Mariam Alwayel

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American University of The Middle East



Congestion is one of the fundamental aspects of hindering transport in Kuwait.

Accomplishments have encountered deferments coming about the named catch. Despite

endeavouring to grasp the issue, little has been done, outperforming the set spending plan. The

report will cover the essential focuses, which are gridlock and the different responses for

encouraging transportation of the two products and people. Much equivalent to various spots,

blockage occurs during the morning hours, evening, and to a great extent around evening time.

At these events, people are endeavouring to make it to their workplaces or deal with

emergencies. The harmful effects of jam, including postponement to work and the school, made

the understudies delve into progression with raised principles of figuring an astounding course of

action. Emergency cases are conceded due to stop up. The need for decreasing blockage

provoked establishment investigation's conduction significance to collect contemplations reliant

on countries like the USA, which had dealt with the issue. Each course of action goes with focal

points and bothers. Suggestions concerning the decline of blockage were assessed carefully,

blocking things like the structure of roads.

Keywords: traffic, congestion, technology, Kuwait, solutions, workers, students


Table of Contents


2.Design Overview

2.1.Definition of the Problem

2.1.1. Definition of the problem

2.1.2. Criteria

2.1.3. Constraints

2.2. Background Research

2.3. Brainstorming about the possible Solution

2.3.1. Brainstorming

2.3.2.Advantages and Inconvenient of each solution

2.4.Selection of the Best Three Solutions

3. Conclusion


1. Introduction

A couple of components have incited a vast number of individual vehicles in Kuwait. One of the

immense issues is decreasing worth fuel, obliging a considerable number of individuals to

consider using their cars when covering both the short and critical distances. Moreover, the

severe condition brought by the changes in atmosphere configuration adds in no small number

individuals using their vehicles to do shopping, visit particular delight workplaces, going to work

or a portion of the time taking their adolescents to schools. An improved desire for ordinary

solaces comes at the last position. By far, most have working-class occupations. They will go for

singular vehicles instead of a public vehicle for they need private space and laxity. Exactly when

all the segments are joined together, they all add to the critical issue affecting tenants of Kuwait.

Grumblings of stop up arise during the morning hours, seasons of heavy traffic as the most

arrangement to visit their workplaces. Additionally, there is blockage during the hour of getting

back from work. The report follows fixed measures and goals in the decision of precisely

advanced courses of action.


2. Design Overview

2.1 Definition of problem

2.1.1 Definition of problem

Beside inventive movement and the openness of roads, most made countries experience the evil

impacts of gridlock. The extension in people can be one of the issues behind high mobbing. As

people endeavour to appear at their changed work puts on time, the amount of vehicles increases.

Like other made countries, Kuwait has an immense upsurge of vehicles taking off as a general

rule. Jam is commonly observed close to the start of the day, evening, and during the night.

During the morning, the agents are stressed, putting forth an attempt not to disturb their directors

by appearing later than anticipated to their workplaces. Besides, understudies are making the

rounds rushing toward their schools, some on vehicles, bicycles, their parent's vehicles during

some walking. Having various cars all over town harms human life just as the atmosphere. For

instance, it is hard to deal with those with emergency cases. The firefighters and clinical

gathering won't cause it on time once they to find a naval force of vehicles all over town. They

will be constrained to consider flying decisions, which doesn't make a difference in putting off

the fire (Onyeneke, Eguzouwa, & Mutabazi, 2018).

Moreover, there is an extended movement of both upheaval and air pollutions. Screeching

sounds made during easing back down and the hooting sound of different vehicles adds to uproar

pollution. Most vehicles rely upon oil-based good for the flawless movement. As they join on

one point with their engines running, the proportion of carbon dioxide created perceptible all

around rises. The continued with increase foils the various responses for controlling with

mobbing in the number of vehicles on roads. From this assessment, the proposed plans appeared

after comprehensive investigation will endeavour to enlighten obstruct, especially during top


2.1.2 Criteria

The plan intends to ensure there is security in the city. The drivers and other road customers are

considered in the whole cycle. Joining of the new advancement is to ensure capability and

lessening of gridlock. For that case, the improvement of new roads and the expansion of the vast

freeways can't be fundamental for the course of action.

2.1.3 Constriction

3,540,250 spending will ensure transport is successful, including the achievement of the

proposed game plans. Utilization of the course of action takes nine months since the road

customers have come into contact with the latest development. After the show of the ideal

techniques of action, 80% of individuals encountering blockage will be saved.

Background research

Companies like Amazon have advanced in matters of delivering their products to customers.

They have integrated business with technology in that deliveries are made by the use of drones.

Through this method, customers get their goods more conveniently. The technique is faster and

safer as compared to road transport. Improving in the mode of delivery has led to a reduction of

vehicles in different countries like the United States, not forgetting saving fuel and the

environment from pollution (Sharma, Srivastava, & Lin, 2020).

Carpooling is the act of using one vehicle when travelling in the same direction. In Ohio, most

people heading to the same workplace opt to board one vehicle. Their show serves as one of the

solutions of lowering the number of cars on the road. The cost of fuel is shared among the

passengers. Likewise, there is a reduced amount of air and noise pollution directed to the

environment (Shaheen, Cohen, & Bayen, 2018).

In countries like India, research shows that people play by the rules after enforcing strict policies.

The idea is supported by human psychology, arguing that drivers will be over conscious after

seeing a police officer and a traffic officer. They automatically follow the rules put in place,

moving accordingly. The officer on the road is a budget-friendly solution allowing governments

to control traffic congestion safely (Sameh, Aiman, & Dustegor, 2017).

2.2 Possible Solutions

2.2.1 Brainstorming

Automated speed enforcement cameras; some drivers violate the rules put in place. They end

up over speeding, causing accidents which lead to a jam. Installation of cameras at traffic signals

will make these drivers go at a moderate speed. By doing this, accidents will reduce hence a

reduction in congestion.

Speed humps and roundabouts; humps found on roads target on reducing the speed of

vehicles. Likewise, roundabouts lower the rate of cars preventing crashing which could lead to


Center Island on roads; islands on the street provide both beauty and ample area for vehicles to

move. There is no unnecessary overtaking and packing. The solution targets of lowering


The officer on the road; traffic officers play a vital role in controlling the movement of

vehicles. Having the, on the road will make people follow the rules, thus lowering congestion.

Carpooling; car-sharing allows people to rely on one vehicle when visiting the same region.

Fewer cars on the road resulting from sharing lower congestion.


Delivery drones; The use of drones for delivery reduces the number of cars on the road.

2.2.2 Advantages and disadvantages of the possible solutions

solutions Advantages Disadvantages

1 Lowers accidents Costly

2 Prevents congestion High cost

3 Adds beauty on roads Space consuming

4 Reduces congestion Tiresome

5 Lowers number of cars on Reduced laxity


6 Curbs the issue of congestion expensive

Best solutions

Officers on the road helped in reducing congestion. Drivers followed the rules strictly observing

all the regulations put in place. The disadvantage of this solution was the discomfort and

tiredness brought by spending the most time on roads.


Carpooling allowed people to share an ordinary vehicle. Through sharing, there was a reduced

price of fuel as the passengers could contribute equally. There was reduced pollution and

congestion of the major roads. The disadvantage was limited to laxity.

Application of technology in business ensures there are quality services. The use of drones in

delivery saves companies both time and transport money. Likewise, it reduces the number of

vehicles accessing the road. The one disadvantage was the high cost.


REFERENCE TRIP Solution 1 Solution 2 Solution 3

Criteria Wgt Rating Score Rating Score Rating Score Rating Score
Travel cost 4 4 0 5 20 4 16 3 12
Cost 3 3 0 3 9 2 6 4 12
free from
pollution 5 2 0 4 20 5 25 5 25
Locations 2 5 0 2 4 3 6 2 4
Travel time 4 1 0 4 16 5 20 4 16
Safety 1 3 0 5 5 3 3 5 5
Accommodation 3 2 0 3 9 2 6 1 3
Travel quality 1 4 0 4 4 1 1 5 5
TOTAL 0 87 83 82

RANK 1 2 3






30 buses



morning afternoon evening

Adapting the proposed solutions lowered traffic congestion allowing people to make it to their

job places on time.

3.0 Conclusion

From the project, everyone gained understanding regarding congestion. At first, we never knew

that congestion leads to unnecessary delays, including missing of life-changing opportunities. A

good example is Kuwait where workers and students have a rough time dealing with the issue of

traffic congestion. Moreover, the reason behind traffic congestion was the changing climatic

condition which forced people to getting their own vehicles. Likewise, there were the reduced

fuel prices and the need of having a personal car. The common outcome of congestion was

pollution and unnecessary delay. We were able to learn the various stages of identifying possible

solutions for this case. The advantages and disadvantages of every solution were assessed. The

project made every member understand the importance of working as a team. For the second

part, the decision matrix will categorize the solutions based on their scores.


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on economic activities-accidents, fatalities and casualties. Biomedical

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Sameh, H., Aiman, K., & Dustegor, D. (2017, May). A remotely piloted aerial system for a faster

processing of traffic collisions towards reducing the resulting road

congestion. In 2017 9th IEEE-GCC Conference and Exhibition

(GCCCE) (pp. 1-9). IEEE.

Shaheen, S., Cohen, A., & Bayen, A. (2018). The benefits of carpooling.

Sharma, B., Srivastava, G., & Lin, J. C. W. (2020). A bidirectional congestion control transport

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