The "Tustea Puzzle": Hadrosaurid (Dinosauria, Ornithopoda) Hatchlings Associated With Megaloolithidae Eggs in The Maastrichtian of The Hateg Basin (Romania)

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The “Tustea Puzzle”: Hadrosaurid (Dinosauria, Ornithopoda) Hatchlings

Associated with Megaloolithidae Eggs in the Maastrichtian of the Hateg Basin

Article in AMEGHINIANA · March 2010

DOI: 10.5710/AMGH.v47i1.9


18 390

1 author:

Dan Grigorescu
University of Bucharest


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Biomineralization through SEM analysis on dinosaurs and birds eggshells. View project

Hateg Country dinosaurs geopark View project

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AMEGHINIANA (Rev. Asoc. Paleontol. Argent.) - 47 (1): 000-000. Buenos Aires, 30-03-2010 ISSN 0002-7014

The “Tustea Puzzle”: hadrosaurid (Dinosauria,

Ornithopoda) hatchlings associated with Megaloolithidae
eggs in the Maastrichtian of the Hateg Basin (Romania)


Abstract. Since 1991 when the coinciding occurrence of megaloolithid eggs and hatchlings of the hadrosaurid
Telmatosaurus transsylvanicus was suggested by few limb bone remains found close to the first discovered eggs
in the Hateg Basin, tens of eggs grouped in clutches together with neonate bones were unearthed within the
place that become “Tustea nesting site”. In the meantime the original vertical escarpment near the village of
Tustea was leveled and converted into a horizontal platform. By their external characters and eggshell mi-
crostructure all the eggs belong to the Megaloolithus oogenus, closer to M. siruguei; similarly, all the baby re-
mains whose state of preservation allows their taxonomic assignment belong to Telmatosaurus transsylvanicus,
one of the common dinosaur species from the rich Maastrichtian faunal assemblage of the Hateg Basin
(Romania), and the basalmost hadrosaurid. Most of the baby remains consist of isolated bones and teeth, but
partial skeletons with articulated elements were also found. The preliminary ontogenetic study reveals a
rapid growth of the hatchlings, a fact also supported by the discovery of most of the skeletal remains outside
the egg clutches, but in their close vicinity. In few cases bones were found within the egg clutches and even
inside the egg. It is worth to mention that no sauropod remains were found within the nesting horizon from


incidencia de la aparición de huevos megaloolítidos y pichones del hadrosáurido Telmatosaurus transsyl-
vanicus fue sugerida sobre la base de unos pocos huesos apendiculares encontrados en proximidad a los
primeros huevos descubiertos en la Cuenca Hateg, decenas de agrupaciones de huevos junto con huesos de
neonatos fueron desenterrados del sitio que pasó a llamarse “sitio de nidificación Tustea”. Mientras tanto, el
escarpado vertical original próximo a la Villa de Tustea fue nivelado y convertido en una plataforma hori-
zontal. Por sus caracteres externos y microestructura de cáscara todos los huevos pertenecen al género
Megaloolithus, cercano a M. siruguei; del mismo modo, todos los restos de pichones cuyo estado de preser-
vación permite su asignación taxonómica pertenecen a Telmatosaurus transsylvanicus, una de las especies co-
munes de dinosaurios de la rica asociación faunística del Maastrichtiano de la Cuenca Hateg (Rumania), y el
hadrosáurido más basal. La mayoría de los restos de pichones consiste en huesos y dientes aislados, aunque
esqueletos parciales con elementos articulados fueron también encontrados. El estudio ontogenético prelimi-
nar revela un rápido crecimiento de los pichones, un hecho también soportado por el descubrimiento de una
mayoría de restos esqueletales fuera de las agrupaciones de huevos, pero en su proximidad. En unos pocos
casos fueron encontrados dentro de las agrupaciones de huevos, y aún en el interior de los huevos. Es im-
portante destacar que no se han hallado restos de saurópodos dentro del horizonte de nidificación de Tustea.

Key words. Dinosaur eggs. Megaloolithidae. Hatchlings. Hadrosaurids. Telmatosaurus. Maastrichtian. Hateg Basin.
Palabras clave. Huevos de dinosaurios. Megaloolithidae. Pichones. Hadrosáuridos. Telmatosaurus. Maastrichtiano.
Cuenca Hateg. Rumania.

Introduction by Franz Nopcsa. The eggs disposed in clutches,

were found in a vertical escarpment, near the village
The first dinosaur eggs and egg remains from of Tustea, in the north-western part of the basin
Romania were found in 1988, ninety years after the (figure 1.2). The egg and eggshell characters corre-
first dinosaur bones were recorded in the Uppermost spond to the Megaloolithidae, the most widespread
Cretaceous continental deposits of the Hateg Basin oofamily during the Late Cretaceous (mostly in the
Campanian and Maastrichtian), with a large number
of oospecies found in South America, Europe and
1University of Bucharest, Faculty of Geology and Geophysics,
Laboratory of Paleontology, 1 Blvd. Nicolae Balcescu, 010041 In southern France, where no less than eight
Bucharest, Romania, megaloolithid oospecies were described (Garcia and
©Asociación Paleontológica Argentina AMGHB2-0002-7014/10$00.00+.50
2 D. Grigorescu

Figure 1. 1, Location of the Hateg Basin in Romania; 2, Geological map of the western part of the Hateg Basin (F, the Tustea nesting site);
3, Lithostratigraphic column (in meters) from Tustea and the facies interpretation / 1, Ubicación de la Cuenca Hateg en Rumania; 2, Mapa
geológico de la parte oeste de la Cuenca Hateg (F, el sitio de nidificación Tustea); 3, Columna litoestratigráfica (en metros) de Tustea y la interpretación
de las facies. Ch, channel deposits; Cs, crevasse deposits, Fr, reddish fines (paleosoil with calcrete concretions).

Vianey-Liaud, 2001) this type of egg was tentatively hatchling skeletal remains from Tustea was made in
assigned to the titanosaurid sauropod Hypselosaurus few successive articles (Weishampel et al., 1991;
Matheron, 1869 based on some occasional co-occur- Grigorescu, 1993; Grigorescu et al., 1994). The fact
rences of the eggs with adult bone remains. This re- was (and still is) regarded with natural suspicion.
ferral not consistently proved since nowhere in This is well expressed in the Summary of the
France or elsewhere in Europe embryo or hatchling “Dinosaur eggs and babies” book, edited by
remains were found closely linked with mega- Carpenter, Hirsch and Horner in 1994, that includes
loolithid eggs. The assignment remained questiona- one of the above-quoted articles: “This conflict (sug-
ble, until 1998, when the discovery from Auca gested by the Tustea case) between identity of the
Mahuevo in Argentina of numerous megaloolithid embryonic remains and the shell microstructure
eggs containing titanosaurid sauropod embryonic re- could be a simple misidentification of the eggs as
mains was announced (Chiappe et al., 1998). hadrosaur, or it could reveal that the diversity of
The close similarity of the eggs from Tustea with eggshell type in the Hadrosauria is much more di-
the French ones, in both macroscopic and microscop- verse than hitherto realized” (Carpenter et al., 1994,
ic aspects, made us to presume at the beginning that pp. 367, 369).
the Romanian eggs were laid by Magyarosaurus The number of neonatal and embryo remains in-
Huene, 1932 the only sauropod genus known at that creased after the original vertical outcrop from
time in the dinosaur assemblage of the Hateg Basin, Tustea was converted into a horizontal platform by
without excluding the possibility that other di- the help of a bulldozer. The searches made on this
nosaurs, including the hadrosaur Telmatosaurus platform revealed more than a dozen of new egg
Nopcsa, 1900 might have laid the eggs (Grigorescu et clutches close to which and in few cases inside
al., 1990). Soon after that a few hatchling bones, un- whom hatchling bones were found. All the bones
doubtedly belonging to the hadrosaur Telmatosaurus whose stage of preservation allow the taxonomic as-
transsylvanicus Nopcsa, 1900 were found closely as- signment belong to Telmatosaurus, while no
sociated to the first discovered egg clutches in sauropods, babies or adults, were found in the nest-
Tustea. ing site as well as in the entire geological section
The first announcement on the connection of from Tustea.
megaloolithid eggs and hadrosaurid embryonic and The case of Tustea highlights once again the prob-
AMEGHINIANA 47 (1), 2010
Tustea Puzzle: hadrosaur hatchlings along megaloolithid eggs 3
lem of identity of the egg-laying dinosaur taxa based tochthonous (floodplain dwelling taxa) with al-
on egg morphology and eggshell microstructure. lochthonous ones, whose remains, more fragmented,
The purpose of this paper is to review the evi- were brought into the floodplain episodes together
dences of this intriguing situation that can be named with the sediments during flood events.
“the Tustea puzzle”.

Eggs and nests

Stratigraphical setting
The first collection of eggs made in 1988 in the
The sequence that include the Tustea nesting lev- vertical escarpment from Tustea includes 14 egg re-
el belongs to the middle member of the Densus-Ciula mains, most of them preserving only parts of the
Formation (D-C F), that outcrops in the north-west- lower halves, more or less fragmented and crushed
ern part of the Hateg Basin, a subsiding intermoun- due to the burial. All, except one egg that is almost
tain basin, formed in connection with the main complete with the upper part preserved, seem to
thrusting phase of the Laramian tectogeny within the have been hatched. The collection increased consis-
Southern Carpathians (figure 1.2). The D-C F repre- tently after the area was leveled and a horizontal
sents continental molasse deposits and includes a platform was created allowing systematic excava-
wide range of siliciclastic rocks, from conglomerates tion. On a rather small surface of only 180 m2, 18 egg
to mudstones. The deposits were accumulated in a clutches including 2 to 10 eggs more or less frag-
braided-river system, concomitantly to volcanic mented, were excavated up to date; the total number
eruptions, whose fine and coarser products are inti- of eggs is around 90 (figure 2).
mately associated with the terrigenous elements. The The individual eggs external characters and inter-
regional stratigraphic context indicate a Maas- nal microstructure of the eggshell indicate they be-
trichtian age for the lower and middle members of long to the Megaloolithidae oofamily. The eggs are
the D-C F (Grigorescu and Melinte, 2002) that rough- sub-spherical, the larger diameter ranging between
ly agrees with the conclusion based on the palyno- 14 and 16 cm (figure 3.1). The calculated eggs volume
logic content of the deposits (Antonescu et al., 1983). varies between 1000 and 1500 ml. The eggshell thick-
The egg clutches are located in a red, mica rich ness ranges from 2.1 to 2.6 mm, although it typically
mudstone, 4 m. thick that is divided by a thin layer of has 2.3-2.4 mm thickness. The outer surface of the
greenish grey sand (figure 1.3). The sedimentologic shell is covered by closely packed, rounded tuber-
environment of the mudstone is a well drained flood- cles, variable in size, from 0.4 to 1.1 mm with a mean
plain, subjected to pedogenetic processes (Gri- diameter, calculated on eggshell areas of different
gorescu and Csiki, 2002). All the clutches correspond eggs, of 0.78 mm. The tubercles may coalesce in small
to a single incubation horizon, located at less than a chains, but usually they are separated by narrow
meter below the uneven base of a thick grey-green- spaces, some of these occupied by the pore openings.
ish, matrix-supported conglomerate bed. The internal surface of the eggshell displays a hiero-
The overall paleontological content of the red glyph pattern given by the coalesced bases of the
mudstones includes invertebrates, mostly fresh-wa- growth units, encrusted by secondary calcite. Some
ter and terrestrial gastropods and more abundant eggshells show internal cratering of the mammillary
and diverse vertebrates. The vertebrates are found as knobs, in some other cases the cratering is missing.
disarticulated bones or as small fragments in mi- The eggshell microstructure is discretispherulitic;
cropaleontologic samples, attributed to discoglossid in radial section the eggshell is composed of fan-
frogs, albanerpetontids, lizards, crocodilians, turtles, shaped units with variable widths, often individual-
pterosaurs, theropod and ornithopod dinosaurs and ized and delimited by well-defined margins (figure
multituberculate mammals. It is worth to mention 3.2). The fine growth lines, arched upwardly cross
that sauropods, either adult or young are absent continuously among adjacent bundles. The herring-
from the entire section at Tustea; the only dinosaur bone pattern is sometimes present. The analysis in
from which neonatal remains were recorded being cathodoluminescence reveals that the eggshell mi-
the hadrosaur Telmatosaurus. crostructure is not deteriorated by diagenetic
In regards of the eggshells, except the mega- changes.
loolithid type, characteristic of the egg-laying hori- The pore pattern corresponds to the tubocanalicu-
zon, only rare and small fragments of geckoid and late system, consisting of a complicated network of
possible bird eggshells were found at different levels sinuous tubes, with branches and anastomosis
of the mudstone bed. among them. The diameter along the pore length
The taphonomic features of the elements indicate varies between 0.13 and 0.38 mm. The pore geometry
the mixture within the fossil assemblage of au- and distribution was studied through seriated thin
AMEGHINIANA 47 (1), 2010
4 D. Grigorescu

Figure 2. Distribution of egg clutches in Tustea nesting horizon. The baby remains are indicated by stars. (The numbers indicate the
chronology of discoveries.) / distribución de las agrupaciones de huevos en el horizonte de nidificación de Tustea. Los restos de pichones son in-
dicados por estrellas. (Los números indican la cronología de los descubrimientos.)

sections across the entire eggshell thickness, the suc- scans did not indicate embryonic material inside. The
cessive sections being spaced at approximately 0.2 eggs are filled with red mudstone material, identical
mm interval. The study revealed a high pore density, with that of the encasing rock.
expressed by ca.100 pores/cm² at the surface; the to- The eggs within the clutches are more randomly
tal area occupied by pores representing 3.7 % of the than regularly disposed. Sometimes the eggs are lin-
total eggs surface. From all the known Mega- early aligned, in straight or slightly curved rows.
loolithidae species the eggs from Tustea seems closer More frequently they are grouped in clusters with a
to Megaloolithus siruguei Vianey-Liaud, 1994 from random disposal of the eggs. As Cousin has men-
Southern France (in Vianey-Liaud et al., 1994). tioned in France, the random position of eggs in
More recently, 11 clutches with approximately 40 clutches might represent a regroupement during or
eggs, in all regards very similar with the Tustea ones after the hatching of the eggs that originally were dis-
and closely resembling Megalooithus siruguei were posed in rows (Cousin, 2002). The eggs in the clutch-
discovered in superposed levels of grayish and red- es are closely packed; sometime the neighbor eggs
dish calcretic paleosoils on the Raul Mare valley, are tangent or overlap by their margin. The slightly
near the Nalat Vad village, southwards from Tustea uneven position of the eggs in the clutches suggests
(Codrea et al., 2002). that they were laid either in the existing holes on the
ground or the mothers dug such superficial holes for
laying the eggs. The distance among the neighbor
Nesting pattern and incubation environment clusters varies from 0.5 to 3 m.
The clutches seem to represent original nests not
In most of the cases the number of eggs in a clutch much affected after hatching, except the crushing
varies from 3 to 7, rarely clutches with more or less and flattening produced by the pressure and com-
eggs were unearthed; only one egg was found isolat- paction of the surrounding sediments.
ed. The largest clutches include respectively 10 and Based on sedimentologic, clay mineralogy and
13 eggs (nrs. 12 and 20 in figure 2), disposed in two stable isotope analysis (Bojar et al., 2005) the environ-
parallel rows (clutch nr. 12), or randomly (clutch nr ment of incubation was a humid one that confirms
20). Most of the eggs in the two clutches were obvi- the conclusion drawn a decade ago based on the high
ously hatched, preserving only their bottom halves, pore density and pore geometry of the eggs
or only large eggshell fragments. Tree eggs in the (Grigorescu et al., 1994). The eggs were laid within a
clutch nr.12 are almost completely preserved, with fine-grained substrate of paleosol, formed in the dis-
slightly deteriorated upper caps, however the CT tal part of a well-drained floodplain, well vegetated
AMEGHINIANA 47 (1), 2010
Tustea Puzzle: hadrosaur hatchlings along megaloolithid eggs 5

Figure 3. Megaloolithid eggs and Telmatosaurus transsylvanicus babies from Tustea. 1, Individual egg (larger diameter 16 cm); 2, Radial
thin section of eggshell in polarized light showing fan-shaped units and weathered mammillary zone; 3, Left femora of a hatchling- (left)
(FGGUB R 1850) and of an adult (right) (BMNH R 4914) (scale bar=2 cm); 4, Right distal femur of a hatchling (FGGUB 248) in lateral,
cranial and ventral views (from left to right) (scale bar=1 cm); 5, Right dentary tooth of a hatchling found isolated (FGGUB R 2089) (scale
bar=1 mm); 6, Right dentary tooth found within an egg matrix together with incompletely ossified embryonic skeletal remains of a near-
term embryo (FGGUB R 2091) (scale bar=0.5 mm); 7, Fragment of a left dentary (FGGUB R 1850) (scale bar=1 mm) / huevos megaloolíti-
dos y pichones de Telmatosaurus transsylvanicus provenientes de Tustea. 1, Huevo individual (diámetro mayor 16 cm); 2, Sección delgada radi-
al de cáscara de huevo vista con luz polarizada mostrando las unidades en abanico y la zona mamilar erosionada; 3, Fémures derechos de un pichón
(izquierda) (FGGUB R 1850) y de un adulto (derecha) (BMNH R 4914) (Barra de escala=2 cm); 4, Porción distal de fémur derecho of un pichón (FG-
GUB 248) en vistas lateral, craneal y ventral (de izquierda a derecha) (Barra de escala=1 cm); 5, Diente dentario derecho aislado de un pichón (FG-
GUB R 2089) (Barra de escala=1 mm); 6, Diente dentario derecho hallado dentro de la matriz de un huevo junto con restos esqueletales incompleta-
mente osificados de un embrión ya maduro (FGGUB R 2091) (Barra de escala=0.5 mm); 7, Fragmento de un dentario izquierdo (FGGUB R 1850)
(Barra de escala=1 mm) .

by small swampy plants and bioturbated. The incu- did not remain for a long time in the nest, a fact that
bation took place concomitantly to the evolution of is sustained by the position of the hatchling remains
pedogenetic processes on the ground, which explains in the nesting horizon (see below).
the location of the nesting level in a calcrete rich pa-
leosol. The calcrete nodules are frequently found as-
sociated with the bottom portions of the eggs. Hatchlings and embryos
The rarity of completely crushed eggs within the
clutches and generally, the small quantity of isolated Two distal parts of femora, two proximal and one
eggshell fragments in the nest indicate that the babies distal tibiae, the distal half of a fibula were the only
AMEGHINIANA 47 (1), 2010
6 D. Grigorescu

Figure 4. Skeletal remains of a hatchling with bones in almost articulated position (FGGUB R 2088) / restos esqueletales de pichones con
huesos en posición casi articulada. pg, pelvic girdle; fe, femur; ti, tibia; ve, vertebra.

neonate remains found in the original, vertical es- tial skeletons of grown hatchlings, with closely asso-
carpment from Tustea within the level which provid- ciated bones from the same skeleton region (figure 4).
ed the first egg clutches, at about half meter laterally The diagnostic characters shown by all the elements
from one of these clutches. are definitely not of a sauropod but of the
Tens of new neonatal and possible embryonic hadrosaurid Telmatosaurus transsylvanicus (Weisham-
bones were found within the Tustea egg horizon af- pel et al., 1991; Grigorescu et al., 1994), all the skeletal
ter the vertical section was converted into a horizon- remains, including dentition and individual teeth
tal platform. The distribution of the baby remains supporting this assignment.
within the incubation horizon is shown by small Telmatosaurus was the first dinosaur from the
stars in figure 2. Most of the remains were found, as Hateg assemblage described by Nopcsa (1900) under
in the case of the first discovery, outside the egg the name of Limnosaurus. Telmatosaurus was re-
clutches, but very close to them, usually within one viewed by Weishampel et al. (1993) and interpreted
meter of the eggs; in a single case the bones were as the basalmost hadrosaur, which lacked several
found at more than three meters from the nearest apomorphic features of the other, more derived
clutch. Rarely baby bones were found within egg members of Hadrosauridae. The study includes ref-
clutches and in a single case a dentary tooth was re- erences to the first hatchling remains, femora and tib-
covered from within the matrix of a broken egg, to- iae, from Tustea that were compared with adult
gether with very small, porous, apparently repre- bones from different collections. As in adults of
senting the stage of replacement of the embryonic Telmatosaurus, the femur (figure 3.4) has well formed
cartilage by bone tissue. Most of the remains consist distal condyles that start to contact each other cra-
in isolated bones and teeth, more or less completely nially, enclosing the tunnel-like intercondylar
preserved. They include elements from all skeletal groove; also, as in adults, the caudal intercondylar
regions: skull, vertebrae, ribs, girdles and limbs. groove is very deep and includes a small condylid on
Beside the numerous isolated elements, three par- the lateral condyle. Similar to the adult condition, the
AMEGHINIANA 47 (1), 2010
Tustea Puzzle: hadrosaur hatchlings along megaloolithid eggs 7
Table 1. Measurements of selected Telmatosaurus limb bones. * estimated measurements; ** dimensions as preserved / medidas de hue-
sos apendiculares selectos de Telmatosaurus. * medidas estimadas; ** dimensiones de la parte preservada. L, length; PW, DW, MW, prox-
imal, distal, medial width. 1, additional measurements: deltopectoral crest length, in humerus; distance of 4th trochanter from proximal
end, in femur.

Element Collection no. L PW DW MW 1 Ontogenetic status


left FGGUB R.1980.1 28.58 8.34 6.22 3.38 11.16 Hatchling

left FGGUB R.1852.1 23.04* 6.38 5.04 2.99 - Newborn?


right FGGUB R.1851.2 36.11 6.12 5.25 2.74 - Hatchling

left FGGUB R.1980.2 27.51 5.08 4.55 2.2 - Hatchling

left FGGUB R.1850.2 14.42** 5.57 - 2.32 - Hatchling

right FGGUB R.1852.2 11.27** 4.74 - 2.13 - Newborn?


right FGGUB R.248 50.27 - 11.56 6.07 - Hatchling

left FGGUB R.1850.1 48.11 12.31 11.22 6.93 24.98 Hatchling

left FGGUB R.1980.3 46.12* - 9.48 5.2 25.39 Hatchling

right FGGUB R.1980.4 43.63* - 9.39 5.45 23.73 Hatchling

right FGGUB R.1981.1 43.3 - - 4.92 24.39 Hatchling

right FGGUB R.1852.3 35.38 - 6 4 - Newborn?


right FGGUB R.1853 63.4 17.73 16.65 5.9 - Large baby

left FGGUB R.246+250 41.5* 10.77 8.92 3.85 - Hatchling

right FGGUB R.1982.1 41.05* - 12.03 3.68 - Hatchling

left FGGUB R.1851.1 38.72 10.53 10.37 3.81 - Hatchling

right FGGUB R.1979 35.78 10.9 8.97 3.73 - Hatchling

left FGGUB R.1852.4 33.6* - 7.38 3.06 - Newborn?

fourth trochanter is positioned towards the middle of The size and stage of preservation differ slightly
the shaft, it is blade shaped, prominent, well-extend- among the skeletal remains, even in the case of ele-
ed from the shaft and slightly pendent at its tip. ments found associated in the same place, indicating
AMEGHINIANA 47 (1), 2010
8 D. Grigorescu
minor differences in age of the hatchlings or near- covered by a thick layer of enamel and crossed me-
term embryos. For example, in the case of the first dially by a crest, less prominent or even absent in the
discovered remains, which include two distal femo- lowermost part of the crown. The two sides around
ra, two proximal and one distal tibiae, the surface the medial crest are either flat or banded towards the
texture, the preservation of articular surfaces and the crest. Except the lower part of the crown, the teeth
size of the bone fragments indicate that they come margins are denticulate with 8 to 10 slightly rounded
from distinct individuals, with slightly different denticles not supported by marginal ridges, as is the
stages of ontogenetic development. The best pre- case in adults.
served femur (Faculty of Geology and Geophysics of
the University of Bucharest -FGGUB R.248) (figure
3.4), a proximal (FGGUB R.250) and the distal tibia Conclusions
(FGGUB R.246), both, apparently from the same in-
dividual represent hatchling elements, while the oth- The taxonomic identification of the hatchlings as-
er femur (FGGUB R.249) and tibia (FGGUB R.245) sociated with megaloolithid eggs within the incuba-
seem to come from near-term embryos or early tion horizon from Tustea as belonging to the
hatchlings. hadrosaurid Telmatosaurus transsylvanicus has been
Generally, the bone remains which display a very confirmed by D.Weishampel (Weishampel et al.,
porous surface texture and, in the case of the appen- 1991, 1993), J. Horner and Ph. Currie (personal com-
dicular elements, lack ossified articular ends are in- munication, 1991). All those colleagues who could
terpreted as near-term embryos or early hatchlings, not visit the site have questioned the association of
while the limb bones of older hatchlings are indicat- eggs and babies in the same level, suggesting that,
ed by well developed articular morphology, as well possibly, the egg clutches and baby bones represent
as by the presence of an external cortical layer that different stratigraphic levels. To answer to this ques-
gives a shiny appearance to the bone surface. tion we mention that the “marker bed” we used as a
The hatchling limb bones that are more numerous stratigraphic control in the Tustea outcrop is a pale-
have allowed a preliminary ontogenetic study based osol level, with a constant position towards the base
on comparative analysis of hatchling limb bones and of the thick conglomerate bed that dominates the
adult bones (Grigorescu and Csiki, 2006). Besides this Tustea geological section (see figure 1.3). This
close similarity in shape and proportions between “marker bed” includes the egg clutches and baby re-
hatchlings, adults and sub-adults of Telmatosaurus mains and preserves its identity throughout the en-
transsylvanicus (figure 3.3) the study highlighted tire outcrop. Besides this stratigraphic aspect, the
some allometric changes that occurred during discoveries of the last years have increased the num-
growth in the appendicular skeleton of Tematosaurus. ber of hatchling remains found inside the egg clutch-
This study also suggested a high growth rate during es, while teeth and skeletal fragments were also
early post-natal development. The measurements of identified within the egg matrix. All these facts sup-
limb bones coming from different hatchling or possi- port the idea that the megaloolithid eggs from
ble newborn individuals are shown in table 1. Tustea were laid by the hadrosaurid Telmatosaurus
The dentition of hatchlings and embryos also re- transsylvanicus. We are not prepared to give a con-
vealed close similarity with adult Telmatosaurus sistent explanation to this convergence in egg mor-
transsylvanicus. Few individual dentary teeth were phology and eggshell microstructure between
found isolated (figure 3.5), one of these within an egg sauropods and this “most basal hadrosaurid di-
matrix (figure 3.6). The apex of the teeth is pointed as nosaur” (Weishampel et al., 1993) that is
in the adults, but strait or very slightly recurved dis- Telmatosaurus transsylvanicus.
tally; the margin of the teeth are denticulate, the den-
ticles are irregular in size. The enameled lingual face
of each tooth display a strong median carina, some Acknowledgements
teeth presents also a lateral, slightly bent ridge. In all
the cases, teeth do not show signs of wear. I thank T. Niculescu for preparing the egg in which embryon-
A dentary fragment (14.4 mm long) was found to- ic remains, including the tooth were found. I also thank
R.Dimitrescu and M. Dumbrava for the drawings of figs. 1 and 3
gether with forelimb remains, vertebrae and ribs, ap- (E-G). I am grateful to Z. Csiki for discussions and assistance in or-
parently of the same individual early hatchling (figu- ganizing the text and illustrations of the present paper. Finally, I
re 3.7). Like in all hadrosaurids, the dentition is orga- am indebted to R Coria and L.Chiappe for the opportunity to vis-
nized into dental batteries; the fragment preserves it the famous Auca Mahuevo nesting site and for their special hos-
pitality during the 3rd Symposium on Dinosaur Eggs and Babies
seven erupted teeth and the apex of an unerupted from Plaza Huincul in Argentina. I am grateful to L. Salgado for
tooth; the teeth are disposed in three rows. The teeth the Spanish translation of the Abstract (Resumen) and the help in
are leaf-shaped (6.5 mm high and 3.0 mm width), organizing the final version of the paper.

AMEGHINIANA 47 (1), 2010

Tustea Puzzle: hadrosaur hatchlings along megaloolithid eggs 9
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