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law of forces

an object’s acceleration depends on

the mass and the force applied
law of inertia the harder we kick a ball,it will have
more force applied and the ball will go
an object at rest will remain at rest and further
an object in motion will remain in
motion unless another force acts upon
example, a football wont move unless
someone kicks it law of action and reaction
whenever one object exerts a force on
another object, the second object exerts an
equal and opposite on the first.
when we sit on a chair, we excert a
these laws are applied when downward force and the chair applies an
engineers have to design upward force
bridges, vehicles such as
rockets and aircrafts,
newtons laws

net force normal force

all of the forces acting upon an object
is called net force
weight this force can be defined as the force that
a surface employs on any other body. For
FNet = F1 + F2 + F3….+ FN example, when we place a book in a table,
weight = the force of gravity. It
is a constant force actng up on there exists some force which must be
the Earth. The Earth pulls on all pushing it up, because the book is not
objects with a force of gravity falling down.
downward toward the center of
the Earth.
weight is not the same as mass
when a force is applied to
when the body is at the body we add up the
rest we use FNet = applied, gravitational,
Fa + Fg. friction and normal force

Admin. (2020, October 22). Net Force Formula - Definition, formula and solved examples. BYJUS.

Science, S., & Science, S. (2023, July 26). Newton’s Laws of Motion with Examples - Smore Science Magazine. Smore
Science Magazine - Kids Science Magazine.

What is weight? (article) | Khan Academy. (n.d.). Khan Academy.

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