Design Analysis and Performance Prediction of Packed Bed Latent Heat Storage System Employing Machine Learning Models

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Journal of Energy Storage 72 (2023) 108690

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Design analysis and performance prediction of packed bed latent heat

storage system employing machine learning models
Pratyush Anand a, P.K.S. Tejes b, B. Kiran Naik b, Hakeem Niyas a, *
Energy Institute Bengaluru, Centre of Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Sustainable Thermal Energy Systems Laboratory (STESL), Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Rourkela, Rourkela, Odisha
769008, India


Keywords: In recent years, the goal of becoming energy independent of fossil fuels has gained prominence. Solar energy is an
Thermal energy storage excellent choice because it has a very less environmental impact in comparison to fossil fuels. The variability of
Packed-bed solar radiation creates a divergence between energy demand and supply, making it necessary to implement
Machine learning
efficient thermal energy storage systems to bridge the gap and enable solar thermal power plants to become
viable solutions for uninterrupted power generation to meet the present and future energy needs. In this study,
various data-driven machine learning (ML) models were used to analyze the design and performance of the
packed-bed thermal energy storage (PBTES) system. Six different ML models, including linear regression (LR),
support vector regression (SVR), K-nearest neighbors (KNN), decision trees (DT), random forests (RF), and
extreme gradient boosting (XGB), were employed to evaluate the performance of PBTES. The models were
trained and tested using experimental data reported in the literature on PBTES performance. The results of the
study showed that the XGB ML model provided the best performance for PBTES analysis and prediction, with a
maximum R2 value of 0.982, and minimum MAE, MAPE, and RMSE values of 0.057, 0.182, and 0.16, respec­
tively. The study demonstrated the effectiveness of data-driven approaches in designing and analyzing PBTES
performance, which can be useful for developing more efficient and sustainable energy systems. Overall, this
study provides valuable insight into the potential of data-driven ML models for the design and performance
analysis of PBTES, which could have significant implications for the utilization of renewable energy sources.

storage (TES) is required due to the variable availability and utilization

times. In recent times, there has been a surge in interest towards energy
1. Introduction
storage owing to the rising demand for renewable energy sources. The
emphasis has mainly been on thermal storage, despite its history of
The threat and reality of environmental degradation have grown
inefficient implementation, because several sources generate energy in
during the last few decades. Growing evidence of environmental issues
the form of heat [3]. There are mainly three types of TES modes: sen­
is the result of several factors, as human activity’s impact on the envi­
sible, thermochemical, and latent. The amount of heat that is retained
ronment has greatly increased due to the sheer growth in the global
within a sensible heat storage system is dependent on the specific heat
population, consumerism, industrial activity, etc. [1]. Utilizing renew­
capacity of the material used, the degree of temperature variation, and
able energy sources and technology is one way to deal with the inevi­
the quantity of storage material present. Thermal energy is stored by
table energy shortage. In recent years, solar energy is a viable renewable
raising the temperature of a solid or a liquid. Thermochemical heat
energy source due to its low cost and availability. Particularly in India,
storage materials use a fully reversible chemical reaction to break and
solar energy is given greater significance than in other nations due to its
form molecular bonds to absorb and release heat. Latent heat thermal
high intensity and advantageous geographical location [2]. As solar
energy storage (LHTES) materials absorb/release heat when the storage
energy can only be used throughout the day, it must be combined with a
material undergoes a phase change [4]. Generally, the two most com­
reliable energy storage system (e.g., thermal energy storage) system to
mon system that is used is packed-bed and shell and tube TES systems.
allow for the retention of excess energy and it can be coupled with other
According to different literature, the packed bed configuration is
forms of storage to provide energy during the night. Thermal energy

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (H. Niyas).
Received 23 May 2023; Received in revised form 3 August 2023; Accepted 9 August 2023
Available online 17 August 2023
2352-152X/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P. Anand et al. Journal of Energy Storage 72 (2023) 108690

fluids, including molten salts and thermal oils, can be employed based
Nomenclature on the specific requirements and design considerations of the system.
Likewise, while solar radiation is emphasized as a typical heat source for
ΔT Temperature difference charging the system, PBTES can also be charged using alternative
ANN Artificial neural network sources such as waste heat, biomass combustion, or heat recovery sys­
DT Decision tree tems, depending on the availability and feasibility of such options.
HTF Heat transfer fluid The primary objective of a PBTES system is to effectively store and
KNN K-nearest neighbor release thermal energy. The solid material within the bed swiftly con­
LHTES Latent heat thermal energy storage ducts heat from the fluid due to its high heat transfer coefficient. As the
LR Linear regression fluid exits the bed, it retains a temperature similar to the initial bed
MAE Mean absolute error temperature. The particles near the entrance of the bed become heated,
MAPE Mean absolute percentage error while those near the exit remain at their original temperature. Once the
ML Machine learning system reaches full charge, the bed’s temperature reaches a steady state,
PBTES Packed bed thermal energy storage indicating the completion of the storage process (Fig. 1).
PCM Phase change material In recent years, numerous researchers have examined the design and
R2 Determination coefficient performance of PBTES systems for various applications. For example,
RF Random forest Torab and Beasley [7] employed numerical techniques to determine
RMSE Root mean square error optimal design conditions, while Yang et al. [8] experimented on heat
SVM Support vector machines transfer that involved uniform and non-uniform spheres. They evaluated
SVR Support vector regression the thermal efficiency of a packed-bed system using various capsule
TES Thermal energy storage sizes and two types of random packing. Several researchers have also
XGB Extreme gradient boosting conducted numerical studies on the PBTES system. In their research,
Regin et al. [9] investigated how the thermal performance of capsules,
which used paraffin wax as the phase change material (PCM), was
impacted by factors such as inlet fluid temperature, mass flow rate, and
considered to be more effective and economically feasible than the shell- the temperature range for phase change. The study explored capsules of
and-tube arrangement when it comes to latent heat TES systems [5]. different sizes operating within the system. Additionally, Karthikeyan
A packed bed thermal energy storage (PBTES) system operates by and Velraj [10] evaluated the outcomes of three distinct mathematical
allowing a heat transfer fluid (HTF) to flow through a porous solid models by altering the inlet fluid temperatures, mass flow rate, and ball
material, facilitating the storage and release of thermal energy. During sizes. Mol et al. [11] investigated how the bed structure affects the
the charging phase, a heated fluid is introduced at the top of a container, charging and discharging mechanism of an unstructured packed-bed
which can be air heated by solar radiation or any other appropriate HTF. storage system. Grabo et al. [12] investigated the PBTES system using
This fluid then passes through the bed, transferring its heat to the solid non-spherical encapsulated PCM materials, assessing novel capsule
material. To minimize heat loss, the container is designed with effective shapes in terms of their thermal power output and storage capabilities.
insulation. The flow direction is organized so that room temperature Yang and Zhang [13] conducted a numerical investigation of a
fluid enters the bed from the bottom, rises to the top, and subsequently PBTES system that employed a layered PCM. They analyzed how the
returns to the heat source or collectors. This stage is commonly referred charging and discharging processes of the system were affected by
to as the discharging phase, during which the stored energy is extracted variations in the average fluid velocity and inlet temperature. Kumar
for various applications, such as building heating. et al. [14] experimentally investigated the effect of PCM addition on
It is important to note that while air is mentioned as an example of an stratification behavior in a thermal storage tank and compared it to a
HTF, PBTES systems are not limited to using air exclusively. Other

Fig. 1. Schematic of packed-bed thermal energy storage system [6].

P. Anand et al. Journal of Energy Storage 72 (2023) 108690

sensible heat storage system. Kumar and Saha [15] performed a nu­ exchanger were predicted using three data-driven models: ANN, KNN,
merical analysis of a PBTES system that made use of cylindrical encap­ and principal component analysis. The models were validated and
sulation. Additionally, they looked at how the system’s performance was analyzed for their prediction accuracy, and it was observed that the ANN
impacted by the fluid flow rate and the encapsulating material. They model provided the most accurate predictions of the exit parameters
found that when comparing the same volume of encapsulation, the compared to the other models. Gao et al. [32] conducted an analysis on
spherical encapsulation had a higher thermal efficiency and heat the performance of PBTES systems utilizing response surface method­
transfer rate than the cylindrical encapsulation. Mao and Zhang [16] ology. Their study incorporated seven input parameters, including ball
observed that the performance of the system was high after numerically diameter and flow rate, for the purpose of prediction. Additionally, they
analyzing the thermal performance of three distinct PCMs in a PBTES performed a multi-objective performance optimization of PBTES sys­
system. Overall, a large number of experimental research have been tems, aiming to enhance its overall efficiency and effectiveness. Marti
carried out on the thermal performance of LHTES, with many of these et al. [33] used a multi-objective optimization technique in PBTES sys­
studies utilizing a packed bed and shell-and-tube method. Xu et al. [17] tems to improve exergy efficiency and reduce material costs. The tank
explored a cylindrical macro-encapsulated LHTES system designed for height, top and bottom radii, insulation-layer thicknesses, and particle
space heating purposes. They compared the performance of the packed diameter were among the design elements addressed in their study.
bed system in both horizontal and vertical orientations and found that
the vertical orientation led to a reduction in the time required for 1.1. Research gap
charging and discharging. Sun et al. [18] experimentally studied the
characteristics of a PBTES system with composite PCM encapsulated Researchers have explored the charging and discharging perfor­
spherically. Mawire et al. [19] investigated the charging properties of a mance of packed-bed latent heat storage systems through both experi­
medium-temperature cascaded Packed-bed LHTES system to lower the mental and numerical methods. However, there has been a lack of
total system cost. emphasis on the application of ML models in this area, with the majority
In recent times, there has been a shift towards machine learning (ML) of studies focused on wind power and solar irradiance forecasting.
in the research field. This shift is primarily due to the rise in the avail­ Interestingly, only a handful of studies have delved into the area of solar
ability of large datasets, more robust computing resources, and ad­ thermal systems, and even fewer have utilized experimental data. The
vancements in algorithms and techniques for data analysis. ML has results suggest the need for further investigation into the integration of
shown great potential in solving intricate problems across diverse do­ ML models in packed-bed latent heat storage systems. By incorporating
mains. Moreover, it has facilitated researchers in gaining valuable in­ experimental data, researchers could gain valuable insights into the
sights and predicting outcomes from massive amounts of data that were performance of such systems, leading to more precise and efficient
once difficult to manage. Consequently, ML has become an indispens­ modeling. Moreover, exploration of the use of ML in solar thermal sys­
able tool for researchers across various disciplines, and it is expected to tems could open up new opportunities to enhance energy storage and
have a significant impact on the research landscape in the foreseeable conversion efficiency. Collectively, the current research highlights the
future. Jawaid and NazirJunejo [20] utilized linear regression (LR) and potential benefits of examining the use of ML models in packed-bed
several other regression models to forecast daily mean solar irradiance. latent heat storage systems, particularly in the context of solar thermal
They also evaluated the performance of these models against an artifi­ energy conversion.
cial neural network (ANN) in an attempt to enhance the system’s per­
formance. Li et al. [21] developed algorithms for short-term solar 1.2. Novelty
irradiance forecasting using ML techniques such as the Hidden Markov
Model and Support Vector Regression (SVR). These methods were found The proposed work is aimed at addressing the major challenge of
to be effective for clear weather but less accurate for other conditions. investigating the performance of packed-bed thermal energy systems
Ahmad et al. [22] evaluated various tree-based ensemble models for experimentally and numerically, which can be quite expensive and
predicting hourly energy from a solar thermal system. Demolli et al. [23] complex. To overcome this challenge, this study proposes the use of
investigated wind power forecasting with daily wind speed data and five data-driven approaches that can leverage large amounts of experimental
ML algorithms: Lasso regression, random forest (RF), K-nearest neigh­ data to develop predictive models with high accuracy. This could lead to
bors (KNN), extreme gradient boosting (XGB), and SVR. The findings the development of efficient and cost-effective storage systems for
showed that XGB, SVR, and RF have good long-term daily total wind thermal energy. The novelty of this study lies in its focus on the
power forecasting performance. Narvaez et al. [24] suggested a ML implementation of ML based on experimental data of packed bed storage
approach for solar radiation forecasting. They evaluated several ML and systems. To the best of the author’s knowledge, no other works have
statistical techniques on the same site and compared their results. Naik been presented on this topic. The work aims to optimize the perfor­
et al. [25] used a KNN-ML and the thermal model tool to forecast the mance of the PBTES system by implementing data-driven approaches to
performance and desalinated water extraction rate of a membrane-based experimental data, which could significantly improve the efficiency of
liquid desiccant regenerator driven by low-quality energy. Fei et al. [26] these systems while reducing costs. In addition, this study gives a special
used an ML model to predict the early-cycle lifetime of a battery, and focus on the hyperparameter tuning of ML models for predicting per­
Zhaoyu et al. [27] used genetic algorithm and ANN to predict CO2 formance parameters in this field, which is an area that has received very
emission using a numerical model of a solar space heating system. few to no other works. This focus on hyperparameter tuning is a unique
Mohapatra et al. [28] implemented 7 different ML models on experi­ contribution to the field of thermal energy storage systems and could
mental data for the performance and design prediction of evacuated U- significantly improve the accuracy of predictive models for performance
tube solar collector. Eldokaishi et al. [29] presented a framework for parameters of packed bed thermal energy systems.
investigating the potential of ANN modeling of a hybrid solar TES sys­ The initial section of the paper is dedicated to exploring the signifi­
tem with PCM. cance of ML methods and their relevance to the study. A comprehensive
Li and Tao [30] utilized Latin Hypercube Sampling and numerical overview of the various methods used in this study is presented in this
simulation techniques to create a training database for PBTES systems. section. The second segment provides an in-depth explanation of the
They subsequently developed a prediction model that encompassed all methodology employed, including details on the PBTES system and its
relevant system parameters, employing LightGBM as the underlying constituent parts, data collection, and preparation, selection of input
algorithm. To further enhance system performance, they applied the and output parameters, and configuration of ML models. In the third
naive Bayes optimization algorithm. In a study conducted by Priyadarshi section, the outcomes obtained for the different ML models are pre­
and Naik [31], the exit parameters of a desiccant coated energy sented and examined, and the influence of thermophysical properties,

P. Anand et al. Journal of Energy Storage 72 (2023) 108690

design, and operating parameters on PBTES performance is discussed. 2.2. K-nearest neighbor
The paper concludes with a summary of the main discoveries and con­
tributions, the implications and applications of the findings, and sug­ KNN represents a supervised ML technique that finds its application
gestions for future research. in both regression and classification tasks. It is based on the idea that an
instance (data point) is classified or predicted based on the class or value
2. Machine learning methods of the majority of its neighbors. The hyper-parameters of the KNN al­
gorithm include the number of neighbors (K) to consider when making a
In this section, the primary aim is to introduce and describe six data- prediction, the distance metric used to measure the distance between
driven algorithms that were utilized in this study to predict the charging data points, and the weighting method used to give more or less
and discharging time of a PBTES system. These algorithms include LR, importance to the neighbors based on their distance [35].
KNN, DT, RF, XGB, and SVR. The introduction of these algorithms To optimize the performance of a KNN model, it is crucial to fine-
provides the reader with an understanding of the methodology tune its hyper-parameters. Failure to do so may result in poor perfor­
employed in the study to make accurate predictions of charging and mance, overfitting, or underfitting. Several techniques can be employed
discharging time. to tune the hyper-parameters effectively. Grid search or random search
can be utilized to explore different combinations of hyper-parameters
2.1. Linear regression and assess their performance on a validation set. Alternatively, cross-
validation can be employed, involving training the model on multiple
Linear regression is a supervised ML approach that uses one or more train-validation splits and averaging the evaluation metrics. By fine-
input features to predict a continuous target variable. The objective of tuning the hyper-parameters of a KNN model, the optimal values can
LR is to discover the best linear relationship between the input data and be identified, leading to superior performance on the specific task.
the target variable. Linear regression aims to achieve the fundamental Neglecting to tune the hyper-parameters may result in subpar model
objective of minimizing the mean square error between the actual values performance or difficulties in fitting the data appropriately (Fig. 3).
of the target variable and the predicted values by identifying the line of To tune a KNN algorithm, these are the following strategies:
best fit. This line of best fit is represented by the equation of a line, which
is given in Eq. (1) and shown in Fig. 2. 1. Select the appropriate value of K: K is the number of nearest neigh­
bors used to generate predictions. A smaller K number can make the
β = c0 α0 + c1 α1 + c2 α2 + … + cn αn (1)
model more sensitive to data patterns, while a greater K value can
where β is the dependent variable, α0, α1, α2, … αn are the input features, make the model more resilient to noise.
and c0, c1, c2, …, cn are the coefficients of the line. These coefficients can 2. Choose the right distance metric: The KNN algorithm uses a distance
be calculated using a method known as least squares estimation, which metric to determine which points are “nearest” to the query point.
identifies the values of the coefficients that reduce the mean square error There are several distance metrics to choose from, such as Euclidean
between the target variable predicted and actual values. When there are distance, Manhattan distance, and cosine similarity.
multiple input features, the linear regression model is called multiple 3. Experiment with different weights: The KNN algorithm can use
LR. different weights for the points in the nearest neighborhood.
The process of estimating the coefficients is the same as in simple
linear regression but with multiple input features. However, it can be
2.3. Support vector regression
challenging to understand the outcomes when the connection between
the input characteristics and the output variable is more intricate. It’s
SVR is an ML technique that analyzes data to identify patterns or
crucial to keep in mind that linear regression assumes linearity between
decision boundaries within the dataset. Depending on the number of
the input characteristics and the goal variable and is delicate to outliers.
dimensions in the feature vector of the dataset, SVR divides various
It also assumes that the input features are independent of each other,
classes into hyper-planes in a multi-dimensional space. As shown in
which may not always be the case. Therefore, it is important to check
Fig. 4, support vector machines can handle multiple continuous and
these assumptions before using linear regression and consider using
categorical variables. The two types of circles in the figure are in
other algorithms if they are not met [34].
different colors, the goal of SVR is to classify these two types based on
their features. The model is composed of three lines, one of which is the

Fig. 2. Flowchart of LR algorithm with k-fold cross-validation.

P. Anand et al. Journal of Energy Storage 72 (2023) 108690

Fig. 3. KNN flowchart.

larger epsilon value allows for more error, resulting in a simpler

5. Degree: The degree hyper-parameter is used in the polynomial kernel
and determines the degree of the polynomial. A higher degree results
in a more complex model.

It is important to tune these hyper-parameters carefully to achieve

good performance on the test set. To discover the optimum combination
of hyper-parameters, one typical way to hyper-parameter tuning is to
employ grid search or random search.

2.4. Decision trees

A DT is a type of supervised ML approach used for regression and

classification tasks. The basic idea behind decision trees is to recursively
partition the dataset into smaller subsets, creating a tree-like structure of
decisions. In the DT algorithm, predicted class or output values are
assigned to the leaf nodes, while the features are represented by the
Fig. 4. SVM classifier.
internal nodes. The entire dataset is symbolized by the root node of the
tree. To put it simply, leaf nodes correspond to the final outputs, internal
marginal line or margin, represented by the equation (Φ ⋅ α) − Ψ = 0.
nodes signify the attributes or characteristics, and the root node denotes
The closest data points for both classes are represented by the lines (Φ ⋅
the entire dataset in the decision tree. It then selects the feature that best
α) – Ψ = 1 and (Φ ⋅ α) − Ψ = − 1. The support vectors are the circles separates the data into subsets based on a certain criterion, such as Gini
located on the hyper-plane. The filled circles in the other class are
impurity or information gain. The feature that results in the highest
referred to as outliers, to prevent over-fitting and achieve a near-perfect
value of the criterion is chosen as the splitting feature. The technique is
classification, they are disregarded. SVR tends to minimize the proba­
then repeated for each subset after the data has been divided into subsets
bility of generalization error by increasing the perpendicular distance
according to the splitting feature’s values.
between the two edges of the hyper-plane. When the hyper-plane de­
Once a stopping condition is satisfied, such as reaching a maximum
pends on fewer support vectors, the model’s generalization capacity
depth or a minimum number of samples per leaf, this process is repeated.
DT has the benefit of being simple to interpret and comprehend, which is
There are several hyper-parameters that can be tuned in SVR:
one of their advantages. The relationships between the features and the
target variable can be quickly visualized thanks to the tree structure.
1. Kernel: The kernel function is utilized to project the data into a
Both category and numerical features, as well as missing data, can be
higher-dimensional space, enabling linear separation. Popular kernel
handled using decision trees. However, decision trees can also be
functions include the linear, polynomial, and radial basis function
vulnerable to overfitting, particularly if they are deep and have
(rbf) kernels.
numerous branches. By adopting methods like pruning or limiting the
2. Gamma: The gamma hyper-parameter, which is applied in the rbf
tree’s maximum depth, this can be reduced. Decision trees can produce
kernel, regulates the Gaussian function’s width. A higher gamma
different trees for different samples of the same data because they are
value leads to a narrower and more complex model.
sensitive to even little changes in the data. Using ensemble methods,
3. C: The C hyper-parameter controls the trade-off between the error of
such as random forests, which integrate different decision trees to create
the model and the simplicity of the model. A larger C value results in
a more reliable model, can help with this.
a more complex model that tries to fit the training data more closely
Hyper-parameters for decision trees include:
but may overfit and have poor generalization to new data.
4. Epsilon: The epsilon hyper-parameter determines the width of the
• Maximum depth: The highest number of levels in the tree.
epsilon tube within which the model is allowed to make errors. A

P. Anand et al. Journal of Energy Storage 72 (2023) 108690

• Minimum samples per leaf: The smallest quantity of data needed for
a leaf node.
• Minimum samples per split: The smallest quantity of data required to
split an internal node.
• Maximum number of features: The most features possible to take into
account while selecting the ideal split.
• Criterion: The metric used to assess a split’s quality, such as Gini
impurity or information gain.

The complexity of the tree can be managed with these hyper-

parameters, and overfitting can be avoided (Fig. 5).

2.5. Random forest

The RF method is a type of tree-based ensemble method used for

classification and prediction by combining the results of multiple deci­
sion tree algorithms. It employs numerous parallel weak decision tree
learners to minimize the model’s bias and unpredictability. The pro­
cedure starts by collecting N bootstrapped samples from the dataset for
training and then constructing regression or classification trees from
each set using only a small number of randomly selected predictors. To
make predictions for new data, the results of each of the T trees are
amalgamated, and this process is repeated until T trees have been
generated. This approach helps to minimize the model’s overall variance
and increase the range of trees utilized. Eq. (2) is the formula for an RF
Fig. 6. Random forest algorithm.
regression predictor, where x is the input variable, T is the total number
of trees, and (α) is a single tree.
• Maximum depth: The highest number of levels in each tree.
1∑ T
• Minimum samples per leaf: The smallest quantity of data required at
fRF α) =
( DT i (α) (2) a leaf node in each tree.
T n=1
• Minimum samples per split: The smallest quantity of data required to
Fig. 6 shows the methodology of the RF algorithm. RF has a key split an internal node in each tree.
advantage in enabling the evaluation of input parameters’ significance, • Maximum number of features: The most features possible to take into
which is crucial for dimensionality reduction and can significantly account while selecting the ideal split.
improve the model’s performance on large datasets [36].
The following are some of the hyper-parameters that are used to Criterion: The metric used to assess a split’s quality, such as Gini
control the complexity of a random forest and prevent overfitting: impurity or information gain.

• Number of trees: The number of decision trees in the forest.

Fig. 5. Schematic of decision tree algorithm.

P. Anand et al. Journal of Energy Storage 72 (2023) 108690

2.6. Extreme gradient boosting Table 1

List of input parameters.
A strong and effective use of the gradient boosting technique is called Design parameters Operating parameters Thermo-physical properties
extreme gradient boosting. It is an ensemble learning technique that
Number of capsules Mass flow rate Latent heat of PCM
enhances the model’s accuracy by combining the predictions of various Diameter of packed-bed Inlet HTF temperature Density of PCM
decision trees. Large datasets and high-dimensional data can be handled Length of packed-bed Initial PCM temperature Thermal conductivity
by XGB, making it especially effective for tasks like classification and Diameter of capsules – –
regression. A decision tree or other special base learner and a loss
function are created during the procedure. Instead of trying to estimate
energy storage (PBTES) systems. Design parameters, including the
the parameters directly, an iterative approach is used where at each
number of capsules, packed-bed diameter, and capsule diameter, play a
iteration, the model is improved by addressing the residuals of the
significant role in determining the physical characteristics and capacity
previous iteration’s predictions. This way, a final model is obtained by
of the PBTES system. Additionally, the aspect ratio is considered instead
combining the predictions of multiple models [37]. Given a training
of bed length and diameter, as it offers a more feasible and practical
dataset of N samples, {xᵢ, yᵢ}, where xᵢ is the feature vector and yᵢ is the
approach for system design and optimization. Table 2 presents a sum­
target output for the ith sample, the objective of XGB is to learn a
mary of the input parameters, including their range and weighted
function f(α) that maps the input features x to a predicted output y. The
average value.
function f(α) is modeled as a sum of k weak learner functions hk(α) that
Operating parameters, including the mass flow rate of the HTF and
are applied to the input features:
the inlet HTF temperature, exert influence on the rate of thermal energy

f (α) = hk (α) (3) transfer into or out of the PBTES system, thus affecting its overall per­
k formance. Thermo-physical properties, such as the latent heat of the
Each weak learner hk(x) is a decision tree, and the algorithm phase change material (PCM), PCM density, and thermal conductivity,
sequentially trains the decision trees, with each subsequent tree play a crucial role in determining the PCM’s ability to store and release
attempting to correct the errors made by the previous trees. In every thermal energy, as well as the efficiency of heat transfer within the
iteration, the algorithm calculates the gradient of the loss function based system. The output is charging and discharging time (in minutes).
on the model’s present predictions. It then proceeds to construct a de­ The dataset used in this study did not include varying orientations of
cision tree using the negative gradient values. The resulting tree is then the PBTES system. Approximately 90 % of the dataset consisted of sys­
added to the ensemble model and the process is repeated until a stopping tems with a vertical orientation. Therefore, it can be assumed that the
criterion is met. The final model prediction is given by Eq. (4) where ŷ is orientation of the PBTES systems in the study was predominantly ver­
the predicted output for the input features x. tical. It is also worth noting that the training models generated in this
∑ study were limited to single systems. While hybrid and cascaded systems
y = f (α) =
̂ hk (α) (4) would have been useful, a lack of available dataset limited the analysis
k to single systems alone.
XGB also includes several regularization techniques to prevent Despite the absence of varying orientations and the consideration of
overfitting, such as L1 and L2 regularization, which helps to reduce the single systems, the study aimed to provide valuable insights into the
model’s complexity. Additionally, XGB includes several techniques for design and performance analysis of PBTES systems. The input parame­
reducing the computational cost of training, such as parallel processing, ters, such as the number of capsules, diameter of the packed-bed, length
which allows the algorithm to train multiple trees at the same time. of the packed-bed, diameter of the capsules, and other thermophysical
Another important feature of XGB is its ability to perform feature properties, were carefully selected to capture the key design aspects of
importance analysis. This allows users to understand which features of the system.
the data are most important for making predictions. This can be useful in The temperature difference is a key factor studied in PBTES systems
identifying important features and in understanding the underlying as it greatly influences system efficiency and performance. It represents
patterns in the data [37]. the difference in temperature across the system, impacting the rate of
The main hyper-parameters of XGB are: heat transfer and overall energy storage capacity. Analyzing the tem­
perature difference helps evaluate how effectively the PBTES system
• eta (also known as learning rate): controls the step size at which the absorbs and releases thermal energy. While the system’s initial tem­
algorithm proceeds along the gradient, with smaller values resulting perature ranges from 5 to 345 ◦ C and the HTF inlet temperature ranges
in slower progress but potentially more accurate models. from 25 to 445 ◦ C, the study primarily focuses on investigating the
• max_depth: regulates the maximum depth of each tree in the model, temperature difference. This choice is due to its practical importance
with higher values leading to more complex models but also an and significant impact in the research context. Although the HTF inlet
increased risk of overfitting. temperature and initial storage temperature are important parameters,
• alpha and lambda: They are L1 and L2 regularization terms on their individual effects are often overshadowed by the temperature
weights, which inhibits models with too many parameters, and helps difference. Hence, the study emphasizes studying and optimizing the
reduce over-fitting. temperature difference to ensure effective heat transfer and efficient
• n_estimators: number of trees in the model. energy storage in PBTES systems.

3. Methodology 3.2. Data pre-processing and feature scaling

3.1. Data collection and description Data pre-processing is the process of preparing, cleaning, and
transforming data for analysis. It can significantly affect the precision
A total of about 140 datasets including charging and discharging and quality of the results, making it a crucial phase in the data science
were collected from different experimental papers on the PBTES system process. The pre-processing of data plays a vital role in guaranteeing the
[13,38–45]. The complete datasets are included in the manuscript in the accuracy and integrity of the ultimate analysis. It serves to enhance the
form of the supplementary material. The input parameters were set quality of predictive models, data visualization, and other data-centric
based on the dataset generated. Table 1 provides an overview of the key operations. This phase is a pivotal aspect of the data science process.
parameters considered in the design and analysis of packed-bed thermal While the specific procedures employed during data pre-processing may

P. Anand et al. Journal of Energy Storage 72 (2023) 108690

Table 2
Range of input parameters.
Input parameters Density (kg/m3) Thermal conductivity (W/m-K) Latent heat (kJ/kg) Ball dia. (mm) ΔT Mass flow rate (kg/s) Aspect ratio

Range 820–2310 0.2–1.64 154.2–260 15–60 20–161 0.005556–0.25 1–2.6

Weighted average 1210 0.5 201 36 49 0.056 1.18

differ based on the dataset and analysis objectives, certain routine ac­ algorithms allowed for the development of a highly effective model for
tivities include: predicting the charging and discharging time, which has important ap­
plications in various fields such as energy storage systems.
• Handling missing data: Identifying and filling in missing values or
removing observations with missing data. 3.4. Error estimation metrics
• Data cleaning: Removing outliers, and incorrect or irrelevant data.
• Data transformation: Normalizing or scaling the data to ensure that To assess the efficiency of the created models, multiple metrics were
all variables are on a similar scale. employed to analyze their performance on both the training and testing
datasets. These metrics include mean absolute error (MAE), root mean
Fig. 7 displays a correlation matrix encompassing all parameters for square error (RMSE), determination coefficient (R2), and mean absolute
both the charging and discharging phases. A correlation matrix is an percentage error (MAPE). The R2 was chosen as a measure of the cor­
invaluable tool that succinctly summarizes the relationships between relation between the actual and predicted charging/discharging time
multiple variables. This matrix promptly reveals the strength, weakness, values. The former four indicators are defined below in Eqs. (6)–(9)
or absence of correlation among the variables. The correlation co­
efficients, which range from − 1 to 1, indicate negative and positive 1 ∑F
MAE = |β − ̂
βn| (6)
correlations, respectively. F n=1 n
To generate the correlation matrix, the dataset underwent thorough
data cleanup procedures. This involved carefully examining the dataset √F
to identify and remove any missing values. Additionally, efforts were √ (βn − ̂
√n=1 β n )2
made to check for inconsistencies and outliers, which were subsequently RMSE = (7)
eliminated from the dataset. Subsequently, the correlation matrix was
constructed based on this refined and cleaned data.
1 ∑F ̂
β n − βn
Feature scaling is an important step in the data preprocessing pro­ MAPE = × 100 (8)
F n=1 βn
cess, it is done to ensure that the variables in a dataset are on a similar
scale and that one variable does not dominate the others. This helps to
improve the performance of ML algorithms and make the data more ∑
β n − βn )2

interpretable. In this model, the Min-Max scaling method is used. The 2
R = 1− n=1
goal of Min-Max scaling is to transform the data in such a way that all the ∑F
(βn − β)2
features are on the same scale, typically between 0 and 1. This is done by n=1

subtracting the minimum value of the feature in the dataset and dividing
it by the range of the feature. where βn, ̂
β n , F, and β are the experimental data value, predicted value,
The formula used to perform Min-Max scaling is as follows: number of datasets, and the experimental data mean value, respectively.
The values of MAE, MAPE, and RMSE should be as minimum as possible
whereas values of R2 should be as near as 1 for a robust model.
β − βmin
βscaled = (5)
βmax − βmin
4. Results and discussions
where βscaled is the scaled feature value, β is the original feature value,
βmin is the smallest data point for the given feature in the dataset, and
In this section, the results of various ML algorithms (including LR,
βmax is the highest possible value of the feature within the dataset.
KNN, SVR, RF, DT, and XGB) are presented, which are described in
Section 2. Additionally, an analysis of the effect of different hyper-
3.3. Machine learning models parameters on the model’s performance is discussed. Furthermore, the
best-performing ML model is utilized for optimizing the design and
To create a reliable and accurate model for predicting the charging performance of PBTES, taking into consideration the inlet condition that
and discharging time, data from various literature sources were resulted in the maximum reduction of both charging and discharging
collected and processed. To ensure that the model was effective, the data time.
was divided into two distinct sets - the training set and the validation set.
The training set consisted of 80 % of the data and was used to develop 4.1. Hyper-parametric tuning
and train the model. This set of data was used to teach the model how to
make predictions based on a variety of different factors. The remaining Hyper-parameter tuning is an important phase in the ML process that
20 % of the data was designated as the testing set, which was used to involves determining the best set of hyper-parameters for a model.
evaluate the model’s performance. Hyper-parameters refer to the fixed parameters of a model that are set
To build the model, six different ML algorithms were used, including before the training process, as opposed to the parameters that are
LR, KNN, SVR, DT, RF, and XGB. By using multiple algorithms, the adjusted during training. Selecting appropriate hyper-parameters is
model could take advantage of the strengths of each one, resulting in a crucial as it can greatly influence the overall performance of the model,
more robust and accurate prediction model. The performance of the as different settings can result in models with vastly different perfor­
model was assessed by evaluating its ability to accurately predict the mances, even when using the same algorithm. Therefore, finding the
melting and solidification time using the testing set. The results were best set of hyper-parameters for a model is crucial to achieving optimal
then analyzed to determine the effectiveness of the model and to identify performance and generalization. To determine the best values for a
areas where improvements could be made. Overall, the use of these ML model’s hyper-parameters, a stepwise search method is employed

P. Anand et al. Journal of Energy Storage 72 (2023) 108690

Fig. 7. Correlation plot of all attributes of PBTES system during (a) charging and (b) discharging.

P. Anand et al. Journal of Energy Storage 72 (2023) 108690

during the hyper-parameter tuning process. To avoid overfitting and Table 4

assess the model’s efficacy on new data, a cross-validation technique is Performance of SVR Algorithm with and without Hyper-parameter tuning.
employed to select the best set of hyper-parameters. Metric SVR (without tuning) SVR (with tuning)

Charging Discharging Charging Discharging

4.1.1. LR, KNN, and SVR
In this section, we will delve into the procedure for fine-tuning the RMSE 0.072 0.125 0.067 0.084
MAE 0.066 0.108 0.060 0.070
hyper-parameters of three distinct ML algorithms: LR, KNN, and SVR MAPE 4.990 0.275 3.160 0.197
which are discussed. The goal of this process is to optimize the perfor­ R2 0.857 0.807 0.877 0.906
mance of the algorithms on the testing dataset. This method involves
varying the values of the hyper-parameters and evaluating the perfor­
mance of the algorithm on the testing dataset for each set of hyper-
Table 5
parameters. The set of hyper-parameters that results in the best perfor­ Optimal hyper-parameters of the KNN and SVR algorithm.
mance is then selected as the optimal set. To identify the most suitable
Model Parameters Charging Discharging
hyper-parameters for LR, KNN, and SVR algorithms, the aforementioned
process is iterated individually for each algorithm. KNN Metric Cosine Cosine
Number of neighbors 3 3
In the LR algorithm, by applying the cross-validation technique, the
Weights Distance Distance
R2 value of charging was improved from 0.92 to 0.942 when tested on SVR C 10 10
the dataset which was divided into 5 subsets for cross-validation. Using Epsilon 0.1 0.1
the Python library sci-kit-learn, the preprocessed dataset was utilized to Gamma 0.1 1
train the KNN and SVR algorithms. Grid search was used to perform Kernel rbf rbf

hyper-parameter tuning for both algorithms. The optimal hyper-

parameters were found using 5-fold cross-validation. The effectiveness
of the KNN and SVR algorithms was assessed through various metrics, Table 6
including MAE, RMSE, MAPE, and R2, and the outcomes of this analysis Performance of DT algorithm with and without Hyper-parameter tuning.
are exhibited in Tables 3 and 4. Table 3 displays the KNN algorithm’s Metric DT (without tuning) DT (with tuning)
performance, both with and without hyper-parameter tuning, whereas Charging Discharging Charging Discharging
Table 4 illustrates the SVR algorithm’s performance, both with and
RMSE 0.070 0.084 0.043 0.070
without hyper-parameter tuning.
MAE 0.046 0.076 0.034 0.066
It is evident that both KNN and SVR with hyper-parameter tuning MAPE 0.250 0.220 0.199 0.216
perform better than those without hyper-parameter tuning in terms of R2 0.848 0.920 0.950 0.930
all four-performance metrics. The MSE, MAE, and MAPE are all lower
when hyper-parameter tuning is used, and the R2 value is higher, indi­
cating that the predictions made by the KNN and SVR model with hyper- Table 7
parameter tuning are more accurate and better explain the variance in Performance of RF algorithm with and without hyper-parameter tuning.
the dependent variable. The optimal values of the hyper-parameters are
Metric RF (without tuning) RF (with tuning)
given in Tables 5.
Charging Discharging Charging Discharging

4.1.2. Random forest and decision trees RMSE 0.042 0.062 0.050 0.060
The DT and RF algorithms were trained on the pre-processed dataset. MAE 0.290 0.060 0.014 0.057
MAPE 0.150 0.189 0.150 0.182
Grid search was used to perform hyper-parameter tuning. The optimal
R2 0.940 0.925 0.9904 0.950
hyper-parameters were found, and the performance of the RF and DT
algorithms was examined by employing RMSE, MAE, MAPE, and R2
metrics. Tables 6 and 7 show the results of DT and RF algorithms
respectively and as we can see that DT and RF with hyper-parameter Table 8
Optimal hyper-parameters of DT and RF model.
tuning perform better than DT and RF without hyper-parameter tun­
ing in terms of all four-performance metrics. When hyper-parameter Parameters Charging Discharging
tuning was employed, the RMSE, MAE, and MAPE were reduced, and DT Maximum depth 7 10
the R2 value increased, suggesting that the predictions generated by the Maximum leaf nodes 32 32
DT and RF model were more precise and better accounted for the fluc­ RF Number of trees 300 200
Maximum depth 15 15
tuations in the dependent variable. The optimal hyperparameter values
Minimum samples per leaf 3 1
can be found in Table. 8. Minimum samples per split 2 2

4.1.3. Extreme gradient boosting (XGB)

To incorporate XGB, the dataset is partitioned into two subsets: a fair and consistent evaluation of the model’s performance. By using
training set and a testing set. The training and testing datasets used in all identical datasets, any differences observed in the performance of the
the ML models were the same. This approach was adopted to ensure a models can be attributed to variations in their algorithms, architectures,
or hyperparameter settings, rather than discrepancies in the training or
testing data. Using the same datasets across all models allows for a direct
Table 3 and meaningful comparison of their effectiveness in solving the given
Performance of KNN Algorithm with and without Hyper-parameter tuning.
Metric KNN (without tuning) KNN (with tuning) The XGB model undergoes training with the use of the training set,
Charging Discharging Charging Discharging while the testing set is employed to find out the ideal hyper-parameters
RMSE 0.330 0.220 0.031 0.120
for the XGB model, a grid search technique is applied, along with cross-
MAE 0.083 0.178 0.022 0.068 validation. The hyper-parameters tuned included the learning rate,
MAPE 0.385 9.880 0.147 0.190 weights, maximum depth of trees, and the number of trees. XGB model
R2 0.675 0.440 0.973 0.836 was evaluated using four metrics: RMSE, MAE, MAPE, and R2 value.

P. Anand et al. Journal of Energy Storage 72 (2023) 108690

Table 9 efficiently generate predictions based on the input parameters provided.

Performance of XGB algorithm with and without hyper-parameter tuning. Among the algorithms, it can be observed that extreme gradient
Metric XGB (without tuning) XGB (with tuning) boosting (XGB) had relatively longer training times compared to the
other algorithms. This indicates that XGB may require more computa­
Charging Discharging Charging Discharging
tional resources and time for training. However, it is important to note
RMSE 0.029 0.044 0.029 0.160 that longer training times are often associated with higher accuracy and
MAE 0.015 0.0326 0.009 0.026
MAPE 0.230 0.470 0.140 0.150
predictive performance. XGB is known for its powerful and effective
R2 0.987 0.972 0.994 0.982 learning capabilities, which can lead to superior results in terms of
system analysis and prediction.
On the other hand, the remaining algorithms, had relatively shorter
Table 9 shows the results of the XGB algorithm, and we can see that XGB training times. These algorithms offer faster computational processing,
with hyper-parameter tuning outperforms XGB without hyper- making them suitable for scenarios where efficiency and speed are
parameter tuning concerning four-performance metrics. The RMSE, crucial considerations.
MAE, and MAPE are all lower when hyper-parameter tuning is used, and Due to the complex nature of phase change materials (PCMs)
the R2 value is higher, indicating that the predictions made by the XGB involving melting and solidification with volume change, the numerical
model with hyper-parameter tuning are more accurate and better. The approach for modeling PCMs requires additional computation time. This
optimal values of the hyper-parameter are given in Table 10. is attributed to the necessity of accurately capturing the phase change
Fig. 8 compares the performance of six different algorithms: LR, process, including the handling of volume variations and associated
KNN, SVR, RF, DT, and XGB on four evaluation metrics: RMSE, MAPE, thermodynamic and transport properties. Consequently, numerical
MAE, and R2. The RMSE metric calculates the mean deviation between modeling of PCMs entails intricate calculations and simulations,
the estimated and true values. A lower RMSE value indicates a superior resulting in longer computational times.
model with more accurate predictions. In Fig. 8(a), XGB has the lowest On the other hand, machine learning (ML) models utilize training
RMSE value of 0.029, followed by KNN with an RMSE of 0.031. SVR and data and algorithms to learn patterns and relationships, enabling them
DT have relatively higher RMSE values of 0.067 and 0.04 respectively, to make prompt predictions once trained. However, the accuracy and
and LR has the highest RMSE value of 0.44. The MAE metric calculates reliability of ML models hinge on the quality of the training data and the
the mean absolute difference between the estimated and true values. A appropriate selection of algorithms. Consequently, it is crucial to thor­
smaller MAE value indicates a higher precision of the model in fore­ oughly evaluate and validate ML models to ensure their suitability for
casting the actual values. It is apparent from Fig. 8(b) that, XGB has the specific applications in the packed bed thermal energy system using
lowest MAE value of 0.009, followed by RF with an MAE of 0.014. KNN, PCM.
DT, and SVR have relatively lower MAE values, and LR has the highest In terms of assessing the accuracy of the models, it is noteworthy to
MAE value of 0.193. consider the maximum and minimum differences observed between the
The MAPE metric measures the average absolute percentage error experimental values and the corresponding model predictions. For the
between the estimated values and the true values. In Fig. 8(c), KNN and charging process, the absolute value of the maximum difference recor­
XGB have the lowest MAPE values of 0.14, followed by RF with a MAPE ded between the experimental value and the model prediction was 54.9,
of 0.15. DT has a MAPE of 0.199 and LR has a relatively higher MAPE indicating the largest absolute error observed. On the other hand, the
value of 1.66, and SVR has the highest MAPE value of 3.16. The R2 minimum absolute difference was 0.012, indicating a relatively close
metric quantifies the degree to which the model fits the data. From Fig. 8 alignment between the experimental and model values. Similarly, for
(d), XGB and RF have the highest R2 values of 0.994 and 0.9904 the discharging process, the maximum absolute difference was 26.21,
respectively, followed by KNN with an R2 value of 0.973. DT has an R2 highlighting the largest absolute error observed in this scenario.
value of 0.95, SVR has a relatively lower R2 value of 0.877, and LR has Conversely, the minimum absolute difference recorded was 0.00154,
an R2 value of 0.942. In conclusion, after considering the outcomes of indicating a closer agreement between the experimental and model
the four metrics used, the XGB and RF algorithms exhibit the highest values. These discrepancies provide valuable insights into the perfor­
performance, with KNN following closely behind. On the other hand, mance of the models and the level of accuracy achieved in predicting the
SVR and DT algorithms display relatively poorer performance, while LR charging and discharging processes in the PBTES system.
exhibits the weakest performance when compared to these algorithms.
Table 11 depicts the training time consumed by each ML model for 4.2. Performance and design optimization
the prediction of the charging and discharging time of the PBTES system.
It is important to note that the training time of ML models can vary Based on the previous section, The XGB model seems to be the most
depending on the computational resources available. Factors such as the suitable for comparing the performance of PBTES to other ML models.
computer’s processing power, memory capacity, and parallel processing Therefore, this section utilizes the XGB model to optimize PBTES per­
capabilities can influence the training time of the algorithms. Therefore, formance by examining all input parameters, which are divided into
the training times presented in the table should be considered as three categories: thermophysical parameters of PCM, operating param­
indicative values based on the specific computing environment used for eters, and design parameters. The graphs shown below display the
the study. Once the ML models are trained and the predictive models are correlation between charging and discharging time with all input pa­
established, the prediction of the charging and discharging time does not rameters. The horizontal axis represents the scaled value of the input
require significant additional time. The trained models can quickly and parameter, ranging from 0 to 1, and can be converted to its original
value by applying the range specified in Table 2 to Eq. (5).
The duration of the charging and discharging processes of a PBTES
Table 10 system that utilizes PCM is impacted by three thermophysical factors:
Optimal hyper-parameters of XGB. the thermal conductivity, latent heat and density of the PCM. PCMs with
Parameters Charging Discharging greater density are inclined to possess a larger heat capacity, leading to a
Number of trees 500 200 longer time requirement due to the larger amount of heat energy needed
Learning rate 0.1 0.1 to bring about a phase change. Conversely, a lower thermal conductivity
Maximum depth 3 3 can slow down heat transfer and prolong the melting and solidification
alpha 0 0 process. Consequently, the duration of charging and discharging of a
lambda 1 1
PBTES system is influenced by the interplay between the density and

P. Anand et al. Journal of Energy Storage 72 (2023) 108690

(a) 0.5 (b) 0.25

0.45 Charging Charging
0.4 Discharging 0.2
0.3 0.15

0.2 0.1
0.1 0.05
0 0

(c) 3.5 (d) 1.05

3 1
2.5 0.95
MAPE (%)

2 0.9

1.5 0.85

1 0.8

0.5 0.75

0 0.7

Fig. 8. Variation in metrics for charging and discharging of ML models.

(a) RMSE (b) MAE (c) MAPE (%) (d) R2.

the melting and solidification time increases by 58 % and 66.67 %

Table 11
respectively. From the explanation above, it is recommended that
Training time of ML models.
reduction of melting and solidification time can be achieved by PCM
Algorithms Training time (in s) having low density and latent heat of PCM, but with high thermal
Charging Discharging conductivity.
LR 6.5 5.9 Fig. 11 illustrates the fluctuation of melting and solidification time
KNN 10.2 7.5 with operating parameters. The duration of melting and solidification in
SVR 5.7 5 a PBTES system is reliant on the temperature differential between the
DT 10.8 7.7 system and its environment. A greater difference in temperature be­
RF 26.4 10.9
XGB 33.5 11.2
tween the system and its surroundings promotes a higher level of heat
transfer, resulting in decreased charging and discharging times.
Conversely, a smaller temperature difference will cause a slower heat
thermal conductivity of the PCM. The most favourable values for these transfer rate and result in increased charging and discharging times.
parameters will be PCM with high thermal conductivity and lower Additionally, the melting and solidification duration of a packed bed
density. latent heat storage system is impacted by the mass flow rate of the heat
The duration of melting and solidification in a PBTES system with transfer fluid. An elevated rate of mass flow can increase the rate of heat
PCM is directly linked to the specific heat capacity of the PCM utilized. transfer and reduce the charging and discharging time, while a lower
This capacity dictates the quantity of energy required to increase the mass flow rate will slow down the rate of heat transfer, resulting in
temperature of one unit of the PCM by a certain degree. In contrast, the increased charging and discharging times.
latent heat of the PCM, which is energy intake or dispensing out by a Fig. 12 depicts the impact of change in operating parameters on the
material during a change of phase like melting or solidifying, may not performance parameters of the PBTES system. From this figure, it is
necessarily affect the charging and discharging time of the system. A evident that with the increment of ΔT, the melting and solidification
higher latent heat capacity of the PCM will lead to a slower charging and time decreases by 10 % and 29 % respectively. Likewise, raising the
discharging time, as more energy is required to raise the temperature of mass flow rate of HTF results in a decrease of 69.4 % and 83.15 % in the
the PCM. discharging and charging time, respectively. As demonstrated earlier, it
The effect of all the thermophysical properties on the performance is advised that to reduce discharging and charging time, it is preferable
parameters of the PBTES system is shown in Fig. 10. From this figure, it to maintain both the mass flow rate and temperature difference at high
is seen that with the increment of density, the melting and solidification levels.
time increases by 32.7 % and 45.8 % respectively. Similarly, as the Fig. 13 illustrates the impact of design parameters on charging and
thermal conductivity increases, the charging and discharging times discharging time in a PBTES system. The performance of the system,
decrease by 3 % and 4.4 %, respectively. This phenomenon can be specifically with PCM, can be influenced by the ball diameter and aspect
attributed to the fact that the dataset predominantly consists of paraffin ratio. The ball diameter affects the speed of both the melting and so­
wax, which has consistent thermal conductivity across the samples lidification processes by influencing the rate of heat transfer. A smaller
(more than 70 % of the dataset). Therefore, the variation in charging and ball diameter results in a higher surface area-to-volume ratio, enhancing
discharging times is relatively small, as there is limited diversity in heat transfer and reducing the charging time. Conversely, a larger ball
thermal conductivity among different types of PCMs compared to other diameter reduces the surface area-to-volume ratio, leading to a slower
thermophysical properties of PCMs, and as the latent heat increases from

P. Anand et al. Journal of Energy Storage 72 (2023) 108690

heat transfer rate and longer charging time. and inlet conditions on the charging time of the PBTES system. This
Similarly, the aspect ratio plays a crucial role in the performance thorough analysis led to a more efficient and effective optimization of
parameters of the PBTES system. An increase in the aspect ratio trans­ the system design, ensuring compliance with the selected heat storage
lates to a higher rate of heat transfer, consequently reducing the capacity constraint.
charging and discharging times. However, this advantage is offset by the
corresponding increase in the overall volume of the system, resulting in 5. Summary and concluding remarks
longer discharging and charging times. Thus, the aspect ratio is a critical
design parameter that needs to be carefully considered to achieve 5.1. Summary
optimal performance in the PBTES system.
Fig. 14 provides insights into the influence of design parameters on In this study, several data-driven ML models, including LR, SVR,
the performance of the PBTES system. The results clearly indicate that KNN, DT, RF, and XGB were employed for analyzing the performance of
an increase in the ball diameter leads to a noticeable increase in both the a PBTES system. The system was evaluated based on its charging and
charging and discharging time (by 9 % and 41.1 %, respectively). discharging time, with 80 % of the data used for training and 20 % for
Moreover, the aspect ratio plays a significant role, resulting in a sub­ testing. The results showed that the XGB ML model outperformed the
stantial percentage change of 81.1 % in charging time and 78.2 % in other models, achieving a maximum R2 value of 0.982 and minimum
discharging time. These findings underscore the critical importance of MAE, MAPE, and RMSE values of 0.057, 0.182, and 0.16, respectively.
the aspect ratio as a design parameter that significantly affects the ef­ Therefore, the XGB model can be considered the most suitable ML tool
ficiency of charging and discharging in the PBTES system. for accurately analyzing and predicting the performance of PBTES sys­
tems in terms of charging and discharging time.
4.3. Optimal input condition

The PBTES performance parameters, such as charging and dis­ 5.2. Outcomes
charging time, can be enhanced for optimal inlet conditions, as indicated
in Table 12, by utilizing the XGB ML tool and considering the PBTES The major outcomes of the study with reference to ML models and
specifications, operating range, and inlet condition presented in Table 2 operating parameters are listed below:
and illustrated in Figs. 9–14.
The dataset used in this study encompassed a range of heat storage • The performance of six ML models, namely LR, KNN, SVR, DT, RF,
capacities, with a minimum value of 12 MJ and a maximum value of 35 and XGB, was evaluated for PBTES performance assessment. The
MJ. These data points provide valuable insights into the spectrum of XGB ML model was found to be the most suitable, with a minimum
heat storage capacities considered. R2 value of 0.982 and maximum MAE, MAPE, and RMSE values of
To facilitate the design of practical and feasible PBTES systems, a 0.057, 0.182, and 0.16, respectively. On the other hand, the LR ML
heat storage capacity constraint of 20 MJ was thoughtfully selected. As a model was found to be the least performing.
result, the optimal input conditions identified in the study were not able • In the specified operating range, the impact of the thermo-physical
to reach the maximum values for thermal conductivity, temperature properties of PCM density (kg/m3), thermal conductivity (W/m-K),
difference, or mass flow rate. This constraint was chosen with the aim of and latent heat (kJ/kg) on PBTES performance parameters, such as
guiding the optimization process, minimizing system costs, and pro­ charging and discharging time, were analyzed. It was observed that a
moting energy efficiency. By imposing a maximum heat storage capacity rise in thermal conductivity and a reduction in latent heat and
constraint, the study aimed to avoid unrealistic designs, computational density improved the PBTES performance.
complexity, overfitting, and ambiguous trade-offs. This approach • Furthermore, as the density increases from 820 kg/m3 to 2310 kg/m3
ensured a more realistic and optimized system design that effectively the charging and discharging time increases by 32.7 % and 45.8 %,
balanced high performance with real-world limitations. respectively. As thermal conductivity rises from 0.2 W/m-K to 1.64
Based on the dataset characteristics and the imposed heat storage W/m-K, the charging and discharging time decreased by 3.3 % and
capacity constraint, the study examined 1000 different cases. These 4.4 %, respectively. With an increase in latent heat from 154.2 kJ/kg
cases involved changing the number of capsules, PCM density, latent to 260 kJ/kg the charging and discharging time increases by 58 %
heat of the material, and capsule diameter within specific ranges. By and 66.67 %, respectively.
using the powerful XGB ML model, the study predicted the charging • Furthermore, the effect of operating parameters such as temperature
time for each case, allowing the identification of optimal conditions that difference (ΔT) and mass flow rate (kg/s) on PBTES performance
met the heat storage capacity constraint. parameters, such as charging and discharging time, were also
Through careful analysis, the study pinpointed a specific combina­ analyzed within the specified operating range. It was observed that
tion of design parameters and inlet conditions as the best configuration. an increase in temperature difference and mass flow rate enhanced
This configuration achieved the shortest charging and discharging times PBTES performance.
while still satisfying the heat storage capacity constraint. Detailed in • An increase in ΔT from 20 to 161 decreased the charging and dis­
Table 12, the optimal configuration specified the number of capsules, charging time by 10 % and 29 %, respectively. As the mass flow rate
PCM density, latent heat of the material, capsule diameter, as well as the increased from 0.00556 kg/s to 0.1529 kg/s, the charging and dis­
inlet temperature and flow rate. The corresponding charging and dis­ charging time decreased by 69.3 % and 83.14 %, respectively.
charging times for this configuration were determined to be 321 min and • Moreover, an increase in ball diameter, bed diameter, and bed length
343 min, respectively. increases both melting and solidification time. As the ball diameter
By utilizing the XGB ML tool to predict system performance, the increased from 15 mm to 60 mm, the melting and solidification time
study systematically evaluated the impact of different design parameters increased by 9.6 % and 41.4 %, respectively. As the aspect ratio

Table 12
PBTES optimal condition.
Inlet Number of Density (kg/ Thermal conductivity (W/m- Latent heat (kJ/ Mass flow rate (kg/ ΔT Ball dia. Aspect
parameters capsules m3) K) kg) s) (mm) ratio

Values 1898 1000 0.45 212 0.12 100 45.6 1.5

P. Anand et al. Journal of Energy Storage 72 (2023) 108690

Fig. 9. Variation of time with thermophysical properties of PBTES system during.

(a) Charging (b) discharging.

• Exploring additional ML models: While the study evaluated six ML
models, there are still other models that could be examined for
increase in thermophysical properties
% Change in output parameters with

PBTES performance assessment. Future research could explore
models like neural networks, gradient descent, and other ensemble
models to determine the best-performing model for this application.
Thermal • Investigating other input and output parameters: The study consid­
Conductivity ered a limited number of input and output parameters for PBTES
Density Latent heat performance assessment. Future research could investigate the
-20 impact of other parameters, such as PCM shape, PCM material, and
HTF properties, on PBTES performance.
-40 • Examining different experimental datasets: The study used experi­
mental datasets from the literature to evaluate PBTES performance
-60 using different ML models. Future research could collect new
experimental data to validate the findings of this study and explore
Fig. 10. Percentage change in charging/discharging time with an increase in the PBTES performance using ML models.
thermophysical properties. • Real-time performance monitoring: The ML models developed in this
study could be employed for real-time performance monitoring of
increased from 1 to 2.6, the charging and discharging time increased PBTES systems, which would provide valuable insights for system
by 81.1 % and 78.2 % respectively. optimization and maintenance.
• Integration with renewable energy systems: PBTES systems can be
5.3. Future scope integrated with renewable energy systems like solar or wind power
to store excess energy for later use. Future research could investigate
The study on the performance of PBTES using various ML models the performance of PBTES systems in combination with different
presents several opportunities for further research and exploration, renewable energy systems.

P. Anand et al. Journal of Energy Storage 72 (2023) 108690

Fig. 11. Variation of time with operating parameters of PBTES system during.
(a) Charging (b) discharging.

into account are:

• Although ML models offer accurate predictions, interpreting the

model can be difficult. This lack of interpretability can hinder the
usefulness of the model in practical applications by limiting the
understanding of why the model makes specific predictions.
• ML models are commonly trained on historical data, which may not
always be representative of future conditions. As a result, the
generalizability of the model can be restricted, reducing its accuracy
when applied to new data.
• ML models may sometimes overfit the training data, resulting in the
model becoming too specialized to the training data and, thus, may
not perform well when applied to new data.
• The quality of the data utilized to train the ML models can signifi­
cantly impact their performance. If the data is incomplete or inac­
curate, the model may not be able to make precise predictions.
Fig. 12. Percentage change in charging and discharging time with increasing • Some ML models such as tree-based ensemble models require sig­
operating parameters. nificant computational resources, making them challenging to
implement in practical applications.
5.4. Drawbacks • In the event of concept drift or a shift in the fundamental association
between input and output data, the performance of the ML model
The study showcased the efficacy of data-driven approaches in both may be compromised, resulting in inaccurate predictions.
designing and analyzing PBTES performance. Overall, it is vital to note • The conclusions from ML models are limited by the model’s as­
that there exist certain limitations or drawbacks when using ML models sumptions and dataset constraints. Careful consideration is needed,
for PBTES analysis and prediction. Some probable limitations to take

P. Anand et al. Journal of Energy Storage 72 (2023) 108690

Fig. 13. Variation of time with design parameters of PBTES system during.
(a) Charging (b) discharging.

• The study lacks information on charge/discharge rates and storage

capacity, impacting the optimization process. Addressing this limi­
tation is essential to ensure transparency and consider potential
implications on the analysis and optimization outcomes.
% Change in output parameters with

increase in design parameters

50 In overall, it is crucial to consider these potential limitations when

utilizing ML models for PBTES analysis and prediction. While these
30 models can offer valuable insights and improve the efficiency and sus­
tainability of energy systems, it is essential to ensure that they are
10 appropriately used in conjunction with other analytical methods.

Ball Diameter Aspect Ratio CRediT authorship contribution statement

-30 Pratyush Anand: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investigation,

Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing. P.K.S. Tejes:
Fig. 14. Percentage change in charging/discharging time with increasing Conceptualization, Methodology, Investigation, Writing – original draft,
design parameters. Writing – review & editing. B. Kiran Naik: Conceptualization, Meth­
odology, Investigation, Writing – original draft, Writing – review &
as they may only be valid within the specific study context. Extrap­ editing. Hakeem Niyas: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investiga­
olating to different scenarios may lead to errors. tion, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing.
• The model’s accuracy is confined to the temperature range of
25–100 ◦ C, and its predictions may not be reliable for systems Declaration of competing interest
operating at temperatures above 445 ◦ C. Interpretation of results
beyond the model’s validated range should be done cautiously. The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
the work reported in this paper.

P. Anand et al. Journal of Energy Storage 72 (2023) 108690

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