Disc Test Versi English

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P K BEHAVIOUR Name / Age :

+ Command other people Gender :

+ - Trust people easily Occupation :
- Relying on instinct Date of the Test :
+ Kind to people and give in easily
P: The one most like you
K: The one least like you


+ - Easy going, kind to peple, cheerful + - Result is important + - Knowledge, culture
I like things to be precise and
+ - Tend to trust people + - + - Achievement, recognition
+ - Willing to do new things, to take a risk + - Enjoy the process + - Safety

+ - Respect elders and those in authority + - Doing works together + - Socialization, group meeting
Depends on nothing, self- Take responsibility, directly
+ - Polite, quiet + - + -
control involved
+ - Optimist, thinking ahead + - Will buy based on desire + - Lot of friends, enthusiastic
+ - Center of attention, easy going + - Will be waiting, no pressure + - Predictable, consistent

+ - Conciliator, likes to be balance + - Will spend as I wish + - Cautious

+ - Motivating others + - Friendly, a good friend + - Not so easily beaten
+ - Striving for perfection + - Unique, tired of the routine + - I tend to do what I am told
+ - Likes being in a group + - Changes things a lot + - Energetic, full of joy
+ - Want to reach the target + - Need certainty + - Do something in order, neat
Unconfrontational, giving up
+ - Easily frustrated + - + - I will lead them
+ - Keep feelings and emotions to yourself + - Focus on details + - I will follow them

+ - Telling stories with my own perspective + - Easily change at the last second + - I will persuade them
Demands something a lot,
+ - Confront the opposition + - + - I will get the facts
+ - Lively, talkative + - Want some progresses + - Think of others first
+ - Capable, having confidence + - Easily satisfied, feeling fulfilled + - Competitive, Like challenges
Showing feelings openly,
+ - Keeping the balance + - + - Optimist, positive thinking
+ - Follow the rules + - Humble, modest + - Logical thinking, systematic
+ - Managing time efficiently + - Cold, quiet + - Pleasing others, friendly
+ - Always in a rush, feel under pressure + - Happy, cheerful + - laughing out loud, energetic
+ - Social oriented + - Fun, kind + - Brave, bold
+ - Getting the job done + - Bold, brave + - Quiet, composed
Spend quality time with other
+ - Dislike sudden changes + - + - Likes to have more power
+ - Tend to overpromise + - Preparing for the future + - Tend to look for new chances

+ - Retreat when being under pressure + - Likes new adventure + - Avoiding conflict
Enjoy the recognition in
+ - Not afraid to fight + - + - Need clear direction
+ - Reliable motivator + - Rules are questionable + - People look up to me
+ - Good listener + - Rules make it fair + - Creative, unique
+ - Careful analyzer + - Rules are boring + - Results oriented
+ - Efficient mediator + - Rules makes everything safe + - Have a high standard, accurate

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