McGraw Hill Science A Closer Look G1 Unit B Workbook Answer Key

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< Page 3 >

kinds of animals
mammal , bird , fish , reptile , insect
Animal needs
air , food , water , shelter
Animal body parts
lungs , gills , teeth , scales , feathers

< Page 4 >

1. animals
2. fur
3. birds
4. scales
5. amphibians
6. smooth

< Page 5 >

7. fins
8. gills
9. insects
10. All of the animals in these groups lay eggs.

< Page 6 >

1. fish
2. mammal
3. reptile
4. bird
5. insect
6. amphibian

< Page 7 >

insect , mammals , bird

< Page 8 >

1. living
2. water
3. safe
4. shelter
5. water

< Page 9 >

6. noses
7. gills
8. lungs
9. I would it water, food, and a bed.
I would take it for walks.

< Page 10 >

1. shelter
2. gills
3. lungs
4. wings

< Page 11 >

shelter , wings , eyes

< Page 13 >

Students' main ideas will vary.
Students' writing will vary.

< Page 14 >

1. energy
2. herbivore
3. flat
4. grind

< Page 15 >

5. carnivore
6. sharp
7. meat
8. They can tell by looking at its teeth.
If it had flat teeth, it was a herbivore.
If it had sharp, pointed teeth, it was
a carnivore.

< Page 16 >

1. YES
2. NO
3. YES
4. NO
5. YES
6. YES
7. YES

< Page 17 >

carnivores , sharp , herbivores , flat

< Page 18 >

1. life cycle
2. live
3. born
4. hatch
5. feathers

< Page 19 >

6. water
7. tadpoles
8. gills
9. lungs
10. All animals are born, grow older, have
young, and die.
Each king of animal is born, grows, and
has young in a different way.

< Page 20 >

life cycle , adult frog , tadpole , eggs

< Page 21 >

tadpoles , lungs , hatch , fly

< Page 22 >

Different (bird)
does not live under water
hatch from eggs; change as they grow
Different (eel)
lives under water

< Page 23 >

salty , fresh , river , land

< Page 24 >

1. carnivore , reptiles
2. mammals , herbivores
3. tadpoles , amphibians
4. life cycle , bird

< Page 25 >

1. gills
2. insects
3. hatch
4. shelter
5. carnivore
6. fish
7. birds

< Page 26 >

1. mammals
2. birds
3. reptiles
4. amphibian
5. fish
6. insects

< Page 27 >

7. herbivore
8. how animals grow
and change
9. reptiles
10. carnivores
11. with gills
12. young frogs

< Page 28 >

14. BIRD
15. FISH

< Page 29 >

17. herbivore
18. It is eating grass.
19. It can give shelter.
20. The fish can get
what they need.

< Page 30 >

1. third
2. birds
3. insects
4. They all lay eggs.

< Page 31 >

1. food
2. second
3. sharp claws
Think and Write :
People are mammals. They have lungs to breathe
air. They do not have gills like fish.

< Page 32 >

1. to rip and tear meat
2. an animal that eats only plants
3. second
Think and Write :
Animals need food to get the energy they need
to live.

< Page 33 >

1. fox
2. mammals
3. They hatch from eggs.
Think and Write :
It shows frog eggs, tadpoles, a young frog, and an
adult frog. It should be named “Life Cycle of a Frog.”

< Page 34 >

1. fish
2. reptiles
3. insects
4. mammals
5. amphibians
6. birds

< Page 35 >

7. They hatch from eggs.
8. They help fish breathe.
9. a carnivore
10. tadpoles
11. study its life cycle
12. herbivores

< Page 36 >

13. squirrel
14. caterpillar
15. birds
16. first

< Page 37 >

17. carnivore
18. It has sharp teeth for biting.
19. It has what the rabbit needs.
20. for shelter

< Page 40 >

food chain
Sun → plants → animals
If there were on Sun, plants and animals
would become extinct.
Plants and animals need the Sun to live.

< Page 41 >

1. habitat
2. grassland
3. survive
4. adaptation
5. neck

< Page 42 >

6. animals
7. forest
8. sunlight
9. food
10. White fur would make rabbits harder
to see against snow.
This would help them stay safe.

< Page 43 >

Sample answers given.
1. is an adaptation that helps it get food
in its habitat.
2. uses its beak to get food in its forest
3. can blend into their grassland habitat.
They can also stay safe underground.

< Page 44 >

habigtat , forest , grassland

< Page 45 >

1. lake
2. salt
3. water
4. shelter
5. ocean

< Page 46 >

6. salty
7. mammals
8. fish
9. food
10. It could not live because the two habitats
are different. A lake has fresh water, and
an ocean fish needs salty water to survive.

< Page 47 >

1. ocean
An ocean is a kind of water habitat.
It is large and deep and has salty water.
Many mammals, fish and plants live
in the ocean.
2. lake
A lake is a fresh water habitat.
It has little or no salt in it.
A lake has land all around it.
Plants and animals find food and shelter in
and around lakes.

< Page 48 >

ocean , salty , lake , fresh

< Page 49 >

Who? arctic fox
What? lemmings
When? When it is hungry.
Where? a cold place
How? It sneaks up on the animal

< Page 50 >

Sample answers given.
The arctic fox eats small animals.

The arctic fox eats small animals.

It eats lemmings.
Lemmings are small animals. The arctic fox
sneaks up on small animals to eat them.

< Page 51 >

1. animals
2. shelter
3. new
4. food chain
5. Sun

< Page 52 >

6. first
7. weather
8. extinct
9. They are often the link between plants
at the bottom and people at the top of
the chain.

< Page 53 >

1. YES
2. YES
3. YES
4. YES
5. NO

< Page 54 >

food chain , Sun , plants , people

< Page 55 >

Meat-eating Dinosaur
sharp, long teeth
bones in stomach
Plant-eating Dinosaur
flat, wide teeth
no bones in stomach

< Page 56 >

looking at its teeth
long and sharp
We do not see dinosaurs today because
they are extinct.

< Page 57 >

1. grassland
2. adaptation
3. forest
4. ocean
5. lake
6. habitat
7. extinct
8. foodchain

< Page 58 >

1. ocean
2. grassland
3. habitat
4. lake
5. extinct

< Page 59 >

1. grassland
2. habitat
3. adaptations
4. ocean
5. extinct
6. forest

< Page 60 >

7. people
8. a bad smell
9. a lake
10. It can give the bird shelter.
11. Animals may die.
12. They carry pollen.

< Page 61 >

13 to 16.

2 4
3 1

< Page 62 >

17. lake
18. It walks on long legs.
19. They paddle with webbed feet.
20. The animals would leave.

< Page 63 >

1. long neck
2. third
3. grassland
Think and Write:
Its color is an adaptation that helps to keep it safe in its habitat.

< Page 64 >

1. A lake may have fresh water.
2. first
3. duck
Think and Write:
Ocean fish live in salt water. A pond is fresh water.
An ocean fish could not live in a pond. It is a
different habitat.

< Page 65 >

1. a food chain
2. third
3. Habitats change and animals die.
Think and Write:
Plants can be food for the animals. Plants can be a home for the animals.

< Page 66 >

1. habitats
2. ocean
3. grasslands
4. forests
5. adaptation
6. extinct

< Page 67 >

7. They give shelter
and food.
8. the Sun
9. a long neck
10. bees
11. a rain forest
12. changing habitats

< Page 68 >

13 to 16.
1. Sun
2. Plant
3. Insect
4. Frog

< Page 69 >

1. grassland
2. prairie dog
3. plants
4. The animals would leave.

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