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Edeline CLARISSA, Tomoka YAMADA, Wong Shan CHAN
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
COVID-19: Impact on Global Business (September 2021)
COVID-19: Impact on Business in Latin America and the
Caribbean (LAC)
COVID-19: Impact on Education
SIR (Susceptible-Infectious-Removed) Model
SIER (Susceptible-Infectious-Exposed-Removed) Model
Classical SIR Model
Not yet infected Carries the disease

Susceptible Infected Removed

Parameter Definition

𝛽 Probability of transmission of disease

𝛾 Recovery rate from I to R

N = S+I+R (constant number) Represents total population

General SEIR Model

Not at risk of At risk of Carries the Immuned

infection infection disease population

Susceptible Exposed Infected Removed

Parameter Definition

𝜎 Infected rate from E to I

More Complicated SEIR Model

Susceptible Exposed Infected Removed

Parameter Definition

𝜇 Death rate (assumption: 2)

𝑎 (or 𝜎) Transmission rate from from E to I

Modified SEIR Model

Parameter Definition

Probability of transmission of

Average number of contact

𝛽 = (𝛽₀×(1+𝑐𝑜𝑠(𝑡)))
(seasonal factor)
Research Plan
The population is large enough to use our model
The death rate is equal to birth rate
The location considered has low migration rate
Transmission of infection only happens between human

Mathematical analysis of the SEIR Model

Numerical simulation of the SEIR Model
1. The Mathematical Properties of SEIR Model-Equilibrium Point
2. Disease-Free Equilibrium Point
3. Generalize-Endemic Equilibrium Point
4. Reproduction Number R0
5. Stability Analysis of SEIR Model
The Properties of SEIR Model-Equilibrium Point
Disease-Free Equilibrium Point
For I = 0 &
Disease-Free Equilibrium Point
For I = 0
Disease-Free Equilibrium Point
For I = 0

Disease-Free Equilibrium Point

is (N,0,0,0)
Generalize-Endemic Equilibrium Point
Suppose that I > 0
From equation (6) & (7)
Generalize-Endemic Equilibrium Point
Suppose that I > 0
From equation (5),(6) & (7)
Generalized-Endemic Equilibrium Point
Suppose that I > 0
Reproduction Number R₀
How to get R0 ?
Reproduction Number R₀
Stability Analysis of SEIR Model

Stability Analysis of SEIR Model
Classification Roots Signs Stability

Of Equilibrium Two Distinct Real Values Both + Unstable

Both - Stable
One + one - Unstable

Repeated Values Both + Unstable

Both - Stable

Complex Values Alpha > 0 Unstable

Alpha < 0 Stable

Alpha = 0 Oscillatory
Stability Analysis of SEIR Model
Linearization (Nonlinear Systems) by Using Jacobian Matrix
Stability Analysis of SEIR Model
Eigenvalues (diagonal elements) in Jacobian matrix are lambdas to nonlinear
Stability Analysis of SEIR Model

Stable because all lambdas are negative and R0 < 1 !!!

Stability Analysis of SEIR Model

stable when R₀ > 1 and I > 0

1. Simulations
a. Disease-Free Equilibrium Point
b. Endemic Equilibrium
2. Comparison to Real Data Results
1a. Disease-Free Equilibrium (DFE)

Using these parameters,

Basic reproduction number R0 = 0.62 < 1

Disease-Free Equilibrium
1b. Endemic Equilibrium (EE)

Using these parameters,

Basic reproduction number R0 = 5.64 > 1

1b. Endemic Equilibrium (EE)
Using these parameters,

Basic reproduction number R0 = 5.64 < 1

Generalized-Endemic-Equilibrium Situation
Situation will converge to Endemic
2. Comparison of SEIR Model and Real Data
Limitations and
Limitations inSEIR Limitations in
Model Methodology
Too few variables Assumptions made to use SEIR model
Various unconsidered factors The number of population is made
Reinfection constant
Factors arising from society(eg. Everyone’s death rate is the same
Government’s measures) Human-to-human transmission

Are impossible in real life!

Improvements ofSEIR Improvements of
Model Methodology
More variables Disease severity
People undergoing treatment Consider different birth rate, death
Reinfected people rate and migration rate
Vaccinated people Source of infections
Effect of government’s measures
Conclusions of Mathematical Properties of SEIR Model

We obtained 2 equilibrium points: - Disease-Free Equilibrium - Endemic Equilibrium

When R0 ≤1, ODE system converge to Disease-Free EquilibriumE 0 = (N, 0 , 0 , 0)

asymptotically stable

When R0 > 1 and I > 0, the ODE system will converge to Endemic Equilibrium

No longer asymptotically stable and will periodically change over time

General Conclusion
Thank You

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