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"Addressing Challenges in School-Based Management at Bismartz Elementary

School: An Action Research Perspective"
2. "Developing and Implementing School-Based Management Strategies for
Improved Learning Outcomes: A Research Study of Bismartz Elementary School"
3. "Evaluating the Effectiveness of School-Based Management Practices in
Bismartz Elementary School: An Action Research Approach"

Here is a sample research questionnaire with a scale of 1-3 for the action research title
"Addressing Challenges in School-Based Management at Bismartz Elementary School:
An Action Research Perspective":
How would you rate the current school-based management practices at Bismartz
Elementary School?
1: Ineffective
2: Moderately effective
3: Highly effective
What are the top three challenges faced by the school in implementing effective school-
based management practices?
Challenge 1:
1: Low administrative capacity
2: Uncertainty
3: Overload
Challenge 2:
1: Lack of cooperation from school leaders
2: Teachers' misunderstanding of the importance of SBM
3: Minimal support from stakeholders
Challenge 3:
1: Lack of school facilities
2: Poor foundation of basic knowledge
3: Inadequate instructional materials
How do you think these challenges affect student learning outcomes?
1: Significantly negative impact
2: Moderate impact
3: Minimal impact
What are the possible solutions to address these challenges? Please rank them in order
of priority.
Solution 1:
1: Providing relevant training
2: Pursuing higher education
3: Ensuring gender balanced SBM leadership structures
Solution 2:
1: Increasing the length of designations of SBM key players
2: Organizing benchmarking activities and partnerships among schools
3: Other (please specify): __________
Solution 3:
How confident are you that the school can measure the success of its school-based
management initiatives?
1: Not confident
2: Moderately confident
3: Very confident
What resources are needed to support the implementation of effective school-based
management practices? Please rank them in order of importance.
Resource 1:
1: Financial support
2: Training and professional development
3: Other (please specify): __________
Resource 2:
Resource 3:
How involved are parents and other stakeholders in the school-based management
1: Minimal involvement
2: Moderate involvement
3: High involvement
What are the best practices in school-based management that can be adapted to the
context of Bismartz Elementary School? Please rank them in order of relevance.
Best Practice 1:
Best Practice 2:
Best Practice 3:
This questionnaire aims to gather information on the current school-based management
practices, challenges, and potential solutions at Bismartz Elementary School. The scale
of 1-3 allows for a nuanced assessment of the various aspects being investigated.
Here is a sample research questionnaire with a scale of 1-3 for the action research title
"Evaluating the Effectiveness of School-Based Management Practices in Bismartz
Elementary School: An Action Research Approach":
How effective are the current school-based management practices in Bismartz
Elementary School?
1: Ineffective
2: Moderately effective
3: Highly effective
What are the top three school-based management practices that have been most
effective in improving student learning outcomes?
Practice 1:
1: Teacher collaboration
2: Student-centered learning
3: Data-driven decision making
Practice 2:
1: Parent and community involvement
2: Professional development opportunities
3: Effective communication strategies
Practice 3:
1: School leadership and management
2: Resource allocation and utilization
3: Curriculum development and implementation
On a scale of 1-3, how well do the school-based management practices align with the
school's mission and vision?
1: Poor alignment
2: Moderate alignment
3: Strong alignment
What are the top three challenges faced by the school in implementing effective school-
based management practices?
Challenge 1:
1: Limited resources
2: Resistance to change
3: Lack of training and support
Challenge 2:
1: Inadequate communication and collaboration
2: Insufficient data and information
3: Ineffective leadership and management
Challenge 3:
1: Inconsistent implementation of policies and procedures
2: Limited parent and community involvement
3: Other (please specify): __________
On a scale of 1-3, how confident are you that the school-based management practices
can be sustained over time?
1: Not confident
2: Moderately confident
3: Very confident
What are the potential benefits of effective school-based management practices?
Please rank them in order of importance.
Benefit 1:
1: Improved student learning outcomes
2: Increased teacher satisfaction and retention
3: Enhanced parent and community engagement
Benefit 2:
1: Better resource allocation and utilization
2: More effective leadership and management
3: Improved school culture and climate
Benefit 3:
1: Increased accountability and transparency
2: Enhanced professional development opportunities
3: Other (please specify): __________
How can the school measure the success of its school-based management initiatives?
1: Student learning outcomes
2: Teacher and staff satisfaction surveys
3: Parent and community feedback and involvement
What resources are needed to support the implementation of effective school-based
management practices? Please rank them in order of importance.
Resource 1:
1: Financial support
2: Professional development opportunities
3: Other (please specify): __________
Resource 2:
Resource 3:
How can the school involve parents and other stakeholders in the school-based
management process?
1: Regular communication and feedback mechanisms
2: Parent and community involvement in decision making
3: Opportunities for parent and community volunteerism and engagement
What are the best practices in school-based management that can be adapted to the
context of Bismartz Elementary School? Please rank them in order of relevance.
Best Practice 1:
Best Practice 2:
Best Practice 3:
School-based management (SBM) is a decentralized approach to educational
governance that aims to improve the quality of education by empowering school
stakeholders to participate in decision-making processes. However, implementing
effective SBM practices can be challenging, particularly in resource-constrained
settings. Bismartz Elementary School is one such setting, where the school faces
several challenges in implementing effective SBM practices. This action research aims
to address these challenges and improve the school's SBM practices from an evidence-
based perspective. The research will use a participatory and collaborative approach,
involving school administrators, teachers, parents, and other educational stakeholders.
The study will use a combination of action, evaluation, and reflection to identify the
challenges, develop and implement solutions, and evaluate the outcomes. The research
will also explore ways to involve parents and other stakeholders in the SBM process
and identify best practices that can be adapted to the context of Bismartz Elementary
School. The findings of this research will contribute to the body of knowledge on SBM
practices and provide insights into effective strategies for improving the quality of
education in resource-constrained settings.

IvyPanda. (2023). 90 Action Research Topic Ideas to Write about & Essay Samples.
Retrieved November 9, 2023, from
2 (2023). Classroom action research: Topics by Retrieved
November 7, 2023, from
Kansas State University Libraries. (2023). What is Action Research for Classroom
Teachers? Retrieved November 25, 2023, from
TeacherPH. (2023). DepEd Action Research Topics and Sample Titles. Retrieved from
IvyPanda. (2023). 90 Action Research Topic Ideas to Write about & Essay Samples.
Retrieved from
Mertler, C. A. (2011). Action Research: Improving Schools and Empowering Educators.
ERIC Educational Resources Information Center.
Kansas State University Libraries. (2023). What is Action Research for Classroom
Teachers? Retrieved from
TeacherPH. (2023). DepEd Action Research Topics and Sample Titles. Retrieved from
Martin, M. (2019). The Implementation of School-Based Management in Public
Elementary Schools. Asian Journal of Assessment in Teaching and Learning.

Review of Related Literature and Studies

The literature on action research in educational settings emphasizes the benefits of
empowering teachers to design and implement their research work, which in turn
improves student performance
. Additionally, the literature highlights the importance of ethical considerations in school-
based action research and the significance of context understanding, collaboration, and
the quality of the research process itself
. Furthermore, the literature underscores the challenges and prospects of implementing
SBM systems in schools, providing valuable insights into the complexities of this
decentralized approach to educational governance
Mertler (2011) emphasizes the importance of action research in improving schools and
empowering educators, providing a framework for conducting classroom- or school-
based action research in conjunction with everyday instructional practices and activities
. This literature review and related studies provide a comprehensive understanding of
the benefits, challenges, and ethical considerations of action research in educational
settings, as well as the complexities of implementing SBM systems in schools.

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