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American University of The Middle East



The fundamental issue impacting the vehicle zone in Kuwait has been congestion. Diverse

activities have encountered deferrals coming about the named hindrance. Despite endeavoring to

understand the issue, little has been done, outperforming the set monetary arrangement. The

report will cover the essential points, which are gridlock and the various responses for

encouraging transportation of products and people. Much equivalent to various spots, blockage

occurs during the morning hours, night and a portion of the time around evening time. At these

events, people are endeavoring to make it to their workplaces or deal with emergencies. The

unpleasant effects of obstruct, including deferral to work and the school, made the understudies

dive into headway with selective prerequisites of ascertaining a noteworthy course of action.

Emergency cases are conceded due to blockage. The need of diminishing blockage incited

establishment investigation's conduction hoping to collect considerations reliant on countries like

the USA, which had managed the issue. Each game plan goes with inclinations and downsides.

Proposition concerning the abatement of blockage were assessed carefully, blocking things like

the structure of roads. A complete response for the removal of gridlock in Kuwait was the use of

CCTVs, bicycles, raising the cost of vehicles, speed limits, and working in shifts. These game

plans meet the necessary standards.

Keywords: congestion, limit, congestion CCTV, Kuwait, technology, bicycles, work, school

Table of Contents


2.Design Overview

2.1.Definition of the Problem

2.1.1. Definition of the problem

2.1.2. Criteria

2.1.3. Constraints

2.2. Background Research

2.3. Brainstorming about the possible Solution

2.3.1. Brainstorming

2.3.2.Advantages and Inconvenient of each solution9

2.4.Selection of the Best Three Solutions

3. Conclusion


1. Introduction

A few components have prompted an expanded number of individual vehicles in Kuwait. One of

the huge issues is lessening value fuel, compelling the vast majority to think about utilizing their

vehicles when covering both the short and significant distances. Also, the brutal condition

brought by the adjustments in climate design adds to many people utilizing their vehicles to do

shopping, visit distinctive amusement offices, going to work or once in a while taking their kids

to schools. An improved expectation for everyday comforts comes at the last position. A great

many people have middle class occupations. They will go for individual vehicles rather than

public vehicle for they need private space and laxity. At the point when all the elements are

united, they all add to the fundamental issue influencing occupants of Kuwait. Grievances of

blockage emerge during the morning hours, times of heavy traffic as most plan to visit their

working environments. Furthermore, there is clog during the hour of returning from work. The

report follows fixed standards and limitations in the determination of innovatively progressed


2. Design Overview

2.1Defining the problem

2.1.1Definition of problem

Aside from innovative progression and the accessibility of top notch streets, most created nations

experience the ill effects of gridlock. The expansion in populace can be one of the issues behind

the high mobbing. As individuals attempt to show up at their different employment puts on

schedule, the quantity of vehicles increments. Like other created nations, Kuwait has an

enormous upsurge of vehicles taking off without fail. Blockage is generally seen in the first part

of the day, evening and during the night. During the morning, the representatives are worried,

doing whatever it takes not to affront their managers by showing up after the expected time to

their work environments. Furthermore, understudies are out and about going to their separate

schools, some on transports, bikes, their parent's vehicles during some strolling. Having

numerous vehicles out and about damages human existence as well as the climate Onyeneke,

Eguzouwa, & Mutabazi, 2018). For example, it is difficult to take care of those with crisis cases.

The firemen and clinical group won't make it on time once they locate an armada of vehicles out

and about. They will be compelled to think about flying alternatives, which doesn't have any

significant bearing to putting off the fire.

Also, there is an expanded pace of both commotion and air contaminations. Shrieking sounds

created during slowing down and the hooting sound of various vehicles adds to clamor

contamination. Most vehicles depend on petroleum product for perfect activity. As they unite on

one point with their motors running, the measure of carbon dioxide radiated noticeable all around

rises. Subsequently, the network everywhere experiences a portion of these antagonistic impacts

of clog. The proceeded with increment frustrates the different answers for controlling with

mobbing in the quantity of vehicles on streets. From this examination, the proposed

arrangements showed up after broad exploration will attempt to explain clog, particularly during

top hours.


The proposed solutions focus on guaranteeing security on the streets. The drivers and other street

clients are considered in the entire cycle. Reconciliation of the new innovation is to guarantee

effectiveness and decrease of gridlock. For that case, the development of new streets and

extension of the significant parkways can't be important for the arrangement.


A 12 million dollar spending will guarantee transport is productive, including the achievement of

the proposed arrangements. Execution of the new arrangement should take eight months,

considering most street clients have connected with the most recent innovation. After the

presentation of the ideal arrangements, over 80% of individuals experiencing clog will benefit.

2.2 Background research

In England, technology plays a vital role in reducing congestions. CCTVs are used to

monitor the road conditions and the feedback goes direct to the report center before broadcast to

the public. The CCTVs situated at the junction enables the diverse groups of traffic managers to

identify areas with breakdown, slow moving vehicles and collisions. Most road users rely on the

data presented by them and they end up finding better routes as compared to the congested

streets. The use of CCTV proves to be an outstanding solution when it comes to reducing

congestion (Anindra, Soeparno, & Napitupulu, 2018).


USA is part of the developed countries which encourages people to consider cycling as

they head to work. Apart from reducing congestion, cycling helps in shading the extra fats and

calories stored in the human body. In the USA there are protected lanes exclusively for cyclists.

Additionally, there are segregated crossing paths especially on busy roads which allow the

cyclists cross smoothly (Koska, & Rudolph, 2017).

In China and the USA, their governments have encouraged people to consider working in shifts.

The workers are allocated different time depending with the flexibility of the person. In big

companies, workers will be ferried to and from the job places by either using a van or company

bus. At times, they end up using their vehicles. The number of cars in the parking zones and on

roads is lowered as compared to having all workers at jobs. Likewise, schools are divided into

stages with every stage having specific time for attendance (Jia-Wei, Yi-Hui, & Jin-Yue, 2019).

2.3Possible solutions

2.3.1 Brainstorming

Charging for workplace

Free parking contributes to traffic congestion. As the climate changes with time, people

will opt to use their private means knowing that they will get a place to park their vehicles as

they continue with their daily activities. Time is wasted as these individuals try to find a free

space to park their vehicles. Likewise, the moments of getting these vehicles out of the parking

zones waste more time. Unavailability of parking areas will make people reconsider other

options like the use of public means, bicycles, car sharing or running to work.

Raising cost of cars

Despite the harsh climate, most people are getting their person vehicle because of the reduced

prices. The various car companies have brought stiff competition forcing others to lower the

price in order to attract more buyers. Their plans have worked since there are more privately

owned vehicles. Increasing the prices of the vehicles will make more people board public buses

instead of buying their own.

Use of speed limit

Busy streets are fitted with speed limits. These speed limits give drivers directions on how to

move around the city. Limiting the speeds make movement easier lowering congestion on roads.

Use of CCTVs to monitor movement of vehicles

Some drivers ignore the rules set by the government especially in the morning and rush hours.

Through use of CCTVs it is easier to spot them and punish them accordingly. Likewise, having

the cameras on highways will enable traffic controllers spot the hotspots and warn other drivers.

Cycling to work

Apart from maintaining a healthy body, cycling helps in reducing congestion. The number of

vehicles on the road is reduced. Most countries are adapting to the new way of commuting to

work. Additionally, reducing the number of vehicles lowers the cases of gas emissions to the


Working in shifts

Shifts limit the number of people accessing the road during the lee hours and evening. Workers

and students will only appear on roads when they are needed.

2.3.2 Advantages and disadvantages of the solutions

solutions Advantages Disadvantages

1 Reduce congestion Kills the morale of going to work

2 Reduces cars on the road Lowers sales

3 Road safety High cost when installing the speed


4 Prevent congestion Expensive way of reducing congestion

5 Improves general health Time consuming

Reduces congestion

6 Reduce congestion Diminishes team work

Best solutions

After the appraisal of both the positive and negative effects of the proposed arrangements, the

three extraordinary methods of managing clog were;

Use of CCTVs

The methodology was effective and demonstrated remarkable outcomes on the interstates. The

drawback of utilizing this system was a significant expense of CCTV establishment. Specialized

issues emerging from botch of cameras and the workers can prompt bogus readings. Similarly,

data on the more uncommon roads isn't given.

Cycling to work

Like the primary arrangement, blockage is diminished by a more noteworthy number.

Individuals practice as they head to work. They wind up keeping up great wellbeing through

consuming of the additional fats and calories. The significant burden of depending on this

procedure is delay when one has ineffectively assessed the excursion.

Working in shifts

Shifts reduce the number of people going to job places in the morning. Irrespective of the

advantages, teamwork is lowered affecting the output quality and quantity.


REFERENCE TRIP Solution 1 Solution 2 Solution 3

Criteria Wgt Rating Score Rating Score Raring Score Rating Score
Travel cost 3 2 0 5 15 4 12 1 3
Cost 2 3 0 3 6 2 4 3 6
Free from pollution 4 5 0 2 8 5 20 5 20
Locations 5 4 0 3 15 3 15 4 20
Travel time 1 3 0 4 4 1 1 3 3

Safety 2 2 0 2 4 3 6 2 4
Accommodation 4 1 0 1 4 2 8 2 8
Travel quality 5 5 0 5 25 2 10 3 15
TOTAL 0 81 76 79

RANK 1 3 2







50 bikes




morning afternoon evening

Evaluation of solution

The above information shows deterioration of the quantity of vehicles out and about. The

arranging application strategy has cut the quantity of transports and individual vehicles

significantly. More individuals pick to work in movements. In like manner, CCTVs have helped

in distinguishing courses liberated from traffic. Through the activity, the quantity of vehicles in

huge interstates has dwindled, a decent sign. When contrasted with earlier years, individuals can

get to their occupation puts without any problem. Also, understudies who fear getting late to

class would now be able to consider utilizing bikes for it is less complex and quicker.

3. Conclusion

The project improved our knowledge regarding to the essential issues influencing

Kuwait's vehicle area. As per the information got, the most critical thing was gridlock. We

comprehended that the huge reasons for clog were expanded vehicles coming about because of

improved expectations for everyday comforts, changes in climatic conditions and scaled down

costs of fuel. The expanded number of vehicles accompanied drawbacks, one being delay to

work, school and blockage of the crisis administrations like specialists and firemen from getting

to the distinctive area. Furthermore, we had the chance to comprehend that the best arrangements

are shown up at subsequent to gauging the points of interest and disservices of the proposed

arrangements. Later on, the picked arrangements will be incorporated and the outcomes recorded

in a chart. For the subsequent deliverable, the choice grid which contains the weight, rating and

scores and positions will help in recognizing the exceptional arrangement.



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Jia-Wei, S., Yi-Hui, G., & Jin-Yue, T. (2019, November). A Shifting Strategy That Reduces the

Number of Shifts for Urban Conditions. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science

and Engineering (Vol. 686, No. 1, p. 012031). IOP Publishing.

Koska, T., & Rudolph, F. (2017). The role of walking and cycling in reducing congestion: a

portfolio of measures.

Onyeneke, C., Eguzouwa, C., & Mutabazi, C. (2018). Modeling the effects of traffic congestion

on economic activities-accidents, fatalities and casualties. Biomedical Statistics and

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