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Adaptation: A Simple Secret of Survival

Adapt or die? Charles Darwin said that it is not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent,
but the ones most responsive to change. If an organism does not adapt to its environment, it will die. If all the
species here die, what will happen to us humans? Will we survive?

Adaptations help an organism to survive, which increases its ability to reproduce. Every organism has its
own ecosystem in which to live. This is where the organism’s basic survivals are met: food, water, shelter. All
animals must be able to get food and water, protect themselves from harm, withstand the climate and reproduce
young so the species doesn’t become extinct. An animal can adapt to its habitat in different ways. It may be a
physical or structural adaptation, the way the body works in circulating and breathing, the way the animal
behaves when seeking for food, running fast to avoid predators or moving to other places for food or survival.
An animal’s environment consists of many different things. The climate, the kinds of food plants that grow in it,
other animals that may be predators or competitors, the animal must learn to adapt each of these circumstances
in order to survive.

Just as with animals, adaptations help plant survive the climate conditions and defend against predators.
Adaptation makes it easier for plants to survive and reproduce in their specific habitat, passing those traits to
their offspring. Plants can adapt by getting lower and closer to the ground to protect themselves from wind and
cold. Any of the following adaptations can help plants preserve food, energy, and water while still being able to
reproduce well in desert environments.

Animals die as they are unable to adapt to environmental to environmental changes. We humans
contribute to these changes, which makes them unable to adapt. Our activities, such as cutting down forests,
burning fossil fuels, high consumption of energy, and many more, destroy their habitat, where they find food
and reproduce. If we continue doing these activities, there will be more animal extinctions and biodiversity loss.
We humans will be greatly affected if these things happen because we depend on the environment for our
survival through the ecosystem. From the food we eat, the water we drink, the shelter where we live, all the
things we have came from the environment. Just imagine what will happen if our environment is destroyed. Do
you think we will survive?

We should know how important our environment is to us. Destroying our environment also means
destroying ourselves. If we take care of I, it will take care of us in return. There are a lot of ways to contribute to
making the environment cleaner. Caring for the environment is something that should be inherent in us.
Jedilou D. Paquit 10 Titus

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