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Every week I start off by giving students their spelling

pattern and words to study. Throughout the week, we do

word sorts, phonic finds and other activities to learn the
pattern. I do not give my students the bonus words to study -
however, I know several teachers that do. Please do
whichever you are comfortable with! The last day of the
reading week, I read the dictation sentences to the students.
The goal is to see if they can apply the phonics pattern from
their spelling words to the new bonus words. I grade for
capitalization and punctuation to boost those writing
convention skills. I make sure to read the sentences slowly and
clearly so students can hear what is being read. I would love
to hear your feedback and/or suggestions as to how you use
phonics instruction in your classroom! If you have any
questions, feel free to email me!
● 1 point - Correct punctuation at the end

● 1 point - Beginning sentence with a capital letter

● 1 point (each) - Spelling word (highlighted in yellow)

● 1 point (each) - BONUS phonics word (underlined)

Please note - each sentence may be
worth a different amount of points
depending on the number of spelling or
bonus words used.
glad pink rack grabs hand

miss sick camp lift stamp

grin snack clap click bill

pick little will quit had

after licked big his will

hands win hill hidden

1. I was glad when mom let me pick a new pink toy from the top rack. (6 points)

2. My little brother grabs my hand so he will not miss me. (7 points)

3. When I am sick, I quit going to camp. (5 points)

4. She had to lift the stamp off of the paper after she licked it. (6 points)

5. He had a big grin on his face when we ate our snack. (6 points)

6. Will you clap your hands or click your feet if we win the game? (6 points)

7. We each raced to the hill to find the hidden $100 bill. (5 points)

Spelling word bonus word TOTAL: 41

1. ______________________________________________________ ____

2. ______________________________________________________ ____

3. ______________________________________________________ ____

4. ______________________________________________________ ____

5. ______________________________________________________ ____

6. ______________________________________________________ ____

7. ______________________________________________________ ____

Remember to underline your spelling words! TOTAL: ___

Copyright © 2021 Courtney Freebairn
All rights reserved by author.
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
Email for suggestions or questions

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