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The Santa Clara

V01.51 $5.00 per year University of Santa Clara, Santa Clara, California Friday, June 1, 1973 No. 46

Service Systems Out

Saga Signs New Food Contract

Service Systems’ three year contract decision to award a new contract was "We like to serve good private
By RITA C. BEAMISH with the University was given by made at a meeting between himself, academic institutions."
University Chancellor Fr. Patrick Donohoe, Dean of Students George According to Food Service
As of July 1, Benson Cafeteria will Donohoe who stated in a campus Giacominr, Executive Vice President Director Bill Nierdzik, the
no longer be under the management of memo that, “Saga was chosen because Fr. William Perkins, and Jose Debasa announcement came "somewhat of a
Service Systems. After a month-long financially its bid was considerably of the Business Office, after a shock" to the management of Service
period of bidding between four below that of Service Systems.” He consideration of the quality and price Systems. "It was kind of a surprise;
companies, including Service Systems, added that in the decision to change of the companies involved. we've enjoyed our association with the
the University has announced that the companies, no criticism of Service University," he comments.
new three year contract has been Systems is intended. FINANCIAL DECISION. "We are very sorry to lose our
awarded to Saga Food Service. According to University
The reason for the termination of "The key to it was the financial contract but we respect the
Controller Marvin Laneholff. the University's desires and will certainly
aspect," notes Langholff, adding "it
was amazing that Saga's price was try to go out in style," says Nieradzik.
considerably less than Service He adds that when Saga's new contract
Systems'" The University has been expires in three years. Service Systems
assured, says Langholff, that they will will try to receive the next contract.
receive service "comparable" to that "Hopefully well be requested to bid,"
given by Service Systems in the past, he states.
and at a lower price. Service Systems, known as High
In light of the University's Continental here until recent years,
financial status and the lower price has the distinction of being the first Dan Die tic h
offered by Saga, Langholff says, 'The and only outside food service According to informed sources, Fr. Thomas Terrv will initiate the
difference was considerable if we employed by the University until now.
wouldn't have changed." Before Benson Center was built, the demolition of Montgomery Hall tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. bv inflicting the first
Although Saga has approached the cafeteria was located on the first floor biowwith a sledge hammer. Montgomery will then be torn apart with a crane.
of Nobili Hall and was operated by the Montgomery has been vacant since the Fine Arts Department relocated to
University several times in"the past, the Warehouse on the corner of The Alameda and Bellomv.
this is the first time they have been University community itself. With the
awarded a contract because, according opening of Benson cafeteria in 1963,

Arrangements Made
to Langholff, "three years ago the cost Service Systems was employed to
difference was not that significant-we manage it, and has retained the
didn't feel it warranted a change." contract since that time.
Brian Kau
While the management personnel
Saga Food Services is a division of of the cafeteria will all be transferred
the Saga Administrative Corporation, a by Service Systems, the rest of the
Medal Recipients nationwide company which serves 275 employees, like the ladies at the doors
college cafeterias throughout the
country, including Universities of
California at Santa Cruz and Berkeley,
The University administration announced the names of the winners and the Notre Dame College in Belmont, and
honorable mentions for the Nobili and Saint Clare Medals. The Nobili Medal was Mertlo College.
and the kitchen help, will be given the
option to remain when Saga takes
over. Van Horn asserts, "We will
interview every person who wants to
For Budget Surplus
be hired."
awarded to Richard C. Hagan with Honorable Mention going to William F. Saga was started in 1948 by three Langholf says that hopefully the Recommendations for the disposal Mass ■ June 9 Also included in the

Bosque Jr., and Phillip H. Warreo. The. Saint Clare Meda!-recipient students who assumed the direction of new food service in conjunction with of the ASUSCs $13,000 budget proposal are $5OO for the library and
A. Gilbert, Honorable Mention going to Carol A. Brown and Christine M. Rossi. the cafeteria at hobart College. The the will' be surplus 4io>e-been marfe by- ■thv* ths- ijme amoant for the gym-for
company has expanded to include also able to investigate some optional plans Department of Finance. Subject to miscellaneous expenditures.
Enterprises which own Straw Hat of cafeteria eating for boarding Senate approval, these
Pizza and The Velvet Turtle students. "Saga," he says, "has some recommendations would give money
Vote On
News Briefs

restaurants as well as Stuart good ideas, some innovations in to a variety of organizations.


Anderson's Black Angus. approaches to student feeding that "We tried to spread the money

out as much as possible," said Jay

According to Bob Van Horn, vice
president of the educational division
of Saga, Santa Clara is a very
might make a big difference in the way
students look at cafeteria eating We Berens, ASUSC treasurer and member
feel they have a real expertise in the of the finance committeee. "We took
desirable account for Saga." He says, recommendations from all interested


Reward Offered Nyquist Garners Top

The final proposal submitted by
the finance department would
give money to seven organizations
The election i for student
ratification of the newly proposed
A reward of $lOO is being offered by the Morning Productions Company to and $2,000 for the Department of ASUSC constitution originally
anyone with information leading to the arrest and conviction of the burglars Finance's surplus fund, the "slush scheduled for yesterday, has been
who stole equipment from KSCU-Radio last week. Taken were one Sony audio fund." postponed until Thursday, June 7.
mixer, and one Kenwood 3200 AM/FM stereo receiver. Their combined value is
approximately $739. The property was reportedly carried from 11th floor Swig
in two green boxes. All information should be directed to Campus Security.
Honors From Seniors SCU-TV would receive $3,500 for
two portable television cameras, with
the stipulation that one would be used
According to ASUSC President Bill
Everhart, the main reason for the
cancellation is the very low voter turn
for the College of Humanities whose out of the off-campus students. Out of
NorCalPirg Set Music professor Roger Nyquist and Dr. William Parent
Psychology, History and Philosophy
of the
Dean John Gray has promised that the
over 1,600 off-campus students, only
129 people voted. The overwhelming
polled the top vote for both the Most college will pay for the camera's majority voted in favor of the
NorCalPirg chairman Kurt Ballash has announced that he was informed by Inspirational Person and the Departments respectively. proposed constitution, 121 yes votes
Dean of Students George Giacomini that the Pirg petition distributed last month Outstanding Teacher this year. Most maintenance, saving ASUSC money.
The The Outstanding Teacher voting The other camera would be available to eight no otes.
has been approved by the administration. As a result, the $1 per quarter fee will found Nyquist most popular again
be assessed beginning next fall. awards were voted by the senior class for general use by students. Because of the low off campus
during Spring Quarter's registration with 34 of 643 votes cast. Voting for turn out it would be necessary to get
this award was also distributed Under the proposal SCCAP would
process although the winner was not get $3,500 for a new bus to replace the votes of more than 90 per cent of
RA's Choisen announced until early this week.
throughout the faculty with most
members receiving at least one vote.
the one destroyed in a recent accident.
The Santa Clara would also receive
the 1569 on campus students in order
to obtain the 50 per cent student body
The Most Inspiratonal Person Second in the vote totals was vote required to pass the constitution.
Giacomini with 26 votes for his $1,500 for a type-setting machine and
From various sources, The Santa Clara has compiled the following list of honor, which may be awarded to any artist Donovan Peterson, best known Everhart strongly urges all
those applicants who have received official notification that they have been member of the University's personnel, position in the History Department;
for his two sculptures outside the de students to vote next Thursday stating
accepted as Head Reident Assistants and Resident Assistants for the 1973-74 was newly initiated this year, while the Thomas Maier of the Accounting "I really think that this new
Most Outstanding Teacher category is Department polled third place honors Saisset Art Gallery, would receive
year. The list does not include those RA's who will be rehired for next year and $ 1,000 for materials to make a large
constitution will improve our student
it is subject to change, since some are expected to reconsider their applications annually awarded to a member of the with 24 votes while Dr. Christiaan sculpture to go near the administration
faculty. Lievestro of the English Department government." Everhart sees no
Head Resident Assistants: Jim Doughtery, Linda Hamlin, Tom Hutchinson, John building. problem in passing the proposed
Micek, Terry Roman and Jim Schiavenza. was fourth and Miles Merwin was fifth.

With 560 votes recorded for the The University Chorus would constitution as long as the students
Resident Assistants: Nancy Billicich, Cheryl Blanc, Diane Bonnie, Patrick Breen, The awards have traditionally receive $5OO to hire an orchestra for
Margaret Camarena, Kevin Duggan, James Egan, Pamela Ficco, Amy Gartland[
Most Inspirational Person, the voting make an effort to get out and cast
been presented at commencement. its performance of the Bach B-minor
was spread fairly evenly among their ballots.
Keith Graham, Vernon Granneman, Richard Hagan, Anne Mary Holm, Margaret administrators and faculty members.
Jones, Catherine Kelly, Bernard Mack, Vick Marchini, Frank O'Connor Theresa

Dorm Committee Proposes

O Donnel, Dave Sarnowski, Dennis Thelan and Tim Wheeler
Nyquist topped all with 44 votes.
Dean John Drahmann of the
China Films College of Sciences had thirty votes;
Dean of Students George Giacomini

Meal Plan, End To Alameda

registered 27. Other results found Fr.
Two unusual color films showing tomb treasures recently excavated in Jim Sweeters of the Religious Studies
mainland China will be shown in the de Saisset Art Gallery on Thursday, June 7. Department with 16, Fr. Pat Carroll of
The films were produced by the the People's Republic of China and are on the Chaplain's office with 15, Fr.
loan from the Delegations of the People's Republic of China to the United Richard Coz, Director of the Studies change in the future. It was also the uorm, dorms made up of related
Nations. By JIM KEOGH
Abroad Program and Economics committee's feeling that sufficient majors, and greater flexibility in room
One film features the famous "jade burial suits," which covered the remains Department member with 11 votes, allocations, allowing for more single
of the son of an emperor of the western Han Dynasty, Ist Century B.C. The The ASUSC Dorm Committee Alameda residents would remain on
and a 10 vote three way tie between today publicly released its preliminary campus to justify the above rooms and making alterations for a
prince, Liu Sheng, and his wife Tu Wan, were encased in garments of jade, each Dr. Witold Drassowski, Miles Merwin, recommendations for improvements in recommendation. three persons in-two-rooms (apartment
made of more than 2,000 small rectangles of stone pierced at the corners and style) living situation.
joined with gold wire. The film also presents exceptional objects, excavated the dorms. The committee notes that LOCK AND KEY
its suggestions must be considered in 5.) That student representatives be
during the Cultural Revolution, from various dynasties of Chinese history. 2) That all the door locks of the
the light of the dramatic decrease in included in future contract condition
Remains from neolithic periods, which are considered to be of equal importance University be re-keyed. Noting the and bidding talks with a voting power.
as the missing Peking man, are also shown.
The other film features the well-preserved remains of a
2,100-year-old-noble-woman, Lady Tai, dressed in the still intact brocade
Good-bye filled dorm rooms in the past year and
enrollment projections for still fewer
students living on campus in (he
recentthefts in both the dorms and
Benson, the committee feels that such
The committee expressed feelings that
this step would give greater student
coming year. a step is necessary in order to control input and reduce student mystification
garments appropriate to her rank. Unique among the finds from this tomb is a concerning these proceedings.
The committee's the situation. The committee further
well preserved color painting done on silk. 6.) That the dorm councils have
There will be two showings on June 7, at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. Admission for recommendations are- 1) That the noted that its members have personal
This is the last issue of The Alameda dorm be closed as a dorm. knowledge of the whereabouts of input in any future housing
all students is 50 cents and $1.50 to the general public. *

agreements or University dorm pt>licy.

Santa. Clara for 1972-73. The first Budgetary figures supplied to the several "master" keys which open
issue next year will be in committee show that the Alameda major sections of this campus and that
Professors Hired September.
Constructive criticism
suggestions are welcome to aid our
annually runs a deficit between $2,000
and $lO,OOO per year. The committee
also notes that the Alameda is the only
such unauthorized master keys are
growing in number with some turning
up as far away as Berkeley.
7.) That an alternative to the
present alltor-nothing arrangements, a
Dr. Eleanor Long of the English has announced that two plans for next year. Anyone with dorm not bound by a Federal The recommended re-keying is 19 meal plan for Benson be developed.
highly-qualified medievalists will assist her in teaching the Medieval Institute ideas can either come up to the mortgage loan. estimated to cost 530,000-$35,000. The committee favored a 7-14-19 plan
next winter. Hester K. Gelber, who is currently completing her Ph.D. degree office (Benson 213), or send The committee suggests that, if The new key system, the committee in which a student could opt for a one
with a dissertation in the field of fourteenth- century intellectual history, written material to The Santa Clara, possible, the University attempt to recommended, would be rotated every meal per day plan, a two meal per day
studied Byzantine and Italian History, Psychology and Philosophy at Cornell Box 1190. keep the Alameda and use it as a dorm 1-2 years and be changed every 3-5 plan or the current meal plan. A
University and the University of Wisconsin, and is a member of the medieval New staff members are for graduate students or married years. variation of the 7-14-I*9 plan, was also
Academy of America and the American Historical Association. welcome. couples. This course of action would 3.) That a free inter-dorm phone considered a good alternative by the
Virginia M. Jansen, who is completing her dissertation on Gothic continue to leave the University the system be set up, utilizing the existing committee. In the opinion of the
architecture at the University of California at Berkeley, has had teaching, option of turning the Alameda back Centrex system, with one phone committee such a variable meal plan
research and curatorship experience in Germany, France, Czechoslovakia, into a dorm if student living patterns placed on each floor (and wing) of system could be experimentally
England, Canada and the United States. She has specialized in German and Art each dorm. By use of this system implemented during a quarter in the
History. residents in the dorm would be able to 1973-74 academic year.

Carry Charge Implemented In The Noose call all dorms and on-campus offices.
Such a
$2 per
would cost
year per
The dorm committee noted that
the above recommendations are
contingent, to varying extents, upon
Between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. yesterday, scores of students student. Installation costs would the results of the often delayed dorm
Fr. Patrick Donohoe, University Chancellor, has announced that, in order to amount to about SO cents per dorm questionnaire circulated by the Board
improve the collection of student accounts, the University is considering a passed through and/or oiMin Seifert Gym to donate blood. The of Community Order. The finalized
student, but would be a one-time
carrying charge. mobile unit of the Dracula Drink-of-the-Month Club drained investment. report is expected to be in at the start
In a letter addressed to parents and students, Donohoe explained that the many gallons of leeched liquid. While several punctures 4.) That the University of the summer.
purpose of the charge is to discourage delinquent payment of accounts. reportedly used the Creator's name in vein, the hemophiles experiment more in the manner of The members of the dorm
In the same letter Donohoe announced officially that the University credit made sure that no one was misbled. After waiting, being dorm living—offering such options as committee are Mary Beth O'Neill,
card program has been discontinued due to its cost. weighted, having red, losing red and finally seeing who sells cells Peter Horan, Jim C. Keogh, Catherine
Credit arrangements have been made with Bank of America and Crocker co-ed dorms with males and females
(red, white or blue), the quiet znoe donors circulated out of living in adjacent rooms, improvement Ferri, Jim Guyol, Mary Frances Walsh
National Bank to offer all Santa Clara students the opportunity to obtain the and part-time members John Cromwell
Bankamericard and Master Charge Card for use on campus. their sanguinary sanctuary. in dorm kitchen facilities with future
experimentation in a food cooperative' and Bob Upper*.
if you agree with me that live music
should be an integral part on every
President's Report college campus, then you may take
"heed and explore Pipestuge for
Yesterday during the day the proposed ASUSC yourself.
constitution failed by default. At 4:00 p.m. when the It would be nice to think that a
Off Campus Students pole closed a total of 128 votes student-run and a student funded
organization could attract at least a
had been cast. I, at that point, called off the election modest crowd. Pipestuge has its faults
yesterday evening for the On-campus Students, because in irregular hours and an inconsistent
we would have needed all but 74 on-campus students sound system and food. But if given
voting. Figuring that was practically impossible, I the chance and the people, it could
cancelled the election. We'll try again next Thursday, turn out to be a nice place to spend an
June 7th. A few different tilings will be done for that evening.
election. Copies of the constitution will be available Art Bennett
Monday afternoon at the information booth.
Well this is the last column until September. There
will be a lot to say by then. Right now I'm devoting all
my time to get this constitution passed and to set up
things for the summer. (I'm staying here for the
summer.) Thanks to all people who've helped so far this
end. Maintain for the last two weeks of school.
EWtortai This is a copy of a letter I am
sending to Father Terry. I felt it was

Hopeful Signs
important enough that the whole
Latter To TheEditor University community know of it.
Dear Father Terry,
It shall soon be ten months since
Why Hagan????? you circulated your 14 September
1972 memorandum to the faculty,
ASUSC officers. BSD president and II
For the University of Santa Clara, the this year; moral problems were widespread. Frente coordinator, wherein you made
1972-73 academic year marked a significant Certainly this area must receive strong attention Dear Editor: a false accusation concerning the
series of events. in the future in the search for a satisfactory firebombing of Mr. Joseph Dißryan's
procedure. apartment in Swig Hall, implying that
It would be nothing short of dishonesty to The news release announcing the No more Service Systems, no more
winner of the University's most I, either personally or as a member of
deny that in a number of ways the year was one Nevertheless, the existence of controversy
prestigious award that couid be given
Gino, no more Alberta, no more the Black community, was involved.
of many conflicts and few resolutions." does not necessarily paint a bleak future. Santa to any student, the Nobili Award
tenyaki. The mass corporation Even more astonishing than the
Clara is most definitely undergoing a painful structure has invaded Benson, and lingering ramifications of your action
suprises me. In fact, it scares me. The they are pushing out a food service
The year saw the firing of the Benson Seven; period of transition. What is important for the reason the announcement of this has been your disrespect and apparent
the introduction of police on campus for the future is the realization of this fact and the which has faithfully dished out lasagne lack of concern for the damage you
award fightens and puzzles me revolves for nine years now. When will the
first time; the arrest of a number of Chicano implementation of sound, forceful solutions to around the question: why? Which of have done to me. At the time, I gained
students. A workable system for handling the various problems. administration halt its big business unfounded notoriety among my fellow
Richard Hagen's accomplishments, in practices? When will they realize that a
minority complaints and defining minority the eyes of the University, justifies his soured stomach will not a higher students and faculty members and
status on this campus must be implemented. There are a number of hopeful signs. The reception of this award? since have suffered a great deal of
projected development projects for upcoming enrollment make? mental anguish, including loss of sleep
In the eyes of the University,how Love with future indigestion.
It was the year of the Master Plan and the years, the new interdisciplinary courses of the could a former censored senator, who and appetite. This evidently still exists.
controversies surrounding both the ideological College of Humanities, the broadening of the is at best an average student be Chip Florence To say the least, your action was
and the feasible future programs for the University | academic program I through the qualified? A person whose main both unwarranted and irresponsible.
But it is not vengeance that prompts
University. An acceptable set of goals has yet to
be outlined.
acceptance of the music 1 major, the
implementation of a Nor CalPirg chapter on
accomplishment as ASUSC President
was to divide registration into two
Blood Drive me to air my disillusionment and
campus, the scheduled live-learn dorm, all spell days, which will return next year to anguish; I am using this as an
In the past year Santa Clara has faced the the existence of a fresh, innovative approach to the old one day system cannot be (overdue) opportunity to exonerate
full import of a drastically diminishing rather classified as one who has done a lot for myself and sincerely request that those
the environment and educational aspects at the University. who persist in mentioning the affair in
than expanding, number of applications. The Santa Clara. Dear Editor,
impact of this phenomenon spells a major Without really trying one can respect to me stop doing so. Father
e think of 5-6 other students who by Terry, your half-hearted clarification
re-evaluation for the future. There is much to be accomplished. The I want to thank everyone who of 15 September 1972 in which you
Controversy over faculty tenure was keen anyone's standards have done more for
work is only beginning. participated for their support of the attempted to re-establish the events of
the students and the University than
this year's recipient. Phil Warren, Bob Blood Drive yesterday in Seifert Gym. the evening in a more accurate manner
After a slow start in the moring, we did not in any way serve to halt the
Ortalda, Carl Brodt, Phil Austen, Jim finally received 120 pints, an amount
Keogh and even the controversial suspicion surrounding my alleged
Dennis Krohn have done more for thjs which can certainly be termed involvement.

The Source
successful. Twenty-seven donors were
school *

feyears than just

rejected for a variety of reasons but Although some faculty members
sun themselves around the Graham disregarded your letter, and some even
Pool. thanks for trying. So thanks again to
all of the student workers, recruiters, encouraged me to take legal action
If this is the way the University and expecially to those who took the against you because of the extreme
will reward the student body for its time to donate. seriousness of the matter, I have been
concern of student activiteis, then it Kitty Eichinger questioned by faculty members
appears that the University's attitude inquiring about my possible
Mendel Society Fres
By Robert A. Ortalda on student activitism is that of a
misguided patron. To me, it appears
that the student body is the "loser" in
involvement in the unfortunate
incident, and was even told by
individual professors that I should be
this case.
Scott Bonfiglio
Pipestage deeply concerned about my reputation
(and thus my future). After years of
constructing what I felt was a very
Kathy NiUes was responsive enough to write a letter George Giacomini would not like that. If George ASUSC Social VP. good reputation and record, you
to the editor about something I said in my last The didn't allow a harmless little cat family (well, almost proceeded to dismantle everything. I
Source. I was afraid my column would survive two entire
quarters without raising enough interest for someone to
harmless) maintain residency on second-floor Benson,
he's certainly not going to look favorably on my greeting
'Deadwood' Dear Editor shall never know how successful you
write a letter to the editor about what I said.
Ms. NiUes attacked my assertion that on-campus
the Student Services staff in terrycloth every morning.
A pity.
Award You may remember the hint of
optimism in the air last year when the
I. allowed you ample opportunity
for redress. After much thought and
students were building Pipestage. Yes, discussion with profs and friends, I
services should be scheduled to the convenience of the > i Pipestage Coffeehouse in the basement decided to pursue the matter legally,
students it serves, and my apparent lack of concern for Dear Editor, of Graham 100 would be the place to which has come to a temporary
the University employees who provide those services. go to hear live music, eat decent food, impasse becuase of my present
I still maintain that any services provided a group of In many ways, it's hard to leave Santa Clara.l, for The chairmen of Santa Clara's see people you know, play some inability to secure the initial court
consumers should be patterned to fit the schedules and one, adjust slowly, set my roots deep. Humor-Writing Board, Dmitri and Ivan cards-a place to go to be really costs (as I am a financial aid recipient).
I didn't like Santa Clara when 1 got here. Didn't Rosmenko, have announced the "college." You continue to ignore my attorney
other nerd* of the consumers. Basically, you should hit winners of this year's Dmitri and Ivan
the high demand areas. even like it all that much as a junior. Well the hint of optimism is coldly and I; we shall continue to see that a
"These better not be the 'good old days,' I was Rosmenko Award for Excellence in fading fast. The same Pipestage that is
I'm not saying that all services should be available
proper end comes of this.
Humor Writing. The award, founded in owned and run by the students, can't
24 hours to satisfy the whim of the pickieu consumer. heard to mutter. 1973 by Dmitri and Ivan Rosmenko, You have abused your authority
I didn't like being editor, at first. Didn't like writing get any students to go there. Blame it
I am saying, however, that when we sit down to then editors of "Deadwood", the in a most frightening
this column. Now, I leave Santa Clara reluctantly, am on its location, its poor food, lack of manner unjustifiably using it against a
decide when to open the library or campus store we look campus humor magazine, is awarded advertising, etc., but the fact remains:
at when people are going to need it, and we don't fall being pulled kicking and screaming from the editor's each year to "the graduating senior students are finding better things to do
student. I shall take this a step further
back on basically meaningless conventions such as the desk, and even acknowledge that I like being a who best personifies those ideals of and claim that you recklessly used it
than to go to Pipestage. against a Black student, for the
eight-hour workday or the five-day week. columnist. humor-writing set down by Dmitri and There is no problem in getting
I suspect that we hate to leave our environment not Ivan Rosmenko." implications of the (final) paragraph
It is blind acceptance of the traditional ordering of people to come to see a Vince encompassing the accusation had very
because we want to go on living the good times over and This year, for the first time in its Guaraldi or a Charlie Mussel white. The
activity that I am challenging. In fact, there are very few history, the award has two recipients. grave racial overtones. It (the
institutions that can not profit by con'inually over; instead, I suspect, we regret leaving our problem is getting people to just go to
paragraph) was out of place in a letter
environment for all the things we didn't do.
They are Dmitri Rosmenko, 22, of San Pipestage as they would any
challenging established customs. And a university, whose Jose, and Ivan Rosmenko, 22, of Santa regarding the dismissal of Student
business it is to challenge the most basic of society's Conceive a list of all the things you meant to do Clara. When reached for comment the
coffeeshop. It's not that Santa Clara Services staff members. This can easily
here, always knew you could do, but never got around students don't leave the studious give rise to suspicions that you may
assumptions, should not unimaginatively ignore the pair was exultant. "Fabulous-simply
confines of their room during the
questioning ethic in the way the university itself is run. to doing. All those undone deeds are what hating to fabulous!" Dmitri grinned. "We knew very well extend actions of this nature
leave is all about. we were in the running but we tried week. Big Bicks and especially The into your execution of other
By the way, if this University ever dies sit back and Bronco Corral are mysteriously
take a hard look at its old way of doing things, let it not This is my explanation, at least in part, for the not to get our hopes up." administrative duties. Hopefully, the
"It's good to know someone out crowded just about every night. Now I instances when we sat on opposite,
forget to address itself to a total rd complete senior-year Spring Quarter phenomenon of a frenzied
there appreciates our talent," Ivan kinda doubt if its the food at Bicks, sides of the table regarding Black
revamping of the Registrar's office. social life. nor the Fats Domino records in the
The question is, why is it that social activities are added, uncorking another bottle of Students Affairs, did not provoke you
Champale jukebox at the Corral that are to do- what you did.
those which we frantically try to experience in our last with
responsible for keeping people away Father Terry, I am quite anxious
Along the handsome from Pipestage. Maybe it's because all
remaining days. parchment award goes a cash stipend to see this matter be immediately
The fact that we concentrate our energies on our of $750, to be used in the publication Pipestage has to offer is comfortable resolved so that my family can attend
We moved out of our house yesterday, which, I
friends when we are faced with limited time near The of another issue of "Deadwood", the chairs, some oftentimes decent my graduation with feelings of pride
suppose,is something of an end of an era. Packed up all
End says to me that of all the things Santa Clara prestigious journal of humor. sandwiches, quietness and rather than those of discomfot and
our stuff, lock-, stock and bicycles and joined the ranks You won't have Dmitri and Ivan solitude-which is not what people insult. You must publicly retract and
of vagrant mendicants.
provided us, our relationships with people were the most want. Why else do you see people
valuable. Rosmenko to kick around anymore. personally apologize for the suggestion
A fine old house, The Green House was-but not "studying" at the Corral, and that I was involved; this retraction
while we lived there. We lived in a dump-both I can't help but believe that we're right, and that "socializing" at the library. should receive similar circulation as
subjectively and definitionally.
We were not good to that house nor was the house
people may rightfully be our foremost individual
concerns for the rest of our lives. No More Pipestage has excellent potential.
And its new coordinator, Pat Finnigan
your letter of September 14 and 15,
1972, and insure me that there will be
has done an excellent job of providing
all that good for us. We'specialized in large, raucus
parties with full bars, Beach Boys records, broken
Alberta live music every weekend. But it is
obvious that Pipestage is going to have
no reprisals against me. It is apparent
that prompt and appropriate
windows and visits from the Santa Clara Police corrective measures on your behalf
to keep reaching out in the form of would facilitate a clarification of your
Department. Dear Editor, advertising and publicity. For if
We religiously saved glass, newspapers and Writing The Source has meant a great deal to m- reputation as well as mine.
over the past several months It was often frustrating Pipestage folds, live music on campus
aluminum, but never took it to a recycling center. and Alas, the stomachs of the students will probably disappear. So if you
hard work-meeting deadlines (which! was never very of Santa Clara are in for it next year. Rickford Bradley
The house was furnished ~Tn Early enjoy a coffeehouse atmosphere, and
good at) and writing hastily what I should have taken Class of 1973
Can-l-Leave-This-in -You r-Ga rage -Over-the -Summer days to write well.
which was never claimed. We just sold Bill Bosque's sofa, But on the whole, having a place where I could say
a year's worse for the wear.

Stye S*@a Clara

what I felt ahiut Santa Clara in an unstructured
Kurt Ballash bought all our Early Unclaimed, even informal style, was a great outlet for me. Hopefully, The
though he doesn't have a house for next year yet. (An Source has been of some value to the University
unfurnished house is one thing, but un-housed furniture community, as an alternative to straight news and
quite another.) We sent him packing with all editorials.
his/used-to-be-ours/used-to-be-someone-else's stuff. Hell Where The Source failed, I can only say I failed. But ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF
stick it in some friends' garage who will use it to furnish if there is any credit due this column, then credit is due Bdttorin Chief
Ed Hurlbutt
tlieir house next year. the special people who helped me get this stuff to print Managing Editor j tm Craven
New, Editor
t ,MI,w Edita?

...Jim Craven
,• „

S. u yjfefimiS

1 should be so great a writer to have my words pass every week.

New. Editor ZZZZZ.Z. J Campbell
Ron " S
Auociate Editor. im Flaherty HH?

Copy Editor.
from person to person like my furniture.
Two»generations of staffs had their papers held fefiK A£^'piiir;.zz:zzzzzzzzz:zz]^S^
Spor,. Editor...
up waiting for old nimble-fingers here to stumble
AdminUtraUve A..i.tan,
Magazine Editor XU&f*
Terry Trucco Photo Lab Editor ft'/Cr
through his column. Terry Alonso, Charlene Miller, Jim Sport. Editor
Photography Editor

Tom Goethal.
Dan nieUch
I'a.teup TerrvAonZ
''Where," my friends ask, "are you living for the Ferrigan. Ron Campbell and many others worked Production Coordinator Al Thoma. tu n ~.?f>ll°.mVi
next two weeks?" patiently and professionally, though I often failed to Production Manager firVyAlow Typeeetttng ChZrlSufer
"At your house of course!" meet them halfway.
Many of my friends have meager senses of hu-i-.r. But my warmest thanks go to the person without B^r nT^ge r
n aKer
r S

Actually, I plan to camp out in the newspaper ur/ice manager o '."»

whom The Source would not be The Source. Mary e-,»„„-i..'.

CarloonUt .7err
> '°

office. Curl up in my sleeping bag on the sofa: my alarm Leittem has patiently read most of the lines that have John Overend
clock will wake me up. Nine o'clock every morning I'll appeared in this column. Wherever I was reasonable, R /,E or,
Jf''L Bt "i* Ooringer. Kevin Brtggi, Jim Keogh
Mike Rlordan, Art Bennett, Rita Beamlih.Mlke Malone
toddle down the stairs in my robe and slippers, wherever I curbed my arrogance, wherever you could
soapdish in hand, and pay a visit to the showers in the understand what I was saying. Mary Leittern's critical
Benson basement. ability had paid off. I am indebted to Mary Leittem. not
Dressed and shaved, 111 sneak into Benson for a long only as one of my best friends, but as someone who, as
breakfast over somebody's leftover Chronicle. my closest advisor, has helped make much of
my work Santa Clara 96083.
All the comforts of home. as editor this year worthwhile.
Friday, June 1,1973 THE SANTA CLARA 3
Weekend Wanderer
What's Happening?
S. J. FelaMarket
The flearnarket, once you squatting out on the po' side of
are used to it, is one of the most town next to the auto auction
entertaining ways of spending a and the San Jose Auto-Movie Friday, June 1
Saturday or Sunday morning (more about that mad house Jacques Strap A> the Dixie Cups, a group of Santa Clara
here in the midst of the San Jose another time). greasers, will return for another performance, accompanied by
urban muddle. The place is a riot The SJFM is a cross section 9-12 p.m.
colors and smells and

pf of the Bay Area's version of the Cocktail Party for senior history majors, complete with history
sounds-most of them ugly, American Way of Life. You'll ofessors. Faculty Club, 4:30 p.m., history degree required.
always a hell of a lot of fun. It is see everyone from welfare
a Morroccan souk and a Mexican recipients to wealthy doctors' at Ricard Observatory. 8:39-11 p.m.
market place combined. It is a wives sitting behind tables selling
dirty, loud, busy, ex-parking lot Saturday, June 2
their junk. Some stands sell
tamales and tacos, others Linda La Flamme, former singer of "It's a Beautiful Day," will
Chorus To vegetables, fruit or Mexican
pastry. Auctioneers yell over
loudspeakers to sell off
be performing with bar band. Pipestage, $.25 with SCU
student body card. Touted by ASUSC as being one of the best
talents all year.
Movie: Billy Jack, the award-winning flick about an idealistic
Sing Bach merchandise to a few customers
and a lot of shills.
Everything can be found
Indian who knows karate. DS 207; 7,9,11 p.m., $.75.
International Club Dinner, featuring food from all over the
world. Everybody welcome. Tickets available at the
here—from the third gear you Information Booth. Members (single)-$2; non-members
need for your V.W. to the ZAP (smqle)-$3; couples (non-members)-$5. 7 p.m.
The University Chorus will
perform Johann Sebastian
comix No. 1 you've hunted for
years. Switchblades, spavined NASA/AMES film. 1-5 p.m.
Bach's Mass in B-minor in the refrigerators, tape decks, dolls, Sunday, June 3
Mission Church on Saturday, castors to a forgotten couch,
June 9. With Dr. Nyquist once-racy paper backs, artificial NASA/AMES film. 1-5 p.m.
conducting, the concert is dog droppings (where are you Senate meeting to wrap up the year that would have been
scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Lenny Bruce?), everything.. wrapped up last Wednesday, but they didn't get a quorum.
Poetry Reading
Pottl Hawkins
Kenna 102, 6:30 p.m.
Featured soloists will include The food stands sell some of
Carolyn Bisel and Barbara the best Mexican food you'll Tuesday, June 5
Winklebleck, sopranos; Jams find in this area. When the dust
Wilcox, contralto; Stephen gets to you, stand where you are Roger S teffens performed his renditions of modern poetry last night in Daly Science in an evening Tom Waits, an outstanding artist from Los Angeles, who has
Janzen, tenor; and Richard and a golf cart full of beer will titled "Poetry for those who hate poetry." Steffens has been giving poetry reading of this sort of the recently recorded an album with Herb Cohen and Jerry Yester
Haile, bass. soon roll by. With a discerning past seven years, appearing in high schools, colleges and T.V. shows throughout the country. Preferring on Asylum Records. "Closing Time" is the name of the album,
eye and a little practice, a good living poets for the bulk of his show, Steffens also includes e. e. cummings, one of his favorite authors. and Waits' performance marks the closing date for the
This will be the chorus'
final performance for this shopper can make some fine academic year. Pipestage, $.25 with SCU card.
academic year. Accompanying deals or trades. Be sure to argue. Thursday, June 7
them will be student James If you play the game properly
Lang at the organ and a
professional orchestra playing
Renaissance instruments, with
Milton Ryan of the Music
youll get some buys you'll never
find anywhere else, not always
legal,of course. For example, I
once bought a brand new
Hendrix album for a buck that
Interdisciplinary Courses Tomb treasures recently excavated in mainland China is the
subject of two unusual color films, on loan from the
Delegations of the People's Republic of China to the United
Nations. De Saisset, 7:30 and 9:30 p.m.

Planned For Fall Term

Department as concert master. Saturday, June 9
Ms. Winklebleck teaches was so hot that thekid handed it
voice in the University's Music to me right out of the shipping Johann Sebastian Bach's Mass in B minor, sung by the
Department. Carolyn Bisel and crate. University Chorus and guest soloists accompanied by a
Janis Wilcox both sang in the However, a word of professional orchestra. We've yet to see Roger Nyquist
Chorus' performance of warning: beware of cassette or Details have been outlined Onegin," and Moliere's 17th eros and agape. Thifc means conduct anything that was less than excellent. Mission Church
Handel's Messiah last December, eight track tapes sold in booths on the two new "college century play "Don Juan." looking at Greek dramas by 7:30 p.m. Students $1.50, adults $2.50.
and Richard Haile is a graduate (personal experience) and the courses" to be offered next fall In music, both the operatic Euripides, Roman literature by Movie: Klute. Remember Jane Fonda from a few weeks back'
student in music at Indiana quality of anything you quarter by the College of score (by Mozart) and the Seneca and works by Racine; we She won her Academy Award for this film. Rated R if anyone
are really following a theme cares. DS 207; 7,9, 11 p.m.; $.75.
University where he studies buy-especially under the Humanities. The courses will libretto (by Lorenzo da Ponte)
voice with Paul Matthen. counter. explore the development of the from "Don Giovanni" will be which runs throughout
Stephen Janzen, who lives in San No one is ever let down by Don Juan theme in literature, studied, as well as Tchaikovsky's literature." A
Francisco, is a well-known the Flea Market. Go just once music and psychology; and the opera "Eugene Onegin," "Ballet A specialist in comparative

Finals Schedule
soloist in the Bay Area. and you may find yourself the ideology of American capitalism. Don Juan" by Gluck and literature, Lievestro is an
Ticket information can be next weekend sitting behind a Because these, courses were Strauss' tone poem "Don Juan." Associate Professor of English.
obtained from the Music counter selling Aunt Petulia's designed to analyze a common All of these are programmatic He teaches courses in the
Department or the Information opium snuff box and the world's theme from the perspective of compositions which contain the modern novel, and a two-quarter
Booth. largest collection of beer cans. several different academic love theme. humanities course series which
disciplines, Fr. John Gray, dean In psychology, Kierkegaard, surveys EJKopean continental
of the College of Humanities, Martin D'Arcy, S.J., Carl Jung, literature.

Tentative Flicks June 4—classes that meet at 9:10 a.m. and 1:10 p.m.
proposed Monday
to accentuate this Rollo May and Denise
interdisciplinary approach by Derougemount all comment on The American capitalism Tuesday June 5-dasses that meefat 8:10 and 12:10 p.m.
offering these courses through the Don Juan theme as a course will be taught by Dr. Wednesday June 6—classes that meet at 10:10 a.m. and 2:10 p.m
the college as a whole rather psychological type, and on the Steven Gelber of. the History Thursday June 7—classes that meet at 11:10 a.m. and 4:10 p.m
Department who plans to
Proposed For Fall
than through individual myth and imagery used to F riday June B—classes that meet at 3:10 p.m.
departments. support the love theme. introduce four different
Dr. Christiaan Lievestro of Students in this course will disciplines. The following schedule will be adhered to for Junior, Sophomore
the English Department, who compare the ways in which Through philosophy,
students will look at the and Freshman Examinations.
will offer the course on the Don. different- artists and authors have

Quarter Fun Juan theme, will use variations

of the original Don Juan story (a
Spanish play written by Tirso de
Molina in 1612) drawn from
developed the concepts of
physical love (which the Greeks
called "eros") and the more
unselfish, committed and often
formation of capitalistic
ideology in this country between
the 18th century and the time of
the New Deal. In psychology,
Monday Classes that meet
1:30 p.m.

Classes that meet

The following is the list of Walkabout, Women in Love, three different disciplines. tragic love (called "agape") using the class will study the role
Wait Until Dark, What's, Up In literature, besides the their own variations on this same conflicts which businessmen June 11 at 9:10 a.m. at 1:10 p.m.
movies that are being considered
for next year's ASUSC movies. Doc?, Z, Zorba the Greek, original, students will study theme. develop when values such as
The movie committee requests Zabriski Point. George Bernard Shaw's "Man "This approach is exciting," social responsibility are Tuesday Classes that meet Classes that meet
Already scheduled are Gone and Superman," Byron's epic says Lievestro, "because we will introduced as pressures pulling June 12 at 8:10 a.m. at 12:10 p.m.
that students voice their
preferences in writing. Address with the Wind, Dr. Zhivago and poem "Don Juan," a Russian tie in the Don Juan theme with against the capitalistic ideology.
them to Jim Keogh, Box 1195, Cabaret. poem by Pushkin titled "Eugene variations on the Greek ideas of In sociology, the course will Wednesday Classes that meet Classes that meet
study the role of the worker, June 13 at 10:10 a.m.
within the next week. From this particularly
at 2:10 p.m.
list the committee will pick economic and
geographic mobility and the
30-35 selections. rags-to-riches mythology and a Thursday Classes that meet Classes that meet
look at some non-traditional June 14 at 11:10a.m. at 4:10 p.m.
All the King's Men, All alternatives such as religious
Quiet on the Western Front, organizations and the agrarian Friday Classes that meet
Anne of a Thousand Days, The movement. And in art, the way June 15 at 3:10 p.m.
Arrangement, Bed and Board, in which the development of an
Best of the New York Erotic industrial society influenced A student's work may be reported incomplete if, due to
Film Festival, Bonnie and Clyde, painting, sculpture and unavoidable curcumstances, some essential portion of his work
Bananas, Bride Wore Black, architecture will be examined; in the course remains unfinished after the final examination.
Ballad of Cable Hogue, Butch the role of artists either in An Incomplete (I) becomes a Failure (F) unless the unfinished
Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, promoting or criticizing the work is completed to the satisfaction of the instructor and
Black Like Me, Bergman films system; and capitalism's proper notice filed with the Registrar WITHIN FOUR WEEKS
(note your favorite). influence on the sociology of not including the summer session. Exceptions maybe made by
creativity. the Academic Vice President, in individual cases, on the
The Candiate, Clare's Knee, Gelber is an Assistant recommendation of the appropriate academic dean. These
Camelot, Catch 22, Charlie, The Professor of history and teaches exceptions must be approved by the Academic Vice President
Clowns, Cromwell, Can courses in recent American prior to the end of the four-week period just noted.
Hieronymas Merkin Ever Forget history.
Mercy Hummpe and Find True
Happiness?, Chaplin flicks,

classified ads
Closely Watched Trains, The
Conformist, The Confession
(Coste-Gavras), The Collector.

Discreet Charm of the

Bourgeoisie, The Decameron,
Doctor Strangelove, David and
OVERSEAS-r Australia, RENTERIAS BOARDING Becky —You've reached
Lisa, Death in Venice, Drive He Southeast Asia, Africa, Europe HOME rooms for rent, for girt permissive 21, so feel free to
Said, Dirty Harry. & So. America. For information students, clean, modern rooms, ignore my youthful senility!
on employment write Int'l furnished, includes laundry, Happy B-day!
Overseas Services, P.O. Box breakfast, lunch, dinner & trans, Roommate-come-lately
BVi, Ego in a Cage, Exodus, if needed. Call 251 8764-.
El Cid, Fahrenheit 451, Father Information needed: If anyone
Goose, Fellini's Satyricon, Five ■ "
"rIF' 1 '.I .' '.'■
Easy Pieces, Fantasia, 400 4 or 5 or large 3 bedroom house [articles for this distinguished
Paul Fry
Blows, Fillmore, Fantastic
Voyage, Golden Age of Comedy,
Gimme Shelter, Garden of The
Campisi Climber questions. If you have a time
conflict and wish to arrange an
June 1973 to June 1974. Call of this
243-3817 or 984-6412.
assistant sports editors.
Finzi-Continis. aDDointment. call 732-3720 Kevin Costello, Dennis Ruffner
Greg Deridis, apprentice rock climber, practices his descent form on the walls of Campisi. A Immaculate 21-foot
■^———^a—■— |
'7l FUTURE CPA's learn how to
Heart is a Lonely Hunter, group of avid rock climbers have found said wall a convenient place to.practice their technique, Aristocrat house trailer fully prepare for the CPA Exam. Snow White, Sleepy, Sneezy,
The Heartbreak Kid, Hellstrom securely tied by a safetyline so that no danger is involved. The group hopes to graduate to taller self-contained. No travel Becker CPA review course, call and Grumpy—Thanks for the
Chronicle, Juliet of the Spirits, buff dings in the area before long. mileage. $2895. 245-0830. •
collect; S.F. (415) 781-4395. SJ. memories! It was a great year!
Joe, Johnny Got his Gun, King WRITING & RESEARCH (408) 251-8446. —Penny Naime
of Hearts, Knife in the Water, ASSISTANCE Typing and
King Kong, Last Picture Show, editing. Call 379-8018 UNIQUE Toyota Landcruiser At last! Movies return to the
Lion in Winter, Lawrence of
Arabia, Last Run. Ask Al Fudge— Stereo systems, cost plus 10%,
most major brands. Call Ken
1970 hardtop with right-hand
steering, proven reliable over the
Circle Pi Theater! Tonight only.
'The Bridge Over the River Pi,"
Khyber Pass & elsewhere. 37,000 and "There's A Pi In My Soup."
Torres, 296-9795. miles, owner moving to England,

How Much Does It Cost

Mash, Midnight Cowboy, A $2100.00, call Prof. McGilvray So it's Ben Jonson's for us and
Man and a Woman, Man for all LET ME DO YOUR TYPING.
Seasons, Man in the Wilderness, Fast, accurate, dependable. Mrs. at 984-4302 or 241-7614. CRUMBS for you two. Losing a
Alice Emmerich. 249-2864. bet is not that great, but trying
Miracle Worker, Millhouse, The Victorian Home (1890), 10+ to weasel out of the pay-off is
Other, O What a Lovely War. '6B VW Automatic Stickshift.
fixtures, suitable
Performance, Play It Again The following information, buildings? cost of this fleet?
Sam, A Patch of Blue, Patton, compiled by Al Fudge of campus, $34,950. 287-2673. like to make EZ money teaching
Passion of Anna, Portnoy's
A. $1.27. A. 23 vehicles, current value loom aanid Clara; drumming this summer. One day
Buildings and Grounds, was 5. What does it cost to mow all $90,000. Replacement privileges, female a week $4.00 an hour. 243-6932
Complaint, Peter Rabbit and the recently released to The Santa kitchen
Tales of Beatrix Potter.
of the lawns and grass on the $105,000. student preferred, 241-4232. 10% discount to students It or 296-9463 ask for Paul, room
Clara, and we thought some campus one time? 9. What is the monthly payroll Non-smoker/drinker. faculty. Imparco Import Auto
students might be interested to A. $527. for those individuals assigned to NATURAL AND ORGANIC Parts. 3565 Stevens Creek Blvd., Pat Heiton—Bet the doctor had
Romeo and Juliet, Richard, see where part of their money is 6. What is the number of light gardening duties? FOODS at WHOLESALE Santa Clara, CA. (408) 241-4441 to use a hatchet when you were
Sounder, Sleuth, Straw Dogs, going: bulbs used in one year and the A. PRICES. Fresh- fruit produce,
born!—Cats Trayshun, Amnee
cost thereof? $lO,OOO.
Shaft, Sunday Bloody Sunday,
Slaughterhouse Five, Sorrow and 1. What is our monthly A. 14,800 bulbs® $7200.
10. What is the monthly cost of
janitorial services?
■a "■ ■•-••

the Pity, Summer of '42, Sacco electricity bill? 7. What is the amount of trash A. $42,000. 795 W.
and Van Zetti, Those A. $B,OOO/mo. collected daily and the cost to
2. What is the monthly heating dispose of it? 11. How often do we paint the Ca. 247- *&*«*+&
Magnificent Men in Their Flying
Machines, The Touch, 2001, bill? A. 20 cubic yards (compressed); interior of our buildings? FOR SALE: Gretsch Electric BMW-'69. white; axclf. cond. I wh * " ot st ' (;k "°??°
l «.
A. $2,000/mo. A. Every four years.
. .


3. What is the monthly water 8. What is the number of 12. What were the painting costs body made-in excellent 1011. "big red" to be awakened when
bill? A. $BOO/mo. vehicles owned by the University in the last calendar or fiscal year, even a whole schmeel of fatties
Umbrellas of Cherbourg, 4. What is the maintenance cost (other than passenger cars)? including labor and materials? call
Ulysses (by Joyce), Viridiana, per year per square foot of What would be the replacement A. $42,000. Micheal in 419 The Bitch
4-THE SANTA CLARA Friday, June 1,1973

The Bullpen

Indy; R.I.P
Bronco Sports By Dennis Ruffner
Two men are dead and several others are in serious
condition in an Indianapolis Hospital. Is it worth it? Gordy
Johncock won the Indianapolis 500 the other day and I
have to ask why.
Why is it so necessary for men and machine to travel
Ton of the Key The Eye Opener over 180 miles an hour on a 70 year old track to prove
that I should 'Go Goodyear' and that STP is really the
'Racers Edge'?

Oh, Those Nights

Andy Uranitelli is a winner again. His organization will

Goodbye 72-73 take home most of the $1 million purse. But how much
will it cost to put Swede Savage's legs back together and to

bury Armedo Toran.
It took ABC's prime time telecast of the Indianapolis
Debacle to show me just how worthless the Indy 500 is.
By Kevin Costello By Paul Bossenmaier Chris Shenkel, Jim McKay etal gave us a brilliant portrayal
of the sickness that infests the American midwest every
On the whole, sports at Santa Clara for the 1972-1973 Jim McKenna Memorial Day.
I saw Savage's $lOO,OOO machine disintegrate in
academic year are over, save the summer camps and ttu fractions of a second and saw it happen again and again as
seven crewmen and woman back east competing in the Few seniors will ever forget that Saturday night late in March our freshman year
the ABC people showed it four times in slow motion

National Championships. when S.C. squared off with UOP in Stockton for what could have been the WCAC
As I look back on this year's major sports program I championship clincher. Instead the Tigers prevailed 72-63. However, the night's fireworks replay.
I saw Savage thrashing around in the mass of wreakage
see numerous ups and downs that brought literally did not begin until Keith "Dog Face" Paulson and Robby Sperring squared off with less as he tried to extinguish the flames that were engulfing
thousands of spectators to their feet at victory and to their than one minute remaining. Paulson connected with a left hook which would have done his body. Savage was lucky; he is alive.
beer in defeat. Joe Frazier proud, and Sperring was rendered unconscious. A riot ensued which took 50 Not so lucky was a member of his teams pit crew.
The year began with football against a stronger, faster of Stockton's finest to quell, and in the midst of all the duking in the middle of the Toran was running to his aid when a fire truck ended his
and more experienced San Jose State. A last-second loss
disappointed us but it looked as if we would see some
brouhaha, was Santa Clara's middle linebacker Steve Stanich. Stanich landed a few 22 years in this life. Why?
great football throughout the year. Unfortunately for haymakers of his own and was given a police escort out of town. Some say its the money. I ask Granitelli and the boys
if their share of the purse can pay for the lives lost at Indy.
those who aren't diehard traveling fans, we were only able Some say that it is a way to improve automotive
to see four home games. But they were impressive. No, Next Monday, with winter quarter finals but a few hours away, the Broncs and products. Frankly, I don't care if my tires or oil can go
there was no Dan Pastorini, but there was a Clyde Bengals meet at Memorial Gym on the USF campus in the playoff tb end all playoffs. 500 miles at those speeds. I am much more concerned
Lebaron, a James Winnegan and a Jay Corey (drafted by Twenty-five minutes before game time the fisticuffs began, and martial law prevailed. about 40,000 miles at 70 miles an hour.
the pros). Coach Malley did an excellent job, but would Some say it's exciting. Sure, crashes are exciting, but
admit a few close decision losses, turned wins would have Amidst flying debris and broken bottles, the Broncos, led by Ralph Ogden and Dennis
been happier to remember. Autrey, took the court. At this point, only one thing was wrong: Santa Clara's team was so are tornadoes. The '73 Indy went 133 laps and at the
there, but the Bronc rooting section was noticeably absent. A few moments later that was finish only ten cars were on the track; that s one car for
Basketball, a season so close, yet so far. True, the. every 1320 feet of track. Whoopee!
Broncos had a winning season, but a bird ended it for them quickly rectified as Steve Stanich made his now unforgettable ride down half court on the
<on a dead note. It's no championship, noenthusiasm, by the shoulders of his 55 obviously drunk football comrades. No sooner did Stanich slow up Wednesday's tragedies were not the only blemishes
spectators as far as basketball is concerned. So, sadly, most scaring this year's event. Driver Art Pollard was killed in
than World War 111 broke out. When the dust had finally cleared, Santa Clara had won the first day of time trials and Salt Walters is still in critical
people said that they just weren't good enough. 65-56, and in so doing claimed a trip to the Western Regionals at Seattle. condition after an almost unbelievable crash not 20 yards
Unfortunately, last year they were that good. All they
needed was a spark, an exciting play from someone to into an unsuccessful attempt to run the race on Monday.
make them that much better. Hopefully Coach Williams The battle had been won, but the war had just begun. No sooner did each cheering The Indianapolis 500 is a useless expense of time,
will find that spark next year. Somewhere we will have to money and human lives. If the automotive industry spent
section set foot outside then they were met by a third opponent, the San Francisco half the funds it spends on this fiasco on auto safety
find a new Mike Stewart and Fred Lavaroni. Next year Tactical Squad. There remains no doubt who won this confrontation, as the Tact squad
Williams has his work cut out. devices, the highways that you and I drive might be a little
was, as usual, uncerciless in their quelling of the disturbance. bit safer.
In the last couple of years, no matter how good Two are dead and two are seriously injured. I thank
the other sports fared, everyone has looked at baseball and
said that we have had a good year in sports. That's because Despijte this defeat, a few diehard Broncs returned that night to organize a panty raid. ABC Sports for letting me know that Art Pollard and
the baseball team always won. What happened this year? Many administrators were called to quell the disturbance, and when all was said and done, Swede Savage went Goodyear and had the Racers Edge.
They had as much talent as ever, maybe even more. For many a collector's item hung from the hallowed halls of McLaughlin.
me it was sad to see a team with that much potential lose a
league title. I heard alot of talk about all the problems
they had. Possibly over the summer those problems will be
Malley Announces
resolved. I don't want to predict but I'm sure next year we
will see a whole new look in Bronco Baseball.
Then there are some bright spots. Rugby this year has
McGowen NamedlO-Man
improved a thousand percent and developed a program
which has been growing in years past to a strong outfit.
June Summer Camp
The Ruggers represented SC from Monterey to Canada and
may be one of Santa Clara's strongest sport programs in
just a few years.
SC Crew too has the respect oi every oarsmen they
Intramural Champions The
seventh annual
of Santa Clara
for the fall schedule," Malley
have faced this year. No they are still not the best in the Football Camp will be held June There will be no contact
land but they are just becoming a major sport here. Jim By PAUL SCHMUCK 25-29 on Ryan Field, it was work in the program (the, only
McGowen's club posted a Filio, who has a habit of running announced today by Pat Malley camp of its type in the area), the
Farwell has done an excellent job with the program and fine 4-1 season record and a into people was seriously injured
Tom McGowen's 1972 and Bill McPherson, co-directors coaches emphasized. The
should be commended. championship soft ball team spotless 5-0 playoff mark. But in a collision at home plate. Re of the summer program. program will feature
Yes, I know I left out tennis, swimming, especially repeated as intramural coach McGowen, who resides in scored on the play, but he Open to all area high school calesthenics, the Fixer-Genie
soccer and everyone else but the WRA is not griping so champions again this year with Chicago in the off season, was received a gash on his right foot players who are planning to play Circuit, progressive running,
why should you. some sizzling performances in still obviously disappointed in which sidelined him for the final the sport this fall, the program chalk talks, film study and

In closing I would like to thank Pat Malley and all the league playoffs. The finale, his team's hitting throughout the game. will take place from 1 to 4 p.m., individual group work.
possibly their most impressive year commenting, "We were Monday through Friday, June Cost of the Santa Clara
those associated with the Athletic Department under his terrible at the plate all season
direction. Without their kindness and co-operation we 'Victory of the season, was a In the locker room after the 25-29. The camp will Football Camp is $3O, payable
perfect 13-0 shutout over a until we got into the finals, but game the seniors could only concentrate on fundamentals upon registration at the SCU
would have nothing to write about. Now wouldn't that strong Cardoza club. In the that's where it counts." The praise each other for such a great fieldhouse on the first day, June
be a shame. and conditioning with a purpose
seven inning contest the seniors really hit well in the season and for repeating as to better prepare the high school 25. Each camper receives an
frustrated baseballers pounded playoffs totaling 59 runs to the softball champions. Coach gridder for his upcoming season, SCU Football Camp T-shirt. AU

SC Oarsmen Try out 17 hits compared to only oppositions 20. The playoff McGowen could only talk about Malley said: athletes must supply their own
three for the opposition. Pitcher, scores for McGowen's team were how great it would be to return "With most of our football trunks and cleats.
Vic Rice, the club's best 13-7, 13-3, 9-3, 11-7, <md 13-0 for next year's season or to go camp enrollees having just Information on the football
long-ball hitter, faced only 23 respectively. on and coach in an industrial completed their 1973 spring camp may be obtained by

For National Finals

batters and was always in league. And all Craig Swenson training programs, this camp contacting the Santa Clara
control throughout the game. The most difficult playoff had to say was, "Maybe now, offers , excellent continuity athletic office, 984-4063, before
Without the services of game for the champions seemed Taormina will believe me when I toward bettering the boys' play 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.
injured Tom Filio and the to be the 11-7 victory over tell him that I have the greatest
The University of Santa entries will be in the national flu-infested Tony Crisafi, Cardoza's club on the second to arm in California."
Clara entered two strong boats
in two events this week in the
finals," said Farwell. "We are
confident the pairs will be in the
McGowen's squad was unable to
score in the first frame. The
the last contest. In fact, the But oyer in the corner, Where are you
seniors were behind for much of though,
71 st annual Intercollegiate finals Saturday. Their only barrage of hits and runs started the game until the final two Evans was "tenth-up" Tommy going
Rowing Championships at
Syracuse. New York.
competition seems to be Trinity.
As far as the freshmen four is
in the second when BUI Biniek
smacked a three run homer to
innings. In the sixth frame their
bats finally overcame the tiring
with a big smile on his
face. When asked why he was so GREYHOUN from here?
VARSITY PAIR concerned they are doing better put the seniors on the board. pitcher, Mike LOndon. Strong happy Evans after such a terrible
season, could only reply,
Coach Jim Farwell's SCU
Crew, fresh from a strong
than I thought. Their placing in
the finals would really make
From there it was near perfect
softball which enabled the
hitting by Neil Smith, Jim
Cippola, Jim . Devany
"All year long that skinny kid Leave the driving to us PETTY OFFICER
and from Chicago put me tenth up.
showing in the Western their trip worth while." champions to build up an Tommy Evans put thechamps PAT SHERIDAN
Intercollegiate Championships at Defending champion is insurmountable lead. Paul ahead to stay for the 11-7 win. Well, next year I've make a deal
Los Gatos two weeks ago, sent Pennsylvania, which has won the Schmuck added the game's Excellent base running by Tom
with a 'C league team, and the
coach has promised me I'll bat
has some pretty
his strong varsity pair without event four of the last six years. second homerun in the final Filio, Craig Swenson, and no lower than sixth." OFFICE
coxswain 'into Thursday
afternoon's first heat.
Strong Washington is
entered, but UC Berkeley is
not inning in an effort not to make
McGowen proved to be another good answers.
the team's last out of the season. important factor in the victory. Good luck, Tommyl .
The Bronco Varsity pair of among the favorites to win the To his dismay, Tom Brolan, TOURS TICKETS
Gus Albers and Jerry Machado, varsity and lightweight ended the offensive attack by
winners of the Western Sprints
title, lost to co-favorite Trinity
in the first round heats
competition over
2000-meter Lake Onondage
the popping out to left field.
hotogtaphy PARCEL EXPRESS Jl

yesterday. But considering the

Test of the competition, SC is
expected to win its repecharge,
*%by zFiuman Call Milton Popovich
or second chance heat today
Trinity owns a particularly BANDS ARENT
strong pairs boat who finished
second in last years Olympic
trials. Placing third behind the
They re made right here, by
hand, to order. It takes awhile,
VILLA APTS. Wedding* and Qutdoofi VonJbwJUU 736 Franklin

co-favorites was Dartmouth, so stop by when you start Just across
followed by Rutgers, Columbia making plans. Prices start at phone, eveninga 6p.m.
$45; engagement rings. $125 .M4-ZQ.47. from Daly Science
and Jacksonville.
Rowing for the $C frosh
four are
Mimi Sherman,
Powers Griffin,
BE THERI Like job training. Like travel.
stroke; Craig Van Kowlen, third FROM 7:00 ON Like money. Like the new
man; John Nicholson, second three-year enlistment and
man, and .Dan Mizerski,
bowman. In yesterday's heat
they lost to Brown but took a
strong second. Both boats were
w X the report-up to six monthj-later
plan and the Naval Reserve
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dead even with 200 yards to go. With summer coming a
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