Rangkuman Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1

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Rangkuman Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1


1. Unit 1 (Hello. How Are You?)

Teacher : Hello students! How are you?

Students : I’m fine, thank you.


Guru : Hallo siswa! Bagaimana kabarmu?

Siswa : Aku baik, terima kasih.

Boy (Laki-laki) Girl (Perempuan)

Stand up (Berdiri) Sit down (Duduk)

2. Unit 2 (It’s A Red Book)

Things in the classroom are: Colors:

Pencil Pensil Red Merah

Book Buku Blue Biru
Rubber Penghapus Green Hijau
Bag Tas
Chair Kursi
3. Unit 3 (I Have Two Eyes)

Face Wajah I have one face

Eyes Mata I have two eyes

Mouth Mulut I have one mouth

Nose Hidung I have one nose

Ears Telinga I have two ears

4. Unit 4 (She’s My Mom)

Brother (Saudara Laki-laki)

Sister (Saudara Perempuan)

Father (Ayah)

Mother (Ibu)

Granpa (Kakek)

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