-to-Stock Retrieval Equipment

Center of Gravity Technique

It is a quantitative method of locating a facility at the center of the movement in a geographic area based
on weight and distance. It identifies a set of coordinates designating a central location on a map relative
to all other locations.

Precedence Requirements

Are physical restrictions on the order in which operations are performed on the assembly line

10 - 30%

It is generally agreed that effective facilities planning can reduce material handling costs by

Equipment Fraction

The quantity of equipment required for an operation.

Share the task

Use a more skilled worker
Use parallel work stations

is/ are way/s that we can accommodate a 20 second task in an 18 second cycle time

The term _____________ is used as a measure of the number of storages and retrievals performed per
time period.


It takes a load summary chart and block diagram as input and then makes pair wise exchanges of
departments until no improvements in cost or non-adjacency score can be found.

From-To Chart

It is an adaptation of the familiar mileage chart appearing on most road maps which normally contains
numbers representing some measure of the material flow between two machines, departments,
buildings, or sites.

Facility Location

It is the placement of a facility with respect to customers, suppliers, and other facilities with which it

Lead Time

It is the time required to complete an item.


It is a mechanized device to move materials in relatively large quantities between specific locations over
a fixed path.

Block Diagramming

It is a way to visualize the amount of movement that occurs between departments.

Machine Flexibility

It covers the system's ability to be changed to produce new product types and ability to change the order
of operations executed on a part.

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