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Model Index F-1 thru F-5

Clutches F-6 thru F-12
Bearings F-13 thru F-14
Endurance Power Products F-1 (800) 467-5545
Endurance Power Products F-2 (800) 467-5545
Endurance Power Products F-3 (800) 467-5545
Endurance Power Products F-4 (800) 467-5545
Endurance Power Products F-5 (800) 467-5545
Endurance Power Products F-6 (800) 467-5545
Endurance Power Products F-7 (800) 467-5545
Endurance Power Products F-8 (800) 467-5545
Endurance Power Products F-9 (800) 467-5545
Endurance Power Products F-10 (800) 467-5545
Endurance Power Products F-11 (800) 467-5545
Endurance Power Products F-12 (800) 467-5545


2N B2065 B6203
8N B2065 B6203
9N B2065 B6203
230A Dual Stage B2505 B6203
231 Dual Stage B2505 B6203
Single 11" B2065 B6203
335 Dual Stage B2505 B6203
13" Sgl Clutch Live & Non Live Drive B2505 B6203
340 13" Sgl Clutch Live & Non Live Drive B2505 B6203
345 13" Sal Clutch Live & Non Live Drive B2505 B6203
420 13" Sgl Clutch Live & Non Live Drive B2505 B6203
445 13" Sgl Clutch Live & Non Live Drive B2505 B6203
515 13" Sgl Clutch Live & Non Live Drive B2505 B6203
532 13" Sgl Clutch Live & Non Live Drive B2505 B6203
535 13" Sgl Clutch Live & Non Live Drive B2505 B6203
540 13" Sgl Clutch Live & Non Live Drive B2505 B6203
545 13" Sgl Clutch Live & Non Live Drive B2505 B6203
550 13" Sgl Clutch Live & Non Live Drive B2505 B6203
555 13" Sgl Clutch Live & Non Live Drive B2505 B6203
600 Series 9" or 10" Single Clutch B2065 B6203
Dual Stage B2505 B6203
700 Series 9" or 10" Single Clutch B2065 B6203
Dual Stage B2505 B6203
800 Series 9" or 10" Single Clutch B2065 B6203
Dual Stage B2505 B6203
900 Series 9" or 10" Single Clutch B2065 B6203
Dual Stage B2505 B6203
2100 Before 10/69 Dual 4 Speed B2065 B6203
Before 10/69 Dual 6 & 8 Speed B2505 B6203
After 10/69 Dual Stage B2505 B6203
Before 10/71 Single 11" B2065 B6203
After 10/71 Single 11" B2505 B6203
2110 Before 10/71 Dual Stage B2065 B6203
Before 10/71 Single 4 Speed B2065 B6203
After 10/71 Dual Stage B2505 B6203
After 10/71 Single 6 & 8 Speed B2505 B6203

Endurance Power Products F-13 (800) 467-5545



2310-2600 Dual Stage B2505 B6203
2600 After 10/75 Single 11" B2065 B6203
After 10/75 Dual Stage B2505 B6203
2610 Dual Stage B2505 B6203
2910 Single 11" B2065 B6203
3000 - 3400 Single Clutch B2505 B6203
3100 Before 10/69 Dual Stage B2505 B6203
1969-1971 Dual 4 Speed B2065 B6203
1969-1971 Dual 6 & 8 Speed B2505 B6203
After 1971 Dual Stage B2505 B6203
Single 11" B2065 B6203
3500 - 3550 Single Clutch B2505 B6203
3600 Single 11" Clutch B2065 B6203
3600-3610 Dual Staqe B2505 B6203
3610-3910 Single 13" Clutch B2505 B6203
3910 Dual Staae B2505 B6203
4000-4100 All with IPTO B2505 B6203
Trans with No PTO B2065 B6203
4110 Before 10/71 Dual Stage B2065 B6203
After 10/71 Dual Stage B2505 B6203
4140 With IPTO B2505 B6203
Without IPTO B2065 B6203
4200 - 4400 B2505 B6203
4500 B2065 B6203
4600 B2505 B6203
4610 B2505 B6203
5000 Series 12" or 13" Clutch B2505 B83549
5100-5200 With 11" IPTO Clutch B2505 B6203
6000 Series 12" or 13" Clutch B2505 B83549
7000 Series 12" or 13" Clutch B2505 B83549
8000 Series 12" or 13" Clutch B2505 B83549
9000 Series 12" or 13" Clutch B2505 B83549
"TW" Series 13" & 14" Clutch B2505 B83549

Endurance Power Products F-14 (800) 467-5545

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