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icm [SEUDIA MATHEMATICA 1802) (1938) (02 (6,1) summability of itegrable functions with reepect to the Walsh Ikecamasy stom » © GAT Osegtin) Aberact Le be sa Vi ow. fo ££!) wre th ne. menace gpfcn foes yer teh (61) pn J ope the We ‘tet een ele he dea pair f= iyo We poe at Lr eat Cp Sm ata 0.1) Mom 7 sal Introduction and the main revue, This pape is devoted to the srblem of a consrgence ofthe (C3) mas of interabe facts th spect to the Walb-Kacematz syst. The Wal syten isthe Kace ‘ears enarertion war soi by alot of authors (oe SCH, [SCH {SKS}, BH, (BAL) (SWS) (WY). fn [8] wae potted out that the be Iso ofthe Dist kero ofthe Wale arent spt a were ts ofthe Kral of the Walth-Paley syem conrad mare oben, Namely fo ‘he Dist rel Dg(a) of the Walt Kacamaraspetem tho inoqality Emsipene Ds2)/logn > C > 0 Bos ae Thi Mepeson” ofthe ‘er ki eset constractewamplen of divergent Houser sais [DAL] ‘Aruunber of pathological propria are due to this "person" property of sh KaraeForcxaepe or Four sures with wapat o Use Wath Kacmare stm ii peste oesabich any local test fr convergence tts point or on am Interval, nn the Leaitin pin does nt hold for ti sytem (nthe other band he global behavior of he Fourier ses with spect to shi ystems iar in may reapeta to the case ofthe Walsh Paley ‘stem. Sehipp (SCH) and Wo Sng Young [WY proved thatthe Wash ‘csmare sam ina convergence system. Skvortoyprovel fr continuo famctons feat the Foje oeans converge aifrmly Uo. Tn ths pope TDA Matemaic SetCnfton Pray 01 Soy UATE 008, [arch pyre ty tn Simin Non ota et Rath (open Rh angus Mn ota ae we prov for ata funcons thatthe Fei means (wih respect to he ‘Wales Kseemare este) comerg: alms evyere tothe function, Lee B dnote the at of peiive integers, W-= PL{O) theset of nonnegs- tielngee and Zt diner row a order 2 That Zs = (0,1), ‘he eronp operation sedition mod 2 and etery suc ope. The ast Tana la such thatthe measure of angen Is 1/2 bat =X be the complete dt produc. Ts every € G canbe represented ty Aaece = (2 € 8), wate 25 € (Oi) € R, The group opeatin ‘oC bs ccordaatovse addon (whichis te s-calot Leal aan), "ho measure {dented by) and the topology are the product mensre end topology. The compact Aban proup Ci cll the Walsh grow. Ua ‘oO, 1)0.h.) € Gbave al coordinate sero exept the th whch 1" ptbornood base for G canbe given a fells: fs) = 0, nla) = fy = (Wb EN) EG w= fr

£8 of oe (9) IT Ee Selly forme aes orf 1G) (12 poy Fe pe ET) Isic elflan raf < H(G); Sly, Pe of wok ge C1) he Gens nc Dou tale ©: TP6) > 9) aisha far al 2 > 0 sy eve, Se Sf pay Sef EL, whe as. wot ay pzevse Soa entangle WaPo sem (eo sre Seti of posers ear areagenel soe WS), Than sO pe Gop) to p> 2 ad fr fe" (p> 2) flows Sif f ne (SHS, ‘Tamren 620) Naren a= and fog) in ptr, 7 © foray p>) then te WabbrKaconare Powe ie off ger tof nec (ce Tren 81 BW). "Thema i ef paper ito prove ‘Taonsnt 1 off +f (9-120) almost eeryber for all f L4G. TuBonan 2. The operator oi of te (sp) forall 1 < pS 0 an of weak pe (1) Moreover fo" Fh Sell as ‘Thcoroms { and 2 fr the Wabsh-Paley sytem can bo fund i (SWS, Coraary 6:2) Coaliary 62 of SWS) state for the Wolds Paley eveter ven ore, Name he maxial operator o* i of type (3,75), ie Terfte selfs (f © 2°10) Svoraoe (SK owed the unfore (C1) niniiy ofthe Rove serie of» contin foncion with repel fo {he Walsh-Kacomar jot, For more deta on the sytem Sa 0 fe WY, SK, SK, SWS, SCHI| Th ths pape deaoter an sects constant whlch may not be the me a diferent occurences, so simaely Er sy which depen om p (> © 8. (60 manny » ‘ee rot ote tre Tse 3 nl at Uni ate (0) eR Pn Be por ryodmnghe' S setnat “ (y 0) i of tape (84), 9.) Jor all

9) < plat > 2) < elas < eli = uaa Let f © 250) ond 6, 1 9) #># Thon by (2) and), Praag) = soo) SO + dteate) eens Sasa — at) ‘This pes at (62) emma a Revo aeled= Ze Daesle) mee 0 Sa Sit aunt ot at =r = We noe prove tht "= 0. The pots bse ath fact ha n(), chat aod [1A do wot depen on while oh} _oe'n = Wenase Lisswomte) Song fle eS sat ayia Lente) = Catton oy sont Smit (Oya HETROET Conoame et LEM AD Sep ha 61. Then D ennag wied=(p Hen Waele tea Ria) att boa Progh tree Ts hanbe jg meow De) = fe Bt = mat 4/2, ire ae tt se io om Anga(o) = S042) = 52 Dye) + DB) = Kijal2) = KGayarngal2) (Opt 261) ad fom Lema (oth = Emnsa 7 Sot 173) op esr tte (y€G, $€ L4G). The he operator Li of up (7) forall

t 14 > #, Consequently, 5 =, 3 Bgs = sm gny = 0 Ths given ale) € Dani Facet Bat (als)iqnra =1 and emeqently ra(2)~ (ra@)acteia-a # la) WT 5 Ay then 2~ aye fq whlch sense ra) ~ (valet «a and consquetly, by Coraary 6, we ave (7412) ‘ae that Er each y ©, 14) mg | svat at) saplS! | senate anta Self"a)+ Yoawe| [sot aiatedmte trate) it] (6m emmetey a $5) tes nrateregaty at] coir» Sp =e + Soe S| | Hes veaten" fo] sams Sige" | ues niaey nae sofa) + See" | ite +anldut) an) Sif) +0582 Leia 9% gv Wty Self + eS 2taAtiy Sally SU ctl Moree ate by Lemma 4, Mesh selstih-+eSo2*Ptusis elif + e522"itas = iste aa foe > 0 WLS > oN) $ wlsl> ed) +4(e5o2-Tlf> eA) samaen( Octulsi> 20%) ‘Shula + 5 wltesif> 278) SelfhyateSeEPUsLA S Afr by an epplcten of Lemma 4 « oe 146) dee he pein M alm MA) 2h ql Let abateiatate dee] (8 mois 8. The peor M i fie (9) or al 26 of wae tet dite Sl la ‘ro! Siac 1D 1 fom (8) ll hat we ee ender siete tad ne = Se Ktaan ae at By) oe. leet doe] we Ber ALE, A> £2 tat fm Pace land is we Ostet Gs eyay = = tHe =O, fr A> 1 Then for ory TSW tandem Gnu amy fy he hea nd Oy A ow DPT ta aa tote minal en ate © One “Then 2 €:18 Spt G as G = T4U(G Ta) I € fn tant the detton Of Rea (8) we be [Ral] Som S*. Dat 8 Syl | Mes vrateetoyet Beate fle mete) s 00 ‘iy (0) and Lemma Swe have Bl § Het vratere(rate ate)| 7 Meet ins macthaca gi, 33S Jules asta 252, 3M (C0 moma FA Wes near duce) J Ufle + 0] Uo geld te) astsst More, Af be © sme bay {ter nidnte sora ie hate = Ses. Since Shp = (6G a om tO mn = Th the dein of pete Tso ae eee) 9) < el fA be aX 0 romaine to dat 52, Suppose that = Jf, # >This means that als) © s\ Zee Thea om Lerma 5H flows that Rey (TA) ite fom O onl in the cae when 2y-t == zy = Q24er1 = 1, shat when 742) (ral © Fe iy Lema 58 Flow Dat [Soy a(a)| = 2 Sony So So 2oMia if) seSe Sete Since by Lemna 4 the operator Ty of type (pf all < pS 00 nor in tm and of type (i flo at (Usps Sette lfly< olit here X = p for

0) safe enact?) SEE manor) LE ete sah. Now, (4}16) show tat I of pe (py fr aD 1 < pS 0, mek tape (1), nd fs lf Te tds 3,3 nd 1De'e epee pot» Shorts SKI] proved that orn € Pad 2 «6, test ine nage) =14 5S somes" ariemzted + (a= DP)(Dyn (2) +r IEE gn Pron af Thora & By (7) we have vies [xgly te rhe + oe E Sipe opera +feg 522) res sormnentensit mg (0-22) fye+ romana +feg6-B) leer rnvore rntenastell, (6.2) matiy oa Lat 1 < p <0, Then, evidently, iy € fp. For the maximal nein Es or So fF be yn ssp Euro) sos ytd be pe Ld Ltn eo eS e10) on sol apell[><) +H(E Siri>e) +o Seo >9) 2 )iri> ea) +1(ne(2 Cegh-B>0) sfhp Prot of Theorem 1, Th pret based cn the fst thatthe masinal peat owe ype (I) aoe the standard eos gust Lat Peid{G). Lee e > 0 be mary Then there exits 4 Wal Kacemare Polynomial? (~ Thay ayn fr aome ay .nay € ©, ke N) for which Tp Pin 0 eat HUlots —f1> 9) wl iiloss ~e@Pi> 4) Blog? —P1> 8) + aiGiP— 1> 6/9 £4f- Phe ole -7)> 62) sSU-Phs fe atig 0-9 have insu ef ~ f1>-6) = 0 for ony 6> 0. This eas hat of > f ne (+20). Ba) 1A alates, Serie i map ye at te wh mona a ie hy 28-8 (a Rua. srr fe ih te Hh en a pinnenerence of pens wh repel arti procter, Simonsnd 1.P4l, ab Sern rain {Dye hares tna, Aan ge, tel od Now York, 190 pps) A. RShendce Ou sons th eapastea nenosh move ‘tien Ae Nak str at ay Se fe Ra Mido yee, nga aut eeeranytogtine esd ton Noir 1997 (on icm STUDIA MATHEMATICA 1903) (696) Almost 1-1 extensions of Furrtenbeng-Welts type ‘sd epplications to Foeplita howe » 1 DOWNAROWICZ (Weel) 104 Y. LACROIX (mn) Abucact: Let (Ts) be nia opt ow wi he emote shih wants og tep lagen ea oT rl arg tt Si Snes a cn Se Ser ae ‘Soon oopbatin we pete xy tauareptervgtesareon ch ‘sara nn enon 5 mance teeter ey ge Se or Introduction, In 1980, Furstenberg end Wels proved tare FW, ‘Theorem I whch can bo informally expresed as fellows vey epolg cal pometranstivefow (2,7) which san extesion ef «minal ot Dotodiefow (2,7) ina one sare equtlet toa mininal fow (75) ‘hich san almost Ll extension of (22). The equnaleae i given by [Bored menouabl soci map @ defand oa a mutaet X© X woe mse ist fer any Ty-invriantpeobebiity mare caved by X. Sach « Boe ‘embedding provides nl afine rap 9° (defined asthe sin rap on mes Se) om the ct P(X) ofa Ty nvarins probably oscuro: cated ‘by at th ot PCY) deine anslogousy forthe ow (Vy). Moreorer, for ery j € P(X), # 1 0 mosue-theoretic iomerphin between the ‘aesrrepetcrvg transformations (XBx. 7x) asd (Y.By,¢ eh) (bere By ant By denote the eas uf Berl nenurable tsa X and, respect thls apr we esprove dhe Pustenber-Wels theorem, By th mith- co of eye dynaiics we stain n tong romompimm ander rea TH Wats Sis Canon Pty 2008, S00 ‘Re words oad pecs Since Hes, vata eer, bom, ‘aga we "Te a hr skort py Mattia Deptt fae sudo tage Oe Be, nr ti rn te opr ete ‘aon snd author apart bY CAE. Ne Pin

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