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Engineering Thermodynamic

Topic:~ Second law of thermodynamic

(Basic concepts & Statements)

Mechanical Department
Prepared By:
Kushal Panchal
Limitation of “FIRST LAW”
• The first law of thermodynamic states that a certain
energy flow takes place when a system undergoes a
process or change of state is possible or not.
– According to first law in ‘cyclic process’
• Work is completely converted into heat or heat is
completely converted into work.
• “HEAT” & “WORK” are mutually converted into each
• But from experience this is NOT TRUE!
Limitation of “FIRST LAW”
• First law does not help
to predict whether the Work(W) System Heat(Q)
certain process is
possible or not.
Hot Reservoir T1 Hot Reservoir T1
• The first law does not
give info about Heat
Direction. Flow
• It does not provide and
specify sufficient Cold Reservoir T2 Cold Reservoir T2
condition to process
take place. Not possible
• The second low of thermodynamic gives more
information about thermodynamic processes.
• Second law may be defined as
– “Heat can not flow itself from colder body to a
hotter body”.
• The Second law is also used to determine the
theoretical limits for the performance of
mostly used engineering systems like heat
engines and heat pump….
“Kelvin-Plank” statement:
• The Kelvin-Plank statement of the second law of
thermodynamic is states that
– “It is impossible to for any devise as heat engine that
operates on a cycle to receive heat from a single
reservoir and produce net amount of work”.
• This statement means that only part of total heat
absorbed by heat engine from a high
temperature is converted to work, the remaining
heat must be rejected at a low temperature.
Heat Source

• The heat engine as shown

in fig.1is converting 100 % Q=100 kj
of heat into 100% work. 1 Heat
• This system is not w=100 kj
satisfying second law. Heat Source
• So, this statement can be
also expressed as “No Q=100 kj
heat engine has a 100 % Heat w=40kj
of thermal efficiency”.
Q2=60 kj
Sink T2
“Clausius” statement
• Clausius statement of second law of
thermodynamic is as below
– “It is impossible to construct a device as heat
pump that operates in a cycle and produces no
effect other than the transfer of heat from lower
temperature to higher temperature body”.
• This statement means that heat cannot flow
from cold body to hot body without any work
Heat Source T1 Heat Source T1

Q1=100 kj

Q1=100 kj W=40 kj
(external Heat
work pump
Heat No external
pump work
Q2=60 kj

Q2=100 kj Heat sink T2

Heat sink T2

• The cop for 2 is 100/40=2.5.
• So, in other simple words this statement can
be defined as
– “Heat cannot itself flow from a colder body to a
hot body”.
Kelvin-Plank Statement Clausius Statement
• It is applied to ‘Heat Engine’. • It is applied to ‘Heat Pump’
and ‘Refrigeration’.
• It is negative statement. • It is also negative
• It is based on experimental statement.
observations and no • It is based on experimental
mathematical proof. observations and no
mathematical proof.
Perpetual Motion Machine
• If the engine exchange
heat only single thermal
Thermal Reservoir
reservoir, in which heat
is supplied is completely
converted into an Q1

equivalent amount of
work and its efficiency
becomes 100 %. PMM 2
• This kind of machine is
known as “PMM 2”.
• The PMM 2 violates the second law of
• Practically its IMPOSSIBLE to construct.
• The efficiency PMM 2 is
• W=Q
• N is 100 % for PMM 2.
Reversible Processes and
• A reversible process is one that can be executed in the reverse direction
with no net change in the system or the surroundings.
• At the end of a forwards and backwards reversible process, both
system and the surroundings are returned to their initial states.
• No real processes are reversible.
• However, reversible processes are theoretically the most efficient
• All real processes are irreversible due to irreversibilities. Hence, real
processes are less efficient than reversible processes.
Common Sources of Irreversibility:
• Friction
• Sudden Expansion and compression
• Heat Transfer between bodies with a finite temperature difference.
• A quasi-equilibrium process, e.g. very slow, frictionless expansion or
compression is a reversible process.
Carnot cycle and Carnot heat engine:
• A carnot cycle is hypothetical cycle consist of
four process
– Two reversible isothermal process and
– Two reversible adiabatic process.
• Heat is caused to flow in working fluid by
application of high temperature energy source
during expansion, and flow out of fluid by the
application of lower temperature energy sink
during compression
Assumptions made in Carnot Cycle:
I. Piston moving in the cylinder does not produce any
II. The cylinder head is arranged in such a way that it
can be perfect heat conductor or heat insulator.
III. The walls of cylinder and piston are consider as
perfect insulator of heat.
IV. Heat transfer does not affect temperature source or
V. Compression and expansion are reversible.
VI. Working is perfect gas and has constant specific heat.
• Idealized thermodynamic cycle consisting of four reversible processes
(working fluid can be any substance):
• The four steps for a Carnot Heat Engine are:
 Reversible isothermal expansion (1-2, TH= constant)
 Reversible adiabatic expansion (2-3, Q = 0, THTL)
 Reversible isothermal compression (3-4, TL=constant)
 Reversible adiabatic compression (4-1, Q=0, TLTH)

1-2 2-3 3-4 4-1

The Carnot Cycle (cont’d)
Work done by the gas =  PdV, i.e. area under
the process curve 1-2-3.

1 dV>0 from 1-2-3


Work done on gas = PdV, area under the

process curve 3-4-1
Net work 1 Since dV<0
2 PdV<0

4 3 3
Carnot’s theorem:

“It is impossible to construct an engine

operating between two constant
temperature reservoir can be more efficient
then reversible engine operating between
the same reservoir”
Corollary of Carnot Theorem:
1) “All reversible engine operating between
the two constant temperature thermal
reservoir have the same efficiency.”

2) “The efficiency of any reversible heat engine

operating between two thermal reservoir
does not depend on nature of working fluid
and depends only on the temperature of the
The Thermodynamic
For reversiblecycles
Temperature Scale:  QH  TH
The second Carnot principle state that   
the thermal efficiencies of all reversible  QL  rev TL
heat engines operating between the
same two reservoirs are the same.
hth, rev = f (TH,TL)

A temperature scale that is independent

of the properties of the substances that
are used to measure temperature is called
a thermodynamic temperature scale.
That is the Kelvin scale, and the
temperatures on this scale are called
absolute temperatures.
• Thank You..!

• T H E R M O D Y N A M I C S……..;)

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