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Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC): illustrates rational algebraic

expressions (M8AL-Ic-1)

I. Objectives:
In this lesson, you will be able to
A. Illustrate rational algebraic expression
B. Add and subtract rational algebraic expression and
C. Solve problems involving rational algebraic expression

II. Content Standard

The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of factors of
polynomials, rational algebraic expressions, linear equations and inequalities
in two variables, systems of linear equations and inequalities in two variables
and linear functions.

III. Performance Standard

The learner is able to formulate real-life problems involving factors of
polynomials, rational algebraic expressions, linear equations and inequalities
in two variables, systems of linear equations and inequalities in two variables
and linear functions, and solve these problems accurately using a variety of
Values Integration: Accuracy

IV. Learning Content

A. Topic: Quarter 2. Rational algebraic expressions
B. References: Elementary Algebra I. 2000. pp. 78-79
C. Supplementary materials: PowerPoint Presentation, White Board

V. Procedure
Teacher's Activity Learner's Activity
A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson
Good morning class! Good morning, Mam!

Okay, may I request Jake to lead the (Prayer)


Thank you, Jake!

Who is absent today class? No one is absent today Mam!

Very good!

How are you today class? We're fine, Mam!

That's good to know. Now before we It's all about rational algebraic
proceed to our new lesson, what was expression, Mam!
our topic last meeting?

Yes our topic yesterday was all about

rational algebraic expression.
So now class, do you still remember Yes, Sir!
about similar fractions?

Yes all right can you give me an 1/4 and 3/4 Mam
example of similar fraction? 3/5 and 1/5 Mam

Yes, Very Good! That's right.

B. Establishing a Purpose of the lesson
Today we are going to have a new (Recall addition and subtraction of
topic which is Adding and subtracting similar fractions)
rational algebraic expression.

These will be our objectives today. (Student read the following objectives)
Who like to read the first objectives? A. Illustrate rational algebraic
Thank you!

Who would like to read the second B. Add and subtract rational
objectives? algebraic expression and

Thank you!

Who would like to read the last C. Solve problems involving

objectives? rational algebraic expression

Thank you very much!

I hope that you are going to do your (Add and subtract rational algebraic
best to achieve the goal of this lesson. expressions with similar
denominators; and relate operations of
rational algebraic expressions.)

C. Presenting example
So class, I will show you an equation:
x²+4/2x+4 + 5x+2/2x+4
and tell me what do you observe
about it except from they are rational

Yes, they have the same denominator. They have the same denominator
Very good!

If we have similar fractions, in rational Similar rational algebraic expression

algebraic expression we can call it as mam.
Yes, this is what you call a similar
rational algebraic expression.

D. Discussing new concept and practicing new skill # 1

Now class, in adding and subtracting
similar rational algebraic expression,
we can use the same process in
adding similar fractions.

In adding and subtracting similar First, we need to write the expression

rational algebraic expression, we as 1 by adding and subtracting the
should follow 3 steps. Will you please numerator and copy the common
read? denominator.

How about the second step? Please Second step, we need to combine
read. like/similar terms in the numerator.

And the last step? Third and last step is simplifying our
answer if possible.

Let's have another example. x²+4/2x+4 + 5x+2/2x+4 =

x²+4/2x+4 + 5x+2/2x+4 x²+4+5x+2/2x+4
Who wants to do the step 1? x²+5x+6/2x+4
Very good! How about the step 2? (x+2)(x+3)/2(x+2)
Who can do the last step to get the x+3/2
final answer?

E. Discussing new concept and practicing new skill # 2

How about subtracting similar
rational algebraic expression so we
2x-3/3x²+x-2 - (-x-1)/3x²+x-2 2x-3/3x²+x-2 - (-x-1)/3x²+x-2=2x-3-(-
Who wants to do the step 1? x-1)/3x²+x-2= 2x-3+x+1/3x²+x-2
Very good! How about the step 2? 2x-2/(2x-2)(x+1)
Who can do the last step to get the 1/x+1
final answer?

So do you understand everyone? Yes, Sir!

Very good! Let us see if you really

F. Developing Mastery
Now class, We will have group activity.
I will group you into two and give
expressions to each group and you are
going to solve.

Group 1
1. 2a/4b + 3/4b 1. 2a/4b+3/4b= 2a+3/4b

2. 10c/13 + 16c/13 2. 10c/13+15c/13= 16c/13

= 13.2c/13
= 2c

3. 8d-3/9 + 4d+12/9 3. 8d-3/9+4d+12/9= 8d-3+4d+12/9

= 4d+3/3

Group 2.
1. f/f+3 - 3/f+3 1. f/f+3-3/f+3= f-3/f+3

2. 9x²/3x-5 - 25/3x-5 2. 9x²/3x-5-25/3x-5= 9x²-25/3x-5

= 3x+5

3. h²+8h-15/3h²-9h - 4h+6/3h²-9h 3. h²+8h-15/3h²-9h - 4h+6/3h²-9h =

= h²+4h-21/3h²-9h
= (h-3)(h+7)/3h(h-3)
G. Finding practical application of concepts and skills in daily life
Now class, can we apply our topic in
our daily lives? Can anyone give a
situation that applies the addition and
subtraction of rational algebraic

For example, we can get help from it

in modeling multi-person work
problems and describing distance-
speed-time questions.

H. Making generalizations and abstraction about the lesson

I think you are all good in adding and
subtracting rational algebraic
Again, How can you add and subtract To add and subtract similar fraction
similar fractions? you just add and subtract the
numerator and copy the common
denominator and simply your answer
if possible.
Very good!

What are the 3 steps in adding and Like in adding and subtracting similar
subtracting similar fraction? fraction we can use the same process
when we add and subtract similar
rational algebraic expression.
Step 1. Write the given as a 1
Adding and subtracting the numerator
and copy their common denominator.
Step 2. Combine like terms the
Step 3. Simplify

Very good! Do you have any None Sir!


Do you understand our lesson? Yes, Sir!

I. Evaluating learning
Direction: In one whole sheet of paper.
Answer the following:
1. 7a/3b + a/-3b
2. 5x-3/6+x-9/6
3. n+5/4n²+20n -(-n-5)/4n²+20n
4. 3/5r+25+r+2/5r+25
5. 2/2b²-8b+b-6/2b²-8b

J. Additional activities for application and remediation

Direction: In one whole sheet of paper.
Answer the following:
2. 9m-4/8-3m+8/8
3. 2x+1/x + 3/x-2
4. 4x/5y+x/-5y

V. Remarks
VI. Reflection
A. No. of students who earned 75% in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored
below 80%.
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal/ supervisor help me
G. What innovation/localized materials did I use/discover which I want to
share with other teacher?

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