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Environmental Impact Assessment Review 62 (2017) 25–34

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Environmental Impact Assessment Review

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System dynamic simulation: A new method in social impact

assessment (SIA)
Shobeir Karami a, Ezatollah Karami a,⁎, Laurie Buys b, Robin Drogemuller b
Agricultural Extension and Education, Shiraz University, Iran
Creative Industries Faculty, School of Design, Queensland University of Technology, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Many complex social questions are difficult to address adequately with conventional methods and techniques,
Received 8 October 2015 due to the complicated dynamics, and hard to quantify social processes. Despite these difficulties researchers
Received in revised form 17 July 2016 and practitioners have attempted to use conventional methods not only in evaluative modes but also in predic-
Accepted 18 July 2016
tive modes to inform decision making. The effectiveness of SIAs would be increased if they were used to support
Available online 13 October 2016
the project design processes. This requires deliberate use of lessons from retrospective assessments to inform
predictive assessments. Social simulations may be a useful tool for developing a predictive SIA method. There
Social simulation have been limited attempts to develop computer simulations that allow social impacts to be explored and under-
System dynamic stood before implementing development projects. In light of this argument, this paper aims to introduce system
Analytical SIA methods dynamic (SD) simulation as a new predictive SIA method in large development projects. We propose the poten-
tial value of the SD approach to simulate social impacts of development projects. We use data from the SIA of
Gareh-Bygone floodwater spreading project to illustrate the potential of SD simulation in SIA. It was concluded
that in comparison to traditional SIA methods SD simulation can integrate quantitative and qualitative inputs
from different sources and methods and provides a more effective and dynamic assessment of social impacts
for development projects. We recommend future research to investigate the full potential of SD in SIA in compar-
ing different situations and scenarios.
© 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction and explain what has already happened. Such retrospective SIA
methods add to hindsight experience and understanding of how change
While large scale development projects deliver the necessary infra- takes place (Barrow, 2000). SIA practitioners have devised some
structure to enable communities to thrive (Basa, 2007), they have envi- methods, such as comparison case approach, to address the challenges
ronmental, economic and social impacts - particularly for the local of trying to predict social outcomes prior to implementation. However,
community and surrounding areas (Asselin and Parkins, 2009; the need for alternative approaches that provide a systematic frame-
Vanclay, 2002). Research has focused on the environmental and eco- work and also straightforward possibility of different scenario compar-
nomic impacts and a variety of methods have been used to identify isons remains to be answered.
these impacts (Ahmadvand and Karami, 2009; Sairinen and In order to increase the effectiveness of SIAs, better use needs to be
Kumpulainen, 2006). Computer simulations are often used to explore made of whatever relevant comparison-case information can be
the likely impacts prior to development to enable the mitigation of im- brought to bear on the predictive assessment of future impacts. Simula-
pacts (Iba, 2013). tion may offer a systematic way of doing this. Although, computer sim-
“Many social problems are difficult to address adequately with tradi- ulation faces challenges such as (1) validation: simulation methods are
tional analytical and statistical techniques, due to the diversity and great only valid for static systems, where a state in a system is deterministical-
number of factors involved (e.g. evolution of culture), complicated dy- ly changed and not for dynamic systems where a state is dynamically
namics (e.g. social networks) and hard to measure social processes changed (Axelrod, 2006; Billari et al., 2003; Figueredo and Aickelin,
(e.g. psychological processes, world size phenomena)” (Hassan et al., 2011), (2) calibration: for calibrating simulation results it is necessary
2010). Thus the practical use of SIA methods is mainly to ‘stock-take’ to compare a lot of output parameters from the model with a lot of sys-
tem samples in order to get trustworthy results (Axelrod, 2006;
⁎ Corresponding author.
Figueredo et al., 2011), and (3) modelling: “In order to model heteroge-
E-mail addresses: (S. Karami), neous opinions with simulation, each agent is defined with specific abil-
(E. Karami), (L. Buys), (R. Drogemuller). ities, goals and strategies and the multitude of agents implemented
0195-9255/© 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
26 S. Karami et al. / Environmental Impact Assessment Review 62 (2017) 25–34

creates a diversity of behaviors and somehow, of opinions. Thus, ownership. This results in maximizing social benefits through good
through modelling, researchers attempt to formalize the specific nature “fit” with the target populations and minimization or mitigation of ad-
of representation, as an intermediary mental object between agent and verse social impacts (du Pisani and Sandham, 2006; Esteves et al.,
its environment. This task is not an easy one as the concept of represen- 2012; Francis and Jacobs, 1999; Sairinen et al., 2010).
tation itself is subject to several contrasted theories” (Becu et al., 2003). Social scientists are being challenged to change from their conven-
It is widely used technique due to the following advantages: tional concentration on structure in social organizations to a more dy-
namic appraisal of the social impacts of interventional projects
(i) low cost: there is a considerable cost differentiation between a (Sairinen and Kumpulainen, 2006). In spite of ongoing debates over
simulation and setting up an experimental facility (Iba, 2013); the basic aim of SIA and by considering all of SIA benefits and costs,
(ii) speed: simulated experiments are often completed substantially the scope of SIA practices has widened considerably (Lockie et al.,
faster than experiments using real-world phenomena (Axelrod, 2009). This widened scope along with SIA's link to research, decision
2006; Iba, 2013); and policy-making processes (du Pisani and Sandham, 2006) has
(iii) reproducibility: while real-world verification is difficult to con- given a hybrid nature to SIA (Sairinen et al., 2010). The extent or dura-
duct and replicate, a computer-based experiment can easily be tion of impacts in time and space is also being considered within the SIA
reset and restarted (Helleboogh et al., 2005; Iba, 2013); (Schirmer, 2011).
(iv) preparation: simulation can be used to analyze proposed scenar- Successful application of SIA depends on the effective integration of
ios before implementation in real world (Helleboogh et al., planning processes with regard to the different levels of authority with
2005); stakeholders (Prenzel and Vanclay, 2014). Conventional SIA methods
(v) flexibility: multiple systems with different characteristic can be assist stakeholders in understanding the community impacts of devel-
used to model scenarios (Axelrod, 2006; Helleboogh et al., 2005). opment projects during planning. However, these methods do not ade-
quately account for the effect of external linkages and processes and the
impact on the target community or the target population, because: a)
There have been limited attempts to develop computer simulations most common SIA methods are qualitative and predictions about the fu-
that allow social impacts to be explored and understood during the de- ture are perceived as weak, and b) the number of contributing factors
sign of developments. This paper introduces system dynamic (SD) sim- existing in external linkages and processes is a significant challenge in
ulation as a predictive SIA method in large development projects. assessment the externalities of the project. That is the externalities of
the project in a wider socio-environmental system are of less concern.
2. Social impact assessment Also, although the extent of SIA in time and space is limitless, most
methods are time restricted and cannot predict far into the future. To
Social impacts are the result of change in societies and cultures focus on the locally unique parameters, a range of adaptations and reac-
(Basa, 2007) and Social Impact Assessment (SIA) methods are used to tions to future change based on past impacts becomes necessary. Hence,
study these consequences. The scope of SIA and the methods used a new approach to analytical methods for analyzing SIA results is
have widened considerably in recent decades (Esteves et al., 2012), required.
with SIA developing concepts and methods to assess the social impacts
of development projects on people and their livelihoods (Asselin and
Parkins, 2009; Tang et al., 2008; Vanclay, 2006; Vanclay, 2002). “In the 3. Conventional SIA methods
United States, the National Environmental Protection Act 1969 (NEPA)
provided strong legislative impetus for the development of procedures A plethora of models exist that aim to measure social impacts, each
for environmental impact assessment, and early references to SIA with a unique methodological approach. Hence, numerous methods
came in the 1970s regarding the impact of pipeline development on in- have been used to measure SIA, including classical sociological quantita-
digenous culture” (Asselin and Parkins, 2009). tive and qualitative methods. SIA methods (refer to Table 1) - according
According to Vanclay (2003), SIA “includes the processes of analyz- to Asselin and Parkins (2009) - “range from technical approaches that
ing, monitoring and managing the intended and unintended social con- utilize survey instruments, secondary data, multiplier effects, and
sequences, both positive and negative, of planned interventions straight line analysis, to political approaches where social scientists
(policies, programs, plans, projects) and any social change processes in- are embedded within communities, use ethnographic techniques, and
voked by those interventions”. Barrow (2000) believes that “SIA seeks work alongside communities to secure benefits and mitigate costs
to answer the following question: Will there be a measurable difference from a given project”. So there are two approaches in the field of SIA;
in the quality of life in the community as a result of the proposed ac-
tion?”. SIA has also been defined as “the process of identifying the future • first, technocratic approaches which emphasize objectivity and quan-
consequences of a current or proposed action which are related to indi- titative method;
viduals, organizations and social macro-systems” (Becker, 2001). This • second, participatory approaches, which by contrast, use qualitative
study adheres to the definition of SIA by Becker (2001). SIA supports methods to collect data regarding the information and experiences
the assessment of the impact of the project progressing or not, identifi- of local people that are most affected by development projects
cation and mitigation of adverse effects and identification of potential (Becker et al., 2004; Becker, 2001).
beneficial outcomes (Barrow, 2010).
SIA also supports the integration of social and human ecosystems at
the same level of importance as economic and environmental factors However, some authors (Macfarlane, 1999) argue that in practice,
(Ahmadvand et al., 2009; Basa, 2007; Esteves and Vanclay, 2009; good SIAs are neither purely technocratic nor purely participatory but
Slootweg et al., 2001). The holistic perspective of SIA provides a useful draw strengths from both orientations. Most conventional SIA methods
mechanism to improve the knowledge and decision-making of describe current conditions, but are not able to forecast outcomes in
policymakers, planners, and local community about socio-economic as- changing conditions. As many practitioners agree that the goal of SIA
pect of a specific planned development project (Ahmadvand et al., is to monitor and predict changes in social factors such as ecosystem
2009; Sairinen and Kumpulainen, 2006). This results in better manage- services, socio-economic development, etc. (Becker, 2001). To make re-
ment of development projects and a more inclusive process through liable forecast of complex scenarios, novel approaches to SIA are need-
participation of stakeholders. SIA can be used as part of a democratic ed. Social simulation can be a platform for such novel approaches, as it
process, using public participation to ensure equity, transparency and can provide a proactive view, so that mitigation and adaptation
S. Karami et al. / Environmental Impact Assessment Review 62 (2017) 25–34 27

Table 1
Data characteristic, data collection, analyzing method, and data sources in technocratic and participatory approaches.

Technocratic Participatory

Data Nature Non-partisan (independent) Multiple value

characteristic Source Expert Community
Type Quantitative Qualitative
Source: Scope Nomothetic Idiographic
Macfarlane (trends in variables based on patterns assumed to stay constant) (consideration given to specific political and cultural setting)
Data collection Beneficiary Assessment (BA) Participatory rural appraisal (PRA) (Asselin and Parkins, 2009;
Semi-structured Interviews (Ahmadvand et al., 2011; Basa, 2007; Cope et al., Basa, 2007; Becker et al., 2003; Sairinen et al., 2010).
2010; Sairinen et al., 2010). Participant observation (Ahmadvand et al., 2011; Barrow, 2010;
Structured interview (Ahmadvand et al., 2011; Basa, 2007; Cope et al., 2010; Basa, 2007; Lockie et al., 2009; Sairinen et al., 2010).
Sairinen et al., 2010). Focus Group Meetings (Ahmadvand et al., 2011; Ahmadvand and
Tree Diagrams (Basa, 2007). Karami, 2009; Basa, 2007; Cope et al., 2010; Sairinen et al., 2010).
Team UP (Basa, 2007). Village Meetings (Ahmadvand et al., 2011; Basa, 2007; Sairinen et
Survey (Ahmadvand et al., 2011; Asselin and Parkins, 2009; Sairinen et al., al., 2010).
2010; Schirmer, 2011). Role Playing (Environmental Impact Assessment Training
Comparative diachronic (Asselin and Parkins, 2009; Basa, 2007; Resources Mannual, 2002).
Environmental Impact Assessment Training Resources Mannual, 2002; Lockie Wealth Ranking (Environmental Impact Assessment Training
et al., 2009). Resources Mannual, 2002).
Cause-effect matrices (Environmental Impact Assessment Training Resources Access to Resources (EIATRM, 2002)
Mannual, 2002). Analysis of Tasks (Barrow, 2010).
Scenario analysis (Environmental Impact Assessment Training Resources Mapping (Barrow, 2010; Environmental Impact Assessment
Mannual, 2002). Training Resources Mannual, 2002).
Needs Assessment (Environmental Impact Assessment Training
Resources Mannual, 2002; Esteves and Vanclay, 2009).
Pocket Charts (Environmental Impact Assessment Training
Resources Mannual, 2002).
Tree Diagrams (EIATRM, 2002).
Ethnography (Asselin and Parkins, 2009).
Sample group learning (Becker et al., 2003).
Ex-ante evaluation (Becker, 2001; Lockie et al., 2009).
In-depth survey (Cope et al., 2010).
Unstructured interviews (Ahmadvand et al., 2011; Basa, 2007;
Cope et al., 2010; Sairinen et al., 2010).
Comparative case study (Asselin and Parkins, 2009; Basa, 2007;
EIATRM, 2002; Lockie et al., 2009).
Delphi (EIATRM, 2002).
Cause-effect matrices (EIATRM, 2002).
Scenario analysis (EIATRM, 2002).
Interactive community group (Becker et al., 2003).
Data analysis Expert analysis Stakeholder analysis
Comparative analysis (Ahmadvand and Karami, 2009). Gender analysis
Time series (Schirmer, 2011). Secondary data review
Flow chart (EIATRM, 2002). Expert analysis
GIS (EIATRM, 2002).
Data sources Secondary Previous surveys Local histories/accounts
sources Census data Previous studies/SIAs
Official statistics Other literature
Monitoring studies Newspapers
Maps Photos, video, film
Primary Sample surveys Interviews
sources Observations Discussion/focus groups
Participant observation
Photos, video, film

strategies can be developed or adjusted within timeframes, and oppor- 2. creating simulations of artificial societies where social structures and
tunities can be researched and followed up. group behaviors emerge from the interactions between individual
agents (Zimbres and de Oliveira, 2009);
4. Social simulation as a tool for SIA 3. allows the study of the impact of different combinations of technical,
socio-economic, and natural characteristics of systems at various
Social simulation is the application of computational methods to is- time scales (Raptis et al., 2013);
sues within the social sciences, including sociology, political science, 4. can be utilized to predict the effect of a variety of social factors on the
economics, geography and anthropology (Takahashi et al., 2008). emergence and evolution of social norms (Chen et al., 2012);
There are a number of benefits in assessing social impacts by simulation, 5. models can identify the complexity through modelling the interac-
including: tion of autonomous factors and deducing the rules for such a systems
(Galland et al., 2014);
1. a robust tool to support government, industry and communities to 6. analysis of non-linear interactions between individuals in a dynamic
prepare and plan for the future, manage risks and harness opportuni- community (Dabbaghian et al., 2010);
ties (Greiner et al., 2014); 7. providing a simplification of the real world (Harvey et al., 2011); and
28 S. Karami et al. / Environmental Impact Assessment Review 62 (2017) 25–34

8. social impacts represent a learning strategy for the development of participatory modelling, few researchers use this modelling method in
policy options (Boskma, 1986). their studies.

The above factors mean that social simulation shows promise 4.2. Simulation epistemology
through combining social, mathematical and computer science
methods (Kasprzyk et al., 2013). According to Chen (Chen, 2003) the in- Addressing what is the most appropriate method for social simula-
creased access to powerful computing facilities supports the study of tion? has been the basis of an ongoing discussion among social scien-
complex processes. Behavioral patterns, organizational structures and tists. Currently, several simulation platforms are used for social and
social order can emerge through defining processes of social processes, non-social phenomena simulation such as Gaming methods (GM),
such as cooperation, coordination, etc. Through these evolutions, simu- Agent-based methods (ABM), Cellular automata (CA), and system dy-
lation has become a new discipline with its ontology, epistemology and namic (SD). To address the question, these simulation methods must
methodology (Tolk, 2013). be compared with each other (refer to Table 2). Hot spots in different di-
In social simulation, when developing an ontology to understand the mensions of SIA have been considered as comparison criteria. These di-
knowledge for a particular field, Gruber (Gruber, 1995) suggests there mensions can be used for assessment as well as for a specification of
must be an underlying ontological framework. According to Tolk desirable characteristics for constructing a social simulation model.
(2013) “in the modelling and simulation realm, two main application When selecting the most appropriate method for SIA, a number of ‘hot
domains are identifiable: methodological ontologies to address the spots’ are worthy of consideration (Cioffi-Revilla, 2014) at the begin-
question “How we model?” and referential ontologies to address the ning of each development project. These hot spots are (Cioffi-Revilla,
question “What do we model?”“. Alongside these ontological issues, 2014):
methodological epistemology is required to address the question
1. Dynamic: assess dynamic processes.
“what is the best method for doing a simulation research?” (Gilbert
2. Scope: study a broad scope of phenomena, such as using SD as part of
and Ahrweiler, 2009). In practice, experts say that methodological and
the SIA toolkit is most relevant for large scale, physical infrastructure
referential ontologies should be addressed by subject matter experts,
projects where it may be possible to quantify certain social impacts in
but they do not state their criteria for qualifying such an expert
a meaningful and relevant way.
(Kasprzyk et al., 2013).
3. Judgment: provide a judgmental statement for decision makers
about a specific project.
4. Participation: attract participation in most stages of SIA projects.
4.1. Simulation ontology
5. Comparison: comparing the impacts in situations involving a control
and treatment groups.
“Referential Ontology: In response to ‘How we model?’, the explana-
6. Prediction: predict of the future impacts of projects.
tion of macro (population-level) situations with micro-founded theo-
7. Integration: give social criteria value along with socio-economic and
ries is one of the central points” (Billari et al., 2003). Many researchers
ecological criteria in planning and decision-making.
have used simulation in their social investigations and modelled differ-
ent macro situations with micro theories, including: policy intervention In addition to simulation methods, common SIA methods are com-
within social reality (Boskma, 1986), rationality of social network pared as a choice in Table 2. SD and ABM are robust methods for SIA
(Zimbres and de Oliveira, 2009), residential migration in response to simulation, but these methods are rarely used in SIA studies. It could
neighborhood (Dabbaghian et al., 2010), behavior in evacuation sys- be due to (1) researcher inability or hardship in using simulation
tems (Tissera et al., 2013), the impacts of social forces on evolution of methods and software (Boskma, 1986; Ermolieva, 2005; Pavón et al.,
socio-ecological systems (Saqalli et al., 2010), long-term location and 2008), (2) technical problems relating to simulation soft and hard
mobility decisions and short-term activity and travel decisions ware (Boskma, 1986; Pavón et al., 2008; Ronald et al., 2012), (3) difficul-
(Ettema et al., 2011), factors and policies for poverty (Raptis et al., ties in modelling a robust social process (Apperly, 2008), (4) validation
2013), social norm and cooperation (Yu and Zhang, 2013), behavior of problems (Apperly, 2008; Bazinger and Kühberger, 2012), and (5) diffi-
community members at the individual level (Perez-Mujica et al., culties with gathering a data and quantify for the best use in simulation
2014), social modelling in socio-technical systems (Ferscha et al., models (Apperly, 2008; Chen et al., 2012).
2011), smallholder crop–livestock production (Parsons et al., 2011), in- Most of simulation platforms (GM, ABM, and CA) are based on the
teractions between natural resource-based poverty traps and food secu- idea of a reactive agent; in other words, these platforms are linear and
rity for smallholder farms (Stephens et al., 2012), interactions between experts may not be able to adequately demonstrate feedback between
water resources, Environmental Flow (EF) and socio-economy (Wei et agents. In these models, an agent can be anything, an idea, a specific per-
al., 2012), motivating the creation of entrepreneurship actions (Sakas son, GDP, so forth, whereas in SIA, the causes of complexity are the rela-
et al., 2013), social determinants of health (Mahmoudi et al., 2013), tionships that exist between differing agents. In studying these
trade-offs between maintenance of ecosystem services and socio-eco- complexities, these simulation platforms are not a proper device for
nomic development (Vidal-Legaz et al., 2013), and analyzing social pat- simulation and thus, the system dynamic (SD) approach and its simula-
terns (Pavón et al., 2008). This broad range of application demonstrates tion software may be a reasonable method for SIA simulation (many
the significant capacity for SIA modelling, given proper methodology
and epistemology.
Table 2
Methodological Ontology: Over time, researchers have used differ-
comparison of SIA conventional methods and most used simulation platforms.
ent modelling methods for simulation, such as archival research, con-
tent analysis and expert judgment in modelling process (Boskma, Agent-based simulation System dynamic Conventional SIA
platforms platform methods
1986; Dabbaghian et al., 2010; Ettema et al., 2011; Ferscha et al.,
2011; Parsons et al., 2011; Perez-Mujica et al., 2014; Saqalli et al., Dynamic M⁎ Ha La
Scope H H M
2010; Tissera et al., 2013; Yu and Zhang, 2013; Zimbres and de
Judgment M M L
Oliveira, 2009) and participatory modelling process (Parsons et al., Participation M M H
2011; Stephens et al., 2012). The key issue is to determine modelling Comparison H H L
methods that relate directly to the nature of the problem to be ad- Prediction H H L
dressed. For more complicated problems, using participatory modelling Integration M H L

may be most appropriate; but, due to the time consuming process of a

L: Low, M: Medium, H: High.
S. Karami et al. / Environmental Impact Assessment Review 62 (2017) 25–34 29

articles exist which showed SD non-linearity capabilities in different (1) focus on dynamic complexity (as is often the case with SIA, SD
context (McRoberts et al., 2013; Parsons et al., 2011). Also, compared can assist in understanding dynamic systems composed of interrelated
to the traditional simulation methods, SD simulation approach analyzes roles and processes);
the complex dynamics, interrelations, and feedback mechanisms that (2) policy resistance (Policy resistance is produced by negative feed-
directs a system over time without longitudinal (Panel and Time Series back within the system (Sakas et al., 2013). SD is a useful tool to under-
Cross-Section) data (Wei et al., 2012). stand and analyze system's negative feedback);
Many systems can be modelled by either the SD or ABS approach, as (3) endogenous perspective (SD assists in identifying recurring long
they are powerful and complementary tools (Figueredo et al., 2011). term social problems within the internal causal structure of the
The modelling approaches used in these two methods are fundamental- system);
ly different: (4) emphasis on feedback (SD models are capable of providing un-
derstanding of two way causation or feedback loops);
1. ABS uses a bottom up approach, starting by defining the individual (5) explicit characterization of system stocks and flows (SD models
entities within the system and their interactions. SD takes a top make explicit the nature of variables characterized a stocks (state or
down approach by breaking the system into successively more de- level), flows (rate) or axillary (Tedeschi et al., 2011));
tailed sub-systems/components and modelling the interactions at (6) problem focus, not system focus (typical SD models focus on de-
the appropriate levels (Macal, 2010); veloping dynamic hypotheses about the origins of a particular problem-
2. SD relies on a deterministic approach, while ABS is a stochastic ap- atic situation);
proach (Figueredo et al., 2011); (7) analysis of general dynamic tendencies (SD is more concerned
3. SD is less complex and uses fewer computational resources when with general dynamic tendencies; in identifying conditions within the
modelling the same scenarios. Increasing the number of cells does system as a whole, its stability, declining, self-correcting, or in equilibri-
not impact as significantly on SDS simulations (Figueredo et al., um and etc. (Tedeschi et al., 2011));
2011); (8) broader variable and data definitions (SD could cover both qual-
4. SD is more applicable to systems at high levels of aggregation and ab- itative and quantitative measures for build variables);
straction (due to (3) above), but the inability of SD to simulate recep- (9) use of archetypal structures (SD has a potential to combine mul-
tors, molecules and their interactions means that ABS is more tiple data sources to develop a better forecasting structure); and
appropriate where these are critical (Figueredo et al., 2011; (10) model development and evaluation (The SD modelling process
Figueredo and Aickelin, 2011). is explicitly iterative and self-critical (Tedeschi et al., 2011; Stephens et
al., 2012)).

1. System dynamic (SD) for SIA simulation 5. SIA by simulation: a case study

The SD modelling is a subdivision of dynamic simulation modelling. There is limited evidence regarding the application of SD for SIA. In
“SD was introduced by Jay Forrester in the 1960s and provides effective one study, Boskama (Boskma, 1986) conducted an SIA by social simula-
methodology for better understanding large-scale and complex man- tion using gaming as his simulation approach. Despite limited evidence,
agement problems” (Tao et al., 2011). “System dynamics is a theory of we argue the potential value of SD approach to simulate social impacts
system structure and an approach for representing such a complex sys- of development projects. We use data from the SIA of Gareh-Bygone
tem and analyzing its dynamic behavior “ (Forester, 1969). Sterman de- floodwater spreading project (FWSP) (Ahmadvand et al., 2011;
scribes it as “a method to enhance learning in complex systems, Ahmadvand and Karami, 2009) to illustrate the potential of SD simula-
fundamentally interdisciplinary, grounded in theory of nonlinear dy- tion in SIA.
namics and feedback control developed in mathematics, physics, and
engineering, to solve real-world problem,” (Sterman, 2000). Thus, the 5.1. A brief review of SIA of the floodwater spreading project
application of SD uses a set of concepts and tools that support the under-
standing of the structure and interactions within complex systems Ahmadvand and Karami (Ahmadvand and Karami, 2009) and
(Reynoso-Campos et al., 2004), making it useful for modelling and ana- Ahmadvand et al., (Ahmadvand et al., 2011) explored the social impacts
lyzing complex socio-economic-ecological systems (He et al., 2011). of the FWSP in the Gareh-Bygone plain, Iran. The study used a causal
“The structure of SD approaches contain five steps: (1) problem recog- comparative design and triangulation technique. Data were collected
nition, (2) problem understanding and system description, (3) qualita- by using survey, archival data, and a participatory rural appraisal
tive analysis, (4) simulation modelling and model testing and (5) policy (PRA). Ahmadvand and Karami (Ahmadvand and Karami, 2009) argued
testing and design” (Coyle, 1996). the causal comparative method required comparison of villages with
In SD the model should deliver a robust description of the original and without the FWSP. Therefore, a survey was conducted using strati-
system (Reed et al., 2013). The purpose of an SD study is to describe fied random sampling to select 202 households in villages with and
why problems are generated and how problematic factors are likely to without FWSP in the plain.
be abolished (Zhan et al., 2012). SD has been applied to the following Ahmadvand and Karami (Ahmadvand and Karami, 2009) catego-
main fields; carrying capacity of water resources (Sun, 2006) and land rized the social impacts into six criteria. They included: perceived
resources (He et al., 2011); simulating problems in water use (Tao et wellbeing (9 items), social capital (10 items), quality of life (15 items),
al., 2011; Winz et al., 2007); environmental impacts (Deaton and social structure development (7 items), rural and agricultural economic
Winebrake, 2000; Wei et al., 2012; Zhan et al., 2012); global modelling conditions (7 items), and conservation of community resources (13
of water resources (Simonovic, 2002); interrelationships between envi- items). Definition of variables and their measurements are presented
ronmental, ecological and economic resources (Costanza et al., 1998; in Table 3. Comparison of social dimensions in villages with and without
Vidal-Legaz et al., 2013; Wei et al., 2012); reservoir operations FWSP before and after the project are shown in Table 4.
(Ahmad and Simonovic, 2000); sustainable development (Reed et al.,
2013; Xu et al., 2002; Zhan et al., 2012); garbage disposal (Cai, 2006); 5.2. 6.2. SIA of Gareh-Bygone plain by social simulation
water resources planning (Ma et al., 2012; Xi and Poh, 2013; Zhang et
al., 2012) and water quality management (Rivera, 2007; Tangirala et The model presents an integrated agricultural socio-economic im-
al., 2003; Xi and Poh, 2013). SD has some perspectives that may be use- pact, with dynamic linkages among socio-economic, farm structure,
ful for SIA including; and attitude components. The two scenarios included, villages with
30 S. Karami et al. / Environmental Impact Assessment Review 62 (2017) 25–34

Table 3 Table 4
Definition and measurement of study variables. Comparison of villages under study.

Variable name Variable definition Range Variable name With projecta Without
Rural and agricultural This variable was measured using a Likert type 1–5
economic conditions scale to appraise respondents' opinions with Before After Before After
regard to the status of a series of items such as (T 1) (T 2) (T 1) (T 2)
agricultural production, agricultural income,
Rural and agricultural economic conditions 2.50 2.72 3.26 2.17
buying and selling agricultural products before
Quality of life 2.80 2.78 2.81 2.83
and after the FWSP.
Perceived wellbeing 4.03 2.63 3.96 3.12
Quality of life QoL was measured using indicators such as 1–5
Social capital 3.51 2.67 3.32 3.08
social status (social participation, education,
Conservation of community resources 2.79 3.01 3.19 2.59
access to credit, and use of hired-labor in farm),
Social structure development 3.11 2.69 3.02 2.69
income status (annual household per capital
Education 3.98 4.28
income) assets (land ownership, livestock
Irrigated area 10.99 4.03
ownership, agricultural machinery and
Information about project 9.48 8.82
equipment, living assets and equipment, care
Environmental worldview 32.11 32.94
and other transportation equipment),
Religious values 33.67 33.53
nutritional status (quality and quantity of
household food), clothing (annual household Source: (Ahmadvand et al., 2011).
clothing cost per capital), housing (quality and Contrary to Ahmadvand et al. (2011), in simulation part of this study only data from
quantity), and social security (use of health and upper hand villages were used.
medical insurance and other insurance
Perceived wellbeing Subjective wellbeing (SWB) was measured 1–5 calculated for villages with and without FWSP, and the resulting coeffi-
using an adapted version of the Satisfaction
cients were entered into simulation model.
with Life Scale. The scale composed of nine
items designed to measure overall Different methods were used to calculate slope of the parameters'
self-judgments of respondents' lives. line. For social impacts criteria (quality of life, perceived wellbeing, so-
Social capital Social capital has two dimensions, 1–5 cial capital, conservation of community resource, and social structure
organizational membership and trust.
development), before and after mean scores, the slope of line was calcu-
Organizational membership was measured by
the number of organizations of, which the
lated using the following procedure:
respondent belongs. Trust was measured by
questionnaire items such as reciprocity and xT 2 −xT 1

mutual help. T 2 −T 1:
Conservation of Community resources include the availability 1–5
community resources and condition of groundwater, forests, where:
rangeland, soil condition, irrigated area and dry
land farm area.
m was the line slope,
Social structure Social structure means the distinctive 1–5 xT 1 was the mean score of T1,
development arrangements of institutions whereby human xT 2 was the mean score of T2,
beings in a society interact and are able to live T1 was the time of beginning (1984),
together. It involves the character of the sum
total of all relationships, which exist between
and T2 was the time of ending (2005) study.
members of the group. Social patterns, cultural For education, Iran's rural area annual rate of educational develop-
norms, formal rules and indigenous informal ment for thirty years (Iran's Statistical Center, 2015) was used as the
social structures are the components of social slope of the line. For others variables (information about project, envi-
ronmental worldview, and religious value) the slope of the line for pa-
Education Years of respondents' education –
Irrigated area The hectare of irrigated lands which are – rameters was estimated by experts, as recommended by Agami et al.
managed by household (2010).
Information about It was measured with regard to farmers' access 7–14 The ‘IF THEN ELSE’ equation (if then else is a traditional IF statement
project to seven sources of information (extension that returns to the first argument (in here, for example Scenario 1) if the
programs, extension publications, radio and TV
programs, etc.)
condition is true, and the second argument (in here, for example Sce-
Environmental Environmental worldview was assessed using 15–45 nario 2) if the condition is false.) was considered to be the best type of
worldview the New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) scale which function for this study, because the two different scenarios (with and
was developed by Dunlap et al. (2000). without FWSP) were to be simulated. Hence, the simulation model
Religious values A scale measuring agreement with series of 16–48
equation was:
religious and spiritual beliefs: summation of
response to 16 items.
IF THEN ELSEðfcondg; fontrueg; fonfalsegÞ
Source: Ahmadvand et al., 2011.
{cond} was the type of villages (with FWSP = 1, and without
(Scenario 1) and without (Scenario 2) the FWS project. Scenario is the
FWSP = 2),
process of visualizing (1) what future conditions or events are probable,
{ontrue} was the formula for villages with FWSP, and
(2) what their consequences or effects would be like, and (3) how to re-
{onfalse} was the formula for villages without FWSP.
spond to, or benefit from, them, in this case the separator dimension is
The {ontrue} and {onfalse} equation were written by the RAMP for-
access to FWS project. Rural and agricultural economic conditions were
mula (The RAMP formula is a ramp equation. RAMP is a predefined
used as the main variable in both scenarios. Mean score, unstandardized
function that allows to ramp up linearly with a particular slope between
regression coefficient, and the line slope of variable between T1 and T2 of
the ramp start time and the ramp end time.):
each variables entered to the Vensim PLE software are presented in
Table 5. The slope of a line is the ratio of the amount that y increases Mean score þ ðmean score  RAMP ðfslopeg; fstartg; ffinishgÞÞ
as x increases some amount. Slope tells you how steep a line is, or
how much y increases as x increases. The slope is constant (the same) where:
anywhere on the line. The unstandardized regression coefficient was {slope} was the slope of line which was discussed before,
S. Karami et al. / Environmental Impact Assessment Review 62 (2017) 25–34 31

Table 5
Variables characteristics in Vensim equation.

Variable name With project Without project

Mean Unstandardized regression Slope of line Mean Unstandardized regression Slope of line
score coefficient (1984–2005) score coefficient (1984–2005)

Regression constant 5.961 3.107

Project 1 2
Quality of life 2.80 0.141 −0.0008 2.81 0.311 0.0012
Perceived wellbeing 4.03 −0.164 −0.06342 3.96 −0.215 −0.03814
Social capital 3.51 −0.178 −0.03818 3.32 0.343 −0.01094
Conservation of community 2.79 1.092 0.0102 3.19 0.227 −0.0268
Social structure development 3.11 −1.481 −0.01935 3.02 −0.32 −0.01487
Education 3.98 0.021 0.065 4.28 0.005 0.065
Irrigated area 10.99 −0.003 – 4.03 −0.008 –
Information about project 9.48 −0.048 0.1 8.82 0.004 0.1
Environmental worldview 32.11 −0.037 0.02 32.94 0.021 0.02
Religious values 33.67 0.017 0.02 33.53 −0.044 0.02

{start} was the year which project was started and the calculation for Other relationships among parameters could also have been simulated,
slope too (1984), and but were not considered because the model needed to be comparable to
{finish} was the year which study was finished and the calculation the baseline study (Ahmadvand and Karami, 2009).
for slope too (2005).
In the simulation model, it was assumed that if the model is success- 5.3. 6.3. Result of SIA by SD simulation
ful, it can predict the mean score of rural and agricultural economic con-
ditions parameter at T2 (after project). The results showed that the rural and agricultural economic condi-
All variables (except variable called project) were auxiliary variables tions scores ranged from 2.49 to 3.43 in the villages with projects and
(Any dynamic variable that is computed from other variables at a given from 3.27 to 3.06 in the villages without projects (Fig. 2 and Table 6)
time. Auxiliaries are typically the most numerous variable type. An aux- within the time span of 1984–2005. In comparison to villages without
iliary variable has an expression involving other variables in its equation project, the significant increase in rural and agricultural economic con-
(Vensim PLE help, 2016)). For all variables, the unit of measurement dition score of villages with project during this period is an indicator of
was point per year, except education and irrigated area. Education and project success.
irrigated area units were year and hectare per year, respectively. Vari- Validation of a simulation involves understanding the extent to
ables of all regression coefficients' unit were point per year. which the model is a good representation of the processes that generat-
Fig. 1 illustrates the simulated model for rural and agricultural socio ed the observed data (Miller and Page, 2004; Windrum et al., 2007;
economic condition in Gareh-Bygone plain FWSP. Zimbres and de Oliveira, 2009). In order to validate the simulation of
In this simulation example we were constrained to develop our this study, the model's results were compared to findings of
model only within Ahmadvand and Karami (2009) study boundaries. Ahmadvand and Karami (Ahmadvand and Karami, 2009) study.

religous irrigated area

religous values effect
values effect irrigated
area project
worldview education
worldview effect education
social structure constant

Rural social capital

social structure Economic effect
development effect
quality of life social

quality of information
life effect about project <project>

percived percived conservation of information

wellbeing wellbeing conservation of community about project
effect community resource effect


Fig. 1. Rural and agricultural economic conditions' simulation model.

32 S. Karami et al. / Environmental Impact Assessment Review 62 (2017) 25–34

4 the original model. The SD simulation has the potential to consider

both linear and non-linear relationships and unlike regression model
to extrapolate for a long range of time. Considering the fact that this
3 study used only data from one study with all its limitations, exploration
2.5 of potential of SD to SIA needs further application of this approach in a
wider range of conditions and scenarios.

Financial support

0.5 This research was supported by Shiraz University (no. 94-GR-AGR-

7) and a grant (no. BN025) from the National Elites Foundation.
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