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Function / Department : MAKMAL GEOTEKNIK 2

Title of Activity : CONE PENETRATION

Legal : ACT 514 / ACT 139 / ACT 302 / ACT 127

Job performed by : NUR HANIM SURAYA BINTI MIAN Section :

Checked by / Date : Approved by / Date :
Prepared by / Date : NUR HANIM SURAYA BINTI MIAN / 22/12/2023

No. Sub-Activity Type Hazard Effect Existing Risk Control L S RPN = L x S RC Recommended Risk Control Person in Charge/Due date/ Status

Take a sample of the soil of sufficient size to give a

1 test specimen weight at least 150g which passed the R Dust Asthma Mask, Safetyboot, Jacket 2 2 4 1
425μm test sieve
Transfer the soil to a flat glass plate. Add distilled
2 water and mix throughly with 2 palettes knive, the R Dust Asthma Mask, Safetyboot, Jacket 2 2 4 1
massbecomes a thick homogeneous paste
If necessary add more distilled water so that the first
3 R - - - - - - -
cone penetration reading is about 15mm
Push a portion of the mixed soil into the cub with
4 R - - - - - - -
palette knife. Ensure not to trap air
Strike off excess soil with the straightedge to give a
5 R - - - - - - -
smooth level surface
With the penetration cone locked in the raised position
Heavy & Sharp
6 lower the supporting assembly so that the tip of cone R Injury Safetyboot, Jacket 1 2 3 1
just touches the surface soil
Lower the steam of the dial gauge to contact the cone
Heavy & Sharp
7 shaft and record of the reading of the dial gauge to R Injury Safetyboot, Jacket 1 2 3 1
nearest 0.1mm

Release the cone a period 5s ±1s. If the apparatus is Electric

8 R Electric Dry hand, Safetyboot, Jacket 1 2 3 1
not fitted with an automatic release and locking device Shock
Record the difference between the beginning and end
9 R - - - - - - -
of the drop cone penetration
Lift out the cone and clean it carefully to avoid Heavy & Sharp
10 R Injury Safetyboot, Jacket 1 2 3 1
scratching Object
Add little more distilled water to the cub. Make sure the
11 difference between first and second penetration is less R - - - - - - -
than 0.5mm
Take a moisture content sample of about 10g from the
12 R Sharp Object Injury Safetyboot, Jacket 1 2 3 1
area penetrated by the cone

Type of Activity
R = Routine Rating Likelihood (L) Description
Risk Priority Number ( RPN ) Risk Category Risk Level Action and Time Scale
NR = Non Routine 1 Inconceivable Is practically impossible and has never occurred
( RC )
2 Remote/unlikely Has not been known to occur after many years A risk identified as LOW may be considered as
Conceivable acceptable
3 Might be occur at sometimes in future
1-4 I Tolerable and further reduction may not be necessary.
4 Possible Has a good chance of occurring and is not unusual However, if the
Most likely risk can be resolved quickly and efficiently, control
5 The most likely result of the hazard/ event being relized
A MEDIUM risk requires a planned approach to controlling
the hazard and applies temporary measure if required.
Severity ( S )
5 - 12 II Significant Actions taken must be documented on the risk assessment
Form including date for completion.
Rating Nature of Injury / ill health Estimate loss (RM) UiTM Reputation
1 First Aid only < 10 Slightly effected
2 Minor injury (1 day MC) < 100 Discussion at the management level A HIGH risk requires immediate action to control the hazard
3 Major injury (> 4 days MC) < 1000 Becomes an issue to the clients as detailed in the hierarchy of control. Actions taken must
15 - 25 III Intolerable be Documented on the risk assessment form Including date
4 Permanent disability < 10,000 Becomes an issue among the public Universities for completion.
5 Fatal > 10,000 Page
Becomes an issue at the level of the Ministry 1 of Education
of Higher 2
Function / Department : MAKMAL GEOTEKNIK 2
Title of Activity : CONE PENETRATION

Legal : ACT 514 / ACT 139 / ACT 302 / ACT 127

Job performed by : NUR HANIM SURAYA BINTI MIAN Section :

Checked by / Date : Approved by / Date :
Prepared by / Date : NUR HANIM SURAYA BINTI MIAN / 22/12/2023

No. Sub-Activity Type Hazard Effect Existing Risk Control L S RPN = L x S RC Recommended Risk Control Person in Charge/Due date/ Status

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