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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V
Vinisitahan (Mnld.), Bacacay, Albay


Name: __________________________Yr.&Sec: _________________Date:___________Score:____

I. Multiple Choice: Read and analyze each item carefully. Write the letter that corresponds to the best
answer. Write your answer on the space provided after the question/ statement.

_____ 1. A single molecule of glucose generates ______ molecules of acetyl CoA, which enters the Krebs’s cycle.
A. 1. C. 3
B. 2. D. 4
_____ 2. What is the element that is required for aerobic respiration in the chain?
A. carbon C. Hydrogen
B. Oxygen D. Nitrogen
_____ 3. In the given choices, which does not belong to the set of general rules/ principles in applying writing
electron configuration of an element.
A. Aufban Principle C. Hund’s Rule
B. Puali Exlusion Principle D. Heisenberg Uncertainty Princple
_____ 4. What product of photosynthesis are used in cellular respiration?
A. Glucose and oxygen C. Carbon dioxide
B. Carbohydrates D. All living organism
_____ 5. Which formula represents butane?
A. CH 3 CH 3 C. CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 CH 3
B. CH 2 CH 3 CH 3 D. CH 2 CH 2 CH 3 CH 3 CH 3
_____ 6. _______ accepts hydrogen from malate.
_____ 7. What is the correct figure of ethane.
A. C 6 H 6 O C. CH 4
B. 2 6 H D. C 3 H 8
_____ 8. What is the correct given figure of formalin.
A. CH 2O C. CH 4
B. C 3 H 8 D. C 4 H 10


_____ 9. What is the chemical name of H ← C → H

A. Propene C. Ethene

Vinisitahan National High School

Vinisitahan (Mnld.), Bacacay, Albay
B. Methane D. Adenine

______ 10. Phosphorus has an atomic number and number of electrons equal to________
A.15 C. 16
B. 16 D. 18
______ 11. What is the simplest form of alkene?
A. Propene C. Ethene
D. Methane D. Adenine
______12. Which is the correct summary arrangement of the equation of cellular respiration?
A. C 6 H 12 O 6 +6 O26 H 2 O+ 6 CO2 + ATP
B. 6 O2 +C 6 H 12 O 6 → 6 CO2 + ATP
C. C 6 H 12 O 6+ 6 O2 → ATP+ 6 H 2 O →6 H 2 02
D. 6 H 2 O 2 → ATP+ 6 O 2+C 6 H 12 O6
______ 13. Krebs cycle occurs in aerobic respiration due to
A. Electron transport chain requires aerobic conditions to operate.
B. Oxygen is reactant
C. Oxygen has a catalytic function
D. All of the above
______ 14. Which of the following sublevels is correctly designated?
A. 1 p 5 C. 2 p6
B. 3 d D. 3 f 9
______ 15. Hund’s rule states that______.
A. Atomic orbitals have opposite spins and 2 electrons each.
B. Electrons occupy orbitals of highest energy first and energy level changes as you go up.
C. Electrons occupy orbitals of lowest energy first, starting with 1s
D. Electrons occupy the available atomic orbitals singly first, before paring and with parallel spins in
degenerate orbitals to minimize repulsion.
______ 16. A hydrocarbon with triple bonds.
A. Alkane B. Alkene C. Alkyne
______ 17. A hydrocarbon with no ring structure, no double or triple bond.
A. Alkane B. Alkene C. Alkyne
18-20 Choose the right compound in each given chemical name.
A. Alkane B. Alkene C. Alkyne
______ 18. Methane
______ 19. Butyne
______ 20. Ethene

II. IDENTICATION. Identify the correct answer by choosing the letter of the correct answer from the box
below. Write the letter only.

A. Glycolysis F. Alkanes
B. Electron Transport Chain (ETC) G. Hydrocarbons
C. Alcohol H. Lipids
D. Energy (ATP) I. Glucose
E. Subshell J. Atomic Orbital

____________21. It is the cycle of reaction in cellular respiration.

____________22. Involved in transferring of electron between in the donor and receptor.
____________23. Most foods that contains sugar called_______.
____________24. The main purpose of cellular respiration is to produce____________.
____________25. Have only single bonds.
____________26. It contains a hydrocarbon and make a building blocks of the structure and function of living cells.

Vinisitahan National High School

Vinisitahan (Mnld.), Bacacay, Albay
____________27. Classified as aliphatic or aromatic on the basis of their sources and properties.
____________28. An organic compound that carries at least one hydroxyl function group.
____________29. It is the probability that the electron can be found in a contain volume in space.
____________30. A subdivision of electron shells separated by electron orbitals.

III. FILL IN THE BLANK. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer. Choose your answer inside the word
box. Write the letter with the words.

A. Mitochondria D. Aerobic Respiration

B. cellular Respiration E. ATP
C. Glucose F. Pyruvate

Mitochondria produce ____________ through process of ____________________ -- specially,

___________________, which requires oxygen ._____________________ take place in the citric acid. In this cycle it
involves the oxidation of ____________, which came from the ___________, to form molecule acetyl-CoA. Acetyl-
CoA is in turn oxidized and ATP is produced.

A. Atom B. Schrodinger

C. Quantization D. Equation

The quantum mechanical model of the _________ comes from the solution to ___________ equation.
_________________ of electron energies is a requirement in order to solve the ______________.

Vinisitahan National High School

Vinisitahan (Mnld.), Bacacay, Albay

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