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In the Philippines, it is believed that a comet is This is only a myth believed by Filipino ancestors
just a disguise for the bird God “Bulalakaw” when he and therefore this superstition has no scientific basis.
visits the Earth.

Some people in the Philippines believe that a There is no scientific basis for this superstition.
passing meteor is a shooting star or a wishing rock.

In the old days, Filipino citizens believed that the Based on a record in the 19th century, the Philippines
appearance of a comet is a message that a war is has never witnessed a comet passing by. This
coming. superstition was just adapted by the citizens from
neighboring countries.

People in London fear comets for they believe that In 1665 about a quarter of London’s population was
it is a sign of death hence the name they gave the killed by “The Black Death”, also known as The
comets : The Black Death. Plague. One year later The Great Fire of London
ruined the lives of many and left the city in ashes.
The comets that were spotted in 1664 and 1665 were
later seen as a prophecy of these terrible events,
which is why these “omens from the skies” were
feared by many in the 17th century.

In the old days meteorites were often used for A well-known example of the presumed mystical
building sacred Greek and Roman temples. powers of meteorites is the “Kris”; a dagger used in
Meteorites have been found in Indian graves, and Indonesia. It is thought that when a Kris is made
many other cultures have been known to worship from nickel from the 1749 meteorite near Prambanan,
these “heavenly gifts”. Some indigenous tribes still one only needs to point the dagger to another person
do in order to kill.

In the Netherlands, old people still believe that a Both meteors and meteorites can become natural
meteor passing is a sign of bad omen that will lead to hazards to the communities they impact. Very large
Earth’s destruction. meteors called bolides may explode in the
atmosphere with the force of 500 kilotons of TNT.
These meteors and the shock waves they produce
may cause burns and even death, as well as damage
to buildings and crops. An actual impact—where part
of the space rock actually crashes into Earth—can be
even more catastrophic.

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