7) Circuit Analysis and Synthesize

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Note – Write Compulsory any 10 Answers Minimum of 500 Words Each Question:-10 Marks

a) How is a physical network realised by considering the driving point admittance
b) Determine the Foster and Cauer form of realization if the driving –point
impedance function Z(s) is given by
Z (s) = 4(s2 + 1)(s2 +9)
s(s2 +4)

(a) Derive expressions for (i) characteristic impedance and (ii) propagation constant
of a pure reactive network.
(b) Discuss how can a constant k - low pass filter be designed. Design a constant k -
type band pass filter section to be terminated in 600 Ω resistance having cut off
frequencies of 2kHz and 5kHz.
3. Write short notes on :
a) Composite 'Filters and
b) On time domain behaviours from poles and zeroes.
4. An RLC series circuit has R = 50 ohms, L = 0.05 H and C = 20μF. Voltage applied to
this circuit is 200 volts, the frequency being variable. Find 1) the maximum capacitor
voltage and the frequency at which it occurs. 2) The resonant, lower and upper half
power frequencies.
5. A series RL circuit with R = 50 ohms and L = 0.2 H has a sinusoidal voltage V = 150
sin (500t + φ) volts applied at a time when φ = 0. Find the expression for current.
6. In a linear circuit consisting of R = 9 ohms and L = 8 mH, a current i = 5 + 100 sin
(1000t + 45°) + 100 sin (3000t + 60°) amphers is flowing. Find a) the equation for
applied voltage b) r.m.s. value of current and voltage and c) the average power.
7. Design m-derived T and π sections of low pass filter having a design impedance of
600 ohms, a cut off frequency of 2000 Hz and a frequency of infinite attenuation αf =
2,100 Hz.
8. Given F(s) = 4 (s + 1)(s + 3)/ (s + 2)(s + 6)obtain a partial fraction expansion, with all
positive residues and hence realise the network in foster form when
a) F(s) is an impedance Z(s)
b) F(s) is an admittance Y(s).
9. Distinguish between transient and steady state responses.
10. What are the properties of Hurwitz polynomials ? Test whether the function
s3+3s2+6s+18 is Hurwitz or not.
11. Synthesize the network function Z(s) = s(s2+4)/2(s2+1)(s9+ 9) as Foster-I and Foster–
II forms.
12. Design a constant k type high pass filter with T-sections, to be terminated in 600 Ω
resistance and cut off frequency 10 Hz. Find the characteristic impedance and phase
constant at 25 kHz.0

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