Types of Fashion Sunglasses

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Aviator (N.) [ey-vee-ey-ter] Aviator sunglasses are sleek metal frame sunglasses with a sideways
teardrop-shaped lens. They are named after the aviator pilots who used to wear them in World War II.
Biker (N.) [bahy-ker] See motorcycle sunglasses.

Black lens (N.) [blak lenz] Sunglasses with black colored lens are known as black lens sunglasses.

Blade (N.) [bleyd] Blade sunglasses are rectangular,

broad and instead of having a bridge between the two lenses, there is a continuation between them.

Bridge (N.) [brij] Sunglasses that have a bridge in between the

two lenses are known as bridge sunglasses. Typically, the bridge is made of metal.

Brow bar (N.) [brou bahr] Brow bar sunglasses are those
that have a thin metal or plastic frame along the brow line.

Butterfly (N.) [buht-er-flahy] Sunglasses in which the

frames protrude out in the upper, outer part of the lens in a curved shape resembling a butterfly are
known as butterfly sunglasses.
Cat-eye (N.) [kat-ahy] Sunglasses that have an upsweep at
the upper edge from inner corner to outer corner of the lens are known as cat-eye sunglasses.
Also cat glasses.

Clubmaster (N.) [kluhb mah-ster] Clubmaster sunglasses are those in which the upper part of the
frame is thicker than the lower part. Also browbar.

Double bridge (N.) [duhb–uh l bridge] Double bridge sunglasses are those that have two bridges –
one along the brow line and the other on the nasal bone.

Embellished (N.) [em-bel-ishd] Sunglasses that have crystal, rhinestone or other embellishment are
known as embellished sunglasses. Also see embellish in surface techniques.

Logo (N.) [loh-goh] Sunglasses that have brand’s logo on them are known as logo sunglasses.

Mirror (N.) [mir-er] Sunglasses that have a reflective surface on the outer area of the lens are known
as mirror glasses. Also reflective sunglasses.

Motorcycle (N.) [moh-ter-sahy-kuh l] Sunglasses that are narrow and have a plastic frame are known
as motorcycle sunglasses. Also biker sunglasses.

Narrow (ADJ.) [nar-oh] Narrow sunglasses are the ones that are sleek and narrow ending just below
the eye. The upper part of the frame is usually a straight line.

Ombre (N.) [hom-bre] When a color gradient is seen through the lens, then those sunglasses are
known as ombre sunglasses. Also see ombre in hair coloring techniques.

Oval (N.) [oh-vuh l] Sunglasses with oval-shaped lenses are known as oval sunglasses.

Oversized (ADJ.) [oh-ver-sahyz] Sunglasses that are large and cover the face to the length nearing
the mid of the nose or more are known as oversized sunglasses.

Patterned (ADJ.) [pat-erned] Patterned sunglasses are those that have different types of patterns or
prints on their lens like leopard print, art prints, etc.

Polarized (ADJ.) [poh-luh-rahyzd] Polarized sunglasses are those on which a layer of polarization, or
protection, is coated to provide extra glare protection to the eyes, commonly used during water or ice
sports. They block intense reflected light.

Rectangular (ADJ.) [rek-tang-gyuh-ler] Sunglasses that have slightly curved edges, rectangular-
shaped are known as rectangular sunglasses.

Reflective (ADJ.) [ri-flek-tiv] See mirror.

Retro (ADJ.) [re-troh] Sunglasses that are inspired by designs of the past decades are known as retro
sunglasses, such as blade or oversized.

Rimless (ADJ.) [rimless] Sunglasses without a rim or the outer covering frame are known as rimless

Round (ADJ.) [round] Sunglasses with round lenses are known as round sunglasses.

Sports (ADJ.) [spohrts] Sunglasses that are used in different types of sports like cycling, skiing, etc.
are known as sports sunglasses. Read more about sports sunglasses.

Square (ADJ.) [skwair] Sunglasses that are square-shaped are known as square sunglasses. They
may have blunt or slightly curved edges.

Wayfarer (ADJ.) [wey-fair-er] Sunglasses that are

rectangular or square and whose bottom edges are slightly curves are known as wayfarer sunglasses.

Wrap around (ADJ.) [rap–uh-round] Sunglasses that

have wrapped lens and stick to the face.

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