PHYSICAL EDUCATION G-12 (Practice Paper Class 12)

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Term – I (2023 – 24) Subject –Physical Education

Grade: XII Section: Roll No: Marks: 70

Name of the Student: Time: 3 hr

General Instructions:

1) Question paper consists of 34 questions.

2) All questions are compulsory
3) Questions 1 to 18 carry 01Marks and are multiple choice questions.
4) Questions 19 to 24 carry 02 Marks and should not exceed 60-90 word each.
5) Questions 25 to 29 carry 03 Marks and should not exceed 100-150 word each.
6) Questions 30 to34 carry 05 Marks and should not exceed 200-300word each


1) League-cum-knockout is part of which tournament-

a) Knockout b) Round robin c) Combination d) Consolation
2) Which amongst these is not a method of improve flexibility ?
a) Ballistic b) Static stretching c)PNF d) Fartlek
3) A disorder related to brain trouble in receiving and responding to information can be termed as-
a) ODD b) OCD c )ADHD d)SPD
4) a person having both traits of introvert and extrovert is known as?
a) Mesomarph b) Extroversion c) Ambiverts d) Endurance
5) Which is not standing Asana?
a) Tadasana b) Hastasana c) Trikonasana d) Vajrasana
6) Which amongst these is a setting asana?
a) Ardh-matsyendrasana b) Ardh-chakarasana c) Padhastasana d) Trikonasana
7) Which of the following is not a cognitive disability?
a) Dyslexia b) Hypertension c) Memory disorder d) Sensory impairment
8) Avoiding eye contact & preferring to stay alone are common to which disorder?
a) SPD b) ADHD c) ASD d) ODD
9) Fine motor development is involved in-
a) sitting b) Walking c) Standing d) Catching a ball
10) Which of the following is a micro nutrient?
a) Carbohydrates b) Fat c) Water d) Vitamins
11) 1gram of carbohydrate contain ______ calories
a) 2 b)3 c)4 d)5
12) Which glad is associated with diabete?
a)Endocrine b)pituitary c)pancreas d)hypothalamus
13) What is the formula to determine numbers matches in league fixture for even number of team?
a) N+1/2 b)N-1/2 c)N(N-1)/2 d)N(N+1)/2
14) Senior citizen Fitness test the range of age group is_________
a) 60-90 b)55-79 c)65-95 d)50-90
15) if the menstruation cycle not begin at puberty, the condition is called____________
a) primary amenorrhea b) secondary amenorrhea c) Oligomenorrhea d) Dysmonorrhea
16) School management needs to recognize the essential place of physical activity in the education of
children with special need.
a) Improvement in confidence c) Improvement in endurance
c) Increase in depression d)Better hand-eye coordination
17)Which asana amongst these can be done just after having meals?
a) Bhujangasana b) Dhanurasana c) vajraana d) halasana
18) which amongst these is not a micro mineral?
a)Iodine b)Magnesium c)iron d) copper
19) What is correct posture of setting?
20) What are the causes of menstrual dysfunction?
21) Define disability.
22) What is ADHD?
23) How can the body fat percentage can be computed?
24) What is balanced diet?
25) Explain the role of fiber in diet.
26) Explain lifestyle disease.
27) Role of yoga in modern lifestyle.
28) What do you mean by planning, organization in sports events?
29) What is test & measurement?
30) Write down various committees & their Responsibility (pre, during & post).
31) What are the causes of bad posture? Explain detail?
32) Explain any five essential elements of diet.
33) Explain ASD, ODD and OCD. Give tow causes of each.
34) Write down the procedure of “SENIOR CITIZEN FITNES TET".

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