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Marites Culture in the Philippines: An Emergent Online Gossip


Jefferson Cuadra
Journal of Studies in Social Sciences
Volume 22, 2023, 18
Marites Culture in the Philippines: An Emergent Online Gossip
The research article “Marites Culture in the Philippines: An Emergent
Online Gossip Phenomenon” by Jefferson M. Cuadra explores about the
different characteristics of Marites culture in the Philippines focusing
its social relationship and communication during pandemic and the
present. It also examines the potential impact of being Marites culture
in society if it has a great advantage and disadvantage while
socializing in the society. Such as how they disseminate the information
to other that can impact to someone image. The research of Jefferson
Cuadra focusing on its role in shaping the social relationship and
communication during the pandemic days up to present. The study analyzes
the impact of Marites culture that influence other to gossip and
spreading false information. Marites culture in the Philippines emerged
during the pandemic days and there also so-called Marites in some other
country and they called it “Karen”. This behavior has become familiar
term for gossipers and adopted by Filipinos. The key issue on which I
agree with the author is how Marites individuals obtain and spread
information to their peers. Their action for me so wrong since they know
the fact that “tsismis” culture in the Philippines believe it's normal
but for some others it’s not, because they sharing certain facts that
may harm someone reputation or image. But some research shows that
gossip plays important role in the society thinks it’s like a special
bond in the society that they communicate and socialize with others. And
Filipinos are good in distorting information where the certain message
or the original were change and spin information that they heard and
create false information. And there are some certain points I don’t
agree that’s because they know spreading rumors are not totally good but
there are some Filipinos believe being Marites are normal in the
community. Because they assume they are simply gathering information,
but at some point, they misinterpret some facts, which might lead to
false accusations. And they don’t think that spreading rumors might
potentially destroy someone’s identity. And the best example is that the
artist or they so called “idol”. Many people like to spread rumors in
social media and we all know that social media is the number one and
faster platform where you can just spread rumors, that can potentially
disseminate information and destroy someone image. It is challenging to
stop someone from being a Marites in the community because it is their
human nature to gossip and some people are don’t aware of being a
Marites are not good. This study highlights the importance of critical
understanding of Marites culture. The research also provides valuable
insight into the impact of Marites culture on social relationship and
communication. And also, this article promotes healthier communication
habits and reducing negative effects on gossiping. And I know we can’t
stop people for being a Marites and to only lessen the being a Marites
is that to try to communicate and understand people why they do that.
The research provides valuable contribution to study the rising cultural
phenomenon and their impact on the society. This study highlighting the
significance of analyzing the Marites culture, that reflect as to become
a healthier communication habit and reducing the negative effects of
gossiping, and provides valuable insights into the impact of being
Marites culture.

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